Ning observed the phenomenon with his own eyes on 5 different occasions, and through other means for a total of 12 times in the last 5 years.

Each time, the phenomenon lasted for maybe 5 seconds at most, but in those 5 seconds, it looked as though stars had suddenly formed in the sky and vanished just the same.

Ning prepared for the worst, but nothing bad really happened any of the time at all. Nothing really happened in all 5 years.

"What does it really mean, Ning?" Ely asked as she stood next to Ning. "Should we be worried?"

"I don't know," Ning said. "I have no idea why stars would form out of nowhere in the sky. Should I take the ship to go see it up clo—"

"No!" Ely said. "If it's something bad, you won't be able to survive. You are mortal now, remember? What if it's that Galactic Will Bayrus trying to force its way in."

Ning shuddered a little when he heard that. "That's what I worry about the most. I worry that the system was wrong and that the inner world can be damaged by the Galactic will."

He turned around to Ely and said, "you shouldn't be worried though. Whatever comes your way, it will have to go through me first."

"I know," she said as she grasped his hand. "But I still can't help but worry. Both about that, and… this."

Her hand softly touched her belly which hadn't protruded as much despite it being 5 years since her child was conceived.

"I'm sure our baby is fine," Ning said. "Cultivators are known to take a while to give birth to children."

"But 5 years?" Ely asked. "I'm done my research and apparently the baby is still in a stage where it would be for the first month of any pregnancy."

"Do you know what that means? If I wasn't aware that I was pregnant back then, I still wouldn't have found out, despite it being 5 years later," she said. "At this rate, it will take nearly 50 years for our child to be born. Is that normal, Ning?"

Ning had his own fears. "No, that's not normal," he said. He knew everything Ely knew, but he had been keeping it all to himself. He did not want to worry her at all, and yet, it seemed that he couldn't stop it.

She was an intelligent woman who could do her own research. Keeping her in dark didn't work at all.

"Our child is going to be okay, isn't it?" she couldn't help but ask with a quivering voice.

"Of course," Ning said resolutely. "There is no way at all that our child will be born as anything other than a healthy baby. Hell, this is probably my fault, to begin with."

"I asked the system to give me the best bloodline and fertile seeds before I was taken away, so this is probably what it means to have the child of someone with a great bloodline. It probably takes ages to develop enough to come out of their mother's womb."

Ely relaxed a little when she heard that. "I hope you are right."

Both of them calmed down and went back to their normal life.

In the past 5 years, the world was back to normal, as normal as it could be after an apocalypse. It was normal, but problems obviously came out regardless of how one tried to transition from the phase of Dungeons and Hunters to a normal society from before it all.

The famous Hunters and Apostles were suddenly useless, making a significant portion of the population lose their job and importance out of nowhere.

While a few got jobs in military or government sections and many managed to move on, some were still held back by their view of themselves, where a world where they weren't treated as kings was not a world they wanted to live in.

Resistance and even terrorist groups formed all around the world. Rebellions happened that tried to overthrow the government and some even tried to bring back a world where power dictated everything.

Such groups and protests were easily quelled by Ning's beasts and cousins whose single presence was enough to make everyone feel inferior.

Everywhere they went, they didn't need to fight at all. They simply needed to show what they could do, and that was enough to make every single organization shut up indefinitely.

Now, 5 years later, the world had found its groove again and functioned as well as it did all those years ago.

It was around this time Ning taught the countries about the fusion reactor technology from the Yomire galaxy. With that, people would no longer have to waste precious resources for energy and the world would soon become clean.

Ning continued helping the demons settle on earth. Their 'cleansing' was all but done. Just a few more times and they would lose almost all the traits that pointed to them being a demon beforehand.

He spent some time helping them learn about the earth, its culture, technology, as well as various language so they could transition well.

Since they were now human, they deserved as much.

As a human, the demons no longer had the same aggressiveness to their actions and no longer had the urge to fight and kill anything in their path.

They were free from the corruption of magicule and were free to live their lives without worry on earth.

Ning collaborated with multiple countries to give refuge to these demons so they could better integrate into society. With Ning's influence on the world, no country could say no at all.

Soon, the demons were all around the planet, living their lives just as the humans they were now.

More years passed and the spots of light appeared in the sky multiple times again. However, there was still no hint as to what exactly that was.

Ning was happy that nothing big happened during all these years. Until it did.

Two massive beams of energy shot out from the two sides of Earth, and after some investigation, Ning realized what they were.

Origins had finally formed on Earth as well.

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