Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1450 Spreading News

Ning watched the pirates leave his seat and walk away. Watching them leave while being wounded made him feel quite bad.

"Aww, I would've loved it if they called Redfist or something. They just left," Ning said with a sigh.

Tony looked at Ning with a horrified expression. "You wanted more?" he asked.

"Nothing is enough," he said and downed the glass of alcohol before deciding to leave the bar.

He paid the old woman a full gold coin and made his way back toward the hotel, no longer having anything else to do in the city.

* * * * * A man slammed a mug full of drink on the wooden table, spilling a bit of it to the side. The large metal ornament on his right arm made a thudding sound as it hit the desk too.

"What did you say?" he asked.

"Silvereye, Captain Sam. His eyepatch has been stolen," another man who had arrived in a hurry, gave the news.

"That's not possible. He guards it like it were his own baby," the man named Sam said. "How the hell could it have gotten stolen?"

"The news is all over the city," the other man said. "Two youngsters came into his bar and left with his eyepatch amid some commotion."

"In his own bar?" Captain Sam asked, unable to believe his ears. "That bastard wasn't lying then."

"Who?" the other man asked.

"Go. Go to Big Jack's right now and tell them I sent you. They had some information to sell to me about people who wanted to learn about this bangle on mine. Go find out what you can about them."

"Right away, Captain," the man said and ran away.

Sam remained in his seat, wondering if they were going to come to steal his bangles as well. He would be ready for them. He would show them that he could not be so easily messed with.

* * * * *

A man grunted in pain and fell to the ground in an alleyway, away from the ruckus of the main street. He reached for his chest, grabbing at a knife that he simply could not pull out in time.

He lost enough blood that he lost consciousness, and then he lost his life.

A young woman walked into the alleyway, arriving next to the man in the dim light. She reached down to his chest and slid the knife from his body.

The knife dripped with blood that could hardly be seen by anyone around her, not that anyone would care even. She swiped the blood on the man's clothes and flipped it a couple of times before she placed it inside her large jacket and took in just enough light to reveal an assortment of daggers that the woman had.

She stretched when she reached the main roads and made her way through the city, disappearing into its hubbub. * * * * * "Silvereye, huh?" a man who was yet to enter his 30s spoke with a slight grin on his face. He had blonde hair with blue eyes that were shaded somewhat yellow from the light bulb that glowed brightly.

He wore a dark blue jacket and had two double earrings around his earlobes, and a single scar running down the side of his cheek that somehow made him look even more attractive.

"Then was the information we received not unimportant?"

"It appears so," a woman by his side spoke. "They saw 2 people walk into the bar invisible, get into a fight, steal Silvereye's treasure, and run away. They said that even that fool Hook nearly lost his hook to them."

"Incredible," the man said. "Which upcoming pirates could they be? But to antagonize two pirate groups like that. They are not very smart, are they?"

"Who knows?" the woman said. "It is hard to tell if they thought through anything at all."

The man nodded. "Invisible, huh? Have traps set all around my room. Anyone walking in, I want to know where and who immediately."

"I'll do just that, Captain," the woman said and walked away.

* * * * * "You were beaten and you didn't even fight back?" a muscular man who was nearly a head taller than those around him asked. He wore a simple sleeveless gray shirt, showing off his muscular arms.

His left hand was covered in a long red ribbon all the way from his wrist, down to his fist. On his right arm was a leather glove with gems around the lining, all of which was completely crusted in dried blood, making it appear dark red, almost black in the light. "Captain, we couldn't fight back," one of the men who had carried the wounded pirate back to the Redfist pirate's location spoke. "He had some sort of treasure. Our guns were instantly crushed, and he turned around to shoot him, nearly catching him in the eye."

"If guns didn't work, you should have still punched him back. You should have killed anyone who dares to mess with us," Redfist shouted at the men, slamming his hand on the table he sat next to.

The people who had brought in the injured flinched heavily when they heard the slam on the wood. They started to worry that they were going to get killed.

"Who is this bastard that dared to mess with my crew?" he asked loudly, waiting for answers. "We… we have sent someone to follow the two. They should return soon if they find out," the men said.

Not long after, a man came running into the Redfist's site, breathing heavily as though he had run for a long time.

"Are you coming from where those bastard that hurt us went to?" Redfist asked.

"Yes, captain," the man said quickly as he huffed out loud, trying to catch his breath.

"Okay," Redfist's eyes got curious. "Where did they go? Who were they?"

"I did not manage to find out exactly who they were, but they went directly back to Stillwater's hotel. I think they are staying there."

Redfist's eyes narrowed as he thought for a bit. "Did they look like they were Stillwater's people?" he asked.

"No, I don't believe so. It looked more like they were staying there."

"We cannot attack anyone who is staying there. That bitch will send her entire pirate armada on us, and we would have to either fight back and acquire heavy losses or run away. Nothing good will come from fighting a crazy bitch like that."

The man thought for a bit and a slightly older, thinner man with grayed hair and a small spectacle arrived by Redfist. "If I may interject here, captain."

"Hmm? Go on," Redfist said.

"The two that beat you guys. What did they look like?" the man asked.

"They were both about as tall as me, but thinner and fairer. One of them looked around 30, but another one was… well, young? I couldn't tell his age that well, but he looked young. Early 20s maybe?" the man answered.

The old man put his hands to his chin, mulling over the information.

"What are you thinking about, Gouge?" Redfist asked. "Do you know these people?"

"No, not these people," the man named Gouge said. "But I have heard about 2 other youngsters today who managed to steal Silvereye's eyepatch, and they were from the same hotel too."

"Silvereye? His eyepatch got stolen?" Redfist asked.

"Yes, I got that information a while ago, and it was honestly quite astounding. I never thought a pirate captain like him could have his treasure stolen by two barely adult youths in the middle of their bar, while surrounded by dozens of pirates. The talk is making its way all around the city now."

"And you decided to learn about those two? Did you consider the information important," Redfist said.

"I received a message earlier today that someone had decided to ask around about your glove and my rope. The people that were said to have turned in this information were a young man and a young woman. And they have stolen Silvereye's treasure just hours later."

"Hearing another youth that caused another problem made me think about them, and coincidentally, they also happened to be staying in the same hotel. As for whether that is a coincidence or not, I cannot be sure just yet."

Redfist mulled over Gouge's information for a while and nodded as he listened to it. It was good information, and he was never smart enough to think through things.

That was why he had taken Gouge under his care and made him the first mate so he could help him with things Redfist was too stupid to get.

"Do you have any suggestion on what we should do now?" Redfist asked.

"Sit and watch," Gouge said. "If they are staying in Stillwater's hotel, we cannot touch them even if we want them to, that is if we want to mess with them at all. Let us sit back and see how things unfold."

"In the meanwhile, we should up the security so that if anything does happen unexpectedly, we can be safe."

Redfist nodded and looked toward his crew. "Do as Gouge says," he said. Then he looked at the injured man. "Go and treat him. Why are you letting him bleed on my floor like this? Any blood not from a direct fight is not something I will allow in my place."

"Yes, captain," the men shouted and took away their friend, leaving Redfist alone with Gouge.

Once they were gone, Redfist looked toward Gouge. "If you can, find out what it was those kids did to wound our men. We cannot let something like that happen and sit back."

"As you ask, Captain," Gouge said and walked away.

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