Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

441 Chapter 441 The Next Step

Aldred looked at Pharder who's eyes were open yet there was no life inside. Pulling his blade, Aldred sighed as he looked at the corpse. The wind blew, but it didn't bring his heavy feeling away.

He was slightly confused. Pharder had been his enemies for a long time, and he yearned to kill him. He was also enraged to find out that the old man was killed by Pharder.

And yet, he still felt empty inside. The victory was too easy to obtain.

"Haish, I shouldn't be too dramatic about this. I killed my enemy, now is time for the next step."

"Is everything done, Aldred?" Stella appeared out of thin air.

She had stayed hidden far away because Aldred wanted to fight Pharder alone. Stella was fine with that since she understood that Aldred had bad blood against him.

Aldred nodded. "Where are the others?"

"They are in a safe place. This war is dangerous for everyone. Since they are not Diamond Ranks yet, they have to keep hiding."

"That's good. A lot of Diamond Ranks will die. I cannot let them join this war when they are not yet ready."

"It will end quickly. The Empress guaranteed it."

"I know. I trust her judgment. So what's next? Did she say anything."

"She need you to come back after you finish your business." Stella looked at Pharder. "From what I see, I think you have finished it."

"I do. Let's go back."

Aldred tore a portal, and entered it with Stella. They then appeared inside a living room of which Edeline was there, sitting as she enjoyed her cup of tea.

"Are you done?" Edeline asked.

"I am." Aldred nodded. "So what do we do next?"

"The object that you called 'Steering Wheel'. It is still in the Emperor's hand. I did not take it from him yet, since I thought you would want to do the honor."

"I appreciate that."

"Would you like to do it now?"

"Not yet. I want to keep it last. What I want to know is the next step to solidify the throne."

"You want to be Emperor?" Edeline asked.


"Then I shall be your Empress. Just like what I have promised."

"I wouldn't say no to that." Aldred smiled.

Stella sighed. "If Mareona was here, she would smack you in the head."


Edeline stood up. "Our next move is to convince the Diamond Ranks to side with us."

"How are we planning to do that?"

"You are the key to this plan."

"Just tell me what needs to be done."

Edeline smiled. "Kill 10 Diamond Ranks."

"Uhh. I thought I heard the word 'convince'. Did I hear it wrong?"

"To convince stone-headed people like them. You have to hit them hard enough to crack their mind. I want you to kill 10 Diamond Ranks, and make it as easy as possible. Effortless like you could kill as many of them you wanted."

"I can do that."

"You will need some of my treasure."

"That won't be necessary."

Edeline raised an eyebrow. "Are you planning to use my ring?"

"Nope. By the way, I haven't really used it much."

"That's good. I intended you only to use it when your life are truly threatens."

"So, who do you want me to kill?"

"You can pick anyone you wanted. Currently, they are in the front line. The Montcresia has sent their heroes, and the Dragons could not return back to Ceraisian Empire because their lords are captured. They are sitting ducks, Aldred. Enemies come from both sides. There is only two options. To die, or to join me."

"But their ego doesn't let them choose the obvious choice," Aldred said.

"That is correct. This is why your role will play a big part in my plan."

"I will get it done. Wait here."

"Should I come with you?" Stella asked.

"Nope. I can do it alone." Aldred smiled.

Stella sighed. "Just say that you wanted to fight Diamond Ranks."

Aldred laughed. "You know me so well."

Edeline stood up and approached Aldred with a smile. She put her hands over his neck, and kissed him. "Be careful out there, my Emperor."

"I shall return safely, dear." Aldred vanished.

"So just like that. You become one of his wives now?" Stella asked.

"You might not know this, but the first sex he ever had was with me."

"What???" Stella's mouth went wide open. "Are you serious? With you? The first time? I thought his first time was Mary."

Edeline nodded. "I thought so as well. But he was a virgin when I did it with him."

"I learned something new." Stella laughed.


Meanwhile, Aldred was sneaking up on a castle that was recently built. Diamond Ranks had high pride. They wouldn't stay inside a simple buildings. They needed 1 hectare of land just to build their castle, and thousands of people to maintain its cleanliness.

Sneaking through the guards and the workers were easy.

What Aldred had to be careful of was the Diamond Rank's detection spell.

His current target was named Trum Gorelight. He was one of the strongest Diamond Ranks in the Empire. It could be said he was one of the top 10 strongest Diamond Rank.

Aldred wanted to send a message, and he wanted to send a loud one.

What's a better way to do that than killing their strongest pillar?

Aldred turned into a fly and entered a luxurious room. He thought it was a hall, but apparently, it was the office.

An old man sat there, meditating, levitating, with blue orbs circling around him. He looked so ancient, so ethereal, and so powerful.

Trum Gorelight was a powerful and mysterious magician. Rumors said that his power did not purely come from mana of this world, but something else as well.

"I see you there," the old man said. His voice was ancient and deep. From the information Aldred received with his eyes, he knew that this man was around one thousand years old.

"I presume you are here to kill me."

Aldred morphed back into his human form and landed on both feet. "Unfortunately, yes."

"Unfortunately?" The old man asked.

"You looked like a man who had experienced everything in life. A lot of people must have wanted to hear your life story. So, it is unfortunate that you have to die in my hand."

Trum threw his head back and laughed. "You are the first to say that. Out of the millions of people that tried to kill me, you are the most amusing. The world offers so much more. I haven't experienced everything yet."

"Have you went to other continents?"

"I have."

"What it's like over there?"

"A lot of powerful beings like me roam around there like ants. I was considered mid at best. But here, I was treated like a god. I wish I can be stronger, but here is the limit of my talent."

The old man turned his gaze towards him. "You are different. I can't see it."


"Your limit. I cannot see it. I can tell someone's talent at a glance. But not you."

"I take that as a good thing. Anyway, enough chit-chatting. I am here to kill you, and I have prepared your coffin as well."

A large, wooden coffin appeared beside him.

The old man looked at the coffin and then smiled.

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