It is worthy of being a hegemon-level talent, and it eats cows.


“Broken body slime?”

Mark looked at this attribute and was a little puzzled.

After thinking about it, I decided to give it a try.


Swing the knife and cut off one of your arms directly.

The broken arm fell to the ground, but Mark could still feel the presence of this part of his body.

The arm that clenched his fist and fell to the ground made the same motion.

In the next second, the arm that fell to the ground turned into a ball of liquid and crawled towards Mark’s feet.

As the fluid is absorbed by the body, an arm grows back in.

“Is it so bullish?”

Mark was stunned.

However, the slime family does seem to have this talent.

The body is like jelly, even if it is cut in half, it can be reunited and restored.

In this way, it is equivalent to not having any weaknesses.

In the cave, Tinus seemed to have been played badly, and her eyes were full of fear.

His eyes seemed to have seen a ghost, looking at the group of children he had just born.

Human-like in appearance, but with goblin characteristics, it exudes both holy and dark powers.

That terrifying aura, even she felt a little unbelievable.

Say this is a goblin’s heir?

Ghosts will believe.

She, a believer in the Shining God, gave birth to such an evil life.

Tinas’s heart collapsed faintly, and her belief in the gods gradually wavered.

If the gods will really bless her, why not save her?

“You really didn’t disappoint me.”

Mark walked slowly into the dungeon, reached out and picked up Tinas’s chin, looking at the face on the verge of collapse.

This child, only one foot away from the collapse of faith.

“Indulge in pleasure, isn’t it?”

Mark gently stroked Tinas’s face and carried out the suffering again.

His slaves did not rest.

Only the dead can rest.

What’s more, this kind of high-quality slave must be fully utilized.

A second of idleness is a waste.

Just after Mark left, the dungeon fell into an eerie calm.

I don’t know how long has passed, and Tinas in a coma suddenly opened her eyes.

Looking at the dim dungeon, the inner collapse has reached the edge.

Whoever it is, save her.

As long as she can get her out of here, she can accept anything.

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded.

“My dear son, how did you fall to this?”

Tinace’s eyes widened as she looked at a shadow emerging in the darkness.

As if a shadow, imprinted on the wall, the slender and wonderful body, but the lower body is a huge and hideous spider body.

God of Fall!


Tinas’s breath was choked, as a believer in the God of Radiance 317, how could she not recognize the identity of this hostile deity.

But, why is this guy here.

“Don’t worry, now I am not an avatar, let alone an entity.”

“It’s just a will projected with the help of the divine power in your blood.”

“You are my heir, how can I, as a mother, hurt you.”

The huge spider legs walked slowly and came behind Tinas.

Demagogic voices echoed in the ears.

Tinas nodded her head dullly like a puppet.

Rose’s divine power turned into a dark shadow, cutting off the chains bound to her body.

“Get out of here, my child.”

The power of the shadows, forming a passage in the wall.

Tinus slowly walked into the shadow passage with lost eyes.

Sending off her heirs, Rose looked at the dungeon with interest.

“On the outskirts of the cave world, there is even a mutated goblin.”

“It’s a bit unexpected.”

As the god of depravity, her heirs are definitely the most numerous among the gods.

Even each of her incarnations has countless descendants.

In the bodies of these descendants, there is a trace of her divine power.

This child, named Tinas, is one of her favorites.

It is also the only heir who has infiltrated the Holy Church and has the qualifications to become a legend.

For her, there is a lot of use value.

That’s why she specifically showed up to rescue this heir.

However, she didn’t take this monster tribe to heart.

A monster clan that doesn’t even have a legend has more or less in the depths of the cave world.

“I remember, there seems to be a Drow elf tribe around here.”

Rose whispered.

As her dependent, any Drow Elf is her disciple.

This Drow elf clan was driven out of the core area of the cave world because of the clan dispute.

Although there is no legendary powerhouse sitting in town, there is also a quasi-legendary Drow elf.

Destroying a small monster tribe is not easy.

“Dirty Goblin Horde.”

“It’s still destruction.”

This low-level monster didn’t even have the qualifications to become her dependent.

If it weren’t for Tinas, her eyes wouldn’t even have been on these filthy creatures.

Rose’s figure slowly dissipated.

Shortly after she disappeared, the door to the dungeon was suddenly opened.

Mark walked into the dungeon with a frown, looking at the empty dungeon, seemingly unsurprised.

“O God of Fall, it’s coming quite quickly!”

Mark muttered inwardly.

Only the gods have the ability to quietly save people from here.

However, he was not surprised by Tinas’s escape.

Or rather, something that has long been expected.

He has the blood of the God of Fallen Lust flowing in his body, but he is a believer of the God of Radiance.

This strong smell of conspiracy, he just can’t think about it without thinking about it, there must be some plot.

Of course, perhaps the woman herself did not know that she was a pawn of the gods.

A useful pawn, the God of Fallen Desire certainly couldn’t watch her be locked up in a dungeon for the rest of her life.

I just didn’t expect that I would be so quick and couldn’t bear it.

Mark clenched his chin.

Now he is not qualified to shout with the gods, and he can only endure letting Tinus go.

However, it is acceptable.

Tinas’s body has once again given birth to his heirs.

In a few months, it will be born.

At that time, the system’s reward should be able to scrape together the remaining law fragments.

Gathering these law fragments, he can step into the legendary level.

Tinas can’t escape his grasp.

Moreover, who said that after escaping from the Caesar clan, he would have no choice?

Now he can completely turn into a human image and appear in front of Tinus in an upright manner.

With his legendary combat power, how many people can stop him?

However, he was in no hurry to shatter Tinas’s beautiful illusions.

Now, let her have fun about her hard-won freedom.

And that’s not a bad thing.

The high-pressure life in the dungeon, Tinas has gradually adapted.

Suddenly get empty freedom, and maybe miss this fulfilling life.

They may also spend their days in fear.

When she is fully used to this life, he will capture her and throw her into hell.

From despair to hope, and again into despair.

Under the double blow, it can be easier to destroy her inner defenses.

The next time we meet, it’s when she’s completely fallen.

As for how to find her, it was very simple.

Through the connection between the lust magic patterns, he can clearly locate Tinas’s position, and even through the unborn heir.

Get a grasp of Tinas’s current situation, and the surrounding environment.

If it weren’t for the fact that Rose, that Bichi might still be staring at Tinas, really thought that this woman could easily escape his control?

Dream it!

Moreover, he was not worried that Tinas would poke him out.

Really think he has been busy during this time?

After so many careful watering, the baptism of divine power has long been engraved on the soul. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Coupled with the imprint of the magic pattern, Tinas’s subconscious will make her refuse to do anything to hurt him.

Of course, she will find a suitable reason for herself to convince herself.

For example, no one will believe this kind of thing.

If things come to light, what happened to her will all be discovered.

For various reasons, he finally chose to hide it.

In fact, these are subconscious actions made under the influence of divine power.

Let her subconsciously not betray and hurt Mark.

Sometimes, what you think is not really what you think.

However, being placed by the gods, Mark’s mood was indeed very unhappy.

Walk out of the dungeon and step up the steps to the throne.

Looking at the necromancer Bernice next to the throne, who was completely brought into slavery.

Mark turned on the dragon form, and the palm full of scales was violently pressed on Bernice’s head.

“I’m very angry now.”

The pent-up anger slowly subsided over time.

Mark suddenly thought of something that Catherine had mentioned before.

I want to go home and see.

Considering that the recent development of the territory is quite stable (BCEA), there is nothing special to worry about.

Mark intends to help her fulfill this wish.

Anyway, just go home and take a look, he can still fulfill such a simple wish.

To be on the safe side, though.

It is still necessary to arrange some heirs to escort.

Mark waved his hand and directly ordered a few heirs with chief-level qualifications.

A leader-level heir, the strength is comparable to that of a high-level professional.

As long as you don’t meet a top professional, you can basically walk sideways.

As for the top professionals, they are not cabbage, they can be encountered casually.

This lineup, even if it destroys a mid-level monster tribe, it is enough.

“I, free?”

Warm sunlight, shining on the face.

Tinas came back to her senses and found herself in the sun.

She, escaped from that nightmare place?

A trace of disbelief flashed in her mind, and she was repeatedly sure that she was not dreaming, and Tinus suddenly cried with joy.

She actually escaped from that hellish place.

As for how to escape?

Tinus frowned, seemingly missing this part of the memory.

However, she subconsciously ignored that something was wrong.

All thoughts have been replaced by the excitement of freedom.

“Get out of here quickly, you can’t be caught by that guy again.”

Thinking of my dark life during this time, every day is either suffering or on the way to suffering.

The stomach has not rested for a moment.

That nightmare-like encounter made Tinas’s whole body tremble, and fear appeared under her eyes.

Just thinking about it, she felt like she was trembling and losing her strength.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up and walked towards the nearest town.

When she got to town, she found the church, and she was saved.

At dusk, a group of top professionals from the Holy Church converged with Tinas.

The leading paladin leader looked at the pale Tinas with serious eyes.

Bending down and dismounting, he half-knelt on the ground and showed respect.

Although he may be more powerful than Tinus in terms of combat power, he is the most devout believer in the God of Radiance.

Today, Tinus is one of the Holy See’s candidates, although only a candidate.

But there is also a slim chance of becoming a true saint.

What’s more, Tinas, who had reached the quasi-legendary realm at a young age, was the most promising young generation in the Holy Church to step into the legendary realm.

Only a few other candidate saints can be compared to them.

In terms of status, it is not at all comparable to these ordinary paladins.

Even a legendary powerhouse in the Holy See can only treat this adult as an equal.

“Lord Tinas, what about the others who left with you?”

At this time, a figure among the paladins slowly walked out.

Dressed in a court aristocratic dress, with an elegant but distant expression on his face.

Looking at the pale Tinas, she seemed to ask, but in fact questioned.

“Your Excellency Houston, Lord Tinas is not fit to answer your question right now.”

“If you have any questions, you can wait until Lord Tinus is well rested.”

The paladin ruled, and stopped the noble man with a wooden face.

Compared to the life and death of a royal daughter, the candidate saint of the Holy Church is obviously more important.

“It’s okay!”

Tinus shook her head and looked at this nobleman from the royal family of the Bauhinia Empire with a pale face.

The reason why he appeared here was naturally for the safety of the royal daughter.

After all, this Royal Highness is the key to marriage with the Arcane Empire.

Now that the queen daughter was snatched away by a dragon, it was a shame for both the Bauhinia Empire and the Arcane Empire.

“After we entered the dungeon, we encountered a powerful monster, and everyone died.”

“In the end, Lord Horton stopped the blame me, so that I could escape smoothly.”

Houston frowned, clearly unhappy with the explanation.

“Six top professionals, only Lord Tinas, you came back alive alone, and you disappeared for nearly two months.”

“What are you doing during this time?”

Listening to the indifferent questioning, Tinus subconsciously covered her stomach, and her face turned pale.

In the cave world, the nightmare-like encounter made her tremble.

If she told the truth, what would these people think of her?

Is a person who has given birth to an evil bloodline still qualified to believe in the Shining God?

“I was seriously injured and hid in the underground to recuperate, and I have not recovered until now.”

Tinas lied subconsciously.

A holy priest, what kind of injury takes two months to recover.

Houston opened his mouth, feeling speechless.

He didn’t believe it was true, but there was no evidence that it was fake.

Moreover, with Tinas’s character and prestige, there is no need to deceive him.

Five top professionals and even quasi-legendary powerhouses died in the dungeons.

Even the royal daughter was not rescued.

This matter is too much of a matter for him to handle.

“I need to go back and report this matter, thank Lord Tinus for her answer.”

Houston bowed slightly and left.

Although these professions failed, they all died in the cave.

But as long as the queen daughter is not found for a day, the Bauhinia Empire will not give up.

To live is to see people, and to die is to see corpses.

This is the face of an empire.

Looking at the departing Houston, Tinus was slightly relieved, he couldn’t make it up.

“Lord Tinas, please come back to church with us.”

The Paladin Commander said respectfully.

Tinus glanced back behind her, and there was an inexplicable complicated feeling in her heart that she couldn’t say herself.

Reluctant, or rejoicing?

Or both?

Subconsciously reached out and touched his stomach, and seemed to feel the life that was being conceived.

Tinus nodded with complicated eyes, and with the luck of escaping from hell, returned to the imperial capital with the paladins.

As for these lives in her belly, her feelings are complicated.

This bloodline of sin should not be born into this world.

But deep down, she wanted them to be born into this world.

After all, it is her own child, as a mother, how can she bear to strangle her own blood with her own hands.

However, this matter is not her own decision.

If these heirs are born, she loses her qualification to become a saint.

Nor will the church allow them to live.

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