"Clan leader..."

Just when Chen Tianyu was about to report the details of his hunting trip, he was interrupted by Chen Xingzhen raising his hand:

"No rush, we'll talk later."

After saying that, Chen Xingzhen looked at the two seriously injured tribesmen.

When you go out hunting, injuries are inevitable, not to mention the depths of the mass graves where ferocious beasts are rampant.

But now that the family is in crisis, such an injury may not heal in less than a month and a half.

Chen Xingzhen looked at the family sacred tree behind him, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

But after thinking for a moment, Chen Xingzhen sighed again.

The last time he treated the injuries of so many clan members, he didn't even have time to sacrifice to the sacred tree. Now he really couldn't open his mouth, not to mention that the sacred tree was just born. Without them to sacrifice, I'm afraid it would be difficult to survive.

Of course, the power of the sacred tree must be used at the most critical moment.

After pondering for a while, Chen Xingzhen said helplessly:

"Go to the family storehouse to get some good ointment, then go back and rest!"


The few people said nothing more and immediately dragged their tired and injured bodies to prepare to go back to rest.

At this time, the leaves of the sacred tree emitting fluorescence suddenly trembled a little.

The next moment, many green light spots in the daytime reappeared in front of everyone, and then penetrated into the bodies of several people.

Feeling the vitality brought by the green light spots, the injured people felt their injuries quickly improved. The two people who were seriously injured felt like they were wandering in the gentle spring water, and they couldn't help but let out a comfortable light in their mouths. Groan.

When the green light spots disappeared, several people suddenly felt refreshed. Not only were their injuries healed, but even the fatigue after the battle was gone.

The faces of the two people who were most seriously injured were much rosier at the moment. When they took off the clothes wrapped around the wound, they discovered to their surprise that the previous wound had already begun to scab!

Although it is not completely resolved, the strength of the two of them is no longer affected!

"Thank you, Lord Divine Tree!"

On the side, Chen Xingzhen looked grateful and bowed immediately.

After the other people reacted, they also hurriedly thanked him.

The family has this sacred tree, so why not worry about it?

The few people who had recovered from their injuries felt arrogant and ambitious, and had quite the intention of continuing to hunt in order to worship the sacred tree!

Chen Xingzhen saw the excitement of several people and hurriedly said:

"Okay, it's almost dawn. You go back and rest early. Don't let the Li family notice any flaws!"

Although the family secret passage is quite safe, there is no room for any accidents at the moment, and hunting is best done at night.

After hearing the clan leader's instructions, several people could only turn around and leave.

But Chen Tianyu and Chen Tianjing did not leave. Instead, they reported to Chen Xingzhen what they encountered during their trip and how they hunted the iron-thorned tiger.

Above, Ji Yang listened to the conversation of several people, but his eyes never moved away from the body of the Iron Thorn Tiger below.

The reversal elixir he just used cost him 0.5 of his vitality. He had managed to absorb it in the first half of the night, but it was gone in an instant.

The reason why Ji Yang came to help was of course not Baigan. He could get a piece of the pie for this iron-thorned tiger no matter what.

It's a pity that he can't speak, otherwise he would have directly brought the iron-thorned tiger over.

Below, Chen Xingzhen frowned slightly after hearing the two people's stories.

According to what the two said, there are ferocious beasts everywhere in the depths of the Mass Burial Mountain. Even at night, there are still many ferocious beasts.

But it is precisely because of this that the family's secret passage has become safe. However, now that the family is weak, it is somewhat difficult to hunt.

If you are not careful, you may lose a few people.

"Clan leader, what should we do with this Iron Thorn Tiger?"

While thinking, Chen Tianjing on the side asked.

After hearing this, Chen Xingzhen looked at the body of the Iron Thorn Tiger on the ground and asked the two of them:

"In your opinion, what should it be?"

Above, Ji Yang, who heard the three people discussing how to deal with the Iron Thorn Tiger, also listened carefully. Whether he can continue the deduction depends on Chen Xingzhen's thoughts.

Seeing Chen Xingzhen ask back, the two of them fell into deep thought.

After a while, Chen Tianjing spoke first:

"Now the family does not have much food in stock, and the clan's Qi and blood are declining. This iron-thorn tiger's meat has sufficient Qi and blood. I think that this iron-thorn tiger can be divided into two. One half is used to sacrifice to the sacred tree, and the other half is provided to the clan as food. , to ensure that the tribe’s energy and blood are abundant!”

After hearing this, Chen Xingzhen nodded and looked at Chen Tianyu:

"Tianyu, what do you think?"

"What the clan brother said is true, but from what I can see, the Li family is now looking at the family with eager eyes and may attack the family at any time. Currently, the family still has a surplus of food for a day.

I think this iron-thorned tiger can be sacrificed to the sacred tree, so that the sacred tree can show its power again and give the family a little more hope of turning defeat into victory!"

"As for the food of the tribe, we can go hunting again tomorrow night. Although it is a bit dangerous, as long as the sacred tree is there, there is no need to worry!"

Chen Xingzhen looked satisfied after hearing this, and then said:

"Tianjing's idea is very good, but now the family situation is in danger. Even if the clan members have enough energy and blood and full combat power, it will be difficult to defeat the Li family with the family's current strength. At most, it will be delayed a few more times. day,

In this case, it is better to make a dangerous move, and maybe relying on the power of the sacred tree, there is still a chance to save the family!"

Chen Tianjing turned to look at the fluorescent family sacred tree and said no more.

Soon, the sacrifice began again. This time Chen Xingzhen did not perform too many complicated sacrifice rituals, but directly asked the two men to cut the throat of the Iron Thorn Tiger and bleed it.

Underground, Ji Yang's roots were already hungry and thirsty.

He has been coveting this Iron Thorn Tiger for a long time!

When the Iron Thorn Tiger's blood seeps into the ground through the soil, Ji Yang's roots once again play their role.

The iron-thorned tiger's blood was more difficult to absorb than the blood of the spirit-tailed chicken before, but Ji Yang was extremely happy because the blood and energy on the panel was rising slowly at this moment!

It can be seen that the blood of this ferocious beast in the blood coagulation realm is extremely effective.

Under the rapid absorption of Ji Yang's roots, the blood of a large Iron Thorn Tiger was quickly absorbed.

After absorbing the blood of the Iron Thorn Tiger, Ji Yang looked forward again:

[Name: Ji Yang]

[Race: Weak Sophora Tree]


[Supernatural power: Eye of insight, reversal of elixir movement]

[Exercise: Lunar Eclipse]

[Combat Skill: None]

[Qi and blood: 19 (can be converted into vitality)]

[Spiritual power: 5]

[Deduction points: 25]

【Can be deduced!】

[Status: As a worshiper of the sacred tree, you have barely regained a little vitality, but it doesn't have much effect. 】

When he saw that the blood points reached 19, Ji Yang was positive in his heart, which was 6 points more than the previous Spirit Tail Chicken.

However, when Ji Yang saw that there was only 5 points of spiritual power, he had some thoughts in his heart.

His previous spiritual power was 1, which meant that the Iron Thorn Tiger in the Blood Coagulation Realm only increased his spiritual power by 4 points.

If he remembered correctly, the blood of the previous two spirit-tailed chickens had contributed 4 points of spiritual power to him.

According to the body shape and realm of the two, this ratio is not right.

From this point of view, it does not mean that the larger the body, the more spiritual power it provides. There seems to be a reason that I don't know yet.

But looking at the button that could be deduced, Ji Yang no longer thought about it.

The last deduction was still fresh in his memory, and he wanted to see what he could gain from the deduction this time.

The next moment, Ji Yang decisively clicked the button and started the deduction!

[This deduction requires 10 blood, 5 spiritual power, and 5 deduction points. Do you want to continue? 】


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