Above, Ji Yang looked at the scene in front of him and pretended not to hear.

These complicated family relationships gave him a headache, so he asked them to sort it out on their own, and it wouldn't be too late to wait until they regained consciousness.

These Chen family members who have come back to life are not living beings, but transformed living souls. He should be able to communicate with everyone, which would be a lot more convenient.

As time passed and many living souls continued to communicate below, everyone soon woke up from the confusion just now. Especially after seeing the family spiritual tablets in the ancestral hall room, everyone was even more amazed.

It turns out they are really dead!

Half an hour later, the voices in the crowd gradually became fainter. At this time, everyone began to think about what they should do now.

At this time, Chen Changming also noticed the fluorescent sacred tree beside him!

The moment he saw the sacred tree, the memory of these seven days slowly awakened in his mind.

In his memory, he saw his state as a fruit, the worship of the tribe below, and even the current situation of the family.

Chen Changming, who understood all this, immediately floated into the sky above the ancestral hall, raised his arms and shouted:

"Fellow tribesmen, please be quiet for now!"

Many tribesmen who recovered their memories also recognized the former family patriarch, but several of them did not know Chen Changming, including the three tribesmen who died in the struggle with the Li family not long ago.

But from the conversations between other family elders, the three of them had a pretty good understanding of everyone's identities.

The Chen Changming in front of him seems to be the patriarch and his father! That is, their ancestor.

"Everyone, now we have come back from the dead and reunited in the family ancestral hall. This is not an accident, but the guidance given by the sacred tree to my Chen family!"

Having said that, everyone also focused their attention on Ji Yang.

The sacred tree was the totem of the family in the past. Several people present were even older than Chen Xingzhen, the current patriarch, and had seen the glory of the sacred tree in the past.

Although the sacred tree is now damaged, it is not as good as one percent of the family's sacred tree back then.

But knowing that it was the power of the sacred tree that brought them back to the world, everyone present looked in awe and bowed earnestly.

Above, Ji Yang, who saw Chen Changming's actions, nodded slightly in his heart.

As expected of the patriarch of the past, he was able to grasp the key points in the current situation.

After the people of the lower tribe finished worshiping, Chen Changming spoke again:

"Are there any clan members here who have died in the past ten years?"

After the words fell, several people stood up from the crowd, including the three people who had died not long ago.

From the oral accounts of these people, the situation of the family in recent decades has also become clear to everyone.

After hearing this, many people sighed in their hearts, it turned out that so many things happened to their family after their death!

After hearing about the recent struggle with the Li family, everyone present became even more nervous. However, after hearing that the sacred tree showed its power and rescued the family, everyone was even more grateful and knelt down to worship.

Although they are dead, there are still their descendants in the family, and these descendants have the blood and inheritance of the family flowing in them!

After grasping the situation, Chen Changming continued:

"Everyone has heard about the current situation of the family. Now that the family has declined and the sacred tree has been born, the family still needs our help!"

"Even if we die, our consciousness still exists! We can still make our family prosper!"

"We can't do it, but our descendants can!"

"It is our duty to restore the glory of our family!"

Many tribesmen below also had excited faces after hearing this.

The dead people come back again, watching the family prosper step by step, watching the family's descendants grow every step of the way, how can they refuse?

"Chief, I want to see my son first."

In the crowd, a figure suddenly stood up and begged.

"You are Tianshun, go ahead."

Chen Changming said with a gentle face, although he had died a long time ago, he remembered the younger generation of the family very clearly.

Tianshun was a child who was very talented when he was young. Unfortunately, he died young and sacrificed himself for the sake of his family.

Fortunately, I am alive now, even though I am only half alive.

After receiving Chen Changming's consent, Chen Tianshun's figure quickly drifted towards the outside of the ancestral hall.

Although he was still a little unaccustomed to this way of walking, it felt good. He could walk much faster than before and could penetrate walls.

Others also thought of the younger generations of the clan at this moment, and asked one after another to go and take a look.

Chen Changming did not stop him. He understood the thoughts of these clan members. In fact, even he wanted to see his fourth son, the current clan leader, Chen Xingzhen.

Soon, all the clan members dispersed from the ancestral hall, leaving him alone in the ancestral hall.

Although Chen Changming also wanted to take a look, he did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he looked at the sacred tree and then worshiped respectfully:

"Today I am able to meet my family relatives again, Chen Changming, the eleventh generation patriarch of the Chen family, and I would like to pay my respects to the sacred tree."

Ji Yang did not answer, but a wisp of the Yin Qi that had just been absorbed on the tree trunk dispersed and floated into Chen Changming's body.

Chen Changming's eyes lit up as this ray of yin energy entered his body, and he felt that his body seemed to become more solid.

This made Chen Changming feel a little more in awe.

Although the family sacred tree looks far less than it did back then, and can even be said to be extremely weak, the power of the sacred tree now seems to be even better than the family sacred tree of the past.

At least, the sacred tree back then could not do this.

Chen Changming, who received the response from the sacred tree, felt a little more excited. The response from the sacred tree meant that his idea just now was not wrong.

The sacred tree resurrected them to make the family stronger.

After Chen Changming thanked him again, he turned and left the ancestral hall.

He wanted to see the current situation of the family and also wanted to see Chen Xingzhen.

After he left, the ancestral hall became quiet again.

Looking at the current situation, Ji Yang was thoughtful, but did not intervene.

Since these re-transformed souls have memories and intelligence, it may be better than him doing it himself.

I have never heard that having an old man in the family is like having a treasure.

Besides, they are all tribesmen who have died once, so they should have more experience in developing their families.

It's just that he doesn't know how to let them communicate. He doesn't seem to have acquired magical powers in this area yet, which makes Ji Yang a little distressed.

But then, when Ji Yang's roots buried underground sensed the situation not far away, he was shocked.

I saw a living soul who had just left the ancestral hall. After seeing his sleeping junior, he actually threw himself into his body in the state of a living soul.

Ji Yang wanted to stop him, but then he heard a murmur from the sleeping clansman:

"Dad? Why are you here?"

"Did I dream about you?"

Looking at this scene, Ji Yang fell into deep thought. He didn't expect that the transformed soul would still have this ability?

It seems that he doesn't need to take action anymore.

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