Although the number of people in these small villages is small, when gathered together, the number of people is more than ten times or even dozens of times greater than that of the Chen family.

Although the Chen family is now the dominant family, no one dares to resist if they insist on one thing.

However, Chen Xingzhen felt that the family should plan carefully if it was established on a mass burial mountain. This approach of raking in all the water and losing the support of the people was not appropriate.

And with the current strength of the family, it can completely rely on its strength to attract some villagers who want to join the family.

But before that, the family's reputation still needs to be built up. For this, Chen Xingzhen already has a corresponding plan in mind.

On the second day, many villagers gathered at the Chenjia Market, which seemed quite lively.

All kinds of hawking sounds also come and go.

"Pine, good quality rice, one pound of meat for three pounds of rice!"

"Fresh venison in exchange for five pairs of straw sandals."

"Iron tools are only exchanged for animal skins."


On weekdays, there would certainly not be so many villagers exchanging here.

However, winter has arrived and the fields are frozen, making it impossible to plant.

As for hunting, even less so.

Even warriors would not easily set foot in today's Mass Burial Mountain, let alone ordinary people who only hunt some ordinary beasts on weekdays.

This time is often when the market is most lively.

Many villagers will choose to exchange their unused or extra items for their own needs, so as to make this winter more comfortable.

Unfortunately, you can only exchange things for things here, and many times, the villagers may not get what they need.

But they have lived here for a long time and have become accustomed to this. They don't think there is anything wrong with it. However, it still makes people feel regretful that they did not get it.

But there is not much time left for them to exchange. If in a few days, heavy snow falls and the roads leading to the market from nearby villages are closed, then the market here will gradually close.

"Hey, isn't that Yihu? I heard that he recently became a slave of the Chen family and is living a good life."

"you do not say."

"Isn't Tian Meng going to be a slave? Why haven't I seen him in the past few days?"


A smile appeared on Yihu's face as he listened to the crowd's comments.

No, his name is Chen Yihu now.

And now he has indeed changed a lot compared to the person he was a month ago. Even the clothes on his body are made of fine furs, and there is no need to worry about not having enough to eat.

Behind him, there were two domestic slaves who were one level lower than him.

Facing the envy of many villagers in the market, Yihu couldn't help but raise his head slightly, with a trace of family glory rising on his face.

However, after thinking about the mission handed down from the clan this time, Yihu's face became more serious.

This is the first task assigned by the clan after he became a slave. He must complete it well and try to make the clan leader see it in his eyes and remember it in his heart.

"Dear fellow citizens, I, Chen Yihu, on behalf of the Chen family, would like to announce two things to you."

After hearing this, everyone began to gather around him with curious expressions on their faces.

Although there are many villagers who feel that being a domestic slave is not worthy of being on the stage, Chen Yihu looks good both in his clothes and in his mental state. He is living a better life than them. This makes them feel envious. They also want to hear what Chen Yihu has to say at this moment. What.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Chen Yihu spoke:

"The first thing is that Chen Xingzhen, the patriarch of the Chen family, personally announced that starting from today, the market will be open to everyone free of charge. This winter, the Chen family will not charge you any more down payment."

Many villagers were overjoyed when they heard this. Although the initial money was not much, it was a lot for them. If they could not pay it, it would definitely be great. This was really a matter of everyone's interests. thing.

"The second thing is that considering the difficult living conditions of the villagers around Mass Burial Mountain, the head of my family decided to distribute two kilograms of rice to each person in each village."

Many villagers who heard this were surprised and couldn't believe it for a while, and there was no sound of joy from the crowd.

"Yihu, is this true or false? You didn't lie to us, did you?"

An old man with a slightly rickety figure asked dubiously.

"Master Qiang, everything I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can go to the family and ask."

"In about a few days, the rice will be delivered."

Chen Yihu swears by it, but many villagers still have doubts on their faces. After all, the other two major families have never done this kind of thing before. The first payment has been waived once or twice, but it is rare.

Seeing that everyone still didn't believe it, Chen Yihu didn't explain much. After a few days, they would naturally believe it.

Chen Yihu then started chatting with many villagers, and informed everyone of the demise of the Liu family, and reassured them that now that the Chen family is in charge of Mass Burial Mountain, life will definitely be better than before.

News about the Mass Burial Mountain was already closed, and the Liu family's demise only took two days, but some rumors spread.

After it was confirmed, the villagers present had different expressions.

They don't care about the fighting between families, they only care about the impact it will have on the village and themselves.

After completing the task assigned by the clan leader, Chen Yihu rushed back to the clan with the two people behind him.

"Brother Yihu, what's the point of your family doing this? Why do you want to distribute rice to all the nearby villagers?"

"That's right, with so many villages, how much rice will be used? If this were given to my family, it would be enough to feed my family for several years."

Chen Yihu stopped and looked at the two people behind him solemnly:

"Don't talk nonsense. Have you forgotten the third rule of the house slave rules? As a house slave, you are not allowed to talk about the affairs of the clan."

"If you don't want to be a slave, don't hurt me."

After hearing this, the expressions of the two people also changed. They have no skills and only know how to farm. If they cannot be slaves, they will starve to death this winter.

After reprimanding the two of them, Chen Yihu was equally confused.

He didn't quite understand why the clan did such a thankless thing.

However, he understands very well that you should not ask too much about things you shouldn't ask, and don't think too much about things you shouldn't think about. There must be a meaning to what the family does.

What he should do now is to fulfill the patriarch's order and strive to become a warrior with the help of his family!

This was also the thought that suddenly popped into his mind after he was chosen to be the leader of the domestic slaves.

Compared to other domestic slaves, he didn't have much advantage, but he was pretty lucky.

But luck cannot last. Only by working hard and continuing to make progress can you make your life better!

He still needs to improve.


"Patriarch, we are just some villagers. Do we need to waste so much food?"

In the family hall, Chen Tianjing asked curiously, while Chen Tianlu and others on the side were also a little puzzled.

"Of course."

"After the loss of the Li family and the Liu family, the family territory has expanded a lot. With so much land, even if it is not to grow blood rice, it will take a lot of manpower to grow ordinary rice."

"How will the family develop in the long run? Next year, we can lease the land to the villagers and let them plant it on their behalf."

"With the relationship we have now, I think many people will be willing to give them more rice."

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