
Minister of Intelligence: (Minister of Magic, I leave it to you.)

Minister of Magic: (You can really summon people, you know, practice space magic, right? Alas, I have to start busy again, I really envy someone.)

Minister of Health: (Hey, what do you mean, I’m practicing my skills every day, cleaning the battlefield, doing laundry and cooking, I’m very busy!)

Minister of Magic: (Well~ I didn’t mention you, why are you so excited?)

Minister of Intelligence: (Hey, hey, I’m very busy too. The information fed back by \u003cWisdom\u003e is so huge, it will take me a long time to sort it out.)

Minister of Magic: (Don’t you think what you said is particularly against your will? →_→)

Minister of Intelligence: (The weather is nice today...)

Body Minister: (Haha.)

Minister of Magic: (Haha.)

D, white

Chapter 26 The Collapse of the Theater in the Brain

A peaceful life goes as quickly as it comes.

On this day, the two were conducting super-intensive battle training near the magma lake.

The Minister of Magic versus the Minister of Magic, and the Minister of Body versus the Minister of Body.

The collision of the death scythes splashed out bright sparks, and the gorgeous magic circles collided and annihilated each other, turning into nothingness.

"Ah! This bastard actually made a sneak attack!!"

The Minister of Body yelled angrily as he dodged the attack from the Minister of Magic.

"You are so weak that you can only be beaten."

The Minister of Magic mocked mercilessly, making the Minister of Body's hair instantly explode.

The melee between the six consciousnesses made the monsters in the middle miserable.

Since Bai Ze had learned the "Talking" skill in the past two days, the theater in his mind suddenly fell into chaos.

"Parallel Consciousness" has many benefits, but its disadvantages are also obvious.

Bai Ze almost collapsed in the past two days.

The chirping voice almost occupied all of his attention, especially Xiaobai's conscious body, whose ability to say random thoughts was simply unparalleled.

If it weren't for the ineffective assistance of outsiders, his head would have exploded at this moment.

Information: (Take care of yourself and take care of your wife, she has become more and more verbose recently.)

Body: (Oh, you have the nerve to accuse me, it’s all because of your baby. If your baby hadn’t been chatting with my baby every day, how could she be like this?)

Magic: (Both of you, shut up! We are still fighting, don’t disturb labor! I must defeat that stinky woman today and get back the dignity we have lost!)

Information: (The magic director is not working properly anymore? Oh my God, the sun is coming out in the west?)

Magic: (Xiaofa said, if you win today, you will agree to go on a date with me. Brothers, please give me some strength!)

Body: (I guess, you guys are developing a little fast.)

Information: (For the lifelong happiness of being a magician, I will fight for it! By the way, is it convenient to reveal the content of the date?)

Magic: (Huhuhu, Xiaofa promised to come with me at night...)

Body: (together?)

Information: (What together? Say it quickly!)

Magic: (Hey, let’s study magic together...)

Information: (Faint!)

Body: (In charge of magic, don’t say you know us when you go out. It’s embarrassing.)

Bai Ze couldn't help but cover his forehead when he heard the details of the magic director's appointment.

But for the lifelong happiness of his brothers, he must cheer up and continue to fight.


"Bang! Boom!"

A huge boulder rolled down, smoke filled the air, the ground trembled, and everything fell silent.

After a while, the smoke gradually dissipated.

"Cough cough cough."

Bai Zhi crawled out of the smoke in embarrassment. She lost this round today.

Although he didn't know what was being discussed in the other party's mind, Bai Ze was filled with joy.

Magic: (Yahoo~win!)

Information: (In charge of magic, brothers can only help you so far.)

Body: (Come on!)

Magic: (Don’t worry, brothers, we will definitely win!)

[Proficiency achieved, skill \u003cParallel Consciousness Lv2→Lv3\u003e]

Magic 2: (Ah ho~ Brothers, here I come!)

Information: (No, the 6-person theater has been upgraded to an 8-person theater?)

Magic 2: (Then let me go?)

Body: (You’re already here, it’s not too late to have a meal before leaving.)

Magic 2: (Hahaha, I’m not polite, brothers, let’s have fun together!)

Information: (Alas~)

"Bai Ze, where have the catfish and eels in the middle layer gone? Why are they nowhere to be found after looking for them for so long?"

Bai Zhi stood on the top of a boulder, activated the skill "clairvoyance" and kept searching for today's lunch.

"Sister, is it possible that all these guys have entered your stomach?"

Bai Ze straddled the stone in one step, resting his six legs on another big stone and crossing his legs leisurely.

Bai Zhi's eyes widened when he heard this, and after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this possibility really existed.

In other words, the big catfish and the big eel have been eaten to extinction by these two people?

"Ah! This is a fact scarier than horror stories!!!"

Bai Zhi held his face and screamed in horror.

"We can only wait for the fire-breathing monster to slowly evolve into a fire-breathing beast. I told you to restrain it, but if you don't listen, look, it's better now, you're done."

"But I can't help it."

Bai Zhi complained in a low voice, then rolled his eyes and leaned close to Bai Ze's ear.

"Hey, Bai Ze, now that we've finished eating the delicious food in the maze, can we consider heading outside the maze?"

Bai Ze frowned slightly and pondered for a moment.

"Hmm... It's possible, but to be cautious, I think it's better to evolve to the Undead Spider before going out for a walk."

If possible, Bai Ze is prepared to become a god in the maze before leaving.

There is a more suitable leveling venue there than Elro's Great Labyrinth.

"The Immortal Spider Queen?"

Bai Zhi was slightly startled.

"No, then it will take years and years to advance? Life without delicious food is simply hell. I don't care, I want to eat delicious food!"

Bai Ze shook his head and chuckled, "I really can't do anything about you."

"Then let's go to the upper level to find the exit of the maze first. If there is danger, just use space magic to escape back."

"Uh-huh, Bai Ze, I love you~"

Bai Zhi excitedly jumped into Bai Ze's arms, kissed him hard on the cheek, and then...teared off a large piece of flesh.

"Hey, hey, hey, you are a spider now. You are a spider. Even if you have \u003cPain Invalid\u003e, it still hurts, okay?"

Bai Ze used healing magic to recover from his injuries.


Bai Zhi pecked Bai Ze’s lips again, then ran away, “let’s go~”

Bai Ze sighed, this girl's character is really...


A miserable dragon roar resounded throughout the middle level, followed by violent trembling of the earth.

"what's the situation?"

The two people who were looking for the passage to the upper level were startled and ran warily towards the source of the loud noise.

Soon, the two arrived at the source of the loud noise.


Bai Ze looked at the scene on the ground and was dumbfounded, thinking to himself, this is unscientific.

"Ho ho!!"

Several giant red dragons looked up to the sky and roared, charging forward.

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