Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Chapter 10: Transfer

Suddenly seeing that he was going to suffocate and die, Ye Qi was shocked, but Ye Qi, who quickly calmed down, asked the low voice: "Who are you? Where is this? You want What are you doing?"

Ye Qi's full face vigilance, asked three questions in a row, apparently with the suffocation of death outside, he is more worried about his current state. Inferred from the translucent figure and autonomous thinking, the Demon Hunter has understood that he has become the "soul state" mentioned in John's mouth!

The person in the state of the soul does not die in the flesh, but the soul is simply separated from its own body.

However, this is not a good phenomenon. It does not mention that the soul will cause a series of sequelae after leaving the body for a long time. Just the dark wizards who like to capture the soul to experiment and the dark creatures who like to devour the soul make the current Ye Qi frown. Because, according to the current situation, he is likely to be imprisoned by a dark wizard who likes to engage in soul research.

When I think about the so-called experiments that I will face in the future, even if I am calm, I can’t help but fight a cold war. The dark wizard’s experiment is notoriously dangerous, and the slightest inattention is the explosion. In terms of the fragile soul of the experiment, nature is the end of the soul.

It’s not terrible to die, it’s terrible to die, nothing left! Especially for Ye Qi, this is an ideal of ambition, and it is also sad to expect that the system will provide a career choice after the fifth level, so that the young people who are able to fly by themselves and fly high in the sky. And think of the blessings on the notes left by John and the phone that was not opened last night, Ye Qi’s heart is more bitter.

"Who am I, I can't tell you now; as for here, it is a special space; and what do I want to do..." When the low voice paused, it said again: "I want to sign with you." Zhang contract!"

As soon as the voice fell, a parchment flew out of the fire pillar closest to Ye Qi and floated in front of his eyes.

"As long as you sign this contract, you can not only get rid of the dangers of the present, but also gain unparalleled strength; countless wealth; the right to look up; and countless beautiful people who let the world bend over... as long as you signed this The contract, all this is yours...anything is at your fingertips..."

The low words are full of temptation, so that the soul state of Ye Qi can not help but shudder, lift the arm in the soul state will result in parchment, but when Ye Qi is about to touch the parchment, the brain The system in the middle of it slammed.

"I found an unknown energy invasion and found an unknown energy invasion..."

"The investigation is malicious and malicious..."

"The host status is unknown and the system evicts itself..."

As the system sounded, Ye Qi, the soul state, swayed the ripples of water all over the body, and then the original confused eyes were clear again. Looking at the parchment that was only a few millimeters away from his fingers, it immediately seemed to be like a snake, and slammed back a few meters away like an electric shock.

"Damn! Devil!"

After experiencing the temptation of the soul just inadvertently, and the parchment paper written in the depths of the abyss, Ye Qi is a rookie who just entered the line, and understands what kind of existence he has encountered - the peak of countless dark creatures, Dark creatures such as vampires, werewolves, dark wizards, evil spirits, etc. need to look up to exist - the devil.

If it is said that the devotees of the Holy See are enshrined in the Holy See, if the dark creatures have faith and are to be enshrined, then it is definitely a demon. Of course, it also requires the devil to accept these offerings. After all, the legendary demons like to lure all kinds of human elites to spread, spreading countless desires, creating chaos and panic in the world. As for the dark creatures, the devils will choose to ignore other occasions if they sign some contracts with one or two favors. This is the legendary god's preference for human beings, whether it is a **** or a demon, is a concrete proof of this legend.

One thought of facing such a creature, even with Ye Qixin's heart can not help but feel a tremor. As the unknown demon said in front of the eyes, Ye Qi, who signed the contract, will definitely gain the strength, wealth, power and countless beauty of others who are unimaginable by others, but the gains must be lost! When the contractor gets this, he pays the soul of the contractor himself! Although the essence of the soul will not be erased, it becomes a slave to all the devils who signed the contract!

And this is not to say, the essence of the devil is chaos, and the person who signed the contract with the devil is naturally classified as chaos, and a series of actions are carried out with the devil's mind. You can guess without thinking that the series of actions carried out by the devil's will, of course, cannot be beneficial to the country and the people. It is definitely a wrath! When it is time to be encircled, it is definitely not dead! After all, even if the contractor is more powerful, it is impossible to single out a strong person in the world, not to mention the fact that the Holy See can "give up God's will".

In addition to Ye Qi’s training, he once heard John say that many people in history who signed contracts with the devil were “up to God’s will” and sent “God Punishment” to eliminate them. I think that I almost want to be an enemy of the whole world. Ye Qi has a good temper for this demon who almost tempted him to sign a contract. Even if he knew that the other party was higher than his numerous levels, Ye Qi was still ready to open his mouth.

But before I even drank Ye Qi, the unknown demons spoke first: "Why are there any antiphasic! Damn! Bastard! Which democrat or god's voter are you? Damn! Hey..."

In the low and powerful voice, there was no previous calmness and victory, and a violent and mixed voice was filled with Ye Qi’s brain. Even in the state of the soul, Ye Qi is still shocked to retreat several steps. However, Ye Qi, who was repulsed, heard that the tyrannical voice was not afraid, but it was a certain heart. Because the existence of the level like demons and gods wants to enter the material world of human existence, it can only be in the form of possession or projection.

The possession is that God or the demon attaches its own soul and strength to a believer, showing its unique power. The projection is to throw away the power of itself, but to put the soul of itself into the material world. The former requires the believers' firm beliefs and also requires many complicated rituals, but once completed, it is the capital that allows the possessive gods or demons to have a vertical and horizontal material while the latter is much simpler, as long as the gods or demons Think, feel free to do so. However, there are advantages and disadvantages. Although the soul of the projection alone is full of momentum, it does not have the power to match it. Simply put, it is empty shelves!

Inferred from the current situation, it is not necessary to say that Ye Qi also guessed that the unknown demon in the eyes absolutely entered the material world in the form of projection. Otherwise, the devil's savage temperament has long torn him into pieces.

Which demon or god's voter? Is it the system?

Ye Qi, who was pondering the meaning of the unknown devil, felt a shock in his heart, and then turned his head to look at the black fog. The screen was lifted in the air by the middle-aged vampire and his neck was lifted in the air: "If it is a simple projection Or maybe there is a turn!"

Although Ye Qi does not know why this demon is projected into the material world, but also captures his soul into the field of demons, but this does not prevent Ye Qi and the other party from making a deal within his control - since The projection of the other party brought him to this field, so he must be asking for it; and his current body is caught by the middle-aged vampire, and in his own strength, it is not an opponent at all; then there is demand. Why not exchange exchanges and make a mutually beneficial transaction?

Of course, all the premise is within his controllable range - Ye Qike does not want to have too much entanglement with the devil and is used as a street mouse to call everyone. And the devil is a demon after all, the power gap has caused Ye Qi unilaterally inevitable danger, for the hunter who is very tight on his own life, the taste is the king.

"I have seen you, the Demon Hunter Ye Qi is happy to help you! Of course, if you can pay a certain amount of compensation, it is even better!"

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