Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 120: invite? Go to the appointment! on

There are rules or rules in the dark world. If you calculate them carefully, you can basically write a book that is more than two feet thick. Both size and weight can be used as shields. Of course, this is only the whole. In other regions and even in the same region, there are small local principles like spider webs. As a constraint, it is difficult to implement.

However, whether it is the big rule or the local principles, the foundation is based on strength. Simply put, strength is the foundation of everything. Whether it is good or evil, or neutral, you need to be strong. The strength is the power to guarantee your position.

If someone forces you to change your position?

It's very simple, waving your fist, knocking out his incisors, and letting him swallow, and then telling him that the place you are standing on is your territory - and your site is yours!

At the beginning, when Syrene was ready to become a dark mercenary, when he stepped into the dark world, his uncle told him this way, and he asked carefully and repeatedly whether he should enter such a law full of the jungle. The world came – Xilun, who was still young at the time, longed for an ordinary life and wanted to take risks. Therefore, he did not consider too much. He was led by his uncle and returned to the task of the first dark mercenary. : Send a letter.

Yes, it is to send a letter.

An encryption, don't want anyone to know, and no one to worry about, can only be a letter served by the dark mercenaries - as for ordinary mercenaries? Since the dark mercenary is chosen, it is natural that ordinary mercenaries cannot cope with the troubles that may arise during the delivery process!

That delivery letter. It was the first mission of Xi Lun. In your own uncle. Under the leadership of an experienced dark mercenary, he completed it very well - two days in advance to the target person, so that the target person survived a crisis; and the target person is undoubtedly generous A whole bag, nearly 100 pieces of Kimpton became his extra reward.

In the face of such extra compensation, the young Siren was amazed, and then, with greater enthusiasm, devoted himself to his work. And because of the first mission, most of his next tasks will choose to accept various missions for sending letters and sending invitations; and because of this, the postman has gradually become his code name.

After his uncle retired and went to the Spring Forest area to support the elderly, the postman officially became synonymous with Xilun. In the face of such synonym, Xi Lun still has a bit of pride in his heart; because this is someone else’s Recognition; and, more importantly, after he has such a title, some tasks are automatically sent to the door.

Compared to assassination, duel, kidnapping or simply a task of massacre. The task of sending a letter is undoubtedly much safer; as long as there are certain skills. Even if you avoid fighting, you may not be able to do it. In the past, Weston has been proud of himself and has made this pride public.

Undoubtedly, such an approach has caused him quite unnecessary trouble.

From yesterday, until now, Xi Lun admitted that he entered a whirlpool composed of tyranny and cruelty, and at the bottom of the whirlpool is the fate of death. As long as it is sucked in, it is a dead end; as a The little-known dark mercenary, Xi Lun does not want to die, he still wants to have enough pension money as his uncle, and then go to the countryside of Chunlin District to spend a happy old age.

However, from now on, this wish is nothing but extravagant...

The dark mercenary is really a no return!

With such a sigh, the well-dressed Silen picked up the invitation on the bed and left the old nest that he once thought was safe. After the invitation was put down and the meaning was clear, those The big men have all left; this is not reassuring, but they know that Weston is not willing to do it; not only the gap between strengths, but also the rules of the dark mercenaries, after Xilun accepted the task yesterday, Everything is already doomed. As long as Silent doesn't want to be like a street mouse and is finally killed in an unknown alley, then Weston must do it.

As a person, Xi Lun is also very clear about his current situation, but what is his solution?

Walking in the magnificent hall of Wo Kui Lin, Xi Lun has no appreciation or admiration. Although he once dreamed that he has entered here many times, but when the dream really becomes very real, Xi Lun is far from I was surprised by the unexpected joy - his thoughts at the moment have already been filled with the contents of the invitation letter!

If Ye Qi is the name he is only familiar with, then the title of the Shack's Dragon is enough to shock Weston to the inextricable existence. Compared with this title, the big men he saw before are simply not worth it. As one of the youngest generations of the Demon Hunter, the Shaker Dragon has this strength and fame; the Sun Yat-class proves his strength, and countless strong players who fall under the other's knife are cast into each other. The fame.

It is said that the Shak’s Dragon has long been an inevitable existence of the Japanese glory, just like his teacher, Juggernaut, and once there is news about the Shack Dragon in the bar, then this The saying will come up one after another; after all, the number of strong people who died under the sword of Shack is too much, enough to support this statement.

Siren was once a member of the discussion, and still stood on the side of the Shak's dragon; for this young, and able to keep his own bottom line, and not forget his position, Xi Lun always appreciates Or admire - because he can't do this, in order to be able to survive, Syrene has long pulled the bottom line indefinitely, leaving his position behind his head.

However, can this blame him?

Fear of death is the nature of any one person. Those who can fear life and death are all real powers.

I hope that those rumors are not fake!

With such a sly heart, Syrene pressed the button on the 4th floor of the elevator and looked at the elevator door that was slowly closed. When you are worried. He once again turned to the big men who were in his eyes. Expressed his dissatisfaction -

What is the fate of one side and saved my life?

Is it another good to save me?

A group of idiots who can't tell the difference!

The most pitiful thing is that my grandfather, Siren, has to pay for the decision of a group of idiots...

When I thought of the expressions of the big men at the time, the dissatisfaction of Siren’s heart quickly turned into anger—although I have never seen the Shack’s dragon, the other’s age should be a young man in his twenties, and yesterday he The one I saw? I have been in my forties, even if it is very attractive to middle-aged people, but her age has not changed!

Even the twenties and forties are unclear. This makes the postman like Xilun feel that they are all imaginary guys!

Unfortunately, as a postman, he dare not refute; after all, if you don’t refute, there is hope of living. Once you refute it, you have to die now. Yes, if you live for a while, Siren still hopes for himself. You can live more for a while.

calm down……

After going out from the open elevator door, look at the closer destination. Syrene kept telling himself in the bottom of his heart, but this did not stop his more rapid heartbeat. After all, the content of the invitation, even if he was seen by the bystander, is definitely a conspiracy trap; if I have read it, except for disdain, it must be angry.

And once the other party is angry, the post of his postman can be imagined!

Although the rumor is that the other party is not a killer...

Stretching his trembling fingers, it took Sinan nearly two minutes to press his fingertips on the doorbell.

Hey! Hey!

After the pleasant doorbell rang twice, the door '咔塔' was opened; a beautiful woman with a gentle temperament appeared in front of Weston; looking at the woman, Silent’s breath In a flash, he rushed, and he looked at the woman in front of him, until the other party made an unpleasant chill, and the Weston, who served as the postman, reacted to what he had done.

"Bei, Bernard. Taylor, noon, good afternoon!"

The stuttering Weston greeted the chameleon—and in the bottom of his heart, the postman couldn’t wait to slap himself again; he was complaining about his ignorance and ignorance, in the dark world of Dud, all People or creatures know that the Shak Dragon and the big star Bernard. Taylor have an unclear relationship, and more than once in pairs in various public relations occasions and some banquets.

Especially in the last assassination, the performance of the Shak Dragon was even more decisive in people's minds. However, the Shak Dragon at that time was not as awesome as it is now, and people can still have no scruples. Take such a thing as a talk after a meal, and squat each other, and describe some pictures that are not suitable for children.

However, with the Shack Dragon in the estate of the Northstead family in Randburg and after the war in the Holy See, such talks seem to be from the cold wind blowing from the extreme north, except for the cold that makes people feel from the bones. There is no role at all - people have chosen to shut up, even if they want to talk, it is not known, only a few real friends are around, will whisper.

Strength is not everything, but it can be fundamental -

Men may not care about their own property, but for their own women, it is impossible to not care; don't think that a man with a green head can still calmly face a man who makes his head green, or will change his head. A green man; if there is a man who can do so calmly, removing the dysfunction of somewhere, then his sexual orientation has changed.

Women, men’s wars, are somewhat biased, but most of the time they are very correct - at the very least, in the dark world, some bar battles, wild ambushes, and women No relationship, especially under the influence of alcohol.

Although, Weston can be sure that he did not drink, there is no alcoholic drink in the room in front of him, but this does not mean that he can be unscrupulous; the postman looked at the chameleon in front of him, full of stupid apologies And shows his own intentions -

"Yes, sorry, Bernard. Taylor, I am just a postman. Come and send a letter! There is an invitation from Ye Qi!"

While speaking, Xi Lun did his best to express his incomparable piety. It seems to be a believer. Half-bent, and the invitation was lifted over the top of his head like a sacred offering, presented to the chameleon - if you can, Weston doesn't mind if he kneels down and raises the invitation over his head. Even if someone looks at him, he doesn't care; after all, it's about his life.

And when Xi Lun planned to do this. The chameleon took the invitation and said coldly: "Thank you!"

Then the door of the room was closed with the sound of the 'Tower Tower'. The sound of the lock was so crisp that the West End standing in front of the door trembled and returned to God - he looked at the front and closed it. The door, then touched the incomparable oneself, and then, without any stop, turned and ran; even, even the elevator did not ride; straight chose the emergency passage.

And such a desperate rush. After Xi Lun rushed out of Wo Kui Lin, he did not stop immediately; instead, it continued for almost ten minutes. After the whole person left the two streets of Wauquetin, it was a real stop.

Leave Dude!

Be sure to leave Dude!

Swan, who was breathing in the air, had such an idea that the heart could not be suppressed. Then, he immediately started to act for this; Siren did not intend to return to his old nest, although there are still some things, but they are not very Important, what really matters, he has already taken it with him - because he had considered the plan to escape halfway, so it is not surprising that some valuable things are carried around.

And Xi Lun is very fortunate that he thought of it, but did not dare to implement the plan; at the very least, at this time, he has quite a foresight.

With a taxi, Silen came to the train station; and when he was ready to buy a place for free, as long as he was away from the train ticket of Dude, a person suddenly stopped his shoulder from behind him -

"Don't move, it's me!"

Hickel raised his hand and took the wrist of Silen, keeping the dagger in the other hand away from his abdomen.


After seeing the face under the hat, the dagger in the hands of Xi Lun was collected, but the mouth did not stop. After a low voice, he continued to drink low: "You guy, don't know, What kind of trouble have I been involved in? I have to be forced to leave my home now!"

"If I give you a chance to go?"

Hickel said this, and at the same time there was an envelope in his hand. Looking at the envelope in front of him, Xi Lun was subconscious. He waited for Hickel and asked, "What do you mean by you?"

"Help me send a letter!"

"Don't do it, I have decided not to do the job of the postman again!"

Xi Lun, who didn’t think about it, shouted.

"If you send it, everything will return to normal!" Hickel said: "If you don't do it, then in the second half of life you will be chased like a dog at home!"

"I don't want to take the life that I just got back, and put it in again!"

Xi Lun gasped and groaned.

"This is a very cost-effective business. When you are done, you don't have to worry about your life again; or do you really want to be a dog of funeral, and then you will be found dead in the gutter one morning?"

Looking at the stunned Weston, Hickel put the letter in the other's hands: "Address is on the envelope!"

After that, Hickel was like a sudden appearance, taking advantage of the work of Xi Lun, the whole person into the crowd, disappeared after a few disappearances; and when Xi Lun returned to God to look at the letter in his hand, and disappeared When Hickel traced it, the dark mercenary who once again became a postman couldn’t help but shouted: "Hey!"


"These guys, what do you want to do?!"

After handing the invitation to Ye Qi, the chameleon became gloomy--although she did not see the contents of the invitation, but the same messenger, the same cover, with such a premise, then the invitation What is the difference between the contents?

"You are not allowed to go!"

For the first time, the chameleon said so firmly that this made Ye Qi feel surprised - after the two became allies, although in the conversation, Ye Qi rarely spoke, most of them were said by the chameleon, except for the information about the chameleon. The net has confidence, and more of the language that the chameleon elaborates, with a hint of inquiry in the end, rather than the arbitrariness of the moment.

"It's This is just an invitation; moreover, we didn't have plans, will we go to participate?" Faced with such arbitrariness, Ye Qi will naturally not adapt, he waved Waving the invitation, he smiled and said: "Now, I don't even have to disguise and tolerate!"

“Just an invitation? Do you know who is the person who sent the invitation?”

The sound of the chameleon became severe, especially when the beautiful big eyes were picked up. A large cat was surrounded by the prey of the prey. Ye Qi was surrounded by it; if it was an ordinary person, At this time, the legs were soft and fell to the ground; however, if it was changed to Ye Qi...

Smiling, slowly shaking his head, Ye Qi launched the invitation, saying: "The commander of the leader of the Broken Mind and the leader of the Horror Nest Lizard, and the invitation of countless small and medium-sized mercenary organizations!"

"Yeah, this is not a joke! You know that they issued this invitation, how is it intended?"

The chameleon grabbed the invitation and slammed it on the carpet and asked loudly.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~ (to be continued..)

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