Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 135: ‘Subversive’ Bossa

The night of Dude is prosperous and intoxicating. Different from the gift of nature, the arrogance of the drunkenness is obviously more accepted by people; strolling on the streets of Dude, watching everything around, Bossa bowed his head and meditated on the "God said" people, both as original sin and God took sin for us. We should follow God's will and seek liberation and seek the light of the other shore...

A Bossa in a white linen robes, standing under the most prosperous capital building in Dude, is so out of place with everything around it; especially those who are from the capital building and belong to the highest government. I was surprised to see the priest; however, no one came up with a kind inquiry. Instead, many security guards dissuaded the priest to protest the highest government in the first hundred years of the Free Age, and the government’s The person is not allowed to have religious beliefs; the source of such an order comes from the priest wearing a white linen robes.

Facing the security guards who came up, Bossa was not moved at all. He stood in the same place and continued to meditate on "God said". When these security guards are five yards away from Bossa, they are on their bodies. Suddenly there was a mountain, not only difficult to move a few points under the feet, but also pressed down their trips, especially the joints of the knees, as if there were two sinkers to beat.

"Repentance will be the only way out for sinners!"

The priest Bosa said this, and when the people around him were in doubt, a loud whistle rang out, and a team of military police rushed over and they were fully armed. With a pistol around the waist. Holding a baton in his hand. The whistle that is blown up is like an alarm. It is awkward to push away, letting one way out.

"The force should not be directed at the servant of God, but should be a pagan!"

When the military police with the batons were just approaching, the priest Bossa smiled and looked at the military policeman who led the whistle. The obviously leading military police immediately stopped their own steps. then. Like a demon, I began to wave my batons to the people around me, especially the staff of the highest government who just stepped out of the capital building, and he was the target of his care.

The subordinates of the military police captain were obviously stunned by the actions of their own chiefs. They looked at their captains and knocked down the captains who were obviously higher than their status in the highest government. Continue to rush to a farther goal; and obviously, beating not to fight back is just a kid in a fairy tale. After several people fell to the ground, the people around him reacted. They picked up the right things at hand and rushed to the captain of the military police.

People who can work in the capital building have an extraordinary place. Although it can't be seen in other aspects, it still has considerable strain in dealing with some crisis events. Soon, the military police captain was subdued as a military policeman, even if he had considerable training, but only With a rubber baton, it is obviously difficult to face more than a dozen strong adult men.

So in the next moment


The gunshots rang, the man in the gun, looked incredulously at the blood hole in his chest, and then looked at the captain of the military police who was kneeling on the ground and shot with one hand, unwilling to fall. On the ground; perhaps he should have a bright future in the future, but now, after the shot, if he can't get timely help, there is only one way to death.


With the sound of gunshots, the crowd immediately dispersed. Those who were still brave in the past, at this time, have retreated to the power of a firearm. They have already been printed into their hearts when they were children. The courage that should be there, disappeared without a trace.

With this shot, a bell sounded in front of the capital building; unlike the previous whistle, this time is a real alarm bell, enough to alarm the saga of the highest government; and in this alarm ring, The priest Bosa stood like that. He raised his head slightly, ignoring everything that was in fear and confusion. He looked at the top floor of the capital building in front of him. He had his goals and his greatest obstacle to accomplishing his goals. One of the strongest seven: Deides.

Faced with this Deides, the priest Bosa is not sure, so he brought enough manpower and arranged the corresponding strategies. These strategies he does not expect to achieve, because, as soon as the beginning, then the effect It is inevitable; and if it can be used to influence one of the strongest seven in the world, he will be absolutely successful.

There is also the supreme government guarded by Deides. It is not a complete demise. Only the loss of Diddes, the Speaker of the Speaker, and some members of the parliament, the highest government after the massacre is completely The priests who perished in the Holy See were ready. During the massacre, they will appear at the most appropriate time, bringing the glory of God to those who are desperate, and gaining guidance in the glory.

Dude, originally the Holy See, whether it is before or now.

Such an idea rises from the bottom of the priest Bosa, and a holy but cold voice also appears along with such an idea. Bosa needs to announce his existence to his greatest obstacles, making it difficult to distract, only Can be faced.


Just in Bossa's unique style of high-ranking members of the Holy See, the whole land of Dude was trembling like this. A breath like a prehistoric behemoth was shrouded in the earth, and a fast-moving close-up was printed. The strongest title on the ground has, in some respects, been reflected in addition to the ability and characteristics of this Deides, even if the Juggernaut is not willing to fight against the down-to-earth Didders.

Boom, bang, bang!

Although it is only footsteps, it is beyond the reach of people, as if it were an explosion.


The lowness is like a shout from the throat, with a gust of wind blowing in front of the priest Bosa; the priest who has been calm and calm, lifted his hands.


After the muffled sound, the priest stepped back and forth, and stopped after ten steps. The ten footprints on the ground were deeply printed on the tarred ground. Deep to five inches thick. The bottom of the sand was exposed; the shaking hands of the shocked hands were shaken, and the priest smiled again.

"Long time no see, Deides!"

The priest's smile was very harmonious, even with a sacred glory in the white light, but Deides's eyes through the sunglasses shot a blade-like, sharp look, and his voice was full of Hate: "Bosa, why do you want to appear! Is it really. I really thought I would not kill you?"

"of course not!"

The priest shook his head, and the smile still said: "How can you let me be a crime like the highest government for you who acted as the protector of the highest government? So, if there is no amulet, how can I appear? How dare you appear?"

"Amulet? Are you referring to the two glory guys behind you, or the ‘martyrs’ who are ambushing around?”

Deides stepped forward, and the footsteps fell on the ground with a bang, as if the prehistoric predator opened his own **** mouth, except that the priest could smile. The two red archbishops behind him and those ‘victims’ immediately fell to the ground, especially those who were under the care of the ‘victims’. Even more pale, vomiting blood.

"Of course not them!"

Ignoring the horrors of the surrounding, the priest faced the Tao Tao in front of him, making him feel suffocated; however, the smile on his face was not lacking at all, but rather richer and brighter.

"Who is the protection of our Speaker, who is there? And what about those Members?"

The priest asked, and then, a smile on his face suddenly appeared a trace of disdain. He looked at Dides in front of him and said coldly: "You don't really think that relying on a few Secret Service team members. Can some of the bodyguards be safe and sound? Or is that stray chicken? Or the big cat with no teeth?"

I forgot what it was. The priest patted his forehead and said with a trace of sorrow: "Oh, I forgot, the big cat is not in Dude, it’s a pity! If the big cat is also, the mud is also If you are, you can be dumped by me!"

"A pot is falling? You have a big appetite!"

The fist came out with the words. This time, the priest Bosa was even worse. The whole person was completely beaten up, and several street lights were broken and the fountain was smashed. This stopped. The mouth also vomited blood; however, the priest did not care at all, he was buried in the wreckage of the fountain like this, and said from his own self: "Since you are out, Tranco should have succeeded." Let's go!"

"What, Tranco?!"

After Deeds heard the name, he couldn’t help it. Then, under the cover of the sunglasses, it was difficult to conceal his gaze. He felt this kind of gaze, and the priest half buried in the fountain wreck, chuckled. Up, laughter with a hint of triumph: "Yes, Tranco is my person; I spent twenty years before I inserted a piece between you; I used to be in front of you." What kind of expression would you say when you say this message?"

"No regrets, this expression is really worth my aftertaste! Hahaha..."

Bossa's chuckle turned into a big laugh, and the body buried in the wreckage of the fountain became a virtual shadow, and eventually disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already vomiting blood, and the unspeakable Bossa was like A new station stood in front of Deides, the white linen robes, without a trace of smudges, shining in the white light.

"Do you think that only your strength will improve? I will not stand still, and my brain is obviously better than you!"

Bossa’s words have confidence and pride in his own strength; only the voice has just fallen, and there is a fist in front of him, which is faster and more powerful than the previous two punches. So that the words of Bosa had just been finished, and even if there was no room for dodge, they were hit.


With the entire head, Bossa was completely blown up by this punch. It was like throwing a habit from the second floor and being run over by a truck. The blood was foggy and the body of Bosa. Falling to the ground, still twitching incessantly, and then, as in the wreckage of the fountain before, once again turned into a virtual shadow.

then. Once again, a brand new priest Bosa appeared on the other side of Deides. He looked at Diddes, who had blood on his fist. The smirk is still: "My ability, if applied well, is not dead! Especially after entering the sun, this ability, compared to you may not be strong enough to attack the top, but But it is very consistent with my way of fighting!"

"The way to fight is the strongest! Who said this sentence? Oh, yes. It is the Juggernaut; although I hate him, I admit that every sentence he said has The truth says!" The priest looked at Deides and smiled again: "After all, he is in my mind, but I don't know how many times better than you!"

Such discourses are obviously accompanied by provocative elements, but in some respects, they are also facts; in the face of such facts, Deides is angry first and then quickly calms down. He stared at Bossa in front of him, secretly estimating the situation at the moment.

"Don't think about leaving. I am here to entangle you! Right, forget to tell you a message..." The unscrupulous smile appeared on the priest's face, but it was unusually appropriate. Do not doubt, this is the other person's original face: "The big cat was played by me on the applause, and the people he pursued will soon come to Dude to vent their anger; and for them to be thorough Venting, I gave them 'some pharmacy!'

"Of course, I am not good at this aspect of pharmacy. Therefore, I will borrow a little from our wardens early; I have to say that our wardens are always like this when facing some things. Generous! And..."


Bossa was once again blown up, and after this explosion of Bossa, Diddes did not stop, he jumped straight and rushed to the top of the capital building behind him, his one The friend's speaker and some members are paying attention to the final movement of the dark mercenaries' gatherings, and there is the traitorous Trangko that the other person's annoying Bossa said.

Of course, these are all unimportant now. All this is just a blind eye made by the annoying guy. What he wants is a complete massacre. You have to find the location of the threshold of God. Then, stop this. Everything is the thought that Deides thinks and is his truest idea.

"You finally left the earth! I have waited for this moment for a long time!"

The priest's voice and shadow followed the body of Deides. At this moment, the priest's eyes shone with light, and he saw victory.


In midair, Deides is another punch against Bosa. However, compared with before, the power of this punch is obviously weaker. Although Bosa was shot, it was not as explosive as before. And this result naturally makes the priest happy, his predictions are correct, as long as he goes on, he can get the victory he deserves.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions suddenly appeared, interrupting the two sides’ fights again. At the height of the two, there was a series of explosions not far from the line of sight. The explosion with the Holy Light was really familiar to the two. The ultimate attack means of the 'martyrs'.

The other party's breath, they are no stranger to contain the pressure, so that the momentum of all things surrender, except [Long Wei], there is no other possibility!

How is he going to appear there?

Also, the threshold of God!

Bossa looked at the explosion there and immediately plunged back. He turned his head and looked at Deides: "The guy who is lucky, it seems that you have a good helper! However, he only delayed this victory at most. The time is up, the end result will not change!"

"Right, you want to go see the helper with me, or, take care of your old friend?"

With such words, the whole person of Bossa turned into a virtual shadow disappeared into the air, and together with the disappearance of the two red archbishops and numerous 'martyrs'; and Deides looked at the disappearance of the other The figure, immediately rushed to the top floor and then rescued his good friend, he will naturally appear there; and this process, Deides confidence will not exceed a minute.

However, when he came to the top floor, there was only an empty conference room, and a large magical array full of the entire floor and ceiling mimicked that the breath was radiated from this magical array, and in the magic In the center of the array, there is a sound crystal, which is obviously reserved for him.


Picking up the sound crystal, Diddes didn't want to crush it; and just as he crushed, the magical array on the ground and ceiling lit up at the same time, revealing the true appearance of being covered.

Is this the threshold of God?

The thoughts of Deides have just risen, and in a flash of light, they disappeared.

And in the distance Bosa, who feels its special arrangement of 'traps', is full of disdainful smiles. Do you think that the imitation of the breath is such a large magical array? What really hides is the threshold of God and its key!

Feel the taste of ice and snow in the mountains of the winter forest area!

Such disdain flashed from the bottom of Bossa's heart. He looked at the figure in front of him with a dignified look. He belonged to the windbreaker of the Sun Yat-class apostle. He did not suffer any damage in the previous explosion, and the young face , then twisted over at the moment he appeared

"The Shack's Dragon? It's a rare meeting!" The priest smiled and said: "I thought that our meeting would be more formal!"

Ps second more ~~~

Desire to recommend a friend's book "Kung Fu Emperor" ~~~

Thanks for the reward of the starting point of the fast wind 300, the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, the reward of the starting point of the x100, the reward of the starting point of the big alcohol 100, the starting point of the coin~~~鞠躬Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~To be continued...

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