Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 137: immortal?



After a crisp sound of gold and iron, it is a series of soothing stalemate. The fine sword and the knives wrapped in the white flame are like the two irons sucked by the magnetic pole. 'Glue' together, the place where the blade meets, a series of Mars burst out, even the white flame can not block the brightly colored Mars.


Under the collision of the forces of both sides, Ye Qi and Bossa have stepped back. When they stand again, Ye Qi has a corresponding understanding of the other party's strength.

The power is quite!

Basically, it is not much different from his [power] of 26, although it is slightly stronger, but it definitely does not reach the level of 27; while the speed of the other side's attack before it is more than the blessing [corrosion] After that, I got +8 temporary agility, and reached 30 [agile] weak one line. When the hidden volatility appeared in [blind bucket perception], Ye Qi had already blessed [Bear Toughness] and [Corrosion] When he was fighting against the prison governor, he was deeply aware of the chapter on the importance of perception.

Although the 'subversive' in front of him is unlikely to have the ability to be like the prisoner of the sacred prison, but cautious and careful, but Ye Qi must abide by, and he can safely live to one of the current capital, while facing For such capital, Ye Qi will not give up as long as it is not fainting.

The strength is slightly higher than 26 but less than 27.

Agile should be higher than 29, but less than 30.

As for the constitution?

After glanced at the [Bear Toughness] and obtained a temporary +4 physique blessing, it has reached 37 [physique]. Ye Qi is naturally confident; because. This level of [physique] has given him an unusual feeling. It seems to have surpassed the current embarrassment and reached another level of feeling; however, this feeling is very vague and not clear.

Should it be because of blessing, not because of what it really is?

With such speculation, Ye Qi relied on the advantage of speed to raid to the left side of the 'subversive' Bossa, and the sorcerer spurred out the 'subversive' Bossa is also the existence of a right-handed weapon. . Therefore, the left side naturally becomes the best place for Ye Qi to start, especially when the speed is slightly higher than the other side.

In fact, this is also the case. In the raid of Ye Qi's blade, the 'subversive' Bossa's left leopard splashed, and even the extent of its injury exceeded the original blade of Ye Qi's expected knives. When the opponent's left arm, Ye Qi can clearly feel that the other party did not mean to dodge, that is, so straight forward to send his left arm to his blade.

In order to achieve the existence of the legendary environment. This kind of practice is obviously incredible, even if an ordinary person knows to dodge in the face of such an attack; because. This is the instinct of people in the face of injury, this can not be changed and once such a move is made, then there is only one possibility: the trap!

Therefore, the subconscious Ye Qi retreats; however, beyond his expectation, the 'subversive' Bossa did not catch up; the priest just looked down at the left arm and immediately lifted it indifferently. Head, looking at Ye Qi in a bird's-eye view, said: "Yes, it is really a legendary situation!"

"Do you know that when I heard from the director of Yeta, I still didn't believe it; after all, this realm is not a daily glory, there are shortcuts to look for, it is a need for a person's accumulation and After practicing, and then transforming into the experience you deserve, you can 'go' out of the road!"

"It’s obviously impossible to have such experience at your age!"

With a slight sigh, the 'Father' reveals a look that can be called envy, but then becomes disgusted: "Sure enough, with his blood, can you have such an achievement today?" That guy, it’s really a lot of things! The last time he broke my plan, and this time it was his disciple to destroy my plan!"

"This kind of blood, really should not exist above Lorante! This is completely an insult to the ‘God!’


In the discourse, the priest stabbed a sudden sword, with a subtle sound of emptying, the sword at the end of the sword, swinging up and down, left and right, completely enveloping Ye Qi’s itself, as if A few snakes slammed out of the bushes, and the subtle sound of the air was simply the sound of death.

叮, 叮, 叮...

The blade of the knives and the swords of the slashes hit each other and touch each other. There is no retreat between them. Only constant attack, defense, and attack. Although the sword has a parcel of the sacred fire, it can The confrontation on the front of the knife was not broken or broken. Obviously this is also a sacristy.

However, compared to this excellent sacristy, the holder of this sacristy is somewhat disappointing; of course, not the previous remarks, the kind of swaying words are only the positions and temptations of both sides. Whether it is failure or not, it is not worth disappointing; after all, people who stand in their own position believe that they are the only ones who are right.

When Ye Qi was disappointed, the other party used the level of this fine sword.

At most it is only expert level!

No, it should just be proficient in level!

After the knives once again broke through the defense of the other side, and after a blood mark on the other side of the chest, Ye Qi immediately corrected his point of view, giving a more precise definition; and 'subversive' Bo Sa, who has been facing the world by the priest of the Holy See, after hardening the knife, as if he had made any decision, he completely gave up the original defense, leaving only the offense.

One and Ye Qi did not hesitate to change their injuries and change their lives.

Such a state appears on an endless enemies and does not make Ye Qi feel strange; but when he appears in front of the 'subversive' Bossa, it is enough to make him feel confused and wary not to mention both sides. The battle has just begun, in view of the level of weapon use shown by the other side. The other party’s obvious choice is the strongman of the legendary world of the “Witches’ Way”; a legendary actor who has not demonstrated his own abilities. How could it be a state of a dead end?

If it does. This is almost like a joke!


Avoiding the other's sword aiming at the throat, Ye Qi returned a knife, 'Subversive' Bossa has already bruised left arm, completely separated from the other's body; and grabbed the other side because of the loss of the left arm, the body's One cockroach, Ye Qi's wrist flipped, and the knives passed over the other's neck.

With a puff of blood, the other's head flew like this; however. Ye Qi [blind bucket perception] the fluctuations in the flash, but he immediately pulled back.


The sword was nailed to the ground where Ye Qi originally stood, and the other person who had just been beheaded by him was now smashing his own sword, and even the white linen robes became clean. New! Re-armed the stiletto in the hand, 'Subversive' Bosa wrist shaking, pulled out a sword flower, his face emerged as the smile of the past.

"Hidden really fast, I thought you would suffer at least a little injury!"

Very easy words. From the mouth of the ‘subversive’ Bossa, he is holding a big picture. Victory in the tone of hope, announced everything: "However, what is this? After all, the final victory will still be mine! I know, I am not dead!"

As if to prove that he was guilty, the priest once again rushed toward Ye Qi, but this time the other party is still not hiding, and in this case, the priest starts from the waist, It was divided into two by Ye Qi. Although the other party showed a similar character to the undead body, if it was only such a characteristic that Ye Qi avoided it, it was obviously impossible.

The other's body fell to the ground, and then turned into a phantom, and then the intact deal came out from the distance. 'Subversives' Bossa looked at the opposite Ye Qi, he clearly saw the opposite young man His enemies' disciples frowned. For this, his heart was full of pleasure; and he didn't mind, let this kind of pleasure be strong.

"The threshold of God is actually far less complicated than you think. As long as you find the flaws and the corresponding materials, its arrangement is always so simple; for example, now..." said, 'Subversive' In order to make his opponent's opponents more clear, he turned to the side and showed his side not far behind.

The two red archbishops who followed the 'subversive' Bossa are now on the ground, placing high-standard magic crystals on a ground full of magical arrays, and all the high-standard magic crystals are neatly placed. At that time, immediately a wave of volatility was released, and there was no difference between the thresholds of the gods that were destroyed by Ye Ran and Ye Qi.

Undoubtedly, the threshold of a **** is completed like this.

Immediately, Ye Qi’s face is a change. The gate of God is an extremely strict 'strategic weapon' protected by the Holy See. He doesn’t know much. He only knows the purpose of the threshold of God, but the threshold of God. Manufacturing, and so on, that is not known at all; for the secret of the Holy See, the Holy See has always been very well protected. Otherwise, the last time in the suburb of Shak, after the capture of a threshold of God that violates the damage, the Hunter’s Headquarters will be like that. The importance of it.

Therefore, Ye Qi only looks at the threshold of God according to the description of the people. Therefore, Ye Qi has drawn a ‘required precious material and complicated arrangement for the threshold of God! The general impression of ‘; however, from now on, it does not seem to be the case.

“Yes, the arrangement of the threshold of God is so simple!”

The 'subversive' Bossa's laughter has an unspeakable smug. After all, all this is his arrangement. After seeing the value of the threshold of God, the 'subversive' is all about the outside world. Constantly instilling the difficulty of the arrangement of the threshold of God; although in a sense, this is the case, but that is only the material, if it is only a technical class, it is not difficult to follow the cat-like painting.

Of course, if the research is raised to the point of academics, then the difficulties are naturally self-evident; after all, the study of the Holy See’s principle of the threshold of God is only a touch of a prototype; however, this Does not affect, 'subversives' misleading to the outside world.

Except, it can improve the safety of the threshold of God, and more is that he wants to see those who are scrubbed by him know the expression after all this; just like the ugly look of Ye Qi at the moment.

"So, everything you have done before is useless!" In order to fight Ye Qi in front of him, the 'subversive' does not mind revealing a secret that belongs to the threshold of God: "Useless work, understand? Those around The Diocese and the threshold of the gods here, as long as there is another existence, it is a failure for you!"

"We can re-arrange and restore everything as long as we spend a short time!"

Suddenly, the 'subversive' intentionally slowed down the tone. He said: "Although you have delayed the opening of the threshold of God, how much time is this delay? Ten minutes? Or twenty minutes? Don't care, Those sinners who are destined to die tonight will not be grateful to you. They will only resent that you have not completely prevented such a tragedy from happening, and they have lost their lives in vain!"

"People are selfish, this is the original sin they brought from their lifetime; and only ‘God’ is willing to bear such original sin for them!”

After a paragraph of the most classic statement in "God said", the 'subversive' Bossa's gaze once again looked at Ye Qi, his face of drama: "How? What is the famous Shak Dragon? What are you going to do? You know that your time is not much. If you don't ruin all the gates of God here within ten or twenty minutes, then the disaster will be inevitable!"

"Of course I have such an undead person standing here, as your opponent, how can you stop the disaster?"

Laughter, with such self-examination and self-examination, shows the good mood of the ‘subversive’.

“How can there be absolute existence at any time and anywhere?”

After getting rid of the beginning because of the surprise of the threshold of God, I immediately recovered the calm Ye Qi in the laughter of the other party, and said in a loud voice: "Even if it is God, it will not have an undead body! What's more..."

Ye Qi’s voice is involuntarily high.

"If you do such a massacre; God, I will kill you!"

PS second more~

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting price of the June Snow IV200, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, and the reward of the starting currency of the x100~~~ I am sorry to thank all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~ ~~(To be continued...)

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