Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 139: Coping

"I choose to kill you first, then destroy the threshold of God!"

Ye Qi’s answer is very natural, just like the long knife he has thrown, always sharp.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

"There is no unexpected answer, but unfortunately, can you do it?"

She held the knives of the cross-cutting knives, and the ‘subversive’ looked at Ye Qi with a smile.

"You say it!"

Said, Ye Qi quickly knife, once again cross-cut; and in the face of such an attack, the 'subversive' is unhurriedly using a fine sword to stab Ye Qi's chest; according to the 'subversive''s expectation, leaves Odd should return to defense, and then start attacking again; just like before.

However, when the 'subversives' expected, Ye Qi did not need to flash, but it was still a cross-cutting knife; after a brief surprise, the 'subversive' immediately ecstasy for him, the least photographed for him. It is 'injury with injury'; if he can, he can't wait for every opponent to hurt him like this; after all, his ability, to a certain extent, is completely achievable, ignoring the point of injury.


The sound of fluttering through the flesh and blood, although there is no beautiful and attractive soul like music, but this strange sound is enough to make people feel different and thrilling.

Taking the shoulder as the starting point, the smooth crosscut divides the 'subversive' into two. If you are cut, the 'subversive' will not be unexpected; but at this moment, he looks at his sword sharply. The place, a layer of gray sè is like the presence of rock, blocking it, and under this layer of rock is completely flexible to the muscles. But quickly absorbed the power of his sword. So that there is still a fine sword. But it can't go any further.

Although the 'subversive' wants to increase the strength and wear this layer of rock-like skin, he knows better that if he does not want to really die, then he has to hurry to 'leave'; with great regret The 'subversive' launched his own abilities, and when he appeared again, Ye Qi, who had long waited for a long time, slashed again.

this moment. It’s just like the previous piracy; however, the difference is that the last time the 'subversive' took the initiative to prove his undead body to Ye Qi, but this time it was under Ye Qi’s blade, passively playing 'undead The role of the body's close combat, in the gap between the two sides of the skill, if there is not the so-called 'immortal body', 'subversives' have long known how many times have died.

However, even if this is the case, the ‘subversive’ at the moment has absolutely no good mood in the offense that the other party does not care about. He once again fell into the situation of rapid physical loss; he tried very hard to change this situation, but only. The result is very limited.

Not only because the opponent is far superior to his combat skills, but also the defense performance of the other side is far beyond his expectation that the layer of rock-like skin is enough to make his fine-edged sword's sharpest tip become dull. Light, and then obviously the defense of the magical equipment, once again blocked his offense, and then the suction from the other body's body, his attack completely failed.

The rock skin in front and the magic equipment behind it are naturally not very curious for the 'subversives', but the way to absorb the other side's strength by the body makes him very surprised, especially when he discovers After Ye Qi’s entire body seems to have such an ability, the buff of the 'subversive' wrinkled for the first time because he is very qīhu, which means that even if he actually attacks the Ye Qi with a fine sword, it will not Received the original intended effect.

‘Injury with injuries’, this practice has been basically blocked!

Moreover, more than that, if you continue this way, his physical strength will enter a rather wēé point in such a concern, when another 'death and resurrection', the 'subversive' once again opened a comparison Far distance; he knows that Ye Qi wants to let him do this, although he does not want to, but has to do so.

At the moment when he has been entangled in his own 'subversives', Ye Qi rushed to the already clearer threshold of God; and in front of him, there was only one red archbishop, but obviously, this The Archbishop of Red did not witness the death of his peers; in the face of the rushing Ye Qi did not need to flash, summoned the shelter to cover the door of God and behind him.

The strength of the archbishop of Red is comparable to that of the archbishop of Red, who stayed behind. It is undoubtedly inferior. The size and authenticity of the shelter is not as good as that of the archbishop who stayed behind. Obviously, for the personnel. Arrangements, 'subversives' have also thought about it; the archbishop of Red is not required to have much combat power, but must have sufficient defense.

However, it is a pity that such a defensive power is enough for the average person. For Ye Qi, it is a lot different; not to mention the one in front of you, it is still a knife after the shelter, the blade is on the same The knife wind is fleeting; after once dealing with the jīngyàn of the shelter, Ye Qi will naturally not stupidly rely on the hard way to destroy the defense of the shelter.

Although the defense of the shelter is very difficult, it is only for the outside, for the existence of it, it is difficult or impossible to achieve the same degree, and the guess of Ye Qi is confirmed in the next moment; The knife wind not only cuts off the archbishop of Red, who is unprepared in front of him, but also cuts the door of a **** on the edge of wèizhì.

boom! boom! boom!

The retirement of a threshold of God made Ye Qi swing the knives more quickly, cutting the defense of the shelters with three knives, and the knives flying on the blades cut the threshold of the gods on the ground; The one that left the gate of God again, and the regret of Ye Qi, is that the threshold of the **** that has been opened has obviously changed, and it has not produced a powerful self-explosion again. Otherwise, it is close to The five gates of God together, as long as there is an explosion, then the remaining four are all finished.

And, not only that. At the moment, the threshold of the gods has considerable defensive power. The door of the five gods is placed for the sake of wèizhì. The angle of the first knife of Ye Qi is calculated by the heart of the jīng. According to Ye Qi’s thought, a knife wind has passed, and the threshold of the three gods should be completely scrapped; but the knife wind is cutting the first god. After the threshold, it is obviously not enough, and it is broken.

"It’s a loss!"

When he perceives that the "subversive" is approaching again, Ye Qi has again slashed the knife at the fastest speed, but the knife has been blocked by a scroll thrown out of thin air. It is also a sanctuary; however, compared to two artificial exhibitions, the shelters cast by the scrolls are much stronger; not only the scope, but the image of the palace is lifelike.

Of course, the most intuitive thing is that before the Ye Qiwei magic knife is like tofu, except for the hardship, there is no shelter for any effect. In this time, it directly blocks the attack of Ye Qi and the subsequent knife. The wind is shaking throughout the palace. But such a defense is enough to block Ye Qi's first attack; although in the next attack of Ye Qi, it is still unable to escape the end. But the ‘subversive’ will not let Yake attack, but be indifferent.

With a sigh, the 'subversive' blocked in front of Ye Qi, he said: "Your previous attack really scared me! Unfortunately, it still has no effect... Hey, say this Something is too much. After all, the transmission of the threshold of God has shrunk in the same time!"

After Ye Qi destroyed four of the five sacred gates, the original 30-foot-tall, twenty-five-foot-wide phantom, has become a height of ten feet and a width of only five feet; The entire door has a gradual appearance of texture, that is to say, the virtual shadow of the door is solid.

And after the opening of the gate, countless figures have appeared, and are approaching.

"But the final result will not change; as I said, ten or twenty minutes of death at night does not allow these people to be grateful to you. They will only complain that you have not completely rescued them. "The Subversive" once again sneered at Ye Qizhen, and at the same time, began to press hard: "Although your strategy of hurting and hurting is good, but it will not work in front of me... ”

"Because one can't handle you, then two?"

With the words of the 'subversive', a phantom appeared on him and quickly disengaged. When this phantom stood, another 'subversive' appeared; two 'subversives' watched at the same time Ye Qi, at the same time said: "Your knife is outstanding, and I have the advantage of the number!"

During the speech, the two 'subversives' sandwiched Ye Qi in the middle and left, and began to wave the fine sword in their hands. They spurred the head and the lower abdomen of Ye Qi one by one; they turned back and let it pass. Aligning the fine sword on his head, and holding the sword that stabbed the lower abdomen with a knives, Ye Qi felt the wind that the sword had brought from the front, and another smashed sword After the power came, Ye Qi couldn’t help but look at her eyes.

The same speed, the same power...

There is no gap!

For Ye Qi who owns, avatar is not a rare thing, but being able to have the same ability as the local and 100% of the avatar is enough to know that he can inherit his own ability. And with invisible qualities, you can also find out within 30 feet, but the ultimate damage of this avatar is only 20% of his body.

In other words, inheriting the ability of the avatar, can play the same level of ability, but after cutting the other side, the damage caused, but only 20% of the body; and such a reduction will undoubtedly make the casual knives Ye Qi, It became the degree to use the full force to cut the same size of wood.

If you follow the language of the system, the other party's legendary option should be the ability to choose this?

With a very positive guess, Ye Qiyi looked at the other side and said, "Is this the secret of your so-called "undead body"?"

"Yes, this is the secret of my ‘undead body’! Replace the body battle with the avatar instead of the body injury and death!”

The ‘subversive’ is very generous in admitting that when ‘exposure’ uses his abilities, he will not be able to hide it.

Of course, this kind of recognition does not make the fine sword in the hands of the 'subversives' have any slack. Every attack is all done. Although there is no corresponding skill, the 'subversive' is a legend. The existence of the environment, this is undoubted, therefore, under the support of the physical strength of the legendary strong, such attacks are extremely sharp, especially when this sharp attack is sent by two people at the same time, even if Ye Qi, who owns it, has also been suppressed.

In the dark world, 1+1 is always greater than 2. This is the simplest and most intuitive description of teamwork in the dark world; after all, the complementarity and cooperation of abilities will always make some existence weak and strong; This takes a long time to build trust and tacit understanding; for people in the dark world, trust is not so simple to build.

However, when the composition of this team is entirely composed of ‘self,’ the kind of trust that does not need to be established, and the mutual trust that is far beyond tacit understanding, its power can naturally reach its limits.

It is like this moment, under the suppression of the two 'subversives', Ye Qilian can't do it with injuries.

Whenever he is ready to kill one of them, another one will attack his must-have; for example: eyes; although greatly increasing the defense and endurance of Ye Qi, but Ye Qike Eyes that are not arrogant to think that they have no protection have similar abilities.

"The dragon of Shaker, you are really disappointing!"

The feeling of retreating Ye Qi repeatedly made the 'subversive' feel great. The body and the face of the body all had a smile of their own content, and the voice came out again: "I thought you could Stronger! Hey, let's see, the people we have been waiting for for a long time are already on the scene!"

Under the protection of the sanctuary, the figures in the gates of God are getting closer and closer, and even their faces are gradually getting rid of yīn shadows and becoming clear.

PS second more~

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the x100 starting currency, and the reward of the 100 people from the starting point of the passerby~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~ ~ The fastest reading novel master, all reading books, welcome to visit. to read the full text!

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