Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 142: The crown of the wizard

The cone of dragons solidifies everything that can be reached.

At this time, Ye Qi went straight to the 'subversive' dragon who wanted to blew himself. Time exile, but only put the self-destructing 'subversives' for a short time, if left unchecked, then After that time, the explosion will still happen.

Of course, Ye Qi's feet stepped on the range of the cone-shaped dragon's feet, and everything that solidified around it was like the ripples of the lake. It circled and spread toward the surrounding, and then on the edge of the cone. Then go back to the final diffusion point: Ye Qi's body.

Although it was not suitable in the case that the battle was not completed, Ye Qi still couldn't help but sighed softly and warmed up from the heart, all over his body, skin, muscles, blood vessels, bone marrow. Everything that belongs to him all over the body makes a happy trembling.

Family? !

This feeling made Ye Qi involuntarily think of the term, the warmth is enough to make him addicted, let him sleep freely, and he is exactly the same, Ye Qi floats in the air, curls up the body, micro Close your eyes...

Asshole, wake up!

Wake up, you are a jerk!

More irritating sounds than noisy sounds from the bottom of my heart, and then, the endless stream rushed into Ye Qi’s mind like a river, so that Ye Qi, who had just fallen asleep, woke up and opened his eyes, Ye Qi After discovering that he was in the air, after a sharp turn, Ye Qi’s feet stood firmly on the ground; the ripples like the ripples appeared again, and when they came back, the warmth once again hit Ye Qi’s body and mind.

only. This time, Ye Qi, who was psychologically prepared, had a certain immunity. He is immersed in such warmth and comfort. He tried to keep his own lucidity, but he was very qīhu remembering that he had not finished a jump and came to the front of the body's inflated 'subversive'. Ye Qi raised his palm, just like passing through Like a water curtain, he 'grabbed' what he wanted.

In fact, this time is easier than ever before. Everything is innate. There is no reason, but he knows that what he is doing in this time is the most correct. . It seems that in your own 'home', anything is your own.

This feeling made Ye Qi have a bit of doubt at the same time as he was surprised because, according to his estimation, he could not reach such a level; even when he used the dragon's interest, he already had exhaustion. Ready; after all, it is different from the 'bad thought' that has the blood of purgatory. The ‘subversive’ in front of him is the real legendary powerhouse, and belongs to a level of existence.

In the past jīngyàn. The same level of existence is quite resistant to his dragon's breath, and he wants to let the dragon's interest take effect, and achieve the effect he wants, then the physical strength is absolutely ten percent; not like the moment Although it is worn out, it is acceptable and affordable.

Of course, even more puzzled by Ye Qi is that within the scope of physical strength and acceptance, the power of his dragon's breath has far exceeded his expectations; and the former one made him feel back to home. 'The feeling of wanting to fall asleep; for a moment, the doubts from the bottom of my heart made Ye Qi subconsciously raise a brow.

However, such doubts did not slow down the movements of Ye Qi. Ye Qi extended his right hand and suddenly mobilized his ability in the moment of 'catch'.

Touch of the ice!

Kara, Kara...

With Ye Qi right as the center, with the cold to the cold frost began to spread to the body of the 'subversive', after a moment, the ice crystals after five inches will wrap the 'subversive', revealing only one The head; at this time, the cone-shaped area formed by the dragon's interest disappeared.

"You, you, how could you..."

The ‘subversive’ saw his own situation. He ignored the ice crystals on his body, but he stared at Ye Qi. His eyes were not only unbelievable, but also horrified: “Time, time...”

Without waiting for the words of the 'subversive', Ye Qi’s knives cut his head down. The self-destruction of the martyrdom is closely related to his own brain. If you want to stop it, at the same time as the other party blew himself. Cutting off each other's head is the safest time. You can't be late or not, or you will be baptized by flesh and blood.

This is the description of the martyr's tower tower to the 'martyr', and Ye Qi clearly remembers that this old-fashioned tower master and this weakness of the 'victims' face, since the sacred age The 'martyr' is the emergence of hordes, it is impossible to give such an opportunity, basically as long as a self-destructive success, then a series of reactions; want to stop one, ten is not difficult, but the number of blocked Has it reached a hundred? Thousands?

Even the legendary world of the sacred tower tower is also shaking his head and smiling. Helplessly choosing to avoid is not incompetent, but inappropriate; in the words of a businessman, it is not worthwhile, it is a loss-making business; and this is also sacred. After the age, most people in the dark world have views and opinions on the 'martyr'

Ye Qi is very fortunate that he has not been influenced by most people's views and opinions on the 'martyr', so he did not listen to his weaknesses in detail; if that is the case, then he will face it once. It made him feel regretful.

Once the 'subversives' blew themselves, then the virtues will inevitably be a big chaos, a bad one, and even the whole capital will be wiped from the map of Lorante, and the director of the Inquisition, and the forces that belong to it. It is inevitable that it will be celebrated; because their initial and final goals will be achieved smoothly.

When Ye Qi slashed and the head of the ‘Subversive’ rolled off, the system’s prompt sounded as soon as possible.

Ye Qi looked at the two completed tasks. Then I glanced at the character jīngyàn that once again moved forward by a third. I couldn't help but sigh. In the face of a complete level, I need six million jīngyàn. Even if there is a jīngyàn remaining, I have completed a series of tasks at the moment. There are also three tasks, one more. Achieved, but in the face of the huge need, still only promote the advancement of jīngyàn. Instead of going to the next level.

and many more!

Just as Ye Qi wanted to harvest the look of the system's pale blue screen, his gaze noticed in the taskbar, there are still unfinished tasks from the beginning to the beginning; and the sum is still unfinished.

Of course, for the latter two tasks, Ye Qi is naturally aware of the number; however, the task of containing the word "injury" that may have a massacre should be completed, is it right? ?

The subconscious Ye Qi bowed his head and looked at the ‘subversive’ who had already been beheaded by him, and it was at this moment. The frozen body of the other party has changed again, 咔, 咔, 咔, on the ice crystals up to five inches u. Cracks began to appear, then cracked at the next moment, and the ice **** splashed around; almost the gasping time, the ice crystals on the 'subversive' corpse were completely shattered, and then a beam of light from the 'subversive' chest The front shè, followed by a huge foot that is 100 feet high and 70 feet wide, appears in the light beam and appears in front of Ye Qi.

This is the so-called card?

Ye Qi looked at the unprecedented front, the huge threshold of the gods, and the body of the beam from the 'subversive' chest: a magical crystal with two standard sizes, especially looking at the latter, this one When the magic crystal, Ye Qi could not help but raise his eyes to the opponent's card, Ye Qi naturally will not forget, he was originally prepared to disappear, then find out from the other's body, to see what it is. .

However, it seems that it is unnecessary now.

What is this? !

Ye Qi stared at the crystal in front of him, and the threshold of the **** that was derived from this crystal. He rushed to the thought without thinking, but in the next moment, he just got close to the crystal, and there was still About ten yards away, it was 'squeezed out' as if it was used by a crowd of people on the opposite side, rushing to you, they would not wave or kick to attack you, that is, walking like that, leaning against the body Let you keep going back.

A few times, Ye Qi, who was rushing forward, was "squeezed out" like this; especially in the last two times, Ye Qi was completely motivated, but still only insisted for a moment, he was ' Squeeze out.

The continuous failure made Ye Qi wisely stop. He looked at the crystal and asked involuntarily in his heart.

"A thing that surprised me, I didn't expect them to actually create such a thing!"

As the strange wolf of the inquired person, Shi Shiran replied, even though its tone was a little surprised, but the voice was still lazy; however, it may have once again destroyed the old plans for those running dogs. Indirectly weakened the strength of the old pair. The blame wolf did not have too many deceitful words. In this way, he replied: "This thing, you can't break it now, or you can take two steps back, wait for it to complete the task yourself. Save your energy, and there is a big battle waiting for you!"

"What is it?"

Ye Qi asked curiously.

"In the early days when the wizards were rampant, there were quite a few sensible lunatics who paranoidly thought that they should sit in the clouds and look down on the people; become the common existence with us; therefore, they created the wizarding tower and the floating city; As they thought, they stood on top of the clouds. Looking down on the beings!"

"However, when they found that the years left an indelible mark on their bodies. They were scared again, they couldn't wait to keep the temper of the years, and it was raised under such circumstances. But until the end of the age of the wizard, that thing is not present, even if it consumes countless resources, manpower. It even became the root of the end of the entire wizard era!"

In the face of Ye Qi’s question, the wolf answered in great detail.

"When I was sealed, this thing should still be the existence of the design, but now I have seen this existence with my own eyes; oh, it really makes me feel that the years have passed! And, such an important thing appears in My old-fashioned body, it seems that in the era when it was completely ruled, it really got a lot of good things!"

"When the door of God is completely opened, the surrounding force field will disappear; don't hesitate to grab it. Then, smear your blood!"

When the wolf is saying this, Ye Qi can obviously feel an envy.

"Is it worth it?"

Ye Qi frowned and asked for Ye Qilai, the coveted companion of the wolf is often not reliable, but more often, the other's profound knowledge, and the height he once stood, is to admire him. Ye Qi feels a little unbelievable in such a place that he deserves to be able to envy a thing, especially a thing that is made by man.

Although it used to have similar emotions in the past, its goal at the time was to have a level of existence.

"Oh, of course it's worth it! If it's really done according to the original design, then it's worth it!"

After the strange wolf thought about it, he answered this.

"Maybe, it is not!"

Ye Qi shook his head and expressed his point of view.

"Even if not, then you are lucky; if it has half the ability to design at the beginning! Then, kid..." The strange wolf to this paused, feeling the appetite of his contractor. Continued: "We can see the holy forest area!"

"Your teacher does it. Of course, you have to be a student! Only your teacher is on your knees; but what you have to do is to be with you, looking down at the guy's running dog!"

When he heard this, Ye Qi’s brow could not help but wrinkle.

"Hey, this hasn't crossed your bottom line? Those guys are enemies, enemies in the battle of life and death!"

Although the wolf is in the heart of Ye Qi, it is absolutely sensitive to the emotions of his contractor. Just like this moment, it can clearly feel the disdain of his own contractor in his heart.

"For the enemy, of course I will not be merciful; just optimistic and skeptical about you!"

Ye Qi raised his finger at the body of the ‘subversive’. Then he shrugged and said: “If this thing is really so powerful, then it’s absolutely right for me to lie there!”

"So, that thing is absolutely not as strong as it was at the beginning of design, and half of it is not; at most, one tenth...hey, one-twentieth or a little bit is the best estimate!"

Ye Qi had a data he thought was appropriate.

"Even if this is the case, we have to get it, but it is the 'Witch of the Wizards'!"

Obviously, the wolf has also reacted; but in the face of his own contractor, it will not be so frank about his mistakes, but more emphasis.

"Okay, okay, no problem! But, you really have no way to break through this ‘force field enchantment’?”

Ye Qi nodded and nodded, and then he looked at what he was more concerned about at the moment.

"There are some, but for the present you are difficult, it is far from being safe to wait in the same place!" The embarrassing wolf of the route obviously does not want to stay on the issue that made it awkward; therefore After hearing Ye Qi’s question, he immediately got up: “Unless, you can really swim in the river of time, otherwise, it’s...”

"The river of time? Are you referring?"

The new noun attracted Ye Qi’s attention, he asked.

"It's the time break that you just made. If you can apply it completely, then you will be able to ignore everything in front of you at the moment! However, obviously, you can't do it; otherwise, I just woke you up. "The strange wolf is powerless to his contractor." Don't care. On the contrary, it highlights its own achievements; and some routines: "However, there is such a reaction, which proves that the blood of your time is far more pure than I thought! At the very least, it is infinitely close. Hamt that guy!"

"What happens if I am not woken up?"

Obviously, Ye Qi always pays attention to the dangers that he may encounter.

"Of course, I continue to sleep, until I get tired of sleeping and wake up again. When I start a trip, I will continue to sleep when I am tired; so repeatedly, isn't this the characteristic of your time dragon family!" The wolf is a kind of 'you don't Know, you are not worthy of the blood of the Time Dragon's tone to respond to your contractor.

"I still have human blood, and no matter where I look, my human lineage has a large proportion!"

In the face of such ridicule, Ye Qi answered very simply, and in this regard, the wolf is unpredictable and shakes his wolf head. Its voice is full of urging: "I hope that you can see such a **** guy who can give you such a bloody; though. I don't know if it is your grandparent, or grandparent, or the source of blood earlier; I think The scene must be extremely good!"

"To be honest, I can't wait!"

The strange wolf ended the conversation with such words. Ye Qi could perceive that his contractual companion returned to his seal, and within Ye Qi, a fluctuation of the genus appeared again.


The land of the seal.

The strange wolf has no image on the rocky ground, looking at the pillar of fire that represents the power of the seal and the starry sky that always produces some memories. In fact, in the years before being sealed, even if there is no peep of existence, The wolves are striving to maintain the majesty of their own "god", and they sit with a compelling atmosphere.

However, as time goes by, it finds that the current state makes it more comfortable, it is the heart of its own heart, not the one that is expected by people; plus the prying without any existence, After the self-analysis, the strange wolf naturally spends the time of his seal in the most comfortable way.

Even if there is a contractor again, there is still no change in the land of the seal; even in front of his current contractor, the original image is always maintained; not the one that should be Image

Why am I doing this?

In connection with the difference between the current contractor and several contractors, the wolf can easily think of the extraordinaryness of the other party when the contract was first signed; it is a kind of existence that makes it feel powerless in its innermost feelings. ', there is no words and deeds, no breath, but 'the other side' is such a 'existence', overlooking everything and dismissing everything.

Hey, it’s the style of the guys of Time Dragon!

When I think of facing such a situation when I am 'most powerless', the wolf can't help but squint at the eye-opening, just like the little punks in the bar.

Fortunately, I didn't really sign the slave contract, or I used the guys in the group...

When I think of the time dragons somewhere in the river of time, even the strange wolf can't help but twitch the mouth of a time dragon, not terrible, terrible is a group of time dragons; and with the time dragon's control over time, they It is almost immortal; therefore, even if it is difficult to continue the blood, but the number will increase with the accumulation.

I think about hundreds of time dragons who don’t know how many years have lived. At the same time, they are screaming at the spurt of their own, and the twitching of the wolf’s mouth is even more powerful. Even if it is completely restored, it will definitely be exiled. I don’t know where it is, I don’t know where it really is!

A cage of time segments?

Or is it simply a time corridor that corrodes everything?

Which one is possible!

And which one is what the wolf does not want to see or try, it prefers to continue to be sealed; after all, compared with those, the seal is a holiday.

Perhaps, should I let my old pair try this kind of taste?

The wolf couldn't help but think of his old pair again, and then he immediately laughed; but soon his laughter came to an abrupt end; because it found a key problem.

How can I let those guys know that they still have their descendants and blood in Lorante?

The wolf does not think that evaluating the current atmosphere of Ye Qi can attract the attention of those guys. At the very least, it is the standard that has just entered the threshold when it is upgraded to the next stage.

So first give this guy strength?

However, at the current stage, relying on external forces, it is difficult for me to help the guy who is holding his bottom line!

And once forced, that guy will definitely turn my face with me...

Hey, what should I do? What should I do?

I am... I will definitely think of a better way!

The wolf is pondering in the land of the seal; and in the material world of Ye Qizheng looks at the branch of the Xialing District Demon Hunter Branch who is slightly embarrassed in front of him.

"You and people, wrestling in the mud pit?"

Ye Qi glanced at Spedo, who was covered with yellow and brown mud, which could not help but associate with some excrement; and the branch of the Xia Lin District Hunter Club’s branch faced Ye Qi’s look. The eyes are not very angry: "Is this your attitude towards support?"


Ye Qi looked around and once again put his eyes on Spedo's body and asked: "On your own support?"

"Being able to come with me is already the greatest ability; other people can be mobilized, all of them are entangled, especially in the outer suburbs of Dude, which has long been a pot of porridge!" Spedo swayed With the mud on his body, he said: "And, I can top a hundred!"

PS first more ~ ​​timing ~

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