Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 146: reaction

More dark than the night.

Brighter than the stars.

In a piece of pure black, thousands of 'skull knives' shimmering in blue and purple hang in the air, and the swords are vertical and sharp, even if people who have already withdrawn two blocks away, they feel that the wipes belong completely. The coldness of the metal itself makes people subconsciously trembling.

"This, what is this?"

Compared with the ordinary people who can't move, the military police who belong to the highest government are obviously better. At the very least, they can stand there and tremble. Their eyes are full of doubts at the moment, but more are unbelievable. - Although the **** scenes before, they are already surprised, but as a trained military police, some **** scenes can still be accepted, but at this moment, this completely detached from the existence of common sense, Even strict training is not enough.

After all, this has subverted the common sense that they have built in the past, and such subversion will inevitably lead to infinite doubts. However, it is clear that none of the people present in this question can answer them, even in the Xilin area. The devil's club president does not work either. Although this is a demon hunter who truly lives in the dark world, this does not mean that he can understand such a situation.

Ye Qi’s strength has reached this level?

The same problem rose in the heart of the branch of the Xia Lin District Hunter, and when he was puzzled, in the darkness, the 10,000 knives hanging in the air lit up at the same time. If it was a cold trembling before, then it was almost frozen at this moment.

This feeling made the branch of the Xia Lin District Hunter, shouting involuntarily: "Continue to withdraw. Hurry!"

After hearing the order. The military and police have acted again - the unknown. It is always full of awe, fear, and the ability to stay away from such things, which will be what these people can't ask for.


The violent will has completely dominated these people.

The only thing left is the thirst for blood?

It’s a wicked potion!

The feet are off the ground, floating in the height of about ten yards of Ye Qi, overlooking the dark mercenaries who are more and more arrogant and stalking in the same place under the blade's gaze. Subconsciously wrinkled his brows - at this moment, these mad dark mercenaries in Ye Qi’s eyes are like the beasts that have been locked into cages, walking back and forth, looking for opportunities, and then making fatal one strike.

However, compared to those beasts, these mad dark mercenaries are even more irrational - they are pacing in place, only increasing the original anger, allowing anger to accumulate further, and then turning all into violent. Then it's all about instinct; and this time will be very fast, after all. They have already completed the most initial accumulation under the block of those drugs, but now they only need a qualitative change.

Ye Qi shook his head slightly, and his hand lifted again -


It seems that countless humming sounds suddenly came out. In this night of Dude, all the sounds were overwritten, attracting the attention of countless people. Then, countless people saw the unforgettable scene of eternal life; With a virtual shadow of the road, it falls like a falling star.

Bright to the hustle and bustle, it is fatal.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

puff! puff! puff!

The whole night sky is left, the sharp edge cuts the air, cuts the flesh and blood; no mourning, no screams, darkness, whether it is crazy intentions, or broken limbs, everything is covered, remove the more Rich **** smell.


After the real screaming knives in Ye Qi’s hands, a “circle” formed entirely by the knife wind began to spread toward Ye Qi as the center of the circle – different from the gray of the past, at the moment The knife wind is bright, with a bright color that can't be seen directly, just like the rising sun and rising sun.

Everything, blood, and minced meat disappears in this 'circle', just like the snow rising after the rising sun. Although it is crystal clear and beautiful in the sun, it is short-lived and eventually disappears. -

The wing of the sun.


At the moment before Wan Wan’s emptiness, Cascade, who was far from the outskirts of Dude, received a message that he wanted to smash the table—

"What? You say it again?"

Kasted sat in the upper part of the wheelchair. With such an inquiry, it was almost a big moment; the muscles and blue veins that were picked up showed the inner anger and tension at the moment.

"All the people, including the Speaker and the 11 members, were hijacked by Tranco!"

In the counter-question, the secret service team couldn't help but look at the folder in the hand. After confirming the correctness, this will continue to be said. Obviously, as a member of the special service team, it is hard to believe the report in his hand. However, since there is With such a report, everything is naturally established; after all, in his cognition, no one dares to joke with such news.

If it is the truth...

The bad feelings of the heart, the commander's secret service team, could not help but swallow, and the back began to overflow with a trace of cold sweat, straight to the special service team's military uniform wet - as the special team The special organization within the government naturally has some special authority; it is because of this special authority that the special agent of the order can understand that the current state of Lorante is a balanced state, and once this balance is achieved, If it is broken, what will happen again.

War will be inevitable...

The commander’s secret service team, after a long snoring in the bottom of his heart, looked at the acting chief of staff in front of him. Although the special service team is not an army, its militarized management, especially in recent years. When most of the Secret Service members are selected from the military, their military style is extremely strong, even if they are unwilling, they will obey the superiors; after all, the military obeys orders is a vocation.

"When was the last order received by the Speaker?"

After a few deep breaths, Kasd calmed down and began to ask.

"About an hour ago!"

The secret service team who looked through the folder gave an accurate time; and such time. Caest’s brows were instantly twisted together – with his old superior Deides. It is clear that all the members, including the Speaker, are unlikely to have any crisis. Now there is such a situation, apparently there is a problem with his old superiors; although for his old superiors, Kasd has absolute confidence, but for the safety of the speaker and those members, he is full of worry.

"Remove a reserve of the Eagles and go to the capital building to investigate! Then, you will immediately contact the Secret Service headquarters and the combat drill room to let them join. In line with the reserve of the Eagles!"

The worried Kasd can only be a more conservative order - the special team of the Eagles, a total of two hundred people, one hundred of whom have been transferred out to participate in the organization of those 'fools' In the riots, the remaining 100 people were divided into two reserve battalions to deal with special events.

In the past ten minutes, Kasd still thought that he could not use these reserve teams. Now it seems that he is too optimistic - in the face of the apparent participation of the Holy See in the battle, such optimism is simply to give yourself Dig your own grave!

"Yes, adults!"

The secret agent of the order. Immediate salute should be, then. Turn around and leave.

"Mr. Kucha, what do you think?"

After the commander left, Kasd’s gaze looked at the dark mercenary representatives standing at the table and driving the map. Unlike the demon hunters, for these dark mercenaries, Kasd was bored from the bottom of his heart. Whether it is the unruly style of the other party or the unruly character, he hates the source of these dark mercenaries; while the demon hunter is also unruly, but will definitely obey the law.

Even if there is a mess, it is basically because of the trouble that the other party has caused; this is in the countless times of cooperation with the demon hunter, and Kasd has already got used to it - even though he has been carrying out the 'cleaning' task for himself, he feels Dissatisfied, but it does not hinder his respect for the demon hunters.

It is a group of fighters who are in the dark but who guard the light for people!

They deserve to be respected!

For the old superiors, Castel has always recorded his heart.

If in the past, Kasd faced a dark mercenary, he would never ignore it at all; but today, he has to ask; except for the situation, the darkness represented by the other side The mercenary's actions - Kasd never thought that one day he would fight side by side with a group of dark mercenaries, even if the object was just a group of 'stupid people'!

"The battle here has always been under our control. Although some guys are very embarrassed and hiding deep, they are not the ones!" The disguised chameleon did not express his opinion without permission. She only said very objectively. Everything that happened now - although she has got some very bad news in her own news channel, at this time, the chameleon will not highlight itself without a brain.

She is now pretending to be an ordinary dark mercenary. The special place is to act as a liaison to the 'home camp' and the highest government. It is not too good, and any talent show is Unnecessary, it will bring trouble to herself, she does not want to do so.

I have to say that chameleon is really very professional compared to Ye Qi's amateur; if Ye Qi is here, in the face of such inquiry, even if it is intentional restraint, it will subconsciously publish some of its own views. These views will become places that are suspected by others.

"is it?!"

With such a counter-question, Kasd is wise to ask no further questions, and the dark mercenaries camouflaged by the chameleons will not take the initiative to help. Both of them look down at the map and think about each other. His own things; until the distant sky was fierce, the sharp breath, the stinging force, and then raised his head again.

what is that? !

In this temporary headquarters, countless people on standby or busy have raised their heads and looked at them; the people here are all elites of the highest government, especially the equipment is fully equipped; therefore, almost at the next moment, they I saw the specific situation there.

"Knife, a lot of knives!"

People kept screaming, and Kasd’s face was also cloudy and clear; and only the chameleon was a pair of eyes and eyes – compared to these people, those knives floating in the sky. She is so familiar. Even if it is so far away. She can also be sure that it belongs to Ye Qi's Sabre.

What happened there?

Guessing what happened there, the chameleon couldn't help but blink a little, and she was sorry that she couldn't fight side by side with her.

For such regrets, Walliff, the heart of the chameleon, couldn’t stand it.

"Walf, what do you want to say?"

The chameleon asked straight.

"Nothing, just remind you, if you really want to follow the kid. Even if it is obscure, you have to work hard to cultivate!" Compared with the treacherous, like the cheap wolf, Walliff undoubtedly It is a fairly good contract companion. It stands in the perspective of its own contractor. Considering and persuading: "The strength of that kid is progressing every moment. It really makes me feel surprised! Even if you don't ask for a return, However, under the gap of strength, it will still be drawn further and further, and eventually become a stranger!"

"After all, the identity of your allies is established because of the close proximity of strength and power. And the identity you want needs more powerful strength to be realized! A woman who needs protection to survive and one who can be strong. A woman who can share the pressure of the enemy, the latter is more attractive to the kid!"

Walliff took a deep breath and said what he ultimately wanted to say: "So, Taylor, you need to strengthen your strength; don't rely on those sacristys, before the day, they are not as you think. magical!"

"Thank you for your advice, Waffle!"

The chameleon nodded slightly, and at the bottom of his heart there was a series of plans - the chameleon would not refute anything he said to his contract companion, because she knew it was a fact; and, it was an urgent fact.

“Nothing, do I need a little advice on your cultivation?”

Wally asked again with a laugh.

"Of course, happy to be!"

The chameleon replied with the same smile.


"what is that?"

When the exhortation in the Supreme Government’s temporary headquarters was exclaimed, the dark mercenaries who were 'handling the fools' were also attracted by the strange but oppressive sights—in fact, they were so attracted It is really because they are doing nothing.

Originally, these dark mercenaries thought that they would face a battle of nine deaths and one life, each of which was full of courage, but when things happened, they discovered that everything was completely different from their imagination. Different - what is the battle of life and death is a mission-like task; a group of civilians who are hand-washed, brainwashed, and one or two armed civilians, for these dark mercenaries, it’s like amateurs. The existence of the existence of a complete professional, the results are simply hand-to-hand.

Although they were not allowed to commit suicide because of their own orders, the punches and flesh hits still made these dark mercenaries feel long-lost. Before, under the pressure of the Shack Dragon, they had long been I want to find something to vent, and any venting is no doubt better than this human sandbag.

"Yes, it is the dragon of Shaker!"

The smashing thoughts, known as the ‘radio’ of the entire dark mercenary community, immediately shouted when everyone’s exclamations fell.

"This this……"

After getting such an answer, the dark mercenaries who were still very active immediately fell into a short silence - for the 'radio', they would not doubt that the other party did not have any position to deceive them; but once admitted The fact that these dark mercenaries had to accept the fact that 'the Shaker Dragon can completely destroy us all'.

Although they have already accepted such a fact before, under the momentum of the other side, they are basically completely annihilated, but there are still some dark mercenaries standing, so that they still preserve a trace of face.

But now?

No one dared to say such a Under the dark sky, their encounters were obviously scheduled.

"Awesome Shak Dragon!"

The leader of the broken mind couldn't help but sigh, and then quickly threw away the last thought of the bottom of my heart - obviously, in the past, the Shaker's dragon gave them a feeling of affection. Otherwise, they will use such an ability as soon as they appear. They have no other results except to remove them.

"This ability is simply unheard of!"

The 'Taf' of the Tuf Brotherhood also nodded. The 'nightmare' without the dark shadow of the speech was once again examining his original thoughts, and then the heart was raised again. The other two big mercenaries in the dark mercenary community prefer to use the body to fight, not the ability to 'nightmare', no doubt knows what.

Of course, the ‘nightmare’ that knows these messages doesn’t think about sharing with the two people around.

After all, there are some secrets that you know.


The scenes of the sky are also seen by others.

In the urban area of ​​Dude, in a high-end residential area, the top minister of the Ministry of Trade of the highest government is standing in front of the window staring at the sky.

Behind him, including the speaker and eleven members, a total of twelve people, were firmly trapped in the chair.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~

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