Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 151: In the morning

About five minutes later, 'nightmare' took an unbelievable and mixed expression of surprise, and left Ye Qi’s foot; when the 'nightmare' left, he sat in the chair and saw the change from the beginning. Dragon, this asked: "When are you interested in 傀儡?"

"not long ago!"

Ye Qi smiled at his allies and said: "It's just a simple interest, and more importantly, the meaning of these 傀儡 represents the magic crystal!"

"Magic Crystal?"

Change sè a dragon.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

"Yes, as I learned from a book, I can have such a smart shackle, and send a wizard who guards certain things, all of them are rich; and I, unfortunately, need some best. Magic Crystal has weathered the storm!" For some news that is not related to the fundamental, Ye Qi naturally will not hide the sè dragon.

"Magic crystal? I..."

After hearing Ye Qi finished, she changed her mouth and said immediately; but when she spoke, she responded and stopped immediately. Although the man in front did not show strong or overbearing, she knew well. The pride in the other's bones, if she really said 'I have, I will give you! In such a discourse, the pride of the other party is enough to make the two people's intimate relationship, and to create a small, but not enough to ignore the crack, which she absolutely does not want to see.

She needs to help the man in front of him in a more appropriate way.

"what happened to you?"

Ye Qi asked back.

"If you use magic crystal, do I have a road that can still make a fortune? Just don't know if our Shack Dragon is willing to participate in it? Maybe it can't make up for the gap you are short of. But it is enough to flow long. Every month Both have considerable benefits!" Change sè dragon light smile. A feeling of clever smile suddenly came to life, and even the bright living room was a glory that was indispensable. Even Ye Qi, after holding his breath, tried to move his eyes. Going to other places.

And the action of Ye Qi makes the sè dragon more happy, and the smile is even more splendid.

"If. If our Shack Dragons are interested, we can find a restaurant, eat and talk, or can I cook in person?"

"Looking forward to your craft!"

Looking at the smile of the sè dragon, Ye Qi chose the latter wisely; after hearing the answer from Ye Qi, the ear sè dragon immediately stood up and smiled and walked toward the kitchen; soon the kitchen rang. The unique rhythm of the knife and the chopping board is as good as the head of the Demon Hunter branch in Xia Lin District. There is plenty of food in the kitchen; I want to eat. You can do it yourself.

On a sunny morning, enjoy a delicious breakfast. For anyone, it’s a good start, although I don’t want to admit it, but Ye Qi still has to admit that among the people he knows, it’s best to change his cooking skills; even his friends and female disciples. In this respect, it is also a little bit worse than changing the sè dragon.

In a short while, the aroma of the food from the kitchen made Ye Qi’s mouth slightly tilted up. He can clearly distinguish the taste of honey and beef bacon. For meat, Ye Qi still has considerable Preference, this comes from the training of his hunters; in quite heavy training, except for the corresponding syrup, meat is an important source of business; but it is a pity that there is the existence of his teacher. His meat often turns into a bottle of rum or two bottles of mead.

In this regard, Ye Qi was very righteous and protested. However, after removing a few more bottles of syrup, the meat food was still not seen in the slightest increase. After the integrity became the demon hunter, when Ye Qi learned of him. After using three times as much medicine as the average person, an inexplicable emotion has been lingering in his heart; even if he was young at the time, he could clearly find out how expensive the prices of those potions were.

At the same time, I also understood why the wine of his teacher was always the two low-priced brands; not wanting to drink good, but no money.

The memories of rì, in the surrounding of the aroma of breakfast food, floated on Ye Qi’s eyes, and made Ye Qi sit in a chair with a smile that ordinary people could not see. His eyes were slightly closed, just like falling asleep; In the kitchen, she changed her head and looked at the state of this appearance. She immediately entered the kitchen with a smile.

At the beginning, she learned cooking, isn’t that the case?

The two people in the living room and the kitchen are carrying their own satisfactions and doing their own things. However, some people always feel the closeness of the waves without looking at them. Ye Qi looks away from the map in his hand. Come, he frowned slightly, and then the coldness in his eyes flashed.

Unlike the previous dark mercenaries, this time came the people of the Holy See.

"Taylor, I am going to handle some things!"

Ye Qi, who meant something, said that after going out of the room, for the change of the sè dragon, Bernard. Taylor was his public, an identity that could not be abandoned, Ye Qi could see it; then this Identity is naturally not suitable for everyone involved in the Holy See; and those who are in the Holy See, for the so-called 'God', ruin a big star in the eyes of ordinary people. For them, it is naturally stress-free, even happy. The end.

After all, among most clergy, enjoyment is also the original sin. Although in an unknown corner, where ordinary people can't get close, their life is extravagant, but this does not hinder their accusation.

"There are fifteen minutes, breakfast is fine!"

The sound of the sè dragon came from the kitchen.

"Oh, I see!"

Before the door closed, such words came back.



In the car, the sound of the car is endless, and this represents the arrival of Dude during the day; this time is about 7:30 for breakfast. For busy Dude, it is already completely awake and crowded. Before the bus stop or on foot to your company, factory, and business. And this is also the unique scene of Dude. The flow of people who crowded people. It is enough to make anyone outside the Xia Lin area stunned.

However, today there is a clear difference.

The number of people walking on the streets has not decreased, but they lacked the smile and vitality that everyone should have. Everyone except the rush, the face is full of worries and uneasiness. Obviously, the battle last night, for those living in Dude. Said. It has had a considerable impact; in fact, such a huge scene, whether it is the threshold of God or the later, is the most challenging work for finishing the work.

After all, the number of people I saw was not one or two, but almost tens of thousands of people, even the highest zhèngfǔ secret service team began to work non-stop in the middle of last night, but until now, some bad rumors still spread. It is.

Walking on the side of the street. Even if Ye Qi did not deliberately listen to these conversations, he also knew that these rumors were inseparable; because under the bus. Or among the people who go to work together, all of them are almost talking about such problems, except for the unreliable words such as 'gas or gunpowder explosion', etc., 'the Holy See, the last rì said' and so on. Ye Qi heard clearly.

Undoubtedly, the Holy See is not willing to fail. They are still changing their strategies, and they are striving to achieve the situation they want. Spreading rumors is one. He is also looking at a few of the distant places with the Holy Glory. The person, after seeing him, turned his face and turned away, Ye Qi did not hurry to follow up.

The dressing of the other party is completely different from the local office workers in Dude, and there is no unnaturalness in the demeanor. Obviously, it is not an outsider. When the other party flees, the roads selected are all small streets and alleys. It is impossible to choose to remove people who have lived in Dude for a long time. After all, there are more than one person who lost their way in Dude.

Is this citing me?

Ye Qi, who is not behind the other side, feels the other side's seemingly urgent, but not very fast, especially Ye Qi intentionally slowed down, and the other side also lowered the speed, Ye Qi Understand the other party's plan; if it is in peacetime, Ye Qi will naturally not mind to play with the other side for two laps to see what the other party is doing.

However, at this moment, he obviously does not have such time.


A blast of wind blew, Ye Qi's whole person appeared in front of the clergy who acted as a bait. '啪' lightly extended his palm and held the other's throat. Ye Qiyu was slightly wider, but the words clearly said: "I have something to ask you, if you understand, nod!"

After the other party heard it, he immediately nodded and nodded.

"Good, who sent you?"

Ye Qi continued to ask, and released **** to allow the other party to speak.

"First, sir, I don't know what you are talking about. I am just an ordinary person. I have children and wives. They need my salary to support them. Please ask your husband, let me go..."

The performance of the other party is completely the appearance of an ordinary person after the robbery; but Ye Qi, who already knows everything, naturally will not buy it; the **** that have just been loosened, once again tightened, And more force than the last time, immediately the other's cheeks began to become red and distorted because of suffocation.

"I have dealt with you more than once and twice. The false smell on your body, across two streets, I can smell the crusades of the Holy See!"

As he said, Ye Qi deliberately let go of his tight fingers, so that the other party would not suffocate and die, but Ye Qi grasped the good size, enough to let the other party experience a death journey, and his determination and embarrassment Spicy; and what to do if you want to save your life.

"Tell me, who sent you, where do you want to lead me?"

The people of the Holy See are not all like the fanatics, living on faith, especially like these clergy who are mixed into the ordinary people, they may still have a firm belief, but the subtle power is enough to start decaying their faith. It's like a dam that is about to collapse, although it stands there and seems indestructible, but actually? All kinds of ant colonies have already filled the inner ones. With only a little change, they can erupt and let the dam be collapsed and become a ruin in the ocean.

And obviously, Ye Qi at the moment has become that little change.

"It’s the main sacrifice, he asked me to bring you to a factory two streets away..."

After the address is explained in detail. The detective from the Holy See. Obviously I feel that doing this is against my beliefs. He immediately shouted in the words: "God will not let you go, the Lord's sacrifice will definitely..."

The other party’s words did not go on. Ye Qi’s hand knife interrupted the other party’s bluffing words; however, Ye Qi did not kill the other party and was not kind, but the corrupted person stayed inside the Holy See. He and his contract companion are really a good gospel.

The strongest castle is always broken from the inside!

The wolf likes to recite such a sentence. And often give Ye Qi an example, although I doubt the final intention of the wolf, but this does not mean that Ye Qi will ignore some suggestions that he thinks are very good; in fact, if some businessman-like blindness is thrown away, the wolf The advice is always that pleasing.

According to the address mentioned by the other party, after a few breaths, Ye Qi appeared in Ye Qi, who walked between the high-rise buildings. It was obviously faster than any of the Dude natives.

"We should not wait like this!"

A shout, even through the thick iron gate, is still clearly unveiled; Ye Qi can hear the urgency. And anger; and this makes Ye Qi, who is ready to push the door, decides to wait a little; after all. Such a discourse, but the person who did not match the behavior and confession of the other spy before the other party, and then stupid, must understand that the most needed is to be patient.

It is doomed, Ye Qi’s waiting is not a waste of effort. Almost at the next moment, the shouting sounded again: “The main sacrifice, our cooperation is not on such a useless task, we should follow The instruction of the adult, started to act!"

"Before action, if we don't take all the factors into consideration, our actions will not succeed!"

A softer sound sounded, but obviously it was still not enough to calm the anger of the previous voice. Did the shouting continue to shout: "Do you want to defy the adult's orders?"

Hearing this Ye Qi, he couldn’t help but laugh, and he was almost clear about what happened inside; obviously the so-called main sacrifice adult was almost the same as the undercover of his men, and it became the 'degraded big. The dam', while others are the stalkers of 'faithfulness'.

Even if Ye Qi does not need to continue to ask, he can guess what the so-called actions of the other party are kidnapping, assassination, and poisoning. It is not an unacceptable thing for the people of the Holy See; it is able to 'clear the heresy' for these people. Say, everything is worth it.

For the discussion between the two sides, Ye Qi is no longer interested, he lifted his ankle on the iron gate.

After a slamming, the iron gate with three inches behind, with the door frame, straight out of his position, flew to the factory; from the paper or wood container placed around, Ye Qi looked It is concluded that this is a warehouse of a factory, and around these neatly arranged paper or wooden boxes, there are twenty people on both sides of the sub-station, which has a large number of people, there are fifteen people, and the other party There are only five people.

When the iron-manganese was smashed, the two people responded quickly, but the one with a large number of people was subconsciously welcoming the enemy, while the remaining five were horrified and hid around.


The leader of the fifteen people stepped forward and steadily caught the iron gate that flew, and a bright blade pierced the iron gate and pierced it through the chest. The man was just surrounded. Those men, who looked at the leader who had just caught the iron gate, apparently did not respond.

The next moment, the gray wind sè has become their last memory.

"Summer, Shak's Dragon!"

The remaining five people saw the knife-bearing person after the knives were scattered, and immediately exclaimed; and the five of them were obviously the leader, and the former stepped respectful salute: "I have seen the Shack's Dragon. grown ups!"

From this slightly soft voice, Ye Qi can conclude that the other party is the so-called 'master sacrifice adult'.

"You are not ready to escape?"

Ye Qi looked at the ‘the Lord of the Lord’ in front of him.

"In the face of adults, you can't escape!"

The 'master feast' has a bitter smile, and the people around him are the same smile; slightly converging a smile, the 'master feast' continues: "Please ask the adults to let go of our family, we are willing to sin!" ”

"Let these few people, let me give it!"

The strange wolf suddenly came out.

"it is good!"

Ye Qi nodded for Ye These people are not worthy of his care, whether it is killing or being a prisoner, or giving it to a strange wolf, the same; as for trading? It must be compared with Ye Qi’s style.

What's more, Ye Qizheng at the moment is attracted by the thirst that rises from the chest.

Wherein the 'Shirs of the 'Shih' is replaced by his **** frogs. The crystals of the **** red, and now I am very worried. Controlling; just like seeing a beloved toy, a child who wants to rush.


Ye Qi released his finger, and the 'Witch's Crown' immediately slammed into the corpse of the land; and the next moment, a total of fifteen blood flows of the thickness of the index finger were sucked from these bodies. 'Get up, and the end is the 'Sorcerer's Crown'!

PS second more~

Thanks to the prodigal wave of the four seas, the starting point of the 200, the x200 starting point, the sn100 starting point, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 starting point, the reward of the year 100, the starting point of the coin rewarding ~~~ decadent thanks All the brothers and sisters who support decadence ~~ (to be continued...)

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