Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 153: Under the joint

"This kind of cooperation, for us, is a hundred miles without harm!"

After Moretti said, Ye Qi nodded affirmatively and published his own point of view. Then he stood on the stand of the Demon Hunter headquarters: "However, I also need to report the moon tower to the tower master. Only then can the decision be made; after all, the acting president of the online hunting magic labor association is the adult!"

"This is of course, the Lord of the Speaker and the adults of Deides are very fond of seeing old friends again!"

Moretti smiled and stood up. For Moretti, who is acting resolutely, since he has already expressed his intentions and received a satisfactory answer, there is no need to stay on it; you must know that because last night Sāo chaos, a lot of things still need his chief of staff to come forward.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Moretti pushed the Karst in the wheelchair and left, and Ye Qi, who was back in the living room, looked at the seat and changed her face. She couldn’t help but smile softly. The grievance of the dragon and the businesswoman, Ye Qi, one of the parties, does not want to participate in it; but sometimes she does not want to participate, she can not participate, if that is the case, Lorant will definitely It is a peaceful one. ..

"Your ability is not weaker than her, and your true power is even more shocking to everyone. It is not fair enough to judge you and her by a ‘separation’...”

"I know!"

Ye Qi discretionally uses the words of the allies who do not stimulate the front to persuade the other party; however, he has not waited until Ye Qi finishes. Change sè dragon will suddenly face sè certain. A low cry was made.


Ye Qi looked at the normal allies in front of him.

"I finally know that guy. Why is it possible to have such an achievement today? Every time at the crucial moment, I will rely on my father to come forward. Of course, it is not good!" sè Long said something he had just thought of, and his face suddenly appeared. A sneer: "If I have a father who is the speaker, so many incredible things will happen, and it will become normal!"

"Hey, rely on the family..."

Ye Qi, who was originally surprised, heard the words of the sè dragon. Immediately and again, when she smiled and laughed at the identity of the businesswoman’s father, Ye Qi was not surprised. The wealth that the other party had in the highest zhèngfǔ and the slight talks about his father, even if they were disgusted, were enough to explain the identity of the other father. Unusual, and corresponding to its worth, the identity of the other father is not difficult to guess, except for the most powerful group of people, it is no longer possible.

Change sè dragon slightly unspeakable words. It is not over yet, but Ye Qi is somewhat restless and has bad things behind him. If this person is a hostile camp, then naturally there is no problem, but when the hostile camp is not established, then this is enough to make Ye Qi feel embarrassed.

"I need to go to the Wilderness Bar. Some things must be told to Heather!"

Ye Qi left the room with such a bright excuse, and walked toward the Devils Club in the Xia Lin District on the corner.


At 10 o'clock in the morning, for the towerer of the moon night, it is already the beginning of the busiest work of the day, and this kind of busyness will continue until late at night or in the early hours of the morning, so you need to be surprised by the ordinary people. The old man of the age, although Hesell can be regarded as a strong force, but before such a workload, it is still complaining; therefore, Ted, this has the title of 'great beast', he is optimistic about him. The man became his assistant.

However, even if this is the case, for the documents that the Demon Hunter Headquarters needs to overstep and pass through, the two people are still left to the left and right, and in such a situation, the disciple of the Tower of Wisdom, Novo, joins After that, only at the very least, except for special events, basically the documents that were sent up can be finished at the end of the time, which is true for the Tata Lord and Ted, who have been used to the moonlight night until the early morning. It's a good news that can't be good.

And for such a gratifying situation, the two are also well aware, especially Ted, who did not hide his gratitude for his friends, although he has been working hard and learning, but compared to From the age of ten, I have been in contact with these friends. The difference is still too far; his friends only need to have a glance to understand how to distinguish the important documents, but he still needs to read carefully, waste is quite The time can be determined.

Therefore, when his friend sat beside him, Ted always had an unusual peace of mind. It was not like this moment, looking through the documents, he looked up at the empty seat.

"Ted, what you need now is concentration; if you deal with those things, Nobel will come back!"

The Lord of the Moon Tower is obviously not aware of the inattention of his own guardian. He can't help but remind him that Hesel is a kind old man. It was not such a harsh existence. In the past, he encountered such a thing. He will remind these younger generations in a more gentle way; however, in the face of the whole demon hunter, he has to make a face; and undoubtedly, these documents placed on the table, It is something related to the whole demon hunter.

"Yes, Master Heather!"

Ted, who did not enter the state of 'furious anger', is definitely a man who can be regarded as a good man. After hearing the reminder of the towerer of the moonlight night, he immediately converges his attention and puts all the jīng gods On the file in the hand; until such a state, after ten minutes, the knock was broken.

"Good morning, Master Heather!"

Nofa, who has a cold-faced man's name, pushes the door after getting permission. Although he is greeting, the sound still has no ups and downs, and it looks cold and unusual.

"How, Nofa?"

The Lord of the Moon Tower did not care, and asked with the smile of the elderly.

"The three apostolic apprentices have been sent to the Tower of Thorns, and they will appear again in a week!"

Nuofa said the process of the matter, and the result of the treatment; the tower tower owner who was satisfied with the moonlight night, did not ask whether the detention of the week was excessive. because. He believes that Novo has chosen this deadline. Then it must be in line with this deadline.

"And, this is an urgent letter from the Dusit of Xialin District!"

Before returning to his seat, Nopha handed the flaming envelope in his hand to the moon-tower tower. In the regulations, he and Ted were able to access the details of various commands and tasks, but some The special letters must be handed over to the towerer of the moonlight night to personally read them before they can be handed over to them; although the moon-tower tower is not a strict person, but has acted as an assistant under his own teacher. Nobel, but remember this approach.

"Hey? Spedo's slacker. Wouldn't it be to help the headquarters again, apply for some clever funds?"

With awkward words, the Lord of the Moon Tower received the branch of the Demon Hunter and the Devils of the Devils. It is the relationship between the superior and the subordinate. In the relationship of the Demon Hunter Branch, each year the Devils Headquarters Will give the corresponding demon hunter branch to pay for the corresponding expenses; this fund is dúlì, other than the task funds, completely divided by the branch of the local demon hunter branch, will be used in the venue of the club Maintenance and emergencies, as well as the president's own compensation and other projects.

and. Because of the differences in localities, the level of this funding is also slightly different. In general, such a remote area like the Thousand Marsh area, where the danger is the highest, the funds are the highest, and like the chūn forest area, close to the devil's headquarters Shak, basically safe and incomparable, that is undoubtedly the lowest, however, Since the branch of a Tallinn district has been 'spoofing' a sum of money from the Devil's Headquarters, a branch of the Xia Lin District has begun to have a sample, but the latter is not leaking compared to the former. It was a loophole and was directly deducted by the then tower of the tower of wisdom.

However, after being deducted from the salary, the branch of the Xia Lin District not only did not reflect, but instead increased their efforts. The result of three days and two attempts to apply for funds from the headquarters was that under the same conditions, summer The documents and letters from the forest area are the last to watch; after all, the tower of the tower of wisdom is well-informed, as the seat of the capital of the highest zhèngfǔ, and where it is, the Xia Lin District will not have any major events. .

Compared with the justice and rigor of the tower of wisdom, the style of the old man of the moon tower is undoubtedly very human. After he took office, he did his best to not harm the demon hunter. In the overall interests, the branch of the Xia Lin District provided some convenience, which is why the president of the Qianguma District dared to hand over two teenagers to his cousin. Otherwise, he needs to consider putting himself in bed when facing a drink. The alcoholic who sold the chair or the chair, the president of the Thousand Marsh Division will train two young people with great potential even if it is not suitable.

After deducting the lacquer with a paper cutter, the main tower of the moonlight night smiled and took out the letter. For this lazy younger generation, Hesel was not bored. On the contrary, he liked it; in fact, there was no For the night-night tower of Zizi, the younger generation of each demon hunter, he likes it very much, and is willing to do his best to help them; therefore, even the guy who is hated like the president of Xia Lin In the heart of the old man, at most, it is just naughty. There are no other big mistakes, just good children.

Although several friends of the tower of the moon night have also said that his xìng grid is not good for controlling the headquarters of the demon hunter, but when the old man said that he is willing to abdicate, he will run one of his friends one by one. Fast.


With a smile on the moonlight tower, the smile on the face disappeared when I saw the letter on the letter. He looked at the letter in his hand twice and immediately knocked it. At the table, in fact, the attention of Ted and Nofa did not have to be attracted when the old man first exclaimed.

"Herther adult?"

Ted stood up and asked, and went to the table at the side. The towerer of the moonlight night immediately handed the letters in his hand to his subordinates; and when Ted first saw the contents of the letter, it was the same. After an exclamation, then, after reading it all, I looked at the moon tower and the buddy and my friends with a slight sigh; obviously, for Ted, who has always belonged to the action, this level of decision. Has made him feel very uncomfortable.

And on the side of Nofa. After receiving the letter. Although it was awkward at the beginning, it quickly returned to normal, and it was clear that it was already well-informed.

"Nuofa, Ted, convene the remaining tower owners, we need to open an urgent meeting!"

Looking at the performance of the two younger generations, the towerer of the moon night was very satisfied with the performance of Nobel, and Ted was not disappointed, after all. It didn't take long before he touched them, didn't he?

The Moon Tower Lord may not be the most competent leader, but it is definitely the most tolerant leader. This is beyond doubt.


Xia Lin District, Dude.

Wilderness Bar, 2nd Floor, Ye Qi and the president of the Xialing District Hunting Devil sit in the corner. There is a smaller circle than the spread newspaper, a low table that can't be stabilized, and a backrest. The broken sofa and a chair with one leg missing are used as guests. Ye Qi was invited to sit on the sofa; however, he felt the springs in the sofa that were about to fly out. Ye Qi was wise to choose the chair with one leg missing.

Although I came here once yesterday, Ye Qi, who had more important things at the time, did not notice more things on the second floor of the bar.

"This will give me back to the trainee hunting demon, and the teacher has been guarding a garbage mountain, looking for the illusion of furniture!"

Ye Qi tried to try the chair that was swaying because of the lack of a leg, and felt the kind of shaking, he couldn’t help but say.

“No need to remember, they are from there!”

The branch of the hunting hunter in Xialin District answered very calmly.

"This kind of diligence and saving reminds me of another branch president!"

Ye Qi couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Is that adult? He has always been my idol until he found the true identity of the adult! Now, I admire the adult even more, and will not change my habits because of my own identity." This is the real life!" The president of the Xialing District Hunting Devils is calm and still.

"Well, I think he will see you when he sees you!"

Ye Qi shook his head helplessly and decided not to entangle himself on such a problem. He directly shifted the topic and asked: "Is the headquarters reply quickly?"

For some rumors of the Xia Lin District Demon Hunter Branch, Ye Qi originally did not want to believe, because, several times, the other party was not as rumored as it was, but after he saw the true face of the other party today, Ye Qicai I have to admit that the correct words of the windless waves; one think of one of those rumors, Ye Qi could not help but want to lick the swelling of the temple.

"Don't worry, Heather is a kind-hearted elder, unlike a woman who is a menopause!"

The branch of the Xia Lin District Hunter said that the Lord of the Moon Tower is with the respect it deserves, but when it comes to the Tower of Wisdom, it is an unspeakable disgust and disgust.

"I hope so!"

In the face of such an answer, what can Ye Qi say? He shrugged and looked at the second floor zhōngyāng position. The two young people who are fighting are waiting, and the only thing in front of him is that Ye Qi feels that he can wait until Not so frustrating things.

Little Doug and Kosor have made great progress. Even with Ye Qi’s standard, two people are enough to match the children in his bar, especially the latter, which is enough to achieve excellent results; of course, this does not mean the former. It’s not good enough. In fact, if the education and the contacts that have been received from childhood are used as a reference, the former will be better than the latter.

For a rookie who has just been exposed to fighting and firearms for less than three months, the performance of the small Doug is enough to be considered a genius; however, the situation of the small Doug is not good at this moment, under the pressure of Korsor , Doug has lost the room for further dodge, had to choose to fight hard with friends.

The result of such hard work is undoubtedly guessable. If there is an advantage in strength, the small Doug will not always dodge.


The one-handed sword made of wood, even if it is not willing, is easily separated from the control of the small Doug, flying to Ye Qi and the Xia Lin District Demon Hunter Branch; especially Ye Qi, the wooden sword The pointed tip is basically aimed at Ye Qi; and this immediately exclaimed the two, obviously, this situation is beyond the expectations of the two young people and the same explanation, two young people for Ye Qi There is still a lack of understanding.


In the exclamation of two young people Ye Qi's left index finger and **** firmly held the wooden sword in the middle.

啪, 啪, 啪...

On the side of the Xialin District, the devil's branch president immediately raised his palm, plus the heartless laughter, completely went to the circus to play the role; helplessly glanced at the latter, after the leaf Qi throws the wooden sword to the small Doug, who is standing in the same place and is slightly overwhelmed.

"When you are in contact with the other's sword, if you are not strong enough, you can try to rotate the wrist to resolve the other's strength!"

Ye Qi said, he lifted the left wrist to demonstrate the rotation; and such a demonstration immediately dispelled the uneasiness of the small Doug, the young man immediately thanked with respect: "Thank you for your guidance!"

PS second more~

Decadence turns over and protects~

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the starting price of the sn100, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 starting point rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence ~~~ (to be continued...)

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