Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 160: 0 change! on

"Little girl, you should listen to my advice, stay in your home honestly, and then get everything you deserve; instead of coming here to take risks, this is his trial, his chance, your shot It will only change the trajectory of fate, and it will make everything that is clearer and more confusing!" In a very loyal tone, Walliff persuaded his contractor to appease the one who became violent and killed because of fear. The heart of the mind.

As for the role played?

The chameleon is using his actions to prove his thoughts.

"The first team, as a bait, led the black dogs; the second team, the third team cooperated with the ambush, annihilating all these black dogs!" Standing in the shadow at the end of the street, wearing a black cloak, wearing a leather armor A chameleon dressed as a dark mercenary, commanding straight.

"Yes, boss!"

The subordinates who were also dressed behind him, answered with a good voice, and then quickly disappeared into the shadows.

"This is his trial, his chance, you shouldn't..."

Wallif once again reiterated in the same view that he was not a good way for himself to be a stubborn contractor. It only hoped that its contractor would be able to worry about Ye Qi’s prophecy in its opinion. Guy; if it is in peacetime, Walliff has more than five ways to change the mind of his contractor at the moment.

However, when it feels its own contract? ahre=\'/txt/1017/475465/\'>Four strong coins, which will protect the  ň ň ň ň o o o o o o o 铝 铝The aunt's mother changed to float 5 艿鼙u鹗 セ セ 堑谝 堑谝 堑谝 堑谝 堑谝 堑谝 ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì

Fortunately. There is also Ye Qi, this kid...

Feel the mentality of his contractor gradually subsided. Walliff could not help but grow a tone. It knew that its words worked; however, when the tone was not completely finished, Walliff saw his contractor and strode out of the shadows, and immediately exclaimed: "Little girl, you have to do it." Well?"

“Trial? Opportunity? It also needs safety and requires probability!”

The chameleon walked toward the street, her steps light, but not lacking strength. The toes stepped on the ground that had become pitted because of the explosion, and it was like a cat. The voice of her toes was clearly introduced into the bottom of my heart: "I don't need the throne of the moon, nor the crown of the stars. I don't need to overlook the land at night; I just want to be by his side...just like now!"

"Since it is a trial, then I will help him remove the obstacles of trial!"

"Since it is an opportunity, then I will help him maximize his chance!"

Strong tone!

The heart is like steel!

In the face of such a contractor, Walliff has nothing to say; know that it has no way for any firm companion; even if it appreciates such existence. But sometimes the feeling of being incompetent will always make it feel like an incompetent guy.

And such a situation. Enough to make Walliff, without any good mood

"Okay, okay, I respect your wishes!"

Although there was no good mood, Wally did not have any angry answers, but it suddenly became listless and lazy.

"Thank you, forgive me for being willful!"

The chameleon looked at the church clerics who were getting closer and closer. She took a deep breath and said, "So, let me fight together! Please!"

The last three words, with the apology of the chameleon, and a pleading of Walliff could clearly feel that it had a long sigh, and finally nodded helplessly.

"Your waywardness is not once and twice. What is the relationship once again?"

"Let's fight side by side. For the guy's running dog, I can't understand the truth!"

The good-tempered Walliff, shaking the part of the lower body that belongs to the lion, ‘啪’ the thick and powerful tail, straight out a crisp sound.


"So many insects are really annoying!"

The main sacrifice looked at several defensive points, and his own people disappeared. He could not help but frown because he had to stay around the three squad of the sacred corps. Therefore, the temporary subordinates of his mission chose high and low. Class, sentry-style defense; for the high-rise buildings in Dude, the streets are wide, but the terrain of many lanes, such defense is undoubtedly very sensible, is a more appropriate tactic.

And this more appropriate tactic, at this moment, is embodying its value. From the rapid reduction of the priests who have patrolled around, he can clearly understand that there are some people who are unsightly. The main sacrifice was not unexpected. If they were not blocked by the government in the capital of the highest government, then the capital has long been governed by the 'God'.

Hey, I really want to know that the three major legions have lost their role. It is only possible to rely on the so-called special service team and the special team attached to the legion.

The dragon of Shaker, I want to thank you too; I have chosen such a suitable place!

Thinking of this, the priest couldn't help but glance at Ye Qi, who was wrapped in hot white light. The subconscious smile is here in the hinterland of the highest government. The so-called chariots can't play their due role here unless the highest government fights. The mindset of his own capital is not, but he can be sure that as long as there is a chance, the top officials of the highest government will not issue such an order.

For the top officials of the highest government, he really knows too much. Under the well-dressed, it is the greed and death that is printed in the bones, and the greed and dirty like pigs...

The siege is the demon hunter, not the person of their highest government. It is enough to send some special service teams.

From now on, the Supreme Government is indeed planning to do so; after all, the lack of large-scale artillery and the most powerful Seven of the world, Dicks, the rest of them only hide under their desks and tremble It is.

It’s a bunch of useless people!

The main sacrifice gave a self-satisfaction to the enemies who might come to support with a contemptuous attitude.

Huh? !

The main sacrifice that has just been evaluated. The rest of the corner of the eye saw a figure; however. When I look at the standard dark mercenary of qīhu. His surprise was quickly replaced by thick disdain. If the highest government can be seen as a greedy, dirty pig, then the dark mercenary is a group of vultures, licking the body, smelling blood, along Kimpton. The smell of the corpse.

However, the strength is good!

Looking at the pace and speed of the dark mercenary's advancement, the Lord's sacrifice thought so, and he also canceled the idea of ​​letting the priest with the knife to kill each other. He threw a purse



The bulging purse was filled with thirty pieces of Kimpton, and Kimpton’s peculiar melody sounded immediately after landing.

"Get the money, leave here, the dark mercenary!"

The main sacrifice said coldly, his eyes were always on the other side, and the good strength of the other party not only made him change his original thoughts, but also gave him a hint of vigilance; but when he saw the dark mercenary After hesitating for a moment, when I chose to go to the purse, my mouth was not tilted.

Wise choice!

This Lord's sacrifice is such a ‘praise’ to each other. And the upper and lower look at this dark mercenary, the strength of the other side is destined that the other side should have a considerable reputation in the dark mercenary. For such a person, the adult is very happy to take it in, and it is a pity that he gives some support. There is no special mark, just the dress of the ordinary dark mercenary, so that the main sacrifice of the self-reported Nothing to do.

However, it is a dark mercenary!

There was no useful impression that could infer the identity of the other party, which annoyed the main sacrifice, but he quickly adjusted his mindset, especially when he saw the other person opening the purse straight and counting the Kimpton inside. Such a rough behavior made the Lord sacrifice the last thought of exploring the identity of the other party.

Such people are not worthy of referrals at all...

嗖, 嗖, 嗖...

The idea of ​​the main sacrifice just appeared, and was interrupted by a sudden attack. Kipton, with the golden light in the sun, made a sound like a smashing arrow hitting them.

"Bastard! Dark mercenaries who don't trust credit!"

Such words blurted out, and the main sacrifice also tore a reel.


The high-level magical [shelter] appeared immediately, and the protection of the palace installation shrouded the clerics present, including the attacked Ye Qi.

啪, 啪, 啪...

Kimpton hit the wall formed by the [shelter], except for a slight sound, there was no change at all, and then the scream of the main sacrifice: "The **** dark mercenary, I will not Let go of you! I will let you suffer in the flames of the hymns... No, no, I want you to survive without asking for death!"

Obviously, for a clergyman, even a clergyman from an Inquisition can scream such words, which shows that his anger at the moment is simply breaking through the bottom line of reason. For a cleric who has been deceived, Such anger is justified.

Once again, a group of ten paradise dogs appeared outside the [shelter]

These paradise dogs are several times larger than the average hound. When they are on the ground, they are almost like a calf, and their exposed fangs like small daggers indicate their aggressiveness, especially the neck. And the muscles developed in the lower jaw, everyone can be sure that once they are bitten, the tears will not only be flesh and blood, but also bones.

"Give me his limbs!"

In the shouts of the main sacrifice, ten paradise dogs rushed to the goal, and the latter did not move at all, and continued to rush toward it.


Do you think your speed can pass the paradise dog faster? !

After the main sacrifice looked at the action of the dark mercenary opposite, he immediately sneered, and he was looking forward to the flesh and blood dance; however, the next scene made him stunned.

"sit down!"

The low, unable to distinguish the voices of men and women, came from the hood of the cloak; then, the ten paradise dogs sat as if they saw their dearest master, not only put away the fangs, but also spit The tongue, like a screaming scream.

"Bite him!"

The same sound rang again. Immediately. Those pessimistic paradise dogs that have performed before. Once again, the fierce sorrow, ‘ah’s screaming with a scream from the depths of his throat, madly rushed to the main sacrifice.

How is this going?

Looking at the "rebel" of the paradise dog that he summoned, the main sacrifice has not returned to the present until the 'rebel' paradise dog rushes to the [shelter], the palace formed around the [shelter] When he was spinning, he only returned to God, and immediately he began to 'deal' these paradise dogs.

But useless. Any ‘decree’ has no role to play.

This situation caused the main sacrifice to take a step back before seeing the dark mercenary stuck to the [shelter], but he reacted the next moment.

"This is a high-level magical [shelter], how can you break it! Fist? You think you can use this..."

Looking at the other person who had put out his fist, the main sacrifice was with the feeling of being angry and angry at the moment, and he was screaming in the sound, and his form was like a mad dog; the next moment. This mad dog is like being rounded up with a stick. Give a home run like.


A right hand with leather gloves, full of strength, slammed on the palace formed by the [shelter], with a defensive and difficult to name [shelter], after a muffled sound, was The right hand with a leather glove and a fist broke the shackles. The cracks in the road were the origins of the broken parts. They began to spread around and then collapsed.


The broken [shelter] turned into a large piece of crystal dust, which is like a moonlight.

"Hand of Kolding!!"

Looking at the "shelter" that was broken by a blow, the main sacrifice once again looked at the right hand with leather gloves, staring at the leather glove, and couldn’t help but sigh; but this way The screaming, but was interrupted by the ten paradise dogs, without the obstacles of the [shelter], the ten paradise dogs madly pounced on their original masters, completing the orders of the new master.

However, several puppets who rushed up blocked their attacks. At the moment the [shelter] broke, one-third of the monks stopped praying and began to face this sudden enemy; After one-half of the blessing, the original bright white light immediately dimmed a point.

Seeing the chameleon in this scene, I immediately glanced at it, and then, if I didn't want to lift the left hand with the chain gloves, I pointed at the ground and slammed it down.


The dull sound is not big, but the latter scene is frightening.

Hey, hehe...

The pale blue light began to erupt with the point where the fist touched the ground. The extremely cold breath instantly frozen the ground, and then quickly spread to the front 50 yards. Those stopped praying, and the numbers were too late to dodge. The monk was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant; and the monks who were still praying saved their lives for the time being because of the holy light; but, seeing the blue light that did not stop, they It’s really just a temporary escape from danger.

"Glacier Grip!! Hurry to stop him!!"

The face of the main sacrifice changed again, yelling at the bitter monk beside him, looking at the mysterious dark mercenary in front of him, and his first stupid heart for this mission was shaken up. The hand, the Sun Yat-class sacred device, claims to reject any defense, can penetrate any position shield and enchantment; the glacier grip, the sun ray sacred device, once launched, will freeze all the existence in the front of the scope.

How can a person resonate with two holy devices, except for the Shaker Dragon...

No, no, no, there is only one Shack's dragon, and it is almost burned to death!

He just used a similar sacristy, yes, it is similar!

Moreover, I still have so many people, the other party is just a person!

I still have a hole, how can I shake it!

Breathing quickly, the main sacrifice comforts himself. He reminds himself of the advantages he has and the disadvantages of the other party; especially when more than twenty bitter monks rush to the other side, the blue light shines. After the beginning of the gradual disappearance, the main sacrifice is even more in the heart.

The winner will be me!

Such an idea rose from his heart, but the next moment was hit and shattered.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖...

A gray light suddenly appeared, and the more than twenty bitter monks were surrounded by the surrounding, and then, after a breath, these bitter monks began to become gray and stiff, and a trace of dust appeared in them. At the top of the head, after another breath, the gushing dust covered them all over the body, making them a realistic stone statue.

"The head of the United States and Medusa..."

Almost screaming voice shouted from the mouth of the main He stepped back a few steps backwards, even if he had another sorcerer who had withdrawn from prayer, he fell to the ground. .

"Bold the exorcism, don't look at the round shield on his arm!"

The main sacrifice that fell to the ground, looking at the small round shield on the left arm of the dark mercenary opposite, could not help but exclaimed, he was not only reminding the people around him, but also venting his face suddenly. The fear of danger is under the cover of the little round shield. The eyes exposed under the hood of the other party have no slight temperature, cold and cold. The killing is like a biting cold, straight to his heart.

He is the goal of the other party!

Ps first more ~ ​​~ timing ~ ~

Today is still busy yesterday, the pitfalls, starting from three o'clock in the afternoon, to seven o'clock, almost four hours, really let the exhaustion exhausted; do not want to compare with the goods, feel free, accompany a disgusting person, waste their own Time and energy, really not worth it... Fortunately, it’s early in the morning, I’ve got a chapter of the manuscript, or I’m going to get a hole today...

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