Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 175: Opportunity

This is about two hundred yards away from the previous room. It is located in the patrol position of the second echelon of the Rockets and others as a rocket for the dark mercenary. Although it has been transferred to bodyguards and drivers at this moment, most of the time, Still retaining the habits of the dark mercenaries, such as arranging patrols, he is still doing the three-to-five echelon of the dark servants’ whistle, and the whistle is naturally fixed. Vigilance around, and three to five, each team according to the situation five to the world echelon, is to patrol the way to detect the blind spot that can not be seen in the dark post

However, when I saw my boss and the grown-up came here, the Rocket waved wisely, letting the second echelon bypass the place, leaving him alone as a sentry, although he didn’t want to bother. The boss’s 'good thing', but the duties of the bodyguard made him unable to make a move because he took care of turning around.

And the Rockets, if this kind of awkwardness is placed in the highest government, it is naturally impossible to have a good day, but in the chameleon, it is reused in the eyes of the chameleon, a dedicated employee, far more than a simple eye-catching act. But the people who forget the duties are more useful.

"This is my personal letter to Darlan. You will give this to him. He will help you settle in Langeburg!" Ye Qi took out a letter he had written in a hurry and handed it to the chameleon. He knows that with the ability of chameleon, he will definitely have his own place in Langburg, but this does not mean that he can ignore it, especially when he is half-owner. In some respects, it is completely rude, not to mention the relationship between him and the other party.

"Is that big man?"

For the team centered on Ye Qi, the chameleon is naturally unfamiliar. Immediately in her mind, the honest man who is tall and does not seem to be human is the truth. In the people around Ye Qi, the chameleon The impression of the big man is the best, Ava is the second, the slick little man is the last; even if it is not because of the existence of Ye Qi alone, the chameleon will feel sick.

In fact, the little man is like a businessman's generally slick attitude. Apart from the individual people, the first thing most people see is that they are wary of profiteers, although they are not professional fraudsters, but the deception is always full of transactions. In the middle of it, it’s hard to prevent

"I think we will get along with each other!"

The chameleon replied in such a way, then, watching Ye Qi turn over and jump on Gronin's back, when Gronin's four-footed spurt flames burned again, and immediately began to vacate the chameleon speed Fast, that is, it seems to be a self-speaking, and it seems that the words of the inquiry are blurted out: "If you are in such a situation, will you do this?"


The flames rolled, and Ye Qi, who was sitting on Gronin's back, vacated. He didn't seem to hear such a question, and the chameleon looked a little bleak at once, and even his hand was not close.

"Boss, we have almost finished packing, we can leave!"

The Rocket’s due diligence reminded his boss that although he saw the bleakness on his boss’s face, as a man who was chased by his wife, the Rockets understood the silence very clearly; in fact, Even if you don’t choose silence, the Rockets don’t know what to say.

In the rocket's principle of doing things, if someone provokes him to be unhappy, then he will go to the other side; but the boss who is unhappy with the boss is the adult. In the face of the grown-up, even if the rocket knows how to do it, it will What kind of end is going on; not to mention his understanding of the boss. If someone really does something to the grown-up, the first person to die is definitely the one who is doing it.

Therefore, the Rockets can only look at their boss silently. Soon, he found that the bleakness on his boss’s face disappeared, even Rong Guanghuan launched.

"of course!"

The sound from [Communication] clearly sounded in the chameleon's mind, causing her to jump from the low valley to the sky for a moment, welcoming the sun chameleon turned around, watching for a while, there was only one left in the sky. The little Ye Qi and Gronin, not smiling, pointed out that after Ye Qi’s figure disappeared completely, the chameleon turned his head and looked at his own hand: “Let’s go, go to Langburg!”

"Yes, boss!"

Unexplained rocket, still replied with compliment


Half an hour after Ye Qi left, the chameleon's team left for about twenty-five minutes. After the sky was completely dark, the person who represented the peak of the highest government power appeared in the frowning Ai Lin speaker here. The crowd of buildings in the empty building, he could not help but sigh a little

"Our choice is helpless. After all, we need to consider the entire highest government!"

Desa is also frowning, but he has chosen to comfort the elderly around him. In fact, this is also to comfort himself, because today’s things have begun to violate his principle of acting. One day ago, he I can’t imagine myself making this choice.

Perhaps Tranco is right, the supreme government has already decayed into the bones...

Silently, Mr. Desa thought of the deputy minister of the trade department. For this deputy minister of trade, which caused everything and served as a fuse, Mr. Desa did not have any hate, only a burst of regret for him. I don’t think there is anything wrong with Tranco. Even if the other party informs him in advance, he will not hesitate to participate.

In order to do, the highest government is not hesitating!

Yes, for the highest government!

Such an idea supported the Desa MP in silence. He took a deep breath and looked at the speaker. "Hello, we need to go back. There are many things that we need to complete. Some of the food that is recovered, The materials should have entered the Dude area now, and the Eagles have done a great job this time!"

"Let's go, I hope we can apologize to the Shak Dragon next time!"

I nodded and said that President Elin turned and entered the car behind me. As the car engine started, it disappeared into the night. Only the original suburban building group was silent in the night.


"Captain, the Four Seasons Fort is here!"

Lancelot looked at the majestic fortress in the distance, turning around, shouting loudly at the female cavalry chief; the voice was full of surprises. For the Rangers, it was really worth the task. Surprise because this is the foundation of their honour and the basis of respect, especially for female cavalry like them.

Women, in the battlefield, have a natural disadvantage compared with men, both mentally and physically. With the exception of individual exceptions, most people have a very positive belief that war, women go away!

Such words will naturally be spoken from every man's mouth, seemingly determined, domineering, but in fact?

The woman in the war will be the poorest group of people who will lose their father, husband, son, and then they will die as if they were born; Els lost his father in the last war, that At that time, she was like a blue sky, especially when her father was transported back to Shack from the battlefield on the Eastern Front. Els was like losing the last effort.

For a girl who has been dependent on her father since childhood, the role of mother has faded, but she does not feel unhappy because her father is in the father and in the mother, in her first seven years, although There is always a toy that the girl deserves: a doll; but she cherishes the shofar dagger that her father gave her, because his father told her very early, hope she becomes a knight, a real knight, not a so-called Ranger

In this regard, Atlas at that time did not understand, even, now, Els is still ignorant, but this does not prevent her from constraining and rules herself with a knight's creed; now it is finally practiced. At the time of her knight's way, one hand was held on the hilt of the sword of victory in the waist, and in the secludedness of the enchantment of the wind king, the vow of victory did not emit the proper light, but the kind of incitement It was passed from the hilt and passed to her heart.

Powerful but not impatient

Fair but without majesty

Severe but gentle


Hey, bang!

The fire after the muffled sound is undoubtedly dazzling in the night. The hurricanes who rushed quickly attracted their attention. They looked at the direction of the Four Seasons Fortress. It was the place where the explosion occurred, and it was faint from the night. The shouting in the middle of the game made them subconsciously clench their weapons; but then everyone looked at their captain.

Battlefield, military order first!

"Lancelot, send a detective ride, check out the battlefield! Contact Gao Wen, Gerant and Gareth!"

The female cavalry officer who clasped the vow of the victory sword told Lancelot, and then she glanced behind the team that had been running for more than six hours, and immediately shouted: "The whole team will dismount, rest in place! ”


After a slight glimpse of the Rangers, they immediately took a break; and Lancelot left the team with a team of Guards, and they touched the Four Seasons Fortress, which could not be heard by the explosion. They did not ride horses or even heavy armor. It is a black-gray leather armor. In the night, this team, like the invisible in the shadow, is moving toward the established goal.

Looking at Lancelot, who disappeared into the night, the female cavalry held the vow of the sword of victory, and closed her eyes slightly. What she needed was an opportunity to look at the audience and seek victory, supporting the follow-up troops. Arrived; otherwise, with only two Ranger Brigade, and some Hunting Devils, plus some auxiliary soldiers, full of less than 3,000 people, it is impossible to fight against the coalition forces in Qiulin District

‘Twelve hours, we need at least twelve hours! ’

This is the request given to her by the Lord of the Moon Tower at the end of the month. For this, the female cavalry commander is glad to lead the knight, and she has the spirit of sacrifice.


Inexplicably, at this time, the female cavalry chief suddenly thought of Ye Qi, the apostle who was very dissatisfied with her first meeting. She never thought that two people would eventually develop such a relationship.

Is this what you want?

The female cavalry chief looked up at the night sky, the night was dark, and the moonlight was blocked. She couldn’t help but recall her father’s gaze before her departure.

Presumably this time my father and I look the same?

The female cavalry chief thought of this, and then she lowered her head and looked at the Four Seasons Fortress that had already appeared in sight. This is not the spring bud of her father’s death, but she seems to feel the heart of her father at the time, no Bias and subjective delusions

My long sword, swearing the enemy emirates!

My shield, guarding the territory!

The eyes closed slightly, and the female cavalry captain closed her eyes. She placed her heart in a weakest position, and then buried it deeply. The rest was only firm, completely like steel. Firmly incomprehensible, even the female cavalry chief himself did not find out, the vows and the sword of victory, slightly shaken a bit

An invisible breath began to appear on the female cavalry chief.

Under the moonlight, many of the Rangers found that their captain's long hair of maroon suddenly had a touch of gold, like a golden sun. Then they all licked their eyes and looked back again. After recovering from normal, many people laughed at themselves and thought that they were nervous on the battlefield.

In a place where all mortals could not be seen, the land on the other side was farther away. On a stone altar, a sacred, colorless scabbard began to shake, and the white light around the altar immediately spurted out and died. The suppression of this scabbard by the dead, the huge noise, came out of the sky here, but no one is concerned, they are busy at the moment to inlay a huge magic crystal in it, it is called giant, A jaw-dropping magical array

Silver armor, the cloak of the trend, the team of forty-seven people, silent, silently working; their eyes are bright and clear, their expressions are dignified and tough, and the road is filled with devastating energy beams. In their armor, the huge vibrations made them spit and blood, but they were not shaken by one person. They supported themselves with their wishes and the wishes of their ancestors, as the successor and the terminator. Complete the mission of God, the **** of our faith; the Holy, is the soul we protect!

"If faith destroys our hearts, we will destroy you who bring faith!"

Forty-seven people were swaying and screaming at the same time, and then their whole body began to sway out a circle of light belonging to the soul. The forty-third generation holy knight, the forty-second generation holy knight, the forty-first generation sacred knight……

Glorious, floating from these souls, they protect themselves with their own souls, let their successors complete their missions that they have not completed; each generation of holy knights stand in the virtual space, see Their own descendants, they smile, fearless life and death

There are more and more energy beams filled with ruin, but the generations of sacred knights appear in the field more and faster than these energy beams. They all smile and calmly The energy beam filled with ruin is colliding and destroying each other!


A large figure between white and gold intertwined, a huge figure is bound by the brilliance of the color of the road. Although it is bound, it sleeps peacefully, without being disturbed by the body's abnormality. The golden crown is placed aside. Accompanied by the wooden scepter, the bright radiance obscures its face, making the mortal's line of sight invisible, and the white linen robes obstructing his body longer than the Hofhof mountain range.

And beside this huge and unparalleled body, a tiny cage that is smaller than the thumb of the other's little finger is hanging in a cage full of stone, and an old man is sitting there silently. He ignored the vision of the heavens and the earth, and ignored the giant who was sleeping peacefully in front of him. He spread his palms and looked at his hands with incredulity, then his body, although the memory in his mind was telling him. He is already dead, but now everything he should explain, and the one in front of him makes him really hard to believe.

Death, is it really another beginning?

Feeling like a new life, Peter Paul, the former pope, opened the stone cage. Although it was a cage, it was not locked, and there was no prohibition. The protective effect was obviously very limited.

After the old man left the cage, after sweeping it all around, he walked toward the huge figure and walked across the whole world. Apart from this figure, the old man obviously could not find a more suitable target.


The white flame flow, flowing here, without any burning, but the endless freezing can make the soul freeze the cold

The man looked at the airflow that seemed to be boiling in front of him. He couldn’t help but frown. Twenty years ago, when he first came into contact with it, there would be such a scene. He saw it for the first time.

"Phils Do you have a dream while you sleep?"

The man said in a joke

"Oh, this boring joke is not funny at all!"

A chilly, trembling, fearful voice suddenly came out of the man's body, and then there was a lot of excitement in the inexplicable voice: "The opportunity, the opportunity has already appeared!"


The man asked; however, the only answer to him was silence.

PS second more~~

As a slap in the street, I am looking for protection again~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 200 starting points, sdicsn100 starting point, nxcx100 starting point rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ (to be continued...)

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