Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 180: Night sky

The inanimate king disappeared very suddenly, just as it appeared as suddenly; the frowning Ye Qi confirmed that after the other party left, the sorcerer slowly returned to the sheath, the sky in the sky, in the '咔' In a stalk, it turns into a strong wind and disappears with black.

With his feet standing on the ground again, Ye Qi screened the thoughts in the mind at the moment, and wanted to find out the most secure one. In fact, in such a large number of ideas, I want to be able to afford the word 'safe'. Basically, there is no such thing; every plan has its own risks, especially after the situation is unknown.

And for the always habitual cautiousness, to make a plan to the best Ye Qi, such an unknown is exactly what he hates most.

Must contact the headquarters!

After taking a deep breath, Ye Qi summed up the thoughts in his mind for a long while. After still having no clues, he immediately changed his mind. Even if he is strong, he will be separated, but the head of the demon hunter is different. There are many existences, especially against dark creatures, they are all experts

If the headquarters can limit these dark creatures to a relative range, then...

Thinking of a plan, Ye Qi couldn’t help but look at it; then, when he was preparing to perfect his plan, the chest was the 'Witch of the Wizard', and once again appeared, just like an extra heart. Then he kept beating; feeling the kind of "craving", Ye Qi took it out without hesitation, and threw it at the battlefield that was already far away.

The red light flashes in and out of the night sky as if it were a neon in the urban area of ​​Dude, but compared to the ordinary neon, this red light is undoubtedly a bit more beautiful and vivid on the ground. Blood, under such illumination, seems to be alive, they are turned into a 'water flow' of the thickness of the thumb made up of blood, vacated, and gathered toward the 'Witch of the Wizards'


Gronin, who witnessed this scene, apparently could not understand the operation of the 'Witches' Crown'. He couldn’t help but make a sniff, and took a very cautious step back two steps. Then he stared at the floating in midair. The crystal that is not big is undoubtedly. For Gronin, it feels dangerous in the existence of the 'Witch of the Wizard'.

"Do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon. It is transformed into a usable force by means of blood. It is not a substitute and a similar transformation." Ye Qi took a picture of herself. Mounted, soothing the other side; but then he found Grouning's doubtful look, immediately smiled Glorin's intelligence, it is difficult to make people think of it as an ordinary animal, but its limited wisdom is obviously not suitable for excessive Just as you face a five-year-old child, want to let them understand the theory of relativity

The result is not that the child is being mad by you, or that you are being mad by yourself.

Of course, it is not excluded, you found a genius

"You have a fast speed, and that's exactly what we need next!"

Facing the doubts of his mount, Ye Qi transformed into a topic that the other party could understand; sure enough, when Ye Qicai had just finished, Gronin immediately gave a slender but strong neck to him; His own mount, Ye Qi also showed a smile. He was not more fortunate than this moment. He had a mount like Groning. If he really did according to his plan, then he must have unparalleled mobility. Stamina

Although in this respect, Ye Qi is not second to Groning in a short time, it is impossible to run for a long time. Although the legendary [physique] can support him, the speed of the explosion is By virtue of specialization and temporary blessing of spells, even if the holy device [wind wing] is counted in, it is only twice a day, one minute each time.

Therefore, without the existence of Gronin, Ye Qi could not implement his plan.

Caressing the mane of Groning's neck, Ye Qi couldn't help but think of the first time he met the other party, and the person who caused this encounter, his lover.

In fact, this time he came here also because of his lover, the reluctant female cavalry chief, but Ye Qi did not complain, the softest part of the heart always has the other's existence; and the guardian of this piece is soft, Isn't it something men should do?

Els, are you okay?

Reminiscent of the battlefield where the opponent is at the moment, Ye Qi couldn't help but sigh. Although he has already broken the wishful thinking of the new pope with corresponding actions, this does not mean that Ye Qi can be without any mention; In the depths of the heart, if you can, Ye Qi still hopes that at this time he can accompany the female cavalry chief and fight side by side with the other side.

Be sure to be safe!

Another blessing, issued in the heart of Ye Qi


Outside the Four Seasons Fort, facing the Qiulin District, about one kilometer away

The teams with different flags and different armor are gathered here. Although the previous offense has been repelled several times, each of them has a high morale, because they have already figured out the ‘bottom’ of the Four Seasons Fort.

"There are only a team of one thousand to one thousand and five hundred people. As long as all the troops are mobilized, one charge can be hit down! Then we can occupy the Four Seasons Fortress as a foundation and start to go outside the Qiulin District. The place is expanding!" A middle-aged man who is just wearing a leather armor is screaming loudly; in a group of people who are basically all metal armor, his dress is undoubtedly conspicuous, and his remarks are even more The extent to which he was noticed, deepened the score

However, in the eyes of such attention, the people who clearly said that the words 'idiots' were present were the top members of most of the entire family in the Qiulin District, and were sent to serve as pioneers; and they were able to have such qualifications. Naturally, there is no doubt about their ability. Each of them must understand how to win the Four Seasons Fort and how to act after winning the Four Seasons Fort.

After all, in every 'Autumn', many families have completed the whole 'Autumn' with such a proposition; therefore, everyone present is basically no stranger to the Four Seasons Fortress; even quite familiar with it. However, there is a problem that does exist in the minds of people in the place who is the main force of the charge?

Although the Four Seasons Fortress is not a giant fortress that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, in fact, such a giant fortress has completely disappeared after the sacred age, not being destroyed or being demolished after the war. After the time, the Holy See agreed that their rule would last forever. These fortresses were only wasting a considerable amount of repair costs each year. It was better to dismantle them all.

And such dismantling has played a very important role in the opening of the Free Age.

As the Four Seasons Fortress that can be retained, the total number of people who can accommodate it is about 3,500 people. After the Demon Hunter took over the Four Seasons Fort, the number of the largest Rong Nai has not changed. Four seasons' own defense system has added some more suitable existence. For the hunting people who are not many people, they can separate a revolving ranger and an apostle-level demon who has not less than 50 people. Staying here is basically the biggest strength; therefore, they can’t reach the number, they can only use their brains on the castle itself.

The wizarding towers of the wizards were undoubtedly the best example of a variety of magical arrays, engraved on the walls of the Four Seasons Fortress, a magical cannon mixed in the gunpowder weapon became the best defense of the Four Seasons Fort. Sharp weapon; especially after the Northall family announced to become a family of hunters, the large-caliber weapons were moved from the ship to the towers here, so that every family in the Qiulin District frowned.

When the strength does not reach a certain level, such a large-caliber weapon is devastating for them; therefore, the people present are not willing to be the main force of the assault. There will be no shortage of weapons and ammunition. As a fortress with a strategic nature, the Devil's Headquarters will never be embarrassed here. With only a few thousand defenders, the rest of the room is full of weapons and ammunition.

Don't say that these teams that serve as family pioneers in front of them, even if the family's own team comes, they must frown for casualties; unless the remaining families come together, it is possible to erode the four seasons with absolute superiority. Although there are many families gathered here, they are relatively close to the Four Seasons Fortress. They belong to the periphery of the Qiulin District and the surrounding forces. They really belong to the internal and deep forces of the Qiulin District. Because of the road, at the very least, To arrive at noon tomorrow, or even at night.

However, in the same way, if these families arrive, they will win the Four Seasons Fort, then they will definitely be smacked by their own family according to the rules of the Qiulin District, which is their own, although the Four Seasons Fortress is difficult to take. Next, but once it is won, it means a steady stream of interests; from the current situation, this battle is undoubtedly protracted, so the Four Seasons Fortress as a bridgehead and springboard for other areas of Llorante, obviously Is a hen that lays golden eggs

No matter what kind of business, it’s not as fast as war money.

Everyone present understands this truth. Once they have occupied the Four Seasons Fortress, they will start to enter other parts of Llorante. Without other supplies, they will be able to obtain a large amount of objective income when they sell food. Although they are coalition forces, food supplies are available. But it is also necessary to save money. If you want to take it, even if it is the oldest family in the deepest part of Qiulin District, it will not do such a thing; after all, this is not the usual, but the state of the coalition in wartime.

Benefits and risks are coexisting!

The presence of these as the outskirts of the Qiulin District and the more prominent frontiers, after seeing each other, they saw the greed and hesitation in each other's eyes. For a time, the atmosphere of the whole meeting fell into a very embarrassing atmosphere; Still the middle-aged man wearing a leather armor, stood up

"We can draw some people from each power to form a team of assaults! As for the four seasons, we can distribute the benefits according to the number and merits!"

Liverdel glanced at the appearance of the person in front of him, and the disdain in his eyes flashed over as the emerging family strength in Qiulin District. He was not as optimistic as this before. He once participated in this. Livdel of the Sorcerer’s City has a general understanding of the power of Lloret

Although I don't want to admit it, he thinks that they have no chance of winning. A group of people who are determined to be just because of the interests, want to provoke a giant behemoth; perhaps this behemoth is innocent at this time, but once it has returned to God, these are entangled in the interests The team together will only collapse in the next moment; it is like the highly praised 'reverse' in history.

I only need to get more benefits for the family before the counterattack!

This is the plan that Livdell had already made after he came to the coalition, and the owner’s approval for his own brother, Livdel, never doubted the other’s eyes; although there were some misunderstandings before, After he came back from the outside, he realized how correct his brother was.

The autumn forest area is full of decaying atmosphere, and the homeowner stands here. It can only be decayed along with it. What we need is expansion. Of course, the extension that his brother said is not military force, but a commercial expansion; in Lorraine. Established a special business, owning a company that puts promising young people in the family, and it’s part of their plan.

As for the Qiulin District?

For a long time there, it was to provide them with Kimpton.

Reminiscent of his brother's plan, Liverd once again scanned the whispering people around him. He once again said: "There is still about an hour away from dawn. I think it is enough for everyone to discuss, but please be at dawn. Before, come back here again!"

Although the people present are working hard to make a high-profile appearance, the people who are truly capable of being the masters are still their respective owners, not the so-called high-level Livrell who looks at the crowds. I smiled disdainfully; however, when he found out that there were two people in the tent who did not move, his eyes were bright!

At any time, allies are necessary, far more difficult than a single, of course, provided that his allies must be smart and have the right

However, the two people who stayed in front of us did not know whether they had such qualifications, but did not hinder Liverdel’s temptation. He looked at two people, one with a gray-haired old man and the other with a strong young man. People, the former's slightly thin body, and the latter's slightly stupid appearance, it is really difficult to associate it with the duties of the vanguard.

Pioneer officials may not be important at the whole family level, but they are definitely more comprehensive, both in terms of force and intelligence, to cope with sudden accidents, and the two are obviously not such existence. The old man has wisdom, but the thin body has absolutely no force, while the latter young man is the opposite. The warhammer, which is comparable in size to the adult torso, charges the extent of its force.

Hey, league?

Livdre glanced at it and reached such a conclusion. At the same time, there was a strange feeling in the bottom of his heart. At this time, it was possible to send such complementary alliances, which proved that the relationship between the two families was extraordinary; The Qiulin District, where the interests are the most important, is too rare.

Liverdel’s gaze couldn’t help but look at the two men’s chests, representing the family badges, all on the chest.

Red Leaf City, Dick Family and Thor Family?

With the memory in his mind, Liverdel thought of the origins of the two men, and some recent rumors about Hongyecheng; such rumors made his interest in the two greatly increased.

"Dekui family, Livdell greets the two friends of the Dick family and the Thor family!"

Livder’s right hand is placed between the chest and abdomen, slightly owing

"The Dick family, the Tor family, also say hello to you!"

The old man who represented the Dick family gently patted the young man next to him. The latter immediately scratched his head and learned the old man’s appearance and returned to the ceremony.

"For your proposal, the Dick family and the Thor family are in favor, but they are powerless; we have just experienced a rebellion in It is impossible to transfer more soldiers, even my old housekeeper I have to send it to you; therefore, please forgive me for a while!” The old housekeeper of the Dick family, after the ceremony, said very calmly; the side of Thor also followed his nod when he left Hongyecheng, his father, old Thor has told him that everything is listening to the old housekeeper; he is very fond of his friend Fiss Dick’s family, and under such good feelings, such a command is naturally a matter of course.

"The Dekuai family is also unable to mobilize more people because of some things, so I think we can discuss in detail, how to deal with it in a while!"

After Oliver heard the words of the Dick family's old housekeeper, the horse made a gesture of smile with a smile. Some words in this Chinese military tent are really not suitable for negotiation. After all, the surrounding guards are from their own. Family, far from the safety of your own family camp

"my pleasure!"

The Dick family’s old housekeeper glimpsed a little, then immediately laughed and made a gesture of asking; looking at the two men walking outside the tent, Thor scratched his head and picked up his sledgehammer. Going out behind

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ is not finished...

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