Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 190: Dark touch

"I have breakfast, bath water, and everything that suits my status!"

Lungull’s half-bent body’s loud snarl, from the only sun in the room that was only in the palm-sized window, he was sure that it was already at the o'clock, but he hasn’t gotten it until now. Today's breakfast - in fact, Lun Gu did not want to get a breakfast, he just wanted someone to appear in front of him and say a word to him.

This is a very short, narrow cell. He doesn't want to stand up straight or stretch his body. The surrounding walls are made of rock. He has beaten it, it is very thick, and he has nothing to do with his strength. The only light in the entire cell is the palm-sized window, but he can't reach it - an iron fence with an adult's arm thickness, blocking him and the window, although he worked hard from the gap I stretched out my arm and wanted to touch the bright spot, but it was always a little worse.

Not much, only less than three or four inches, but these three or four inches make him feel like a scorpio; especially at night, the window is dark and even with no stars. Lunou suspected that his cell was only one of them. Outside was a passage to a spacious and bright corridor, but the corridor was only able to receive the sunlight and could not welcome the glory of the stars.

Here, the lun gull is already the fifth day through the light outside and his food - for only one meal a day, the food is just water and brown bread. He had protested; then, the next day he had no food. The same food was delivered on the third day; however, it was difficult to swallow at the beginning, this time he was gorging.

The feeling of hunger is better than the hardship, it is a kind of despair, swallowing the soul, and tormenting the will.

Lun Gu feels that he has become paralyzed since the afternoon of the third day, except that he can distinguish the time. Basically, I don’t know anything about it, especially the guy who sent the meal, the face is cold, walking straight and straight back, there is no trace of muddy water - he knows that this is a soldier, and is a very good soldier; because . The pressure from the other side of the body, so that his breathing is suppressed, it is like facing a beast at zero distance.

If, in normal times, see such a person, Lun Gu must be how far away to hide. But at this moment, he is looking forward to the arrival of the other party every day, and to communicate with the other side - no one has seen anyone in five days, Lun Gu feels that he is about to be driven crazy, if he adds his coma time, say It may be the sixth or even the seventh day. After all, when he woke up. The feeling of empty stomach, but it will not lie.

"Let me go out, you are despicable traffickers, I am asking for fair treatment... I am the eldest son of the Yuqin family. I have the right to inheritance. I can get the redemption right of the nobility... Our study today is how to quietly Entering a room with guards..."

In the loud screams, there is a muttering of unclear meaning - even Lunou himself is not clear. Under the deliberate creation, he has changed when he entered this cage. Get it right; and all his actions at the moment are under surveillance.

On the other side of the palm-sized window, about 30 yards away from the underground training hall, a small man, a big man, Ava is sitting there, a crystal ball with a faint glow, clearly showing the cell. Everything and provide the only light for a prisoner in the cell.

"Using the change of light, blurring the sense of time of the other party, and then using my medicine to completely confuse the other's stomach, and also being locked in the short, narrow cell, I am not necessarily able to support it. Heaven..." When Ava said these words, she couldn't help but shrug her shoulders, and then his eyes looked at the companion of the idea, and the big man's eyes were placed on the little man.

"Don't look at me, this is not the way I came up!"

Under the watchful eyes of two friends and companions, the little man waved his hands again and again. He told the truth: "It was during a chat, nine nights innocent, the woman told me! I just came with the idea of ​​trying. I didn’t expect it to work like this..."

"Are you sure that this is not the nine nights that have been used in you?"

The little man was interrupted by Ava, who looked at the little man with a dignified look. The former looked stiff and took a deep breath and replied very seriously: "No!"

For such a situation, Ava and the big man face each other - although they know that their friends, companions and the mad woman have a very unusual relationship, but they did not expect that the two have such a 'community'; even if People like big men know that there is no need to entangle themselves on this issue at this time.

"Fletcher's father sent a letter to him. The sentinels of the Northder family have already discovered those guys; compared to the pioneers that you have destroyed, the number is ten times more!" The big man thought of the former North. The German family's messengers were so dignified that they couldn't help but say quietly.

"Yes, leaf news?"

The little man asked over the side.


The big man nodded, and the back color said solemnly: "Last night in Tika Fort, Ye once sent a message to the headquarters, and then left; before, Ye had encroached on the mechanical town and Carter town, less than Two thousand people of the Holy See's disciplinary knight's mixed army were killed; and before that, Ye did a few battles with the Holy See in Dude, and there were about 300 people who mimicked the Holy Knights, and three sacred squad squads, and no. Less other existence, have been killed by the leaves!"

"Although there are some things that are forced to be inside, I think Ye Ye is really beautiful!"

A big smile appeared on the big man's face, and then the little man and Ava reached out at the same time. The three men clap and repeat again: "Dry beautiful!"

Although Ye Qi has been concealing the relationship between the dead and the most hidden layer of the Holy See, this does not hinder the speculation between the three small people - especially the long time together. The tacit understanding between the four people has already been cultivated, and such a tacit understanding is enough for the little three to do something about Ye Qi’s behavior. More ‘correct guess’.

Under such a correct guess, the attitude of the three small men to the Holy See is naturally obvious—especially when the Holy See’s wanted for Ye Qi is placed in front of the three, their thoughts are undoubtedly undoubted. It is biased towards the most straightforward solution.

"How about the Four Seasons Fortress?"

The little man asked again, and this time the look was more dignified - the female cavalry chief went there to support, and they got the news after they rushed back to Langenburg in the middle of the night; The three men, including the big man who got the news first, all had a hint of unshakeable tension.

"Aersh made a very beautiful flank raid early this morning, directly copying the commanders of the pioneers of the Qiulin District Coalition. Then, with the cooperation of the Four Seasons garrison, they directly smothered the entire Qiulin District. The vanguard!" The big man said the news from the headquarters.

"It's another good news!" After a loose face and a smile, the little man began to look down and thought: "After the vanguards have all fled, the camp has been destroyed; at the very least. You can win the key time of the day; if Properly arranged, this time can be a little more..."

"As long as we can quickly solve the guys in the Hailin area, we can support the Four Seasons Fortress!"

The little man said this, and then his gaze was placed in the cell where the shouts continued to come. He looked at Ava and the big man and finally put his gaze on the former: "Ava. Next, please. You are there; ask all the things that the kid knows!"

"give it to me!"

Ava stood up and squatted on the back of the sable carat, immediately jumped onto Ava's shoulder, and one person went to the cell with one pet. The technique of interrogation, the three are undoubtedly the best ones. But the best effect of interrogation is Ava's first. Even Ye Qi, in some cases, can't match it; after all, the use of medicines is varied.

"I need to go see the father of Fletcher, and the family will be handed over to you!"

The little man stood up again, waved his hand at his friend, picked up the apostle windbreaker next to him, and walked up to the bar on the ground—steps marching, in the faint light of the underground hall, the gold on the corner of the windbreaker flickered. Living posture.


Hailin District, where the mixed army was destroyed, a group of weird 'people' were carefully explored - they said they were weird because they were tall or short and tall enough to cover their shoulders. The big man, the short one is a camel back, almost can't wait to put his face on his own upper.

Of course, perhaps they are more suitable for them - whether the lush hair in the tall man or the green skin in the short one is not enough to make them human.

"Oh, it’s a good fight!"

One of the short group of people, this way of saying - in the tone, full of gloating.


One of the taller group, snorted coldly, then knelt down, picked up a handful of soil and twitched at the tip of the nose. After that, it turned to the group behind him, shaking hands, the soil immediately Flying into the air with the smell that only they can distinguish.

"Remember this smell, they will be our top priority on the battlefield!"

Such a voice, in exchange for affirmation, and a loud scream of the sky, like a group of wolves whistling, making people feel shocked, legs soft.

"The leader, the secret order sent by the adults!"

After the whistling sound, a tall but still agile figure passed through the jungle and came to it. The secret of the attack was recorded on a piece of fur to the leader - it looked down at the secret order. The content of the above, very puzzled frowning; however, the final obedience prevailed, and as soon as it raised its hand, it issued a command: "The whole family listened, began to rest, waiting for the follow-up big force!"

The wolves are stunned, but when they see the fur that has been lifted above the head, they all show obedience and obedience; even those who are green-skinned are no exception, no more ridicule and noisy, They respectfully started camping; only the one who took back the palm and looked at the commander's commanding werewolf leader. Feeling a burst of doubts - as the Alpha Wolf of the Bourges (a jungle in the winter forest area and the frosty forest area), it is undoubtedly brave and good. But it is also unruly.

In order to the overall situation, it has to express obedience, but it does not mean that you can be convinced that such a command is not known.

The Alpha Wolf of Bourges looked at the fur in his hand and felt the power of it. Not only did he have a fist - I, Ossar will eventually have such power and glory one day, and that day will never be long. .

The Alpha Wolf of Bourges once again brought the order to the front. Every time it scans, it feels like a kind of humiliation, it seems that after being stepped on the face, it is still rubbing the cheeks with the soles; not only the burning pain on the face, but the heart seems to be Kneading, it is like suffocating.


The tip of the nose swayed, and a strange smell slid into its sense of smell—perhaps not as good as its fellows on the Finlay Plateau. But every werewolf's sense of smell is several times stronger than the best hounds; especially when the power breaks through to a certain degree, it is no longer an ordinary sense of smell.

Although this taste was concealed by the herb, but it was impossible to get through the Alpha wolf of Bourges, it broke the fur into the leather armor, and then the whole person disappeared silently.


Here, here!

Nearly. Closer!

The Alpha wolf of Bourges quickly shuttled through the jungle, but did not bring any sound, no less than the druids who called the 'son of nature'; only, compared to peace-loving' The Son of Nature, the Alpha Wolf of Burch is undoubtedly a hunter. Bloodthirsty hunter.

It sniffs its prey with its own nose.

In a dense canopy, the Alpha wolf of Bourges stopped. Its hunting eyes passed through the dense foliage, watching the prey that passed underneath - a total of five people, wearing a cloak with a hood, each with a weapon; but still see the middle The one is undoubtedly noble, because the other four are distributed in the four corners, always protecting the existence of the middle.

Capture the most important prey first?

Still enjoying the fun of hunting?

Such an idea flashed through the heart of the Alpha wolf in Bourges. Then, it had its own ideas; like the action of the eagle, it jumped to one of the four guards, originally human. The palm of your hand became the sharp claw at this moment.


The claws cut through the throat, and the blood was sprayed along the carotid artery; however, the Alpha wolf of Bourges was a glimpse - its claws did not get the kind of warmth that it should have, but instead it was There is a hint of chill; unlike the blood of any species that it has hunted in the past, although it has a human appearance, they are definitely not human.

An agile body, standing on a branch of a tall tree, it looks down at the four 'people' who are illuminating the weapon below, lifting the paw again, and looking at it. Seeing and smelling again, the Alpha Wolf of Bourges looked at the people below and asked, "What are you?"

In the face of such an inquiry, the other party’s answer was the attack of the scimitar. Three guards in the eyes of the Alpha wolf in Bourges disappeared instantly in the same place. At the next moment, they appeared on the side of the bend. The knife flickered with cold light and surrounded it. In this case, the Alpha wolf of Bourges stunned the three attackers, and its claws waved again and again, blocking the attack at a speed beyond the imagination of ordinary people. And repeatedly counterattack, let the three attackers left and right; while this time, it has crossed the distance between the branches and the other main character.


The claws were blocked, and a hammerhead with a sting was blocked on the attacking path of its claws. The power on the hammer was not great. The Alpha wolf of Burch can definitely not be its own. The opponent, but the opponent's mace has an extra force, which not only invalidates its attack, but also crashes its claws.

With the advantage of race, the Alpha wolf of Bourges tumbling away from the follow-up attack of the other mace, and then it ignored the three attackers who surrounded it again, just raised their paws. Deeply looking at a gap that was broken out at the tip of the claw.

"Familiar and unfamiliar power makes me uneasy, but longing!"

In this discourse, the Bourges Alpha Wolf finally abandoned the form of 'humanity', and its body began to grow wildly from the original seven and a half feet, has grown to ten About two feet, it stopped. Originally, only the hair was strong, but it was still the head of human beings. At this moment, it was completely replaced by the wolf head, and the skin of the body was completely covered with gray-black fur.

A thicker tail than a baseball bat is hanging on the ground, and the claw is sharper and more shiny, like a sword.

Werewolf, the best form of combat - perhaps not as strong as the moon night, but already enough to be daunting.

A sway, the Bourges Alpha Wolf has appeared in the hand of the nail hammer, the three attackers who originally surrounded it, even a little reaction.


In the roar, the claws waved again.

And the figure with the nail hammer in the hand is like a scary general, and it doesn't move - only three attackers standing in the distance can see clearly, a spider-like shadow is appearing in that. Behind the werewolf.

PS first more ~ ​​timing ~ (to be continued...)

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