Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 192: In the array of light


Zola slaps the dust on her body. The original bright red archbishop robe is now a rags. Apart from the basic shame, there is basically no decorative effect. When Zola twists his head, After seeing the knights of the new Holy Knights behind him, his anger became more and more powerful and protected by the force shield. The annoying trap did not cause trouble for these new holy knights. Therefore, all new The holy knights are as bright as new.

Compared with this, he is more like a beggar.

Asshole, I must catch you and let you bear the humiliation I have suffered!

Zola swears in her heart, but after a while, he has gone through the whole ten hours from the morning to the present. At this moment, the sky is already dark, but until now, he is only able to chase the other side. The other party's speed is very fast. When the nightmare appeared, he was very clear, but compared with the speed, the other party would still arrange such a poor thing as a trap, which he did not expect.

Although the role of these traps is not very large, the strength of his glory is basically completely ineffective, but he has to be careful because he does not know that this is the other party is paralyzing him, so that he has no scruples. Or the other party can only arrange traps that appear at such a degree; in fact, with the increase of strength, unless there are magic traps arranged by some big wizards, the traps under normal circumstances are fundamental to people like Zola. It is pediatrics, he calls it 'poor'. It is a fact that comes from the heart.

but. Facing Ye Qi. Although the Zach's dragon, Zola has always shown his contempt, but the bottom of his heart is an extraordinary dignity that can be valued by Iyeta and given the existence of such a task. Zola relies on more than It's just strength; if it's just the strength of the day, you can get the current status, then there are too many candidates to replace him.

What exactly does this guy want to do?

Zola stared ahead. The figure of the other party disappeared there; and in order to avoid the "trap" that might appear, he had to wait for the exact news of Anwar with the New Holy Knights; Anwar was the cleric who was also sent to chase Ye Qi, Apart from the reuse of itself, it is because of the ability of the other side: a very suitable ability to hunt.

Separately on the ability to track, Anwar can definitely rank second in the entire Holy See!

As for the first place?

Nature is their loyal adult Iyeta.

Oh, oh...

Unobtrusive approach to the sound did not eliminate Zola’s vigilance. He stared at the dense shrub until he saw that the person who appeared was Anwar, and he completely relaxed his vigilance.

"how about it?"

"Under a hillside about fifteen kilometers ahead; the other side's perception is very sharp, I just got close, I was discovered!"

Zola sees Anwar after he looks like a wolverine. Not wrinkled by the brow, the speed of the question asked very quickly; and then. Anwar’s answer made Zola slightly stretched his brow in Zola’s heart. He would not worry because of Anwar’s injury or death. He was only worried about the task assigned to him by the Pope and could not be completed.

“Is there a trap around it?”

Zola confirmed again.

"The place I was able to explore, not!"

Anwar replied, and at the same time he sketched the center of the position he could explore on the ground, which is undoubtedly Ye Qi, but the area around the unknown represents a rather large piece; such a large unknown area makes Zola Wrinkled his brow again, he asked: "Is there no way to get close?"

"No, this range is already my limit; once I get closer again, I can only be..."

Anwar did not finish it, but only pointed out that he was awkward, and its meaning was naturally self-evident; then, he expressed his opinion: "I think the Shaker's dragon is deliberately doing this, he is thinking Let us divide and explore, and then break each!"

The biggest advantage of the battle array is to bring together the power of the people to reach a new height, and the biggest disadvantage is also the large number of people. Perhaps because of the transformation, these new holy knights have extraordinary resilience, but the battlefield The basic principles cannot be changed. They still rely on quantity to break through the quality; therefore, once the number is reduced, their advantages naturally no longer exist.

Zola, who knows this well, immediately stated his position: "Absolutely not able to divide troops!"

Anwar also agreed with this position. However, he thought of the task assigned by the adult, and immediately smiled: "So, will we chase it like this? I am afraid that he will return to Shak, we have no way." Take it for you!"

"If we go back to Shake, we will do it better; a fixed goal is always better than a moving goal!" Zola sighed softly, and he shook his head and said: "I am most worried. It’s him, doing something we don’t know!”

"You mean, trap? Shouldn't you worry about this?"

After hearing my own colleagues and reversing the topic, the face was ordinary, but always showed a so-called "trap" with a solemn appearance. In Anvar’s view, it was a Ordinary level, if it is not definitely the layout of Ye Qi, then he will definitely think which hunter is laid out by hand; perhaps there is a different feeling in the hidden aspect, but in actual effect, power, but do not know the difference How far is it.

At the very least, the number of consecutive encounters he encountered was very general, and even the holy fire of his body could not be broken.

"Do you think this is something you can do without worrying about?"

Zola is undoubtedly seeing the casual look on his face, and can't help but tell the truth. If the other party is not working with him, Zola will never pay attention to what the other party wants to do; but at the moment. He must be reminded. Because of the unconscious negligence of the other party. It is very likely that he will be tired of him.

"Everyone of us is confused by the youngness of the Shaker Dragon, and I despise it, even if I see the information. I am one of them. If it wasn’t for the last time I sent Shaq, I could not completely Understand the meaning of the Shaker's dragon..." After a special pause, Zola continued to say: "Did you forget this morning's foot?"

Such an inquiry made Anwar look stiff and everyone is unwilling to be exposed to scars. Anwar is no exception; Anwar’s inner anger quickly disappeared without a trace. He was thinking about Zola’s words. After a moment, he nodded and said, “I’m a light enemy! The young face of Shack’s dragon is always Confused my sight!"

"Yes, there are already too many people who have lost their lives under such confusion. I don't want the two of us to follow the footsteps!"

Anwar’s frank attitude made Zola involuntarily say a word and expressed it very clearly. At the moment, the two are in the same camp, although the people who are loyal to Iyeta are everywhere in the Holy See. But such loyalty is only for Yieta alone, for others, they are still competitive, even hostile.

The same faith, but different ways, sometimes, hostility is inevitable!

"I hope we can cooperate happily in the future!"

Anwar said in a pun.

"If this task can be successfully completed, our cooperation will inevitably need to go further!"

Zola is obviously willing to do such an alliance; however, he did not immediately answer to the moment at this moment, to complete the task of the adult, it is the key to get the Shaker dragon; if, this task can not be completed If so, then what kind of alliance is useless.

Obviously, Anwar is also well aware of this situation. After he was silent for a while, suddenly the whole person glimpsed, and then he raised his head and said to Zola: "According to our situation, I want to take the summer. The words of Ke Zhilong are simply a joke; the battlefield that has been adjusted by the squatting, although powerful in the new sacred knight, but it is impossible to catch up with the sacred dragon with the nightmare as a mount, even if it is leaving Before, we have specially adjusted the armor!"

"what do you mean?"

Zola’s gaze looked at Anwar. With his understanding of Anwar, there is no doubt that Anwar at the moment has a better proposal. For a good suggestion, Zola will not refuse!

"If we chase the dragon of Shak, we can't catch it; but if the dragon of Shaker comes to chase us, the result is naturally..."

"You mean Randenburg?"

Anwar’s words have not been finished yet, Zola has already guessed what he wants to say, and immediately goes on; after the two looked at each other, they immediately laughed and everyone in the dark world of Lorante knew that The oldest nest of the Shaker Dragon is in Langburg, and there is not only the other's nest, but the other friends, subordinates, etc. are there. Once they are going to attack there, even if the Shak Dragon runs faster, it must be Will stop and pursue them at that fast speed.

After all, the weakness of the Demon Hunter is so obvious.

"Our current position is on the edge of the forestless area and the Xia Lin area. At our speed, when we finish the Bay Area in a straight line, we can set foot on the land of the Bay Area for up to two days! If you can, take advantage of it. It’s also a good choice to clean up the family with the blood of the pagans!”

Anwar took a marching map from a new sacred knight and extended his finger. He first indicated the location of himself and others, and then gestured to the distance of the entire Xiali area. When you look at the map, it is a slightly cystic triangle that is erected, and they are in the uppermost corner of this slightly cystic triangle. Therefore, crossing it is not It takes a lot of work.

If it is, the hinterland of Xia Lin District, with the degree of 'slightly cysts', even if they are faster, it will take longer.

"Two days later, we will appear in the Fate of Hailin District, and then directly attack the Landingburg, not afraid that the Shaker Dragon will not stop and fight us! Now, what we need is to appease him, not to expose us. Real intentions; after all. Someone is at hand. This kind of battle will be very easy!"

Zola waved her fist. Say confidently; and Anwar, who was on the side, nodded in favor.


Ye Qi, who sits on the floor, has a bright light on the tip of her finger. The brightness, shape and performance of the finger are like the swordsmanship seen in the Glorious Canyon, but compared to the kind of swordsman The eye-catching sense of sharpness, the swordsman in Ye Qi's hands is a lot of illusion; the simple analogy is that the former is like the ice under the sun, while the latter is smoke, even if it is essentially the same. But the distance of the difference is not a little bit.

However, Ye Qi looked at the illusory bright light in his hand, but there was no depression, and even a trace of happiness.

Is this the basis of "Light Blade"?

Lifting his fingers, Ye Qi was so portrayed in the void, the bright light is like a bright colored pencil, dancing in the night sky, and when Ye Qi’s fingers stop, The bright light flashed abruptly and burst into a brighter light; more than that. The illusion is gradually disappearing in this bright light. It seems that there is a little bit of solidification, and there is a further resemblance to the bright colored swordsman seen in the Glorious Canyon.

To reach the brightness of the swords on the cliffs in the Glorious Canyon, you need to portray at least 20 times, and to reach the length of the half-moon swordsmanship that Hultril left behind, you need to have at least A thousand characterizations of the former are only...

Feeling the sharpness of the fingertips of the fingertips, Ye Qi secretly estimated that the cultivation of this "Lightblade" was introduced today. When the pseudo-sacred Knights who led the Holy See behind him marched toward the rapids, Ye Qi was Gronin had an unintentional attempt on his back; at first, Ye Qi did not intend to cultivate any results, but wanted to try it; what he did not expect was that the first step of the "Lightblade" was beyond his expectation.

That is a way similar to the "blood-transformed runes". In Ye Qi’s impression, he should not have the 'energy' that the "light blade" said, but, with a try, the so-called 'Jian Mang' appeared; very easy, just like instinctive to eat and drink.

Looking at the illusory bright color between the fingers, Ye Qi eventually classified it as the "cold weapon (master)] to remove this possibility, his entire property bar did not meet the above statement of "Light Blade"; After the most difficult step described in "The Blade of Light", Ye Qi himself has no difficulty for him, but when he goes to the next step, he will paint the sword and let the sword in his hand be At the stage of the blessing, Ye Qi encountered unexpected troubles.

The first characterization was very successful. Almost at the second time, Ye Qi had to give up the sword in his hand. In the "Light Blade", there was a very simple description of the failure of the painting: an unstable explosion; The instability is the instability of time and environment. No one knows how much this slash will explode. In addition, the sword mang’s leaning against various inanimate objects makes this unstable. Going up a floor.

However, Ye Qi does not have to worry about such a thing, behind him, but there are nearly two thousand people to clean up for him. Although the explosion of Jianmang’s failure is unstable, there is a condition that will make it inevitable. Get up, that is 'touch'!

Whether it is a light touch with a finger or a touch of the foot with a strong force, the sword will burst out; and obviously, behind Ye Qi, in the case of so many people, go back and touch People must not be less, plus Ye Qi's deliberate 'throwing' of the position of the sword, everything seems to be so harmonious and environmentally friendly, of course, from another point of view, the number of Ye Qi's failure is also unexpected.

In fact, this is a curiosity, just want to see what the so-called 'sword mans' is, Ye Qi, it is already successful; he has already satisfied his curiosity in the hand, just On the way to satisfying my curiosity, I encountered unexpected setbacks.

For such a setback, Ye Qi naturally does not care. After he has been able to fail many times, he can successfully complete a characterization and can see it.

After a success, the success of the later becomes logical. Ye Qi's fingers are rotating in the void, and the original bright color of the smoke, with each rotation. Will condense a point. Until the real edge of the dew is about two feet long, the bright colored swordsman is swallowed in the hands of Ye Qi. It seems to be alive, and this is the result of Ye Qi’s 200th characterization.

Feeling the sharp cutting of the above, Ye Qi's fingers trembled, and the swordsman, which is about two feet away, disappeared into the fingertips. It is a very special but full of familiar power, full of Ye Qi. Waving the sword's index finger; fully in line with the description of "Light Blade", so that Ye Qi nodded with satisfaction.

According to the description of "Light Blade", there is no limit to the theoretical superposition of such characterization. As long as there is time, it can continue. However, according to the quotes of Hotley, it shows that this is only an ideal state. In fact, as the number of times of superimposition is increased, the subsequent superposition of superposition will become extremely difficult. One bad is to create an instability again. State bomb.

When Horter was superimposed and painted up to five hundred times, he couldn’t go any longer, and the explosions almost made the genius in the eyes of the world mad and suffocate; but the true genius was forever It is the genius Hotley who created his own technique according to the characteristics of "Light Blade": multiple characterization overlays.

He superimposed each of the imaginary paintings to reach the swordsmanship five hundred times. As a benchmark, then complete the arrangement in the most basic way. After numerous failures, he finally formed the state he requested and found his own path ‘polar blade’!

Of course, Ye Qi can't reach the other side at one time. In fact, two hundred times is already the limit of Ye Qi at the moment. Ye Qi has already felt what Hotrell said, and it feels like a explosion when he paints it once; Therefore, Ye Qi will not have any complaints; after all, he is very clear about his talents, medium among ordinary people, and it is already very remarkable to be able to achieve this.

Ye Qi’s fingers danced again, and a smoky bright color appeared at the fingertips, then quickly stared and began to reveal his own edge. Although Ye Qi would not choose 'polar blade' as his own path, but this It does not prevent him from borrowing Holtrill's multiple portrayal.

After all, to some extent, the "Lightblade" with multiple characterizations is undoubtedly a very good choice. It is different from "Jianfeng", which shows the power of martial arts; "Light Blade" is prepared in advance. The more prepared, the more powerful the special martial arts, is undoubtedly the appetite of the Ye Qi.

Before doing anything, I have to think about countless times, in case there is any flaw in Ye Qi, naturally I don't mind preparing more "light blade" in advance. In fact, if you can, Ye Qi wants to be able to describe it. The sword destroys the gods, but this is impossible unless he chooses the path of 'polar blade'. Otherwise, multiple characterizations have their own limitations.

What's more, even the so-called 'polar blade' has its own limitations. Otherwise, why should Hotrell be restrained by the Holy See and have to come out and find a 'Glorious Canyon'?

It is undoubtedly a very great goal to destroy a god, but the desire is always just a desire and wants to fulfill one's own wishes. It can only rely on strength, not imagination.

[Alchemy (Proficient) +1]

When Ye Qi completed five swordsmanships that were portrayed to the limit, the system gave such an unexpected reminder; however, Ye Qi just glanced at it and took back his own eyes, removing the need to complete a hundred arrangements as soon as possible. In addition, more is the emphasis of Ye Qi skills, if this time is the increase of [cold weapons (master)], then he will be happy.

However, when such a prompt appeared several times in a row throughout the night, directly raising the level to [Alchemy (Proficiency): 20], Ye Qi also had to be gratified to accept such an unexpected joy and appear in the sky. When a touch of light is shining, the arrangement of the multiple depictions of Jianmang has been completely completed; very smooth, no matter whether it is two hundred swords that have been portrayed two hundred times, or one hundred times after the arrangement, there are no mistakes, all of which are It will be done in one go.

Looking down at the right index finger of his right hand in the sun, the white gold light emitted from the edge, Ye Qi shrugged, according to the description of "Light Blade", this is the normal phenomenon that the special swordsman exists in the body. The normal phenomenon, Ye Qi naturally will not be excessively entangled; let alone such a ray is very well chosen, if you do not look carefully, it is simply impossible to find.

Just the right index finger...

Ye Qi thought about his remaining time, and he was able to complete several times of the arrangement of the multiple characterizations of "Light Blade". After the improvement of Hotrell, "Light Blade" showed a qualitative change on the basis of the original; It is the position that will store the swordsmanship, from the two palms to the fingers on the palm, and each finger has this ability.

In this regard, Ye Qi can only admire the genius of Hotrell not only makes the storage power five times more, but also the power is ten times higher. Ye Qi removes the genius, basically no one. The adjective.

Of course, this Ye Qi believes that this Hotrell is definitely a wizard, and maybe it is still a so-called wizard aristocrat. Because, apart from the heirs cultivated by such a family, Ye Qi can hardly imagine an ordinary person. There is such a study of the depiction of alchemy.

Definitely a master figure!

With such a compliment to Hortel, Ye Qi went to the side and looked very intolerant. For the nightmare, Groning looked at his master 'painting' all night, especially the abstraction of painting. It is something that it cannot understand.

However, when he saw the owner who was coming to himself, he was excited about the hoof; because, through a daytime chase, it understood that there would be such a good show today, and Gronin is happy. .


In the morning, Randenburg, a small man, a big man and a three-person Ava, once again sat in the underground hall of the bar; however, compared to yesterday’s relaxed, this time, the faces of the three people are difficult to hide Dignity

"There are so many dark creatures joining this is really..."

Ava looked at the information sent back in his hand, and after sighing, he did not know what to say next. Yesterday’s interrogation was not as smooth as imagined, almost when he entered the special cell. The seemingly collapsed young man began to fight against him. After releasing the psychedelic pharmacy several times in a row, he got the results he wanted at today's dawn.

At the moment when such a result was obtained, Ava showed helplessness. He could not imagine that there were so many dark creatures in Hailin. They joined forces to remove the 'reconnaissance soldiers' in the pioneers that day; Of course, what's more important is that these dark creatures have even chosen to unite; Ava is very aware of the consequences of these dark creatures entering the Gulf.

Therefore, he immediately contacted two friends and was ready to discuss how to deal with it.

"Guys, let's think about the good side. At the very least, we got the news ahead of time, not on the battlefield!" I glanced at the two dignified looks of the two friends, the little one could not help. I shot the shoulders of the two people and said with a smile.

Ps first more ~ ​​not to be continued...

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