Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 212: Knight of the sun

At sunset, while Ye Qi retired, Awar, who had been commanding the New Sacred Knights, involuntarily grew a sigh of relief - although under his command, the strength of the New Sacred Knights had improved considerably, insisting Time has also increased greatly, but the final result will not change, it is still death.

The only thing is that it is the length of time.

From the morning, to the sunset, ten hours, over 100 sacred knights have died, and this number has been reduced to the limit of the new Holy Knights battle - as a conductor, Anwar can clearly feel The power to the battlefield has dropped by about half a liter, and such a decline has nothing to do with it in peacetime; but it is fatal in the battle with a strong man like Ye Qi.

When the original battlefield and the other side struggled hard, after the other party changed the style of combat, it became precarious; let alone the power of the battlefield fell again, and the more people who died, the more they died. The more people die, the weaker the power of the battle.

This is like a vicious circle!

For such a vicious circle, Anwar has not had a suitable solution. Under the condition that the adult's command is the first premise, it is difficult to have a feasible and effective way with his existing resources; especially There was a glimpse of 'peer' next to him, which made him unable to concentrate.

For this ‘sister’, dare not dare to deal with him behind his back, Anwar has always held a cautious and affirmative attitude – the other side will definitely, and will never leave a feeling of affection.

Therefore, in commanding the new Sacred Knights, Anwar, who seems to be fully commanded, has at least three points of attention on his 'same'; otherwise, the loss of the new Holy Knights can be reduced again. Maintained within a level of his vision.

Formerly tired Anwar sat on the ground, gasping and squinting at the distant 'comrade' - Zola was sitting about fifteen yards from him, a pile of bonfires had risen there; Next, the face of the other party is dark and uncertain, and it is impossible to distinguish the other party's thoughts at the moment.

After feeling the physical strength and energy returned to a considerable level, Anwar did not stay in place, but walked towards Zola - the new holy knight around has become a circle, even if he wants to retreat No way to retreat, only forward, go to Zola's face.

Despite controlling the ten-hour use of the new Holy Knights, in the face of Zola, the head of the new sacred Knights, the right to use such rights is taken back – for these new Anwar did not participate in the appearance of the Holy Knight, but according to some information he knew, he was sure to remove the head of the new Holy Knights in front of him. Only the authority of the adult could be higher than the other.

As for his authority?

I don't mention the temporary permission like him. Just the temporary permission is given by the other party, and the result is self-evident.

"Anwar, hard work!"

Zola looked at Anwar with a smile and waved her hand; there was no alarming thing in her expression, but this gesture made Anwar a hairstand - Zola is not an approachable existence, any other At the moment, unless you meet the adult, when you face other people, there is always a feeling of being above the top. Even if you walk past the other side, you will feel uncomfortable.

Smiling like today, like facing the closest person, Anwar does not know whether the other person has been exposed in front of others, but in front of him, such expression is absolutely inappropriate and should not exist. - So, Anwar's inner vigilance has already mentioned a high point.

He was very cautiously close to Zola’s face, still respectfully and politely said: “I have seen, Zola adults!”

"Sit, Anwar!"

Zola pointed to the opposite side and signaled Anwar to sit down; according to the instructions of the other party, Anwar sat there and face each other; looking at the other side of the bonfire, Anwar was guilty, but did not speak - He knows very well that from the moment he is vigilant in his heart, some of his things cannot be concealed; after all, it is not a too clever means, but it is usually under his cover, no one Think about it, if you think about it, then you will have an overview.

Guessing a person's fault by air is not a polite way, but in the Inquisition of the Holy See, such speculation is the most important means - it is not malicious, but a normal means, the Inquisition The normal means is like the trial word at the time of the fire: "If God thinks you are innocent, then the flame naturally cannot hurt you!" ’

Such a trial word is the consistent style of the Inquisition.

Therefore, Anwar has long had no illusions - he knows that his end will not be good, and the only thing he needs to think about is how to give the other party a ‘reward’!

Must be at the last minute...

Anwar told himself this way - although the strength of the other side is almost the same as that of him, but under the encirclement of so many new sacred knights, he has no chance, as long as there is a slight change, then the end is being smashed into slag.


As Zola's palm swung, a crisp sound rang on Anwar's cheek, and Anwar's entire body was rolled down to the ground under such force.

"How is the taste?"

Zola asked, the smile on his face was not reduced at all, and then Anval’s answer was followed by a series of winds—every wind was more painful than the real fist. More, but Anwar is hard to hold his teeth, not letting himself cry out.

This situation has already appeared in his mind, and even several exercises have been performed than this excessive scene - patience, patience, and patience...

Anwar told himself in his heart.

"I am asking you something? Why don't you answer it!"

At the side of the other side, Zola, who watched the performance of the other day, broke out completely at this time - no one wants to be deceived, especially when this kind of deception has a very clear purpose, It is extremely hateful!

"Do you want to replace me? Is it? Hehe..."

After a slight pause, Zola snorted, and then, the madness of the beating - still maintains the corresponding distance, using a strong wind, without pulling the distance between the two sides; apparently, for Zola He does not want to give the other party a chance to turn over.

In the case of taking the absolute advantage, but with the enemy, this is really an unrecognizable failure.

However, Zola doesn't mind making a fuss about his opponent, or is it a play--if you kill the other person directly, isn't it too cheap for him?

At the thought of his own deception, or the result of such deception, Zola’s resentment at the bottom of his heart is as irresistible as a volcanic eruption; therefore, when he made a strong wind, he took a step forward and After a while, I took another step forward.

Closer, closer...

Looking at Zola's move, Anwar immediately shouted in his heart - his chances were only once, and only in the most appropriate distance would it be possible to succeed.

Near, near...

Looking at the other side is about to enter the best range of his calculations, Anwar has been holding his hands under his body involuntarily clenched, he bites his teeth and prepares to give the other party a thunder when he is going further. However, at this time, Zola has not moved for a long time, but only constantly hits the wind of the road, so that he is covered in the scope of this attack.

This kind of attack has lasted for more than two minutes, even if it is Anwar's genuine price of the Japanese glory. Under such a blow, the body that has been shrunk is also beaten, and he has been waiting for the other party to take further action. However, it was delayed and did not appear.

"Ha ha ha..."

A sudden burst of laughter appeared, Zola stopped the attack, he looked at Anwar, who was waiting to fight back against him, and the happiness in his heart could no longer be tolerated. The laughter lasted for more than half a minute, even At the end of the day, Zola even laughed and burst into tears.

"Do you really think I don't know, what do you want to do?"

After wiping his eyes, Zola asked Anwar, and then gave him a very impressive evaluation: "It's really naive!"


After hearing the other person’s words, Anwar’s heart was sinking. He knew that his last chance had been lost, but...


Anwar, who curled up on the ground, smashed straight and rushed toward Zola; however, Zola, who had been prepared, looked at it with a smile. At the moment, Zola’s view is that Anwar’s resistance Then he can be more happy, the more he can wash his humiliation.

If Anwar gives up immediately, and the dog is dead, that is what disappoints him.


A crisp finger, Anwar immediately plunged from the air to the ground - facing the ordinary Sun Yat-sen, the new sacred knight of a small team is more than enough; let alone a team of ten The new holy knight of the two? A reorganized brigade must have hundreds more people!

Therefore, when less than one-tenth of the new sacred knights acted, Anwar was not even able to resist the last rebellion, and Zola’s concern for his own life was mobilized by the new sacred knight. Is it one tenth?

Looking at Anwar, who fell from the air and fell in the dirt, Zola laughed again - but this time he didn't laugh, but the smile that was always on the corner of his mouth, but this way The smile is even more uncomfortable; if the front is fierce, then it is like a viper that is hidden in the bushes, ready to give the passing person a fatal blow.

"How is this feeling?"

Looking at Anwar, who was lifted up by two new sacred knights, and Zola gently took out an almost burnt firewood from the campfire and put it in front of him - immediately, originally There was also a slight bleak dry wood, which immediately became brighter, red and red, and even a hint of fire.

Anwar looked at Zola in front of him, first glanced at Zola with helplessness, and then became a deep disdain. Anwar was too clear about what the other party wanted to do, but he did not have the slightest The method can only be slaughtered; of course, Anwar’s heart will naturally be unconvinced, mixed with the reluctance of life, mixed with the trick of fate.

I am destined to go to heaven!

Moreover, what is the meaning of being filled with such people?

Under the stars of the sky, even the lava of **** is more suitable for me than the land of glory!

Silently removed the look of the other side, Anwar tried to raise his head and let himself look up again at the night sky - the night sky in late summer, the stars, he heard the mother said, everyone has a The natal star; just, don't know which one belongs to him.


The sound of the flesh under the flame, and the smell of the stench came out - Zola took the red dry wood, pressed **** Anwar's chest, but did not expect the scream, making him slightly At a glance, looking at the other side's efforts to raise his head, Zola couldn't help but smash the firewood a few times. After the hard-boiled inserted in Anwar's chest, he said, "Is it, I feel very unconvinced?" ”

"This is fate! I am bathed in the glory of God. Why do you fight with me?"

Zola hugged her hands on her chest, staring at Anwar, who was free to dispose of herself, and then punched her face in the face.


The teeth mixed with blood, splashed out, landed on the ground not far away, mixed with the soil, rolled into a ball - dirty and muddy.

"I don't want to compete with anyone... but I have to work hard to survive..."

Anwar, who has blood on his lips and his face, reveals a smile that is not awkward, but it is absolutely indescribable. When he sees such a smile, Zola is frowning and has no origin. He hates such a smile very much, and he has an absolute advantage at the moment, so he decided to let such a smile disappear.

砰, 砰, 砰...

Zola was chained around and hit the other's face without hesitation. At the same time, it was accompanied by a sentence that struck the other side: "Live it? Without the glory of God, what qualifications do you have? Going on? As long as we stand by people like us, you are qualified to bathe in the glory of God; but you, the guy who is not even as good as you, wants to replace it, is God's grace so easy to get? You This kind of splashing!"

"'s what you are..."

Anwar had already been under a series of blows by the other side, feeling that his eyes were black, and the teeth were almost completely destroyed. The ones that were not beaten were also loose.


But in this state, Anwar was miraculously seeing Zola's punching action, slightly raising his head, and avoiding the opponent's fist, a **** tooth was smashed by Anwar. Sprayed out and aimed at Zola's eyes.


The **** teeth were wrapped in a gust of wind and smashed into Zola's right eye.

Then -

Ah, ah...

A series of screams came out from Zola's mouth—the eye is one of the greatest weaknesses of the human being, and it is very fragile. Even if the strongman of the Japanese glory is effectively attacked, it cannot be calm.

Looking at Zola's screams, Anwar was completely calm. He did his best and got a fairly good return. Therefore, if death comes, he will not carry it despite his regret. Fear -

"The grace of God's grace? Bathing under the glory of God? If I can, I would rather not... In order to get this, I have lost everything, everything... If there is a chance to come back again, I will never do it again. And give up my happiness... Hey, the grace of God, bathed in the light of God... shit, all are shit!"

With his own words, Anwar is ready to accept the last moments of his life. He once again tried his best to look up at the sky in late summer and look for the one that the mother once said. The star of the life; Zola, who performed the magical treatment, pulled out a long sword of a new holy knight and stabbed straight toward Anwar.

With resentment and unbelief!

When everything is in his hands, there is still such a situation, how can he accept it?

He has to dig up Anwar's chest and dig out the other's heart to make him deflated!

After all, his eyes were completely destroyed in the hands of the other party - even if the magic is magical in healing, it is not omnipotent; that is, Zola's right eye has been completely abolished.

How can this not let Zola resent?

Next to the campfire, under the night sky in the late summer, Anwar and Zola are relatively squatting, one arm anti-cutting has no resistance, a hand-held sword is in the initiative; but one is incomparably calm, and the other is with Endless resentment -


The long sword stabbed, aiming at Anwar's heart.

However, Anwar still struggled to find the star buried in his memory; until a long time to find no fruit, he could not help but sigh.

Sometimes I think I am getting it, but I am actually losing it.

"You seem to have a trace of unwillingness!"

A glimpse of the sound appeared, Anwar stunned, and then immediately looked up and looked around; he can be sure that this is definitely not Zora's voice - Zola's voice can't hide the smear even if it is deliberately hidden. But this sound is graceful and noble, and it seems to be a feeling of reverence from the bottom of my heart.

Instinctively, Anwar looked around for this voice - he wanted to take a look, this is better than anyone he has ever seen, whoever feels noble.

Then he saw - not far from him, as if far away, a ‘man’, or ‘god’, surrounded by endless glory...

"Are you going to play with my soul at the last moment of my death?"

Shocked to the whole body, Anwar looked at everything that seemed to stop all around, and he asked with a wry smile - if the other party is really the one he guessed, then he could not do it even if he died!

The irony of true*!

Anwar’s heart has involuntarily emerged from such an idea.

"No, no, I think you made a mistake! I just heard an unwilling sigh. It contains disappointment but is gratifying, so I am very curious! Now, my curiosity is satisfied, I will choose Leaving; however, after you have satisfied my curiosity, I decided to satisfy one of your wishes, as long as it is within the scope of my abilities, then what kind of wishes do you have?"

The answer to the ‘God’ in the glory.

"I want to go back to the past and return to the moment before I became a god!"

I didn’t think about it, Anwar shouted like this.

"Through time? That is the most troublesome thing, except for some special existence, even if I need to consume a lot of money; and, in the case of being alone, it is possible to change a wish?"

For the existence of the glory, such a calm answer, some of the expectations of Anwar, he could not help but sigh, and then smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, even God, can not face 'repent'? ”

“Do you need me to give you a hint?”

"Is it in the wish?"

At this time, Anwar still took his own savvy, and did not choose to turn around, but very calm.

"Of course not!"

In the endless glory of a certain existence, the answer is also very sincere, and, straightforwardly said: "How about the crisis before you?"

“Help me survive?”

Anwar gave a slight glimpse, and then the bottom of his heart was a beating—yes, if the other party is really a ‘God’, then it is not difficult to help me out of the current predicament.

Just live down...

"As long as you survive, you may be able to find such a special existence and help you find the time of the past... Of course, with your current strength and identity, you want to find that kind of existence, it is too far!"

“What strength and identity do I need?”

Asked by the subconscious Anwar.

"Would you like to be the guardian of the sun? This is just my personal proposal. Even if you don't agree, I will help you through the storm!"

"I am willing!"

Anwar just thought for a moment, and said this, then his body fell involuntarily on the ground, his hands raised high above the head, a shining sword appeared there, on his shoulders After a little bit at the top of the head, a bronze cup of the Holy Grail appeared out of thin air, and the cool holy water poured from the top of his head...

The injury was cured without medicine, and the power emerged from the depths of the body. More importantly, Anwar found himself returning to his ‘place’.

Zola’s long sword is close at hand, and the new holy knights on both sides still cut his arms.

boom! boom!

With a little effort, the unbreakable anti-cutting force disappeared like this. The two new sacred knights seemed to be hit by a truck and flew to the distant crowd; Zola stabbed the sword in front of him. It was easily caught by his two fingers.

"you you?!"

Zola glared at Anwar, who looked at the 'renewed' in front of him. He slammed the sword in his hand and tried to take the sword back, but under the two fingers, it seemed to be welded. , the silk does not move.

"The grace of God, bathed under the glory of God, as if I did it!"

Anwar gently stepped forward and grabbed Zola’s neck with a sincere and proud look. He said in a word: “Different from what you said, 'Tianci’, I passed my Efforts have earned the gaze of 'God'; perhaps, I am only a very few examples, but under the gaze of 'God', anyone will have this possibility, not the so-called 'Goddess'!"



The palm was slightly hard, and then tightened a little. In the cracking sound of the throat, Zola’s head slammed and lost her life. If it was the previous Anwar, he would definitely torture each other. But at the moment he felt that it was unnecessary; looking at the other's body, Anwar's face had a real pity: "The people who don't know the direction of their own efforts, death is not the best relief; but... ...hope, you can find 'Heaven' in your 'God'!"


Turning around and looking at the members of the approaching new Holy Knights, Anwar took out the long sword - although the battle of the Holy Knights required someone to command, but the ordinary 'alert' state, but not needed; And he killed Zola, the only "head of the team" they recognized at the time, so naturally it is the enemy of the other side.

"The glory of the sun, the glory of my Lord, omnipresent!"

After a sacred statement, Anwar's white flames burned up—not a complete sacred fire, but a holy fire mixed with a ray of sun.

In the darkness, such a flame, incomparably dazzling, can't be ignored; not to mention the team of more than a thousand people, suddenly the action is ringing; but such action is in the moment of coming soon. However, one of the current commanders of the New Holy Knights came out and handed a message crystal to Anwar respectfully.

After picking up the crystal and clenching it, Anwar dissipated San Yan. He shouted to the new holy knight around him as the head of the new Holy Knights: "All spread out!"

Looking at the scattered new sacred knight, I looked at the body of Zola who was on the ground and felt the change. The Anwar face with the sword and the sword fell to the ground on one knee.

"My Lord is shining, bathing in the heart, my Lord's honor, bathing in the body..."

After a few moments, Anwar stood up again. He took the crystal and walked back to Zola’s side. There was a sigh in his look: “You can never know, your self-righteous behavior has brought you How much trouble..."

After that, a finger flicked, and a holy fire with a hint of the sun fell straight on Zola's body. Just a moment later, Zola's body was in the white sanitis, disappearing without a trace. Only the remaining beach fly ash blew into the sky in the late night wind, and Anwar stood by and looked at it all.

This is not the order of his ruined corpse, but the command of the great man in the crystal!

Although Anwar knew that Zola was awkward, he did not know that the other party even did the same behavior -

Even his own subordinates are in red in the mountains of God. Although they have changed their styles, how do you think of Yeta?

Maybe you take a bribe, he will close his eyes with one eye, but in this way, you let him be necessary to kill you!

A person who can't even locate his position, who is happy to die here, is also his kindness to you!

Recalling the information in his head, Anwar shook his head and turned around. He walked outside the temporary camp. He shouted in the heart of the current pope's name, without fear, without reverence, but with a touch of faintness. Equality and direct vision; the path he pursues, under the watchful eye of his 'God', should not be feared, and reverence can only be given to those who should be revered, and Ieta is obviously not.

Those who plot to murder others will be attributed to sin.

Anwar showed his own actions, silently remorse in his heart, but he did not stop in the footsteps. In the distance, there are people he needs to see - the dragon of Shaker, this moment is still the enemy At the moment, it must be converted into the existence of the Allies.

Dark creatures gather in the Bay Area and the Strait Channel, and they are making a comeback...

Any battle stops immediately to clear the dark creatures as the top priority!

This is after the message crystal, the big man mentioned, there is no objection to Anwar, even with a hint of relief - after accepting the baptism, he no longer wants to be an enemy of the Shak Dragon It’s not the fear of fighting. Just as he used to call Yieta’s name, Anwar has no fear at the moment, but he has a struggle inside.

For such an inner struggle, Anwar can't ignore it. When he decided to become the sun guardian knight, he vowed to face everything in the world with his original attitude, and there are good and evil, right and wrong. - Maybe he can't tell for a while, but it doesn't hinder his persistence.

Of course, there is also the Holy See... this place he once admired, but at the moment it must be the enemy!

His ‘God’ is not the one. It is the ‘God’ who told him. Anwar believes that his ‘God’ will not lie to him. Then there will be a battle for all this – in the way of the Holy See.

However, it can't be now!

He is too weak to complete his due commitment to his ‘God’.

So, definitely can't be now!

My Lord, waiting for my message, under the glory of the sun, your guardian knight will form your own Knights with your own heart - it will become your shield, sword, like the sun Disperse the earth.

Looking up, Anwar marched, looking up at the night sky again...

There, he finally saw that under the numerous stars, almost occluded and could not see the radiance of existence - his mother told him that the lord star belongs to him.

The faint light is almost invisible from the far side, but it still flickers.

Moreover, the star is moving towards the land of the Far East - where the sun rises.


"I have no ill intentions!"

Ten minutes later, Anwar appeared in front of another pile of bonfires. He looked at the four people in front of him. His eyes swept over and finally stayed on the man who was sitting on his mount; a camping The blanket was draped on the other side at the moment, and under the blanket, it was a faint scar, and the traces almost disappeared. I couldn’t see the scars left in the daytime.


Ye Qi also looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. His eyes were clear and he stood in front of him. He had a kind of stability, and the solemn appearance of the other party did not have the exaggeration of the last time. On the contrary, in such stability, it is as if I am like this.

If it wasn’t for the contractual companion in the heart to tell him everything, Ye Qi’s moment to see each other would be thought of as seeing a retired old knight in the Ranger’s camp—on the other’s body, some feelings and The retired old knights are very close, but there is a difference, and there is one more direct.

As if to confirm Ye Qi’s speculation, Anwar immediately said to the small, big man and Ava who were present, “The dark creatures invaded the bay area and hoarded the rapids.” We took a break and shared the same! ”

"Hey, the news of the Holy See is really backward. It was discovered at this time?"

After the little man snorted, he said coldly and coldly - although Ye Qi smashed him, but in the face of chasing his friends for a few days, he once wanted to invade, the inner anger of the little man, It’s not that he is calm and self-sufficient; the same is true of Ava and the big man. The big man is directly holding his fists and swearing at Anwar. No one will doubt that if something goes wrong, the big man will With a roar, I rushed up.

"The mistakes need to be corrected, even if they need to be investigated, they must be corrected!"

Anwar nodded, calmly admitting the accusation of the little man, and then his gaze once again looked at Ye Qi: "When the sun rises again, I will lead the new Holy Knights to the rapids. !Please ask the Lord of the Shacks..."

"Go with you!"

Ye Qi gave a positive answer.

Without saying anything, Anwar took a knight's ceremony to Ye Qi and turned back to go back; he did not mind exposing his back to several people - for him, the demon hunter was far away It is more lovely than his original 'sister'; although it is inevitable that there are some frowning existences, it is warmer than the inner court.

Even if you can't make a real ‘the kingdom’!

But also be warm like this!

The idea born from the bottom of my heart made Anwar go back a little faster - as the head of the new Holy Knights, he didn't want his subordinates to be a group of '傀儡', he wanted all People are like him, getting new life; not only the preciousness of life, but also the regrets in the heart...

My lord, please let your radiance once again shed on these innocent people!

Anwar’s heart prayed.


“Are we solving a problem ahead of time?”

Ava asked Ye Qi and the little two friends to ask.

"Of course, it's a pity, our layout!"

The little man nodded and then replied with a sigh.

"I feel that there is nothing wrong with this!"

The big man rarely expressed his opinion, and after such a moment, he got the unanimous approval of the three people including Ye Qi. Ye Qi smiled and lay down. The upper body was completely leaning on Groning. The back: "Everybody, take a rest! Although the trouble is solved in advance, the result of the road is still the same!"

“Is it better than being chased by people?”

After a small **** slicked his tongue, he immediately greeted his friend to fill the firewood with some of the firewood, and then urged the big man and Ava to get into the sleeping bag together; and he was sitting cross-legged on the bonfire, looking It is a habit to be surrounded by a vigil. This kind of work cannot be changed because of the change of strength; for, the momentary will always make you lose your life.

Soon, except for the sound of the bonfire burning dry wood, there is still silence.

And Ye Qi, who seems to be asleep, is silently communicating with the existence of the heart that has disappeared for several days -

"You don't tell me These days you disappear, just to find talent!"

Ye Qi’s questioning is a bit rude--although the relationship between the two is complicated because of the contract, and even leaves Ye Qi himself in danger, but this does not mean that Ye Qi has only resentment and anger, except for these two In addition, under the wisdom of the wolf, he also has his own harvest.

Such a harvest makes Ye Qi with a clear-headed mind, in the face of his own contractual companions - like friends and non-enemy, should not be lack of vigilance, but respect.

"I can understand that you are caring about me?"

The lazy voice, in a familiar tone, once again appeared in the heart of Ye Qi.

"The relationship of the contract, my concern for you, but also for your own concern!"

Ye Qi responded like this; then, he showed an intolerance and asked the strange wolf: "What is that Anwar?"

PS Two chapters in one~

This morning, the house was out of power, and it was a little yardlined in the cafe. Then, I finally waited for the call at home. When I got home, I started to break the net... I couldn’t bear it! ! !

Then, I ran to the cafe again, and went to two cups of coffee, one hundred and one hundred, and the decadent heart was bleeding... I know that it is a knife, and I feel that it is really uncomfortable! ! !

Finally, the 10,000-character chapter ~~~ 颓 满 满 打 打 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~

Thanks to the prodigal sons of the four seas, 200 coins, sn100 coins, x100 coins, Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 coins, ~~~ decadence, thank you all for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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