Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 214: Under ‘road’

The most basic of [nameless skills] is to sense 'some existence' and then establish contact with it - whether it is its own weapon or the power of faith; but this time, when Ye Qi does not sense 'some The existence of 'there'; Ye Qi can be sure that the use of [nameless skills] is normal, and even, can clearly feel the 'passing through the 'glass wall'.

However, behind the ‘glass wall’, the ‘road’ that belongs to him does not exist. Although Ye Qi can “see”, it does not exist in the induction of [nameless skills]...

How is this going?

After Ye Qi glimpsed a little, the subconsciously transferred the induction to the knives, and immediately the knives underneath the knives gave a humming echo, but when the induction of [nameless skills] turned again, It is still empty, and there is no such thing as being able to respond to the [nameless technique].

Is it not enough?

After another failure of induction, Ye Qi couldn't help but think of it - in fact, [nameless skills] is difficult to have a range, and the scope of [blind bucket perception] is different according to the strength of its own attribute [perception]. [Untitled Skills] More is a kind of 'medium'. As long as it can find the 'medium' that responds to the induction, even if it is isolated by special enchantment, it can detect the specific location.

Just like in the villa on the outskirts of Langerburg, Ye Qi’s first thing to use [nameless skills] is not the sea **** temple at the bottom of the lake, but the 'key' in the villa. Perception] is not the slightest discovery.

At this time, Ye Qi thinks this because he is in [nameless skills]. He ‘saw’ is a vast black. It is like the night sky at the top of the moment - in such an environment. Ye Qi is hard not to create such an illusion; however, even if it is an illusion, it is necessary to want to go wrong; when Ye Qi did not find the 'medium' several times in a row, he could not help but give up the idea.

Is it necessary to re-cultivate [nameless skills] again?

It is as if it is a process like nothing with a knives knife.

Looking up at the night sky and looking at the stars, Ye Qi couldn't help but think subconsciously - if you have an idea, you need to do it, and experiment with the correctness of this idea.

And when Ye Qizhen faced the ‘the road behind the glass wall’. After the most original [nameless technique] began to echo, immediately a feeling of stagnation, floating in the heart of Ye Qi - such a stagnation, it seems that the most familiar food is half-baked, you must Lower throat.

This feeling is undoubtedly uncomfortable, but Ye Qi is happy - because he found a correct path.

At the moment, his feelings are exactly the same as those described in the [Unknown Skills]. It was originally not known to Ye Qi, who used the knives as a weapon - of course. The feeling is exactly the same, but in some places there is a fundamental gap; for example; [nameless skills]. The foundation at the beginning needs to be thoroughly familiar with the size, weight, color, etc. of an item in your hand as an aid. At this moment, Ye Qi naturally does not have such assistance. Facing the road behind the glass wall, Ye Qi himself The cognition is undoubtedly vague, and even requires [no name skills] to familiarize yourself with everything.

It is like a scorpion crossing the river, you need to touch the stone step by step.

Ye Qi is completely certain that he wants to achieve the degree of success in the description of [nameless skills]. It is absolutely time-consuming and lasting, and he wants to reach the same level as the magic knife, but he does not know that he needs to arrive. What year and month - but this is lucky compared to those who are stuck in the warrior's road, and after all, he found a correct method, although it definitely takes a long time to complete .

Although the wolf does not explicitly say anything, but according to 'because of the special blood, your body has entered the extraordinary realm, but your soul can still be in the mortal world; across the 'wall' Let's take a look at your soul and there will be unexpected gains! 'This sentence is undoubtedly a way to tell him how to completely enter the legendary world. Although, for the term 'soul', Ye Qi does not have any doubts. After all, his existence has been proved. The soul is not abstract, let alone so many sorcerers of the undead school as evidence.

However, according to Ye Qi’s own understanding, he thinks that it is more precise, this is another kind of sublimation – just like ordinary people become apostles, and then the Yuehui apostles become a general change of the Japanese glory; only because the system For the sake of this, he has not experienced such three changes, and from the current situation, he seems to be able to 'enjoy' once, and is, the most important one.

Perhaps the strength is higher, the more difficult it is to improve, but every upgrade will undoubtedly be a qualitative leap...

Just don't know, if you use skill points to select [Cold Arms (Master)], will such changes still exist?

Ye Qi couldn't help but think about his chin, and then he thought of the legendary option that emerged after his career was promoted to the legend – is this a reward?

Thinking of this Ye Qi, I immediately wanted to add a point to the [cold weapon (master)] to break through the bottleneck of the present; however, Ye Qi eventually gave up the idea of ​​adding it now.

Since there is no threat, why don't I try to break through as much as possible in a 'traditional' way?

Once you are in danger, it is not too late to use the skills!

Thinking of this, Ye Qi immediately had his own decision.


The night in Xia Lin is very short-lived, only about one-third of the day, plus the end of the summer, the night is even less; therefore, when it is the turn of Ye Qi, the sky is already bright. And, before the night watch, Ava brought breakfast - two hares and some wild vegetables, wild fruits.

"Ava, you are not..."

Looking at the action of his friends, Ye Qi is puzzled. Every druid is a natural guardian. They use leaves and vine branches to weave clothes and eat fruits. It does not feed on a variety of animals; this is not the knowledge of books. It is in the Druid camp. Ye Qi saw it with his own eyes.

"Although I have the power of nature, I am not a pure druid; according to the words of Connor, I am a natural guardian, as long as the best use of things, not casual waste, not because of their own luxury. It's okay to cause natural damage!” Ava handled the hare while taking some compressed food from her carry-on bag—they were originally placed in the rucksack of the big man. However, after meeting with Ye Qi, he was handed over to Ava again, while the big man took over tents, cookware and some bigger and heavier things.

"Oh, it’s a very kind teaching!"

Ye Qi gave the most realistic thoughts in the heart - compared to the Holy See, and even some of the religions he had seen, the Druid's teachings were really kind and not forced or atrocities. At most, the punishment is the expulsion; if you can eat the oak leaves, this one is waived. Druidism is undoubtedly the most suitable religion for getting along with ordinary people.

"However, the taste of the rest leaves is really not good!"

Ava smiled and responded to her good friend. Immediately, Ye Qi was a well-informed smile, and the little man and the big man who smelled the breakfast also got their own blankets, especially the latter, and even shouted: "I want two People!"

"If you want to eat enough, you need ten people, Darlan!"

The little man squatted by the campfire and corrected the mistakes in his friend's words. If the amount of food for a normal person is not enough for a normal person, the big man will eat so much every time.

"Dallan means twice as much as usual, twenty people!"

Ye Qi smiled and put his hand into the [Dimensional Bag] and pulled out a few canned beef. Compared with some important items in the [Higher Dimensional Bag], the ordinary [Dimensional Bag] is full of life. Necessities, except food and water, are all kinds of potions.

"Then we have to leave at least two hours late!"

Ava took the canned beef. After picking up the dagger, cut the beef into a piece of fingertips and pour it into the pot. Then the cans were flattened around the cans. These cans are of course not It will be thrown away like this, they are the first choice for the lunch box in the wild.

"As long as we can eat enough, we can catch up with them for two hours in the evening!"

The big man is scratching the back of his head and pointing to the camp where the pseudo-sacred knights with the smoke fluttering in the distance - although the big man has some incomprehensible behavior for this magical knight, but this Does not hinder the big man's understanding of the strength of these magical knights; if you want a big man to evaluate in one sentence, it is: outside the strong.

Before meeting with Ye Qi, he killed more than thirty such pseudo-sacred knights, basically one punch or one slap; and those cross swords slashed on him, completely It is not painful.

"They have a very weak frontal battle and they are running faster!"

The big man first picked up his lunch box and leaned over to Ava’s side, waiting to say.

"Their advantage is warfare, but it doesn't mean that they are weak after they are separated. On the contrary, they are not weak. They can rival some of the most famous old hunters. The reason why you feel weak is because of Dahl. Lan You and Datong are powerful!" Ye Qi can not forget the nearly three hundred refined magic crystals that two friends took out after meeting yesterday. If not the two explained the origin of these magic crystals, Ye Qi thought The two were robbed of the bank’s vault of the highest government.

"Dallan is really powerful! You didn't see the way he fought, really... clean and neat!"

Datong grabbed Ava's spoon and gave him two spoonfuls in his lunch box. Then he came to the side and thought for a long time before he thought of an adjective. Then he asked again: "Dallan, Are you really just a moonlight?"

"Really are!"

In the face of a friend's inquiry, the big man nodded boldly.

"I don't want to think about it; since there are those outside the sacred knights, then there will be such a weak outer strength; Yeah, isn't it?" The little man looked at Ye Qi, the latter. After seriously looking at the big man for a long time: "Dallan's feelings should be Yuehui, but the strength is far beyond the monthly level, reaching the level of the day's glory; as for why he has such performance. I don't know!"

In [blind bucket perception]. The fluctuations of your own friends. However, it is not inferior to any of the Japanese-level powerhouses that Ye Qi has seen, but the breath is really the true moonlight level. For this situation, Ye Qi is also the first to see it. Ye Qi asked the wolf, but the latter directly opened the conditions to divide those refined magic crystals into half; therefore, although Ye Qi was curious, he still made a rational choice; after all. Until now, the performance is still the good side.

“Is it because of the secret of the Supreme Government’s ‘Chariot’?”

After a long time of contemplation, the little man said suddenly: "Ham Amanda is not the same as the star-level atmosphere, but it has the strength that Yuehui does not have at the top?"

"This is similar, but there are some subtleties that are different. After all, Amanda's words can be discovered only by microscopic observation; while Dardan is different, just like the kind that completely hides himself. The existence of breath!" Ye Qi has some approval for his friends' views. Then I gave my own discovery - with [blind bucket perception], for the people around me. Even if Ye Qi does not specifically peep, it will be clear.

"What is going on?"

The little man muttered to himself, not just a small man, Ye Qi and Ava are thinking.

"Everyone eats breakfast first!"

The big man looked at everyone's thoughts and couldn't help but loudly reminded: "Awa's breakfast is very delicious. When you eat, don't think too much, it will affect your appetite!"

"The famous saying of the owner of the Dolphin Bar!"

The little man immediately joined.

"In terms of the boss's body, he must be physically fit!"

Ava nodded as well.

Then, immediately a burst of laughter came out of the four people, and breakfast was carried out in this happy atmosphere, until the end, and began to accurately on the road -

"Dallan, are you sure you don't need me to share some?"

When Ye Qi looked at his friends and carried the articles he should carry, he began to share the actions of the other two friends. He couldn’t help but ask his own mount: “The power of Gronin is obvious to all!”

Immediately, Gronin played a ringing nose.

"I can do it!"

The big man still replied with a thick smile, pointing to Ye Qi, while putting the little man and Ava’s salute on his back, tied it with ropes – and as if to prove himself, The big man first came out, and the three men looked at each other and immediately followed.

Target: South, Rapids Strait.

The speed of the four people, very fast, has already surpassed the speeding car or train, reaching a point that makes these two kinds of vehicles unattainable; and the pseudo-sacred knights who go hand in hand with them are not behind in the slightest, that Valt took off the robes of the Archbishop of Red, and put on a knight's armor. One person first walked in front of the pseudo-sacred Knights, and refused to leave behind Ye Qi and others.

And, very naturally, after about an hour, this kind of go-in seems to be a kind of race - although the armor of Anwar is just a very common armor, without the slightest magic, the increase of magic, But Ye Qi clearly felt a different kind of power in the other's body, and it is because of this power that Anwar can make such changes.

For the source of this power, Ye Qi is naturally well-informed and will not have any envy - he will not believe that his contract companion will be selfless dedication, such power does not know that person What kind of painful Anwar has paid! Or what kind of painful price will be paid!

From the narrow strip of the Xia Lin area to the rapids, you need to cross the entire hinterland of the Xia Lin area, even the capital of the highest government, and then enter a large plain, walk through the entire plain, enter To a special environment with a terrain: behind the reef, not far from the rapids.

The reef land, distributed around the rapids strait, runs through some of the land in the Xia Lin and Bay Areas. However, because of the special circumstances, the people here are very rare, even some smugglers are not willing to stay in such places. - After all,, with the rushing waters in the rapids and the whirlpools that occasionally appear, any small vessel can't pass, and large ships have the danger of hitting the rocks.

Therefore, if you describe the rapids, it is inaccessible.

It is because of this inaccessibleness that a large group of dark creatures are hidden from it.

On the second day after Dude, Ye Qi and his entourage, the pseudo-sacred knights led by Anwar, did not stop anyway and went straight through the vast plains; at this moment, they were standing on the edge of the plains. At the map, there should be a small town here, but now, there is only a ruin of a broken wall.

Ps second more~

On the last day of the National Day, I am seeking to protect the brothers and sisters who are rolling down the ground.~~~

Thanks to the starting point of the prodigal wave of the four seas, the starting point of the 200, the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the x100 starting point, the reward of the starting point of the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100, the reward of the starting point of the big alcohol 100.~~~ decadent thank you all Supporting decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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