Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 217: Building camp

When the sun jumped out of the horizon, the entire small Tucheng was immediately covered by a shadow of obscuration. Looking at the reef that was specially built on the east side, Ye Qiyi raised his hand. Immediately, the fluctuations of the virtual air array flashed. Passing, followed by a few bright swordsmanship flashed, and the reef that was built into the ground was cut into pieces.

Suddenly, the light and warmth of the morning sun sprinkled all over the small Tucheng. Originally, because of the ghastness brought by the corpse of a place, it was also missing under the sun. Ye Qi turned and looked at the tens of yards behind him. The cylindrical platform, after frowning the brow, did not cut it off - because it hates the positive energy, so the small Tucheng as a sentry is not only relying on the cylindrical platform behind it, but also very clever use. The height difference, combined with the shelter of some reefs around, will cover the entire small earth city in the shadows, even in the daytime, except for the sun falling vertically at noon, other times, the sun will be blocked. .

For Ye Qi or others, such occlusion is naturally unnecessary; therefore, he lifts his hand to erase a part of the block, but when facing the cylindrical platform behind him, Ye Qi does not again Shots - Although this cylindrical platform is truly able to block the presence of sunlight, its height is also a rare sentry. If it is destroyed, it will be necessary to re-establish a sentry when the follow-up troops arrive.

Instead of spending the same amount of time, it is better to stay here.

Ye Qi turned around and shattered all the reefs built in the west. He threw the dying vampire Dagong into a shadow--the other's injury was not enough to take any damage. Even ordinary sunlight. For the other party at the moment is also fatal; Ye Qi is very confident. After all, the other party’s injury was caused by his hand.

Undoubtedly, Ye Qi is fulfilling everything he said to the other party before, and the other party is obviously not as loyal as he imagined. After about three hours, he said everything he knew, including Ye Qi. The person who cares the most: the inanimate king.

However. What is expected to be different from Ye Qi is that the other party, irrespective of strength and prestige, is enough to be the invincible king of the commander. In the beginning, in the beginning, there is a public appearance of 'accepting' these dark creatures drifting from the endless sea. Most of the time, the face will not be exposed, just stay in your own camp, or simply disappear.

No one dares to ask why this inanimate king wants to do this. For dark creatures, the supremacy of strength is an iron, and on the day of 'comment,' the inanimate king is undoubtedly standing on this. Iron is at the highest point. Either surrender or die.

For such a choice. All the dark creatures are familiar, they have chosen to surrender, and then wait for the return of the Lord under the leadership of this adult; but everything is not as they imagined - expected The war did not appear like a storm, violently slamming them, but it was quietly stationed in such a place, and the grown-up was like forgetting them, even now as a few conductors, It is also the result of deliberation by the heads of various ethnic groups.


Silently recited the name, Ye Qi, standing on the earth wall, looked to the south - the direction of the endless sea.

There, there are a collection of about 50,000 kinds of dark creatures. They are grinding their teeth, preparing to taste the flesh and blood in the memory of their ancestors...

After a slight sneer, Ye Qi jumped off the earth wall and came outside the small earth city. He looked closely - this small earth city is undoubtedly enough if it is only stationed in their existing people, but then The support of the Hunting Devils Headquarters that came in, and wanting to enter the small Tucheng, is obviously not enough.

Therefore, this small Tucheng is undoubtedly an 'inner city', and on the periphery there is a wall that can accommodate more people - the result of exploration, so that Ye Qi feels satisfied, dark creatures build this small Tucheng At that time, it was undoubtedly considering the problem of the sun, so I tried to rely on it as much as possible; therefore, there was a fairly wide area on the periphery, and it was not a soft sand, but a very hard reef.

It is enough to be an outpost against dark creatures!

After arriving at such a conclusion, Ye Qi once again returned to Xiaotucheng – this is already the limit of Ye Qi, and then he needs to be handed over to the professionals; after all, for the real war, though I have seen a lot in books, but Ye Qi is also the first personal experience.

When Ye Qi used a black cloth to bring the dying vampire grandfather back to the small town on the edge of the Great Plains in Xia Lin District, Anwar led the new sacred knights to be ready to go, and his friends were small and big. It is even at the forefront -

"Ye, how?"

Two different demon hunters, looking at friends who fell from the air, immediately asked.

"There is a sentry post in Reef Bay, it has been cleaned up by me, and there is a living mouth!"

After briefly telling about the situation in Reef Bay, Ye Qi looked at Anwar who came over and said: "We need to rebuild the camp there, relying on the fortifications of the building; otherwise, the difference in quantity will make us Left and right!” said, after Ye Qi shook his vampire Dagong, he continued: “According to what it said, in addition to the inanimate king, three temporary leaders were elected. They should all be in the realm of extraordinary status."

"The inanimate king... three extraordinary... must camp now!"

Anwar immediately gave the answer - whether it was the inanimate king or the three dark creatures that entered the legendary world, it is not what he can now resist; and now Anwar can't tolerate himself. The man went to death for no reason; after all, this is the foundation of his need to build the Knights, each one is precious.

The driving force has always been the first point of Anwar’s self-request, so after that, I will finish it. After Ye Qixing took a knight ceremony. Just step back to the front of his own genus. I began to move toward the reef bay.

"This guy seems to be really different!"

The little man said this.

"It’s much better than those who give people a stick!"

The big man also nodded aside.

"As long as he is still in the Holy See, it is also a **** stick!"

After swearing a little sentence, the little man looked at Ye Qi and said: "Ava has just returned the news before, and has already found the team supported by the headquarters. It was led by Ted and Noah and has already entered. The Great Plains of the Xialin District. It is moving at full speed!"

"If there is no accident, the leader will be able to arrive tomorrow morning!"

The little man gave his own estimated results.

"how many people?"

Ye Qi asked him what he was most concerned about at the moment.

"There are about 5,000 people, all of whom are made up of hunters. The original 10,000-strong team, because of the large-scale dark creatures in Hailin District, Blanc has to take the other half to support. The little man said all the information he knew: "Many of the people taken by Blanc are basically the ranks of the Rangers and the Demon Hunters; and the remaining five Rangers Brigade, among them The three have already gone to support the Four Seasons Fort, and the remaining two guard Shak; therefore, except for the veteran team, the only people who can be mobilized at the headquarters are the Tower of the Thorns, the Tower of Wisdom and the Tower of the Tower of Decisions. Of course; there are also local demon hunters!"

"There are only more than 10,000 people who gather all the devils everywhere. And the reason for the road, want to gather all, when the highest government is in chaos, it is very difficult! If half of the people can appear on the battlefield, It’s already our luck!” Ye Qi frowned and sighed: “As for the veteran team, the number is only two thousand. Although it’s elite, it’s not a last resort. Hesel’s adults will never let This veteran team is dispatched; after all, no matter how you look at it, once the team is dispatched, it is a dying charge!"

"And those who guard the tower..."

Speaking of this, Ye Qi couldn't help but spread his hand to his friends. His face smiled: "The tower of the relics, the tower of the tower and the guard tower of the tower of the moon and night will naturally obey the dispatch, and the remaining tower of thorns And the Tower of Wisdom will definitely help at a critical moment, but the tower of decision..."

"The guys are really dead brains!"

When I heard Ye Qi said the tower of decision-making, the little man couldn’t help but smile, and the big man who was always smiling and smiling was not frowned by distress. The guardians in the six towers, because of different preferences, The strengths are high and low, and the direction of being good is also very strange, but one thing that everyone will admit is that the tower of decision-making is the strongest.

However, since the inexplicable disappearance of the tower of the decision-making tower, the entire tower of decision-making has been in the state of towering towers, and the tower guards of those towers of decision-making are like the tower-towers who generally carry out decision-making. The order, not only the ordinary people can not get close, even the remaining five tower owners go, but also blocked out - once in the power of the tower of the tower of wisdom, in order to teach these people, broke the food Conveyed, but this did not have any effect. The next day, a team of guard towers left the central castle to purchase food.

It was not until the moon-night Tata Lord took power that this situation was restored to the original; however, everyone understood the attitude of the tower guards of the decision-making tower - 'Before I came back, you helped me guard this place. No one is allowed to enter! This is what the tower of the decision-making tower left when it left, and it is clear that these guardians are fully implemented.

"If they really reach a critical situation, they should help? Many words"

The big man scratched his head and looked at two friends and sought the answer.

"Who knows? If those dark creatures really dare to attack the tower of decision-making, these guys will definitely shoot!" The little man shrugged and looked boring: "But at that time, I am afraid that the entire Lorant will recover. In the age of chaos; what is the use of them?"

"Let's go, these things, when we can't get our headaches, what should Hesel's talents do?"

Ye Qi turned over and jumped onto Groning's back and flew into the air, and then the little man and the big man followed, on the ground, heading toward the reef bay.


Although Ye Qi and his party set off for a while because of the conversation, they arrived with Anwar, who led the new sacred knight, almost in and out. For the little man, winning or losing was in most of the time. not important. But who is also the target of the score; the words of a friend. Everyone laughed, and after they had a cup of wine, they would be fine, but if they were former enemies, they could not lose if they were dead.

After the two sides arrived at Xiaotucheng, the first thing that was printed in the eyes was the body of the dark creatures in the ground. Looking at the body with the same wound and the same death posture, the experienced person can immediately recognize it. This is Suffered from the attack at the same time. Then the death can only produce the effect; and the people present, except for the new holy knights who are like a beggar, the rest can see what is going on.

So, the little man immediately gave a thumb to Ye Qibi, and the big man showed a thick smile again; but Anwar was a brow, but he quickly spread out, he was facing the genus behind him. The next wave, immediately, the new holy knights acted. Gathering a body of dark creatures together and purifying it with magic—if there are many human bodies gathered together. It is inevitable that a plague will occur, and the corpse of a dark creature full of negative energy will inevitably lead to a plague compared to the human body.

Although the bodies of these dark creatures are somewhat strange and the negative energy is very rare, Anwar does not dare to take the risk.

Standing on the side of Ye Qi, although he understood the bodies of these dark creatures, the degree of danger had been reduced to a minimum, but he could not explain it clearly. Therefore, it is better to keep silent - to clear the dark creatures in Xiaotucheng last night, for Ye Qi In fact, the greatest gain is not the acquisition of intelligence from the dark creatures in the rapids, but the increase in shadow servants.

There aren't many, only fifteen, but for Ye Qi, it's also a big surprise—after all, the energy of the four fragments of the last key that survived from his hands is almost exhausted, and the number of shadow servants is no longer It has not been increased, although Ye Qi is very careful to hold a piece of debris with more residual energy and then experiment, to understand how to create a new shadow servant, but the result is a natural failure.

Ye Qi, who is only [mysterious knowledge (proficient)] [alchemy (proficient)], wants to analyze the energy in it, which is unqualified.

Therefore, when the dark creatures in the small Tucheng were assassinated by the shadow servants, but there were fifteen shadow servants, Ye Qi was naturally pleasantly surprised; after all, the shadow servants were at some moments for him. Help, no one knows better than Ye Qi himself - the "shadow shuttle" that the hundred shadow servants can use after the fusion of power has made him more than once at critical moments.

Now the increase of the shadow servant is undoubtedly the increase in the number of times the brow can use the [shadow shuttle]; and such an increase is naturally beneficial and harmless, not to mention the increase in shadow servants, Ye Qi is also very much looking forward to What is the next ability of the shadow servant?

Why is the shadow servant increasing?

Looking at the corpse of a dark creature in a place, feeling the rare negative energy, Ye Qi has already had a guess.

Obviously, the birth of the shadow servant has an indispensable relationship with the bodies of these dark creatures, and the key is the negative energy - these negative energies are undoubtedly noisy compared to the energy in the key fragments of the doomsday. Thin, so, almost a thousand dark creatures will give birth to fifteen shadow servants, but what does this have to do with Ye Qi?

After all, in the south of his sight, there are more than 50,000 dark creatures, some of which are powerful dark creatures. If you make good use of it, it is not difficult to accumulate shadow servants again.

"There should be communication channels with the dark creatures in the Strait. If there is no news in a day, the dark creatures in the Strait will definitely come here to see it!" Ye Qiyi said, "Continue to say: "If you build a camp, it will take time; If you find it before the completion of, those dark creatures will definitely attack, and then they will be in trouble!"

"Well, the things that are building camp, hand it over to me and Darlan!"

Although Ye Qi did not say the purpose, but the meaning of the discourse has been said in great detail, the little man immediately nodded solemnly and gave a guarantee: "One day, as long as one day, with Darlan, I will definitely give those Dark creatures are a surprise!"

"Then it will be handed over to you!"

Ye Qi waved his hand at two friends, jumped over and jumped on Groning's back and flew straight into the air; while the little man and the big man watched Ye Qi disappear into the southern sky before he whispered. Get up - although the big man habitually uses the highest government's mystery 'chariot' as an attack, but his apostle's talent is geotechnical control, and this ability is naturally better for the camp. of.

"With our people, every outer wall we need to build must be more than five hundred yards, and according to the structure of the inner city..."

The little man squatted on the ground and began to draw a structural map. However, this structural map was not finished yet, and was interrupted by Anwar—the Anwar, who had just finished purifying the body of the dark creature’s body. He walked over and looked down at the construction drawing drawn by the small man for a long time. Then, he reached out and drew a 'one' character before the construction drawing of the little man.

"If it is a city wall, relying on the inner city and the terrain on both sides, only one side is enough!"

Anwar said.

PS first more ~~~ timing ~~~

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