Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 223: Moonlit night sniper

From the beginning, Ye Qi’s goal could not be the team’s twelve vampires. If it’s just such a level and number of vampires, he would never leave Xiaotucheng – these vampires are just inevitable And the real goal will then appear.

Even a stupid commander, when he found that a camp lost contact for a day, and the scouts who sent the contact disappeared, they would find that the situation was wrong; let alone the temporary leader of the dark creature was not a stupid Commander; even if they do not have the prestige of the inanimate king, but in wisdom, Ye Qi will not underestimate each other!

After all, both dark wizards and wizards are self-proclaimed as walking on the road of seeking 'wisdom'; no matter whether they are false or not, but long enough to contact all kinds of knowledge of wizards, dark wizards, even if relying on Accumulation is enough to make a certain department think that people who are smart are ashamed.

Scholars can not all be wizards, but wizards can be qualified as scholars. Such words, in the dark world, occupy the mainstream status of the evaluation of wizards and dark wizards; and Ye Qi does not want to be another proof of such mainstream evaluation; Therefore, he is cautiously thinking about the every move in the dark creatures, especially the dark wizards who are temporary leaders.

The number of dark creatures coming in should not be lower than the number of dark creatures in the small earth city!

Moreover, there should be a strength higher than the existence of the vampire Dagong!

The temporary leaders in the rapids are now those dark wizards, then...

There must be one in the dark wizards of the two superb powers of the legendary world!

And once the extraordinary powerhouse of a legendary world is dispatched, even the coalition forces of the dark creatures have considerable breaks. It will certainly be temporarily suppressed!

Think of this. Ye Qiwei’s eyes blinked in the blink of an eye – if you can kill the superb power of this legendary world. Then...

This kind of thought was almost in the mind of Ye Qi, and then Ye Qi immediately thought about this idea - obviously, the correctness of this idea is beyond doubt; now it is necessary to consider that legend The extraordinary power of the realm, the specific strength of which reached the point.

If it is ‘new,’ it has 100% confidence!

And crossed the new promotion. If you become a formal superpower, there is no trigger in the night [the sub-sun ritual. Yang Yan], I will inevitably fall into the passive; can only rely on the blessing of spells and feats, with the advantage of 'body' Get the ultimate victory; however, the path of the legendary world is a lot of ways to restrain the opponent 'body'...

Its grasp can only be 50%, half of it!

If there is a high-level legendary scene...

Then I am left, riding Groning to escape!

I only hope that Gronin will run faster!

At the thought of the extraordinary powerhouses of the high-level legendary world that may appear, even Ye Qi couldn't help but have a bottomless mind - to make a very simple metaphor. It is just the superb powerhouse with a road as a legendary power of power, as the words of the moonlight class. Then the extraordinary powerhouse who entered the legendary world of high section is a Japanese glory.

The fusion of the two roads, the power, Ye Qi did not understand, but he saw a few words from the memory of the warden - based on the path of choice [the power of death], and then find a new The ability of the road [the power of toxins], combined with each other, is called [wither]; it has broken through the foundation of power, whether it is appearing or happening, it is already an unimaginable process.

Act directly on life within a certain range.

In other words, it is to ignore the enemy's defense; without the defense, then the powerful life will be tortured to death.

Although according to the memory of the warden, the dying is a special existence in the superb power of the legendary world, but this does not mean that other existences will be weak; after all, there is no magic, but the essence is not Change, the foundation is still the same; it is like two fighters with equal strength and speed. One of them has exquisite skills and the other has only basic training. If two people play against each other, the former will definitely prevail; however, This kind of prevailing, you can not say that the latter's strength, speed is not as good as the former.

And once the opponent is replaced by a force, the speed is not as good as the other person, even if the skills are rough, the latter will eventually win; after all, when the strength and speed reach a certain level, the gorgeous skills are also Embroidered pillows; not to mention, Ye Qi does not have such gorgeous skills.

So, once the opponent is a superb powerhouse in the high-level legendary world, then Ye Qi does not have a good choice except to hurry up and run - of course, if you are willing to use your own cards, then the result will be a little bit Change; after all, the card is reserved for this time.

However, at this moment, Ye Qi hopes to use the cards as much as possible; it is not reluctant, but at the moment he is very clear, if he uses the [nameless skills] to break through the "cold weapon (master)] After the glass wall, there will be great benefits.

I became a star, a moon, a sun, and I have not been transformed by the apostles...

The baptism of the legendary world, I hope to be in your own hands!

Ye Qi is planning in the bottom of his heart; however, such a plan, Ye Qi is not very determined - because once the real life is in danger, then the card must be used, using the advantages of the system to break through [cold weapons ( Master level] is inevitable.

According to the speed of these vampires, if they do not return to the depths of the Strait in the early hours of the morning, then they will certainly know that the situation is wrong and send more troops to come; in the speed of the march, and the physical and abilities of the dark creatures, they If you want to get here, it will be around 3am...

It’s 7:20 now, leaving me to continue ‘no wor’ and use [no name skills] to sense the ‘glass wall’ time only seven hours and forty minutes!


Ye Qi rushed to find the battle, and Gronin, who had just rushed out of the clouds, shouted loudly. I closed my eyes again. Immersed in the [nameless technique] in the sense of the 'glass wall'; and the wisdom of the low Gronin is quietly falling on the side of Ye Qi - compared to the previous warm-up can not be counted fighting. The next battle must be fierce, and the speed of Groning, for Ye Qi, is naturally a big boost; after all, the opponent is the same level, even the first level.


The Strait Strait is very close to the endless sea, so it is often affected by the impermanent weather at sea. From time to time, the storms or the big waves are already commonplace, and this is one of the important reasons for the sparsely populated people here; however, tonight, it is calm, there is no shadow in the night sky, even a round of circles. The moon hangs above the night.

The bright, bright moonlight is draped over the reef highlands, even if it is black and uneven, the reef highlands, at this time, there is a more beautiful feeling; and when the moon is mid-day, slightly offset time. This kind of scenery will undoubtedly make a lot of scholars praise, and recite a first hymn to the moon. And the young couple will choose you in this month to experience the infinite beauty.

However, any normal person, after seeing the following scenes, will be eclipsed, and there is no more mood to appreciate the moon - hey, almost at a glance, he can’t see the margins at all, in the skeleton In the frictional sound of the squeaking, the speed is called rapid advancement; in every skull of the skull, the fire of the blue soul is burning, and the pale skeleton is in the moonlight, which is extravagant.

On the carriage that was pulled by two horses, a thin old man was sitting there, the mysterious pattern on the robes of the one-piece robes, indicating the identity of the old man, and the staff in his hand ordered the identity to be Confirmation is correct - the wizard, and the entanglement of the negative energy, adds a prefix to the description: darkness.

Leslor sat in his own horse-drawn carriage, as if an emperor was inspecting his own territory. In fact, if it was placed before the sacred age, the Leslor was indeed such a qualification - as A young son of a king, he did have such rights at the time; even after he learned magic, it was no exception; however, compared to rights, Leslor prefers to study magic; one spell The structure, the completion of each experiment, can make him addicted, instead of sitting in the book case, looking through the past chapters.

The study of magic is very time consuming and requires full commitment; therefore, when Les Lorry was twenty-five, he completely gave up the inheritance of the throne and at the expense of himself The two brothers exchanged enough resources to leave their country and travel through the whole of Lorante. For Leslor, in the house of the emperor, it is impossible to understand the family, any things and interests. Hook; therefore, he does not want to stay here more; and, wisely, get a 'deserved' for himself.

At the age of thirty-five, I started to build my own wizarding tower, and because of this deserved one - looking at my first half of life, Leslor thinks that he has done a good time, but the body is aging. It is an irreversible burden, reminding him of his own time.

In the end, after hesitating for three days, Leslor turned himself into a lich; the frustration of internal changes in the body was quickly dispelled by the joy of endless life; Leslor was once again invested in each The experiment of magic, in the construction of spells, it is called 'newborn'!

In order to be able to carry out various magic experiments faster, it has to find more assistants, and with the increase of assistants, some unstable factors have begun to appear; the solution is not big, but it is enough to make it sad for a long time. After the rebellion, Les Lor's side did not have a living person - the loyalty and tirelessness of the undead creatures, began to be noticed by Les Lor, and began to give them some wisdom, and then it found that it can continue Immerse yourself in my own experiments.

Until a certain year, the people of the Holy See found it.

Then, the battle is on the verge of a wave, and the waves of people, like a bee colony, are endless; in battle, its laboratory. It is also that its wizard tower has been destroyed. And its assistant. It is all the ‘death’, and it has been broken up countless times; if it is not the special attribute of the lich: the soul is not destroyed, it can never die, it also died in the battle.

Its soul is hidden in a place that no one can think of. Leslor thinks that no one can find it, but the situation has undergone a slight change. When it is revived again, it finds its soul. There is more than one person. A person who wants to swear by the soul - Leslor does not have a nostalgia for life, but the enthusiasm for magic experiments and the construction of spells has forced it to obey each other.

Fortunately, the other party is also a wizard, knowing what is most important to the wizard; therefore, most of the time, it has not changed its living habits, still in his own world; until the son of that person , grandson, grandson... take over the soul that controls it, it will appear - for the natural death of the other party. And let his sons and grandchildren not allow the conversion of the lich, Leslor has doubts. But there are no more ideas.

Even at this moment, Leslor just went to the location of the incident to find out exactly what happened - for Lorante, Leslor, who had not returned for a long time, did not feel too much. After all, the reef it was at the moment. The land is really a place that the undead hates.

In its memory, Lorante should be a place with grass, gardens and sunshine; even the lich does not deny that the scene is really beautiful.

Lifting the skin of the skin, Leslor looked at the moon in the sky, trying to remember it when he was still, and there was everything about Lorante in his mind; but the long time was really unrealistic. Everything is vague, even its mother can only rely on the portraits that have been patched up and how many times they have been remembered; as for fathers and brothers? When he was still, he had already begun to forget.

This time the plan is really reckless!

Leslor recalled the organization it was in, and the command of the descendants of its soul, and could not help but shook his head - a long life, a valuable asset, it made all Exist, there is something unbeatable: experience!

Leslor saw that although this time, Lorante entered a very tense situation, and the friction was constant, but the real powerful three parties did not really hurt the bones; at this time, they rushed to appear in the battlefield. On, it is only to set up a target for the three parties.

It has tried hard to persuade the head of the current organization, but the other party has not heard it - the age is always good, but it is always too impulsive; for the young people who have always opposed the young, Leslor also heard it. At this time, it found that such opposition was not without reason.

When the news of the camp in front of the guard post was not passed back in time, Leslor’s heart had a slight uneasiness - although after becoming the undead, this organ of the heart has long ceased to exist, but the astrology of the prophetic school, but it Because of the curiosity of the year, I learned a little; therefore, it does not ignore such uneasiness. On the contrary, it once again found the young man.

Unfortunately, the results made it frustrating.

Even if he had received an order before it came to investigate, Leslor could see that the young man did not want to admit his recklessness.

The mistake is not terrible, this is what everyone will experience.

What can be photographed is that you made a mistake, but you don’t know the correction - it will only be wrong and wrong again. In the end, it will fall into a land of eternal annihilation.

This time, Leslor did not persuade the young man again, and persuaded him twice, so that it understood that only when he saw the facts, the young man would see the reality, not the self-deception; in order to make the other person faster Correcting the mistake, Leslor decided to take his assistant and servant one step ahead.

Therefore, after getting the approval of the young man, it immediately moved in the direction of the sentry camp, and behind it, was the dark creatures of the whole team again - for these experimental materials that became alliances, Leslor didn't care much about it; in fact, no one cares about the inanimate king and the young man who holds it.

At the very least, it was always thought of like this -

"Dream, nightmare?!"

Looking at the black horses floating over the cliffs the special atmosphere of the other body, immediately let Leslor a glimpse - as a long-lived lich, it is the first time to see Someone can tame a nightmare, this legendary creature; it is incredible.

Those who can do such incredible things should naturally be worthy of attention!

Young, very young!

More young than the young man who masters its soul!

This is Leslor's first feeling, and then feel the breath of the other side, Leslor's heart raised a second feeling - good strength, very good strength.

Ps second more~

On the weekend, I am still trying to protect the codewords from the decadence~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200, the reward of the x200 starting point, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, and the reward of the starting point of the sn100. Thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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