Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 230: Planning and jointing under 2 in 1

The team is neat, the helmet is bright, and the flag is clear. Especially in the morning sun, some armor can even turn out the glare. Such a team appears in a relatively flat area, as long as the sentinel is not a blind man, then the whereabouts Nature is exposed - in fact, after the other party has just left the camp of the Qiulin District coalition, the sentinel on the Four Seasons has already notified the female cavalry chief. .wx.

“Is such armor useful?”

Jerant, one of the female cavalry chiefs, stood down on the wall of the Four Seasons Fortress and asked in a very skeptical tone.

"This is an ornament!"

Gareth, who has been with Gerant, clearly defined these armor. At the same time, he explained to his friends: "I didn't wait until my older sister visited them again. They took the initiative to come to the Four Seasons Fortress. It is already obvious. They have expressed their intentions; but the dignity of the family cannot be discarded by them - so even if you cooperate, you must have a dignified cooperation!"

"Is there some dignity in the armor of some decorations? I really don't understand!"

Gerant shook his head, his face was confused, and Gareth, who had always been quiet, stood behind the wall of the city and looked at the team carefully - although the other party’s initiative came in very well. The signal, but Gareth does not think that the other party is so simple to give up the resistance.

Whether for their so-called dignity or actual interests...

Some conditions are estimated to be inevitable!

Gareth supported the women's wall, and his eyes were still looking down.


"Since there is still a decision, why bother with other right and wrong!"

The old housekeeper of the Dick family sat on the horse, with a simple armor. It was hard to notice in the radiant team around him. At this moment, he scanned the crowd around him, but he could not help but whisper. - When the dark creatures were invaded, the old housekeeper understood that the goal of the coalition would inevitably change. After all, for all the families in the Qiulin area, dark creatures are more hateful than others. thing.

In fact, the family in the Qiulin District, who traced the Dagong, the King, and even the Dick family in a certain area of ​​Lorante in the past, can also be traced back to a certain Grand Duke. In the battle with the dark creatures, These great men and kings have suffered enormous losses, and some have even been severely cut off by blood; therefore, in every family in that year, there was an ancestral training - dark creatures, which must be deadly enemies.

Of course, the demise of many families and the rise of countless families have made such ancestral trainings begin to change slightly, but the overall situation has not changed; after all, the seven families in the depths of the Qiulin District, but from the sacred age After the beginning, there has been no change. They have been adhering to the most traditional beliefs and strengths - just like the highest government's parliament, the seven families deep in the Qiulin area have similar effects.

However, such a role cannot be fully exploited under the control of the Holy See, the Demon Hunter, and the Supreme Government, but it can also produce some voices—for example, what to do when faced with dark creatures.

"In order to maintain a little dignity, such an approach will be forgiven!"

The armor of Liverdel is as simple as the old housekeeper of the Dick family, but the esoteric pattern shows the extraordinary, while the perceiving person can clearly feel the magical atmosphere from above. Magic armor, a sturdy, magical synonym; perhaps a small class of magical props is loved by everyone, but on the battlefield, a magical armor is undoubtedly a life-saving.

For the invasion of the dark creatures by the coalition forces, the old housekeepers of Liverdale and the Dick family were an idea, but it is clear that under such an idea, Liverdel also has a slight difference - and this is a For the emerging family, nature is understandable.

The family in the reform can be reborn, and the emerging family is new, both of which are full of vigor. However, compared with the latter, the former can see more clearly when obeying the tradition; while the latter When building all traditions, you will not forget to establish your own dignity.

There is nothing wrong with the two, but there are some differences in the way of doing things. The essence is the same; therefore, the Dick family’s old housekeeper did not argue with Liverdel. Instead, he After looking up and down the latter's armor, I said with amazement: "Good armor!"

"This is the multi-leaf family of the multi-leaf family. As a trophy, my elder brother gave me a run outside and hoped that I could go home safely!" Liverdel did not cover the origin of this armor. It’s generous to say it - for Liverdel, who has made up his mind to form an alliance with the other side, it’s really beneficial to have such a small amount of intercommunication; not to mention, after yesterday’s contact with his brother, he The brother is also very much in favor of such a thing, and indicates that he can properly 'release a little'.

For his brother's meaning, Liverdel understands very well. After all, when he understands some of the Dick family's situation, he also intends to do so.

"Multi-leaf?! Sure enough, the name is well-deserved!"

After hearing the term, the old housekeeper of the Dick family immediately looked at the armor of Liverdel again; obviously, unlike the last time, this time the old housekeeper of the Dick family was given a large number of ups and downs, given An exceptionally loyal evaluation - as a housekeeper with a sufficient age and family, the Dick family's old butlers have to learn from the essential work; and the most important thing is that eyesight.

This eyesight includes both the person watching and the identification items, just like the frontal beetle. When the old housekeeper of the Dick family first saw it, he knew that in addition to the strong defense, there was also the ability to stimulate the field. The magical array of shields; and when he looked closely for the second time, in addition to the ability to see at first, he discovered another feature of this armor: light.

The seemingly heavy armor, in essence, is not much heavier than a piece of cloth; and then associates with some rumors that the leafy ‘light as a leaf, hard as steel’, the old housekeeper of the Dick family only said a deserved evaluation.

"If I can, I want to give this armor to you, as a friendly testimony to the Dekuy family and the Dick family!"

After hearing the old butler's evaluation, Liverdel immediately began to make a clear statement - according to his brother's meaning, such a contribution is completely worthwhile; after all, they can get more; and Livdel in addition to such an idea In addition, more is the curiosity of the old butler in front of him.

He always thinks that there are some secrets in the other party or in the Dick family, and some secrets that make him extremely curious.

"I am just a housekeeper. If I say making cakes, I don't think it will be inferior to any pastry chef. But if it is a charge, I can only be a vassal at the end; such armor should be truly worthy. Going to its talent line, not giving it to me, it will eventually become a collectible!"

The Dick family's old housekeeper smiled and waved, but he did not completely reject Livdel's kindness. After the meal, the old housekeeper continued: "And, as a housekeeper, I can't make Dick. The family is the master; if Lord Liverdel, if you have time, you can go to Hongyecheng; where my master will give you a satisfactory answer! However, it is clear that everyone has no time recently!"

"After the war, we will have a lot of time; let alone a little time in the war, it is not too difficult!"

Livrell’s nod to the goal, with his own smile, responded to the Dick family’s old housekeeper, and the latter also slightly bowed his head – the old housekeeper knew very well that Liverdel’s is not a rumor. In the second war, they took a little time. It was not difficult to do other things. After all, for the bottom line of this negotiation, even if it was guessed, the old housekeeper could guess an approximate one.

In the southern edge of the Qiulin District, there is also a region connected to the sea forest, and not even far from the Four Seasons Fortress; therefore, the Qilin District coalition troops stationed there must be the first condition - in fact, in the After knowing that there was news of a massive invasion of dark creatures in Hailin, this coalition had long been unable to leave here. After all, behind them, even in the city of Qiulin’s family, once the dark creatures invaded, the consequences naturally It is unimaginable.

The second condition, inevitably, is to establish an offensive and defensive alliance with the Rangers of the Four Seasons Fortress and establish a front line that echoes the North and the South; therefore, in such a situation, the departure of one or two people is not a big problem; and Dick The family's old housekeeper is also very clear, these two conditions will certainly be promised as a demon hunter; this is a good thing for everyone, there is no reason for not agreeing.

The thing that really makes him helpless is the third one - to bear part of the supplies in the Qiulin District. This is a request that is slightly unfair or with a hint of bonfire; but for this condition, it is more than 100% of the family present. Ninety agrees; for them, it is a good thing to be able to get some of the benefits in the war; after all, isn’t it the first time to send troops, are they not?

Oh, yeah...

Just after the Dick family and the Dekui family reached a simple intention, the gates of the Four Seasons Fortress slowly opened. The tall, heavy gates required twenty people to operate and force at the same time, and after the gates were opened, The female captain of the armor stood at a distance of less than fifteen yards from the gate, and behind her was twelve guards.

Steel armor, blue cloak, white warhorse, thirteen people stood in the triangle battle, and there was no commotion in the squeaking sound of the door, even the horses underneath were silent. Silently - in the character of the female cavalry chief, it is naturally impossible to give the other party 'the next Mawei' way. She gently pulled the reins and greeted the representatives of the Qilin District coalition.

"Captain Els, early!"

Siriz Hyde is the only person in the crowd who does not wear armor. A black robes are neatly dressed, starting with a golden button on the chest, divided into two pieces inside and outside. The one outside is like a shawl hanging on the shoulder of Siriz, although Did not pull up the hood, but the familiar atmosphere, but in a meeting, the female cavalry chief understood the inheritance of the other family.


Subconsciously glanced at the crystal cane in the other hand. At this time, all the people understood that this cane was definitely not something to show off, but a wizard's staff, and it was a very special kind of walnut. It is the most basic material for most wizards to choose. Although it will change with the increase of strength, more magical arrays and other materials will be added, but the most basic walnut will not change.

And when a wizard gave up the wizard's wand made by Walnut, there are only two possibilities - one, the other party does not need the increase of the staff; second, the opponent's spell is very special, requires a special staff; From now on, no doubt, Siriz Hyde is the latter.

Retracted the look of the method of the stick, the female cavalry commander pointed out at the military camp behind him: "His Lord Heide, early; and, please, please!"

In the Four Seasons Fortress, there is naturally a castle hall. However, after entering the wartime, it has been used as a combination of material warehouses and hospitals. It is not suitable for the talks of hundreds of people in front of it; It is also in such awkward position that there are so many people.

Therefore, after learning that the Qiulin District United Army marched toward the Four Seasons Fortress, after a brief thought, the female cavalry chief chose the military camp as a place for discussion with the Qiulin District Coalition Forces on the training ground of the military camp. The target and the dummy have been removed, a table is placed in the middle position, and a sufficient number of chairs are placed on each side.

Short-term preparation, naturally can not be grandiose, the ceremony is grand, not to mention the female cavalry chief does not like that approach, as a knight, she tends to be simpler and more direct; however, this practice in the Qiulin District coalition Most of the representatives seem to be a kind of scorn, some sounds that are not low or low, naturally appear in the crowd -

"What is this? Shame us?"

"This place, even my servants will not come!"

"Hunter, where is your sincerity?"

"Yes, that's right!"


Although this kind of riot does not mean all the sounds, but in the crowd, it is like a large group of flies squeaking, no threat, but it is very upset; and some people, although there is no opening, but But with the appearance of gloating, watching everything - De Mante. Xin, after a family secret medicine treatment, it is not possible to do it in a short time, but today it has been able to attend such a meeting. .

Before he entered the Four Seasons Fort, the heir to the Xin family had already thought about the hunter's hustle and bustle; as far as he knows, the hunter is not a group of people who will take care of their 'life', not to mention It is said that it is to greet others; as for the hunter of the demon hunter, it is to put together a pile of food, and then, if you get some wine, it will be mixed up; and this is obviously for them. .

Therefore, he is looking forward to seeing the guy who wiped his face out, the kind of sly look.

In fact, when he saw the military camp that the other party was referring to, Demante Xin was so happy that he knew that the other party must not be able to eat it. This kind of insult is enough to make countless people hate. The other side; even at this moment, all the people are hiding, but afterwards?

I don't know the so-called guy!

Erdene Ponle also represented the Pang family in the talks between the coalition and the demon hunter. His fingers were wrapped in layers of gauze. The whole person sometimes made funny words because of pain. It looks like a distraction for the people around him; however, in the depths of the young man’s eyes, he is ridiculously watching the jealous guys around him.

In such a place, what is the style?

If it is me, as the owner here, I will definitely cut all of you and one knife!

On someone else’s site, yelling...

Oh, I really don't know how to live!

Moreover, De Mante still wants to count other people, I really don't know how long the head is!

The other party is obviously from the headquarters of the demon hunter. If your minions can reach there and do things that the seven families can't do, I will give you all!

Honestly complete your mission, then hurry back!

It is too dangerous here!

Erdene Poner took this idea, a look that was difficult to support with pain, and pulled straight through a chair to sit down, and his behavior, all the people in the group are a glimpse, and then The old housekeeper of the Dick family also took a chair and sat down, followed by Liverdale, who represented the Dekuy family.

And after Siriz Hyde sat down, the representatives of the coalition forces sat down in hesitation after he met.

On the other side of the female cavalry, she sat down after all the guests had sat down, and said very honestly: "I don't mean anything to insult you, because I am also sitting here; everyone's Sudden visits made me unprepared. In such a short period of time, I have done my best to find ways to entertain you!"

"So, although it is simple, it is not an insult!"

The innocent female cavalry commander said in a word in the Qiulin District coalition, so that those who are full of mouths can not open again for a while - the other party has already admitted his 'error', if If they are chasing after them, do they show that they are very unpretentious?

How can you be a representative of the family without grace?

This is not to lose your face, but also to damage the honor of the family.

And after these embarrassed people converge on themselves, Siriz Hyde, who represents the coalition side of the Qiulin District, once again said: "The invasion of dark creatures is really impossible for us to ignore. We are willing to work with the demon hunters. Against the invasion of dark creatures; between the Qiulin District and the Chunlin District, there is a region bordering the Hailin District, where we will begin to station troops!"

"So, we hope to establish a common line of defense with the hunters of the Four Seasons Fortress. The North and the South echo, once one party is attacked by dark creatures, at the moment when it can be confirmed that it is a crisis, the other party must fully rescue!"

As a representative of the Qielin District Coalition, Siriz Hyde spoke of his thoughts - this was the sum of the news from the families in the early hours of yesterday morning; in fact, this summary, everyone is also I know what it is; after all, I have passed down the family that I don’t know for a long time in Qiulin District. It’s clear to the Qilin District.


The female cavalry nodded a little, and a wave of hands let Lancelot take the map around the two sides, spread it straight on the table, and pointed at the area that Siriz Hyde said, saying: "From now At the beginning, here will be the defense line that your army will station in the future. We..."

"and many more!"

When the female cavalry chief’s gaze looked at the map, Siriz Hyde rushed to the channel: “We have another condition!”

"Conditions... please say!"

After a slight glimpse of the female cavalry, she reached out and made a gesture of asking - for a person who is just like a female cavalry officer, she will never do anything like a bonfire; even even such an idea will not In the eyes of the female cavalry chief, in the face of the invasion of dark creatures, all people should be united to fight against dark creatures. There should be no such conditions at all.

Therefore, when she heard the conditions of the next Siriz Hyde, there was an anger in her heart, and even the straight eyebrows were wrinkled -

"What does Lord Hyde mean, do we need to bear the cost of your war?"

The female cavalry chief looked at the opposite person and reiterated.


Siriz Hyde nodded and clarified his point: "Our coalition needs material support. If it is only for a short time, we can still support it, but over time, our logistics force cannot guarantee us all. The army is keeping the fighting power it deserves!"

“After all, in the entire Qiulin area, there are hundreds of families; and each family has different things because of the terrain; iron ore cannot be used as food, and cotton cannot be used as medicine; So, we need a complete system of support!"

Pointing at the Qiulin District on the map, Siriz. Hai German gas with helplessness, half-truthful - as a representative of this coalition, Siriz Hyde, an old man who has experienced countless years You can't say what you need and what you need when you come up with a price tag. Any condition requires a reason, and a legitimate reason is enough to be justifiable.

At the very least, it seems to be the case on the surface.

"Of course, if we can, we are willing to exchange our supplies for logistical supplies!"

Siriz Hyde added again.

Old fox!

With this addition, a few well-informed people around, can't help but conceal the contradictions - what is called 'we are willing to exchange their supplies for logistical supplies', once the war is over, the coalition will undoubtedly It is the dissolution of the place. As long as it is dissolved, the conditions of the so-called materials in exchange for logistical replenishment are simply impossible to achieve.

As for the payment in advance?

The long-distance roads in the Qiulin area are too long. It takes a lot of time to transport. Once the war is delayed, it is not good. Why don't we exchange the materials from the families that can be arrived in time for logistical supply?

This reason is simply out of the mouth; and those who are named will be happy to do this; after all, after they have received the supply, they can get far more than they pay.

And after the question?

A few well-informed people can guarantee that Siriz Hyde will definitely have a lot of logistical supplies for his family, and the materials that should be exchanged are sent to the Four Seasons Fort; and the rest, Siriz Hyde There will be a bitter face, and a sigh of sighs, every family's change is impermanent, it is impossible to recover.

At that time, the war had ended, and even the headquarters of the demon hunter could not really send people to recover; even if they really sent people, each family sent some eloquent people to accompany the demon hunters. It is enough to make those hunters have a headache.

Moreover, at the end of a war, the demon hunters will never rise to another war - peace is hard to come by, no one wants the war to come again, although there is a lot of money in it, but The headquarters of the Demon Hunter can only be remembered at most, and under the persuasion of many parties, it can only be lost.

As for the so-called hate?

Is the Qiulin District less hated by other forces in Lorraine? There is no such thing as a lot of hate, but with such a time, there is not much hate.

It is simply an indifferent attitude.

The scorpion is more than not biting, which is probably the meaning.

The integrity of the female cavalry chief is unquestionable, and she is equally clever, so after a little thought, the cause and effect are very clear -

"I need to contact the headquarters for such a thing, please wait a moment!"

After the female cavalry commander finished, he turned and walked toward the lobby of the inner fort; while watching the female cavalry chief, many people in the Qiulin District coalition laughed, full of victory; and a few people were Wrinkled, apparently the behavior of the female cavalry chief was somewhat unexpected.

Especially as a representative of the coalition, Siriz Hyde, after leaving the female cavalry chief, was frowning.

There is no anger, no righteousness to drink, no bargaining; go to the Hunting Devils Headquarters, do you not want to take responsibility?

Siriz Heide couldn’t help but think.


Is the female cavalry chief really afraid of the person responsible?

That is a joke.

"Damn! Damn!"

In the Guards' line, Lancelot and Gao Wen left with the female cavalry chief; after just entering the inner castle, Lancelot was screaming in anger - hearing the other's coalition After the representative said the so-called conditions, Lancerol would not want to smash the other side.

"Knocking the bones!"

Gao Wen, who has always been very casual, is also cold-faced at this time, and can make Gao Wen so full of resentment for the Qielin District coalition - in fact, compared to Lancelot, high The resentment of the text is even more direct. For Gao Wen, she is very clear about the logistics resources in the camp. The head of the demon hunter is not rich, and most of the time, it is self-sufficient.

Even if the tower of the tower of wisdom in the past caught a large group of fat mice, it was only a little better for the headquarters of the demon hunter; even if you think about it carefully, you can understand that if it is not the headquarters of the demon hunter, How did the wisdom tower master use such a means?

As for the most basic means of survival for the demon hunter - accepting tasks and entrusting, although the demon hunter headquarters is an intermediary, but the hunter's headquarters is only to maintain the basic operation of the funds, the majority will be accepted The mission, commissioned demon hunter.

The biggest income of the Devil's Headquarters belongs to Shake's local special tourism and the cost of using some important buildings; however, such income is fixed every year - Spring Grass Festival, Midsummer Festival, Harvest Festival The Mid-Winter Festival and the moon celebrations and star celebrations that have only begun to spread in recent years.

As for the sun?

The one who is regarded as the true God by the Holy See is the embodiment of the sun. Therefore, most people know how to treat such a festival. The usual Holy See is already arrogant to the point where it is, and once it involves their so-called true God, That group of people is a group of madmen.

However, even if the Sun Celebration is added to it, there will be a total of seven festivals. It is impossible to make a porcelain make-up. It is impossible to achieve a balance of payments, which is enough for most of the Devil's Headquarters. People have a sigh of relief; therefore, Gao Wen is very clear, once the requirements of the Qiulin District coalition are promised, then it is only from their own people that they can reduce their expenses.

The Rangers, who are the direct units of the Hunter's Headquarters, are undoubtedly the first to bear the brunt; once they think of being forced by these guys to reduce military spending, Gao Wen's heart seems to be uncomfortable by the knife; but they It seems that there is no position to agree not to - once refused, the gang will definitely be absent from work for various reasons, and even there are words that are unfavorable to the demon hunters.

In short, in Gao Wen's view, this is a very difficult choice to make.

"Sister, what should we do?"

Thinking of the tangled place, Gao Wen couldn't help but look at the female cavalry chief, and Lancelot, who was going to anger the pressure, also cast his eyes on it - for the twelve guards who followed the female cavalry. The female cavalry chief is undoubtedly their main heart, a person who can rely on and trust, and an older sister who needs respect and obedience.

"There is something to do with the communication to connect to the headquarters. I need to explain it to Mr. Hesel!"

The voice of the female cavalry chief just fell, Lancelot and Gao Wen acted, and the arrangement of the magic crystal was quickly completed -

"Aersh? Is there something happening in Qiulin District?"

Hesel’s figure appeared in the communication law. Obviously, the old man had some sorrow after seeing the female cavalry commander, and then he asked nervously. For the coalition army in Qiulin District, the demon hunter could not do it. Turn a blind eye; otherwise, there will be no support for the reinforcements; and in the view of the towerer of the moon night, the thing that can make the female cavalry chief contact him is naturally what happened in the Qiulin District.

"After I went to the other side of the camp yesterday, this morning..."

The female cavalry commander truthfully reported everything that had just happened here, and the brow of the towerer of the moon night, with the words of the female cavalry chief, wrinkled involuntarily, and finally turned into a long sigh: "The guys who smashed the fire!" ”

Although the words are unwilling, but the tone of the moon tower night is undoubtedly showing the intention to compromise - even with the garrison of the Four Seasons Fortress, full play can only be used as a five-team squadron, five The team of thousands of people, once separated from the solid defense of the Four Seasons Fort, facing the dark creatures several times their own, the result is naturally self-evident.

If you can't lengthen the front, then you can only choose to cooperate with the Qilin District Coalition.

Helpless, such emotions always appear when they don't want to do it, but they have to do it.

"So, in the right circumstances, we can consider answering..."

"Herther, please wait, I have something to say!"

The answer to the Lord of the Tower of the Moon, which had not been finished, was interrupted by the female cavalry chief.

"Els, you said!"

The old man looked at the female cavalry chief with a strange look, without the slightest anger to the other side.

“Can you contact Ye Qi?”

The female cavalry chief suddenly asked, making the old man even more surprised, but nodded with patience.

"No problem! Ted they have merged with Ye Qi!"

"So, please Ye Qi also join this other party!"

"Oh, okay!"

With full curiosity, the towerer of the moon night began to connect with Ted.


Reef Bay, Xiaotucheng.

"Long time no see, leaves!"

Ted shouted loudly toward Ye Qi, while swaying his arms vigorously, and then quickly separated from the original team, came to the small Tucheng, looked around, with a hearty laugh, said: "Here Is it our camp? It’s really good! I thought we needed to continue to sit in the open air this time!”

"On the ground, it is in line with the tradition of the demon hunter!"

Ye Qi smiled and gave the other party a hug, joking, and then turned his head to the cold-faced man and said hello: "Hey, Nopha!"


The noodle man who nodded, has responded to Ye Qi in an over-specified manner; then, he began to arrange for the presence of the brigade behind him - in fact, such a work is completely out of need of Nobel, but standing there If you don't do anything, just watch and listen to the conversation between your friends and Ye Qi. He has an unnatural nature; it is not annoying, but a strange feeling, as if he wants to join it.

In order not to let such strange feelings spread, and to sever other people's ideas, the cold-faced man naturally chose the most appropriate reason - to complete his duties.

"Hello, Ye Hao, good morning!"

"Shack's Dragon, good morning!"


The passing hunters have shouted Ye Qi, because at the beginning of Ye Qi’s enlightenment, most of the hunters from Shak were very familiar with Ye Qi, and the older ones did not call their names, but Politeness is with respect, while those who are young and admired are full of respect.

Ye Qi responded to those who greeted him. Even if they could not remember the names of these demon hunters, the familiar appearance would not be forgotten.

"The relationship is very good!"

After Ted’s joke, he walked quickly to the side. As a leader, he certainly couldn’t do nothing to talk to Ye Qi. Some basic matters were that he needed to deal with it; for example, A team of more than a thousand people at a glance is the Knights of the Holy See.

I have already recognized my identity and understand that I want to do what Anwar and Ted’s conversation is very enjoyable. I am so happy that Ted is a little unbelievable; so that when he comes back, he can’t live with it. Qi admired: "Although it is also a Vatican's birth, but the Holy Knights are different, just like the Tozan, as well; but, I don't know what the Lord Tozan is doing now!"

As soon as he mentioned the head of the Holy Knights, Ted couldn’t help but sigh Ye Qi also sighed softly - they don’t have any head of the Holy Knights until now. The news, and Ieta’s style, the other party is likely to have been killed; and the death of such a person is a sad thing.

However, soon, the atmosphere of silence and sorrow was interrupted -

"Ye, Heather is looking for you!"

Ted picked up the flashing communication magic crystal. Immediately, he took Ye Qi and walked into a tent that had just been set up. The small three of them sat on the side of the tent and moved to the door of the tent. Blocking the curious sights around you - although they are all trustworthy, some things need to be treated with caution.

"Hatherel, love, Els?!"

Ye Qi respectfully bowed to the Lord of the Moon Tower, but when he saw the female cavalry chief on the other side, he was surprised and widened his eyes. Then, the instinctive subconscious asked: "You Are you ok?"

The sound is soft, and the feelings that can be heard with a fool.

"Cough and cough!"

The towerer of the moon night immediately pretended to cough, and the female cavalry commander on the side was also reddish on the cheek, and then nodded slightly, in response.

PS 2 in 1 big chapter ~~~

If you look at the code, you will be connected together. If you look at it and feel separated, it will be a bit awkward; therefore, it will be connected directly~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 200 coins, sn100 coins, x100 coins, Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the support of decadent brothers and sisters ~~

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