Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 234: Under the night of the bay area

The roar of the car at night is very loud, and the searchlights on the roof are even more dazzling; this is a team of three modified suvs, plus a team of 12 cavalry standard cavalry squads. The patrols - in fact, in order to be able to pull out an impenetrable defensive network, between the various bunker strongholds, such patrols are interspersed, and the apostles of the Northed family serve as captains, leading the elite The manpower, equipped with the latest gunpowder weapons, the t3 submachine gun, and all kinds of grenades were brought in by the father of Fletcher and armed with his own patrol.

"Those **** dark creatures!"

Just completed a patrol, the apostles who jumped off the bus and the apostles who came across from each other nodded their heads - such words, in the past week or so, have completely replaced the 'Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Night' greetings It became the most common words of the people of the Northstead family.

"How about the Northern Line?"

The handed down apostle took over the register that the apostles who had patrolled back, and asked casually - in order to defend against the dark creatures in the bay area, Father Fletcher made the defensive circle and built the northern line dominated by Fate. , and the southern line mainly with the port of Saskatchewan and Randyburg; compared to the various buildings originally in the vicinity of the Port of Saskatchewan and Landingburg, used for reinforcement, especially in Langburg, which was originally a military fortress. The pattern, near the North Line, is completely a wilderness.

Otherwise, Father Fletcher will not use the bunker group to defend against dark creatures.

"It’s a lot worse than ours!"

After holding the registration book and adding his own name to it, the apostle of the handover continued: "One of my cousins ​​is on the Northern Line, and every day there is no end to the digging bunker; not just the ordinary people. But anyone who has the name of Northder is waving a shovel there!"

"Hope, when you see them again, you won't be a groundhog!"

The patrolling apostles joked with the apostles who were about to leave. I took my own person to the camp near Lantingburg, ready to make corrections; and the apostle who was handed over and about to leave, shrugged and began to align his own team - for North For the apostles of the German family, such jokes are innocuous and the only pastime they can do recently; perhaps ordinary people can quietly play a small game like poker in their leisure time; The apostles of each patrol captain did not.

Remove by example. More is the stare of their leader - once found, a whip is inevitable, and no one will sympathize with you, on the contrary, will be watched with contempt; Therefore, these apostles understand what they should do and what they should not do.

And when the apostle clicked on his patrol. When I was about to leave, the dark sky in the distance suddenly turned bright, and in the sight of everyone’s eyes, the illusion of the trident appeared.

"Emergency signal!!"

"Emergency signal, emergency signal!!"

Such shouts were immediately transmitted back to the camp. When Regus first appeared in his first shout, he rushed out of his tent. He looked up at the distant Trident. Immediately, he shouted: "All the apostles gather, divide into two teams, one team comes with me; the other team brings together a team of people, quickly catch up! The rest, stick to the post!"


With the orders of Regus, the captains of each patrol were listed separately, and the patrols began to rank their teams with their own units - one minute later. A 20-member squad consisting entirely of apostles; and a thousand-strong squad led by twenty apostles appeared in the center of the camp.

"Full speed ahead!"

Just after leaving the camp, Regus shouted at the twenty people behind him, and then the whole figure rushed forward, and the twenty apostles behind him followed closely; later, The brigade of large vehicles and the apostles who led the team - although they also want to rush to the scene at full speed, but their subordinates are destined to not advance at full speed. What's more, this is the order given by their leader.

Even if it was not a soldier, everyone in the Northder family understood it during the war. Obey the importance of the order.


In a place far from the actual straight line here, a darkness, a figure, watching the movements inside the camp, when you see the large personnel carrier are moving, immediately plucked back to run - here In the darkness of the darkness of about 150 yards, there are not many teams, and only five figures are waiting there.

"Adults, those human beings have been attracted by our attacks; the people here have been drawn a lot, especially the apostles' departures, which have caused many flaws in the defensive network; we can pass safely!" The quick obituary, through the moonlight in the sky, the kind of dense hair, so that any knowledgeable person can understand his true identity.

"Well, let's go!"

The Alpha wolf of Bourges looked at the man who stood in the middle of the four figures. As the opponent nodded, the other's hat trembled slightly, and then the Burch's Alpha wolf faced his own genus. Said: "Look for the fastest way to enter Landingburg!"

"Yes, adults!"

The Welch of the Bourges did not find the same as the leader of his own. After getting the order, he quickly probed for a few days and ran to the best road. The speed was fast and there was no sound. In the eyes of the werewolf, its leader is undoubtedly the greatest existence after the legend of the werewolf. Even in its view, after the legendary old man, its leader will inherit this legend and continue. Lead them.

In fact, this is not the idea of ​​the werewolf himself, but basically the idea of ​​all the Burchic wolves; and to some extent, the legendary recognition; however, this command is impossible. It was controlled by the Alpha Wolf of the Bourges; after all, in this coalition, not only the Burchian wolf - the group of adults is also among them, but also used a considerable amount.

Although the group of Welch Plains were the first to be disgusted by the adult, they were still accepted; and because the adult was born in the Heil Plain, in the Hailin District. The Dark Plains wolf has quite a lot of resources, and the ethnic groups are naturally quite prosperous; they are almost equal to their Boolean werewolves.

However, compared to the dark plain werewolf of ‘good lazy do, the heroic and good-blooded Boerwolves are undoubtedly more respected!

Presumably, the adult also saw our bravery!

As long as we can complete this secret mission, the Bourges Werewolf can definitely be favored by the adult!

The Bourges Werewolf who led the way. The bottom of my heart turned this thought, thinking of excitement, it almost could not help but shudder, and the speed is naturally faster and faster; so that it did not see behind it, its leader is the same - no Expression, but the eyes contain struggles. A feeling of involuntary feeling arises spontaneously.


"Is that your family's help signal?"

On the west wall of the city of Langburg, Tiger Hill looked up at the huge trident phantom, and couldn't help but touch his elbows to meet his good friend—the perennial residence in Langburg, for Some rumors of the Northder family are naturally impossible to know; for example, the descendants of Poseidon, such rumors, as long as they stay in Langerburg for more than a week, any one will be as good as it is; as for believe it or not. It is viewed by the individual.

However, Tiger Hill is willing to believe - of course, not to believe in the so-called Poseidon, but to believe that there is a strong presence in the ancestors of his friends, the other party has long been in numerous fights, ' The name of Poseidon; after all, most of the apostles. As long as it is strong to a certain extent, it is seen in the age of blood and chaos, and it is seen by ordinary civilians. What is strange about being a spokesperson and descendant of the gods?

The boss is destined to be such a person!

And I will work hard towards that goal!

Although knowing that doing so would be hard, it is what Tiger Hill often said to himself - as a person destined to live in the dark world, if there is no such awareness. Then it is better to find a safe place to spend the rest of your life.

And Tiger Hill has already done this kind of consciousness, so when the war came, it was only a quarter of an hour of fear. The young man’s heart is full of expectation and warfare – he wants to know exactly how much he can now.

"Hey, we are just a branch of the Northder family!"

Goofnord was full of disdainful glances at the trident of the phantom, and the body leaned directly on the arrow tower behind him, and his gaze shifted to other places - although he left the Northder family. At the beginning of the manor, the lyrics already understood that this was a doom, but when such a thing really happened, he still could not accept it.

There is no doubt about the rational identification; but when I think of where I was born and raised, I was occupied by 'others' overnight, and no one can accept it, even if it is a mature adult. The tempering of time to adapt, not to mention the boy like the grammar.

"That old guy is really, his face is thick enough!"

For the dissatisfaction and inexplicable grief in his friend's tone, Tiger certainly knows what is going on. He expresses his dissatisfaction with the old patriarch of the Northder family, and at the same time helps his friends to make suggestions: "Otherwise, we will discuss with the boss. Let's get rid of those hated guys. Then, how about you as the patriarch of the Northder family?"

Although Tiger Hill has matured far beyond his peers under the education of his righteous father, the impulse of young people at this moment is undoubtedly obvious. In the eyes of young people, helping their friends is justified. And others, can be placed behind the head.

"I don't want to be a **** who can climb the desk every day and can't accompany my family on holidays!" The sneer sneered at his friend's proposal. He recalled the original scene and said: "My sister, the father's arrangement at the time." Under the agency of everything in the family... The scene is simply a robot with a clockwork; I definitely don't want to be a robot. At that time, it's better to try it with you!"

"Oh, the last time I won!"

When it comes to the test, Tiger is obviously more excited. He almost danced and said: "We are now 999:999, and it is a tie! However, you can rest assured that I will lead in the next battle!"

"Blowing cowhide!"

For the friend's statement. The grammar is very simple to give a definition, and, not forgetting to hit each other: "I and the big sister is 1:100; someone seems to have not broken through zero?"

"The big sister is the exception! When I faced the big sister's head, I didn't even have a little war. The big sister's head lifted, and I subconsciously wanted to hold my head... This is impossible to fight! Is it you? When faced with the big sister's head, there is no one, it seems to be..."

"It seems to be pegged by a large cat, and then it is felt by the claws on the body?"

Looking at the appearance of a friend's annoyance, the vocal method is straightforward to say; and such a statement immediately gained the same feeling of Ted. He nodded again and again, saying: "When you were young, this feeling was just looming, but now, it is very clear; every time I walked in front of the big sister, it seems to be from the tiger, the lion, and still The hungry tigers and lions are grinding their paws; that feeling is really terrible!"

"I can understand that you are comparing the big sister to a tigress or a river lion?"

The singer looked at his friends, and the latter body immediately became stiff. However, Ted, who reacted in an instant, immediately retorted: "I am a metaphor, you are the explanation; how is it possible?"

"How can it be different, you clearly say..."

The words of the grammar have not been finished yet, and his jacket pocket is a shock. A crystal ball that is only the size of a baby's fist is smashed out by the singer, and there are several images of the figure moving forward.

"Oh, it seems that we have guests!"

Ted squinted and carefully looked at the image inside the crystal ball, and said, "Merlin Merlin said that this surveillance crystal will only respond to strong positive or negative energy, and ordinary people can't trigger it; A few dresses, I think it can't be a so-called decent person!"

"We are standing here. Isn't it just to welcome such a guy?"

The lyrics looked at the friend and asked, and immediately said: "Notify the big sister and the instructor that the bird that has been waiting for a long time has finally appeared!"

"It is estimated that the big sister will be very happy!"

With such a sentence. Ted quickly disappeared into the wall - in the post below the city wall, there was a short-distance communication array directly connected to the basement of the bar.

And about five minutes later, the Rhines, Merlin and about ten teenagers and Amanda appeared on the wall.

"Well, it should be two werewolves, the remaining four..."

The young witch took over her crystal ball and looked at the images. It was very easy to identify the identity of two of them. However, when she looked at the remaining four, she frowned and her face was A trace of surprise.

"What's wrong, Merlin?"

Asked Rijks.

"These four existences seem to be residents of the dark areas; however, they should not..."

The young witch answered her friend and shook her head in confusion. However, soon she responded and immediately said to the people around her: "These existences are dark creatures, no doubt!"

"Since it is a dark creature, then let us teach them well!"

The Rhines waved a fist and flashed an electric spark in the air.


“Here is Landingburg?”

The Alpha Wolf of Bourges looked at the fortress in front of the night and couldn't help but ask, with a touch of surprise in the tone - for the people living in the Hailin area, most of the buildings I saw were Tree houses and caves, the only building that can see the stone is the castle of the wizard; however, there are too many defensive magical arrays around the wizard's fort, so that it can't be close at all, under the layer of trees. Even if it has unparalleled vision, it can't see the look of the wizard's fort.

Sorcerer's Fort and Randy Fort, maybe it's about it!

The Alpha Wolf of Burch, who couldn't see the Fort of the Sorcerer, in the face of Langtenberg's surprise, directly linked the two together and blurred the boundaries – it was like a scorpion touching the image. Counting that, but not a specific view; but, despite this, the Bourges Alpha Wolf did not forget the purpose of coming here.

Or the sinister power in the body that makes it impossible to forget.

Its gaze looks at the person behind is here! I can feel that power! ”

The low female voice came from under the hood. Compared with the current lingua franca, the tone of yin and yang is very strange. It is like a proverb in a remote area in the **** age. Say what.

After the words fell, the woman who had been hiding herself in the hood would walk towards Langingborg—obviously, the items she had been seeking appeared, and the one who was always cautious became impulsive. Her three guards followed quickly, while the Alpha Wolf of Bourges was deliberately one step behind.

Ps second more~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the starting point of the x100, and the reward of the x100 starting point~~~ I am sorry to thank all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read.

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