Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 242: Druid Avenger

"This, is this Ava?"

Fia looked at the red-infested golden leaves that fell on her palm. It was not soft and soft on the ground. The golden leaves were the harbingers of every druid. It was like the legend of Llorante, the night sky. There is a stellar star that represents oneself; only, compared to such legends, this golden is more real like a leaf.

Leaves fall, people go.

This is a very accurate statement, and there have been no errors.

"How is it possible, how can Ava... He already has a natural species, it is already a strong man of the Japanese glory... How is it possible?" In the shout of the girl, with a trace of grief, stalking, and surrounded People at the same time have a faint look; they are very welcome to Ava’s reticent but gentle people; every year or several years, someone will enter the Druid camp, but But no one has ever been so welcome.

The guardian of nature from the bottom of my heart, if it is not confirmed that the other party is indeed from the outside world, all the people in the Druid camp will believe that this is a child who grew up in the Druid camp; and, is a Very sensible, well-behaved child.

"Fia, come with me!"

Connor, who made a look at the big druid, pulled up the girl's hand and walked toward the distant book room—the only place in the Druid camp where books were stored; However, with ordinary paper or sheepskin as the text-bearing method, the books here are completely finished with pieces of fallen leaves, which have been solidified by natural forces.

"Don't be sad, crying is not for you, Fia!"

Standing in the middle of the room, the old man stroking the girl's head and looking at the other person's tears, could not help but say: "Ava. He did not die!"

Said, the old man picked up the leaves of the girl holding the chest, pointing to the red with the gold intertwined, said: "Although it has fallen, but it has not withered, have you seen the red here? It has a special meaning. ...a different road, a road that cannot be recognized by the Golden Oak!"

"Not recognized by the Golden Oak?!"

Fiya, who converges to cry, once again holds the oak leaves that have become colorful because of the red color. She asked without understanding.

"Well, a road different from us!"

The old man nodded, with an inexplicable sadness, looked up at the roof of the tree house, his eyes as if he had passed through the roof, the canopy, and the sky. He saw Ava making such a decision. With a trace of reluctance, then, decided to embark on that road.

"Druid Avenger, that's their name!"

After the old man said such a thing, it seemed like a lot of old people in a moment. His squatting figure left the room falteringly. He believed that the name of the girl Bard would not be unfamiliar to this name. I will understand the meaning contained in it, and this is what he can't say; after all, it is too cruel.

Druid Avenger...

Such a name exists in the girl's mind, but it is a little vague, she began to look for; then, when everything appeared in her mind, the girl curled up helplessly in the corner of the room. The shoulders are shaking and shaking.

Outside the room, under the golden oak, once again became Conno and Avar, the latter could not help but sigh -

"I think Ava can inherit my position!"

There is a sorrow in the tone of the Great Druid.

"I think the same!"

The old man, Oval, is also sighing again.

In fact, if you don't see the restraint of Ava and the inner guardian of nature. Even if the Druid camp welcomes Ava, it is impossible to open the natural secrets for Ava, and the two also teach Ava about nature from time to time. This is entirely to cultivate Ava as the heir to the Great Druid.

"However, why do I still have a little happiness in my heart when I am sad?"

The great druid looked up and looked at the golden oak in front of him.

"Because it proves that the two of us have not read the wrong person!"

The old man answered the question of the Great Druid. He also raised his head and looked at the golden oak tree. He slowly said: "Nature has given birth to everything. We grow up in the arms of the mother and mature under the protection of the mother. Going back to the mother's arms again; this is a cycle, the way of nature!"

As the old man extended his hand and gently stroked the golden oak in front of him, as if in response, the branches of the golden oak began to shake up. The old man continued to say: "So, in violation of this natural way, it still remains. Protecting nature, are they right or wrong?"

The branches and leaves of the golden oak continue to tremble and appear cheerful and lively.

"The Druid Avenger, of course, is the Druid! But they have embarked on another path to protect nature!"

The big druid stood by the old friend, so surely said.

"So, should we help the child?"

The old man asked like this.

"Of course, we can't do much against the evil existence, but it doesn't mean we can do nothing!"

The Great Druid took back his gaze and walked toward the golden oak, a green and illusory light and shadow; the old man followed with a smile: "If you alone, you can't do this, let's work together. Let's hope that the little guy doesn't go too fast; otherwise, our two old guys can have it!"

"I think this is inevitable. After all, the talent of that child, you and I know it!"

The Great Druid stepped into the natural secrets and the sound gradually spread.


Germinated seeds, half bright red and half green.

This state, in Ava's view, lasted for a long time. In fact, the actual time did not even last for five minutes. When watching the half of the bright red began to erode the green, Ava could not help but be nervous again.

I want to get started!

His eyes stared closely at the bud that represented him. It was very clear that when the red was completely encroached on the verdant green, it was when he abandoned everything as human beings - the Druid Avenger, able to The most important reason for exerting such a powerful force is to abandon humanity; of course, it is not completely abandoned. It is mixed with the existence of plants, but it is not a pure human body, nor a pure plant branch.

It is a very magical change, magical to even the point of evil - in the eyes of Druids, the full extraction of the power of nature, without giving back, is an evil; and the Druid Avenger . Undoubtedly such a crystallization of evil, but also the power of peace, in exchange for violent, pure destructive power.

The original Destroyer was still honored as a druid because of his own body, but he also took the words of the Avengers to distinguish them.

presumably. A guy like me can't go back there for a lifetime!

Looking at the green that almost completely occupied the other half, Ava closed his eyes and he said goodbye to that happy time. Although he did not give up, he would not regret it; because he understood his own Everything done is not wrong; Enron is hiding aside. Watching your friends fight alone? Such a scene is enough once again, and once more, it is unbearable.

What's more, he is not the first one...

For the little man who returned to the depths of Hailin with himself, although Ava did not inquire in detail, but in an occasional high-level conversation with the honor of blood, the other person who always has a gentle smile, as mentioned 'Reform'. Unable to change color, even the smile can not live.

Compared with Datong, what am I doing?

Druid Avenger?

Even if I am incarnation, I will not hesitate!

Ava, who had her eyes closed, opened her eyes fiercely, and the red color was suddenly fascinated at this moment. In the attitude of the tiger, it would be swallowed by the greenery; At this time, only a trace of emerald green has become dazzling in an instant, and the emerald green seems to be dripping out of water.

"Little guy, don't be too anxious!"

Old but kind voice. The fierce sounded in the green.

"Elder Connor!"

Ava looked at the green with amazement. He couldn't understand why Elder Connor, who is far away from the Hailin area, would appear here.

"And me, we are connecting you with the natural secret!"

The loud voice answered Ava’s doubts.

"Lord Druid!"

Ava’s voice was even more amazed, and it seemed to feel the surprise of Awane’s heart again. Connor explained to Ava: “Everyone of us wants to solve your current troubles and it costs a lot. Strength, if you don't get old, you have to be left here; but if two people are together, it is definitely a lot easier!"

A warm feeling flowed from Ava's heart, but Ava, who quickly responded, immediately replied loudly: "Elder Connor, Lord Druid, thank you for everything you have done for me, But this is my choice, please let it continue; I need strength to deal with the next thing!"

There are many ways to "power, not just destruction and destruction!"

In the voice of the Great Druid, with an anger, he said seriously: "Original, you will be the best candidate for that road, but I did not expect you to be so impulsive; now have to choose a very no A stable road..."

"I have lived up to you, but in the face of such a situation, do I have a better choice?" Ava apologized sincerely, but then the tone was firm: "After all, what I lack most is time!" And the Druid Avenger is the best choice, the shortest time, in exchange for the greatest strength!"

"To burn the price of life?"

The voice of the Great Druid became more and more severe.

"In the face of dark creatures, you can fight side by side with your friends, I will not hesitate!"

Ava's tone is still firm.

"What about Fia?"

The words of the old man suddenly came in.

"Please ask Elder Connor, I will say sorry to her instead of me!"

In Ava’s firm words like steel, there was finally a wave of volatility, and the voice shook involuntarily.

"Haha, such a task, the old man like me can't finish it, or you can say it for yourself!"

The old man replied with a series of laughter, and the voice of the great druid was not as harsh. He said slowly: "Ava, remember to come back!"

"The Druid of the Way of Nature, the Druid Avenger of the Way of Destruction. It's all Druid..."

The old man and the great Druid said at the same time, the sound is like the Hong Zhong Da Lu, in this illusory space, one reverberates.

"On the road to Druid, everything is balanced - balance is the source of all things!"


With the fall of the last word, there was only a trace of emerald green, and suddenly the light shined. A breathing effort completely took back the original place of its own; as if it was back to the beginning, but the real change of the next moment began -

The buds began to grow constantly, and the rhizome appeared, and then became tall and large. Almost immediately, a small red-green sapling appeared in front of Ava, replacing the original seed; from the root system to the crown, the red and green scorpions were distinct, but they seemed to be one.

"The peace-loving druids will not participate in the war, but this does not mean that the druids will give up light and justice!"

The voice of the old man is full of exhaustion. The great druid was equally exhausted, and the voices of the two men disappeared completely after this passage, leaving only Ava in his illusory space for a long time.

"Elder Connor, Lord Druid thank you!"

After sincere sincerity, Ava returned to the reef highland again, and he was still lying on the reef with his limbs spread out. His friends not far away are helping Ted to build a new defensive tower; however, Ye Qi, who should have been sitting cross-legged beside him, is looking around.

Undoubtedly, this is warning him for everything around him.


Looking at the friends who opened their eyes, Ye Qi came over with a happy color, looked up and down the Ava, and asked: "How do you feel?"

"Good. Good can't be better!"

Ava felt the changes in the body and replied with a smile.

"Just, that change is really scaring me..."

Ye Qi, who completely let go of his heart, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Ye Qi, who was previously aware of the 'glass wall' with [nameless skills], was awakened by a strange wave of motion around him - and when he woke up, he watched the strange fluctuations from friends. When I was uploaded, I was anxious.

After all, whether it is the smell of destruction, destruction, or the gradual disappearance of life, Ye Qi is extremely nervous - although he can't know what happened to his friends, Ye Qi does not think it is a kind of A good phenomenon; this kind of destruction and destruction has soared, but the way life is not suffocating has caused him to think of something very bad.

In the knowledge that the wolf has nothing to teach him, this is the price of life, and the skill of breaking out the strength, but quite a lot - the reason is free, that is, the wolf has determined that he is a person who loves life. It is impossible to use such a technique; what has no value is naturally a matter of its talk.

It is precisely because of such chats that Ye Qi understands that as long as one is not good, what kind of situation will his friends face; therefore, Ye Qi immediately began to ask for help from the wolf; however, the two sides have just begun to negotiate. At that time, the life of the original disappeared in Ava, in a flash, it is richer, even far more than the original; and that strength has also entered the formal from the 'new Jin', and then officially stepped into the high section, Then the high section began to head toward the peak, and then stopped when it hit the threshold of the peak.

Even if I don’t know what happened, Ye Qi understands that this is not a bad thing; but the wolf is even more discouraged to drop a 'lucky guy' and return to the seal. Only stay, Ye Qi is on the side, waiting for his friend to wake up.

"I was just choosing a path! Druid Avenger... Hey, it's mutated!"

Facing the doubts of his friends, Ava covered up too many ideas, just said the good results, and in order to express his good results, he spread his palms, a seed in the palm of his hand, quickly The germination grew into a small flower, but what surprised Ye Qi was that the flower of the flower actually spewed a flame.

"This this?!"

Ye Qi looked at his good friend in surprise, even if it was his knowledge, he had to feel incredible for such a phenomenon. If a plant sprayed venom and poisonous mist, Ye Qi would not be surprised~www. some plants are rich in such aggression, it is impossible for any one plant to spurt out the flames. This in itself violates the essence of the existence of plants; Ye Qi does not know which kind of plant fiber can It can withstand the burning of flames.

"Life and destruction coexist, the balance of the Druid Avengers!"

Ava looked at the flowers in the palm of his hand, and Ye Qi was whispering.

"The way to balance?"

Let go of the perception, feel the life in the flower in front of the flower appearing and destroying and then appearing again and again, and the changes that are constantly changing, Ye Qi is silent, he is once again silent [No Name Skill] for the perception of the 'glass wall' In the middle, Ava turned around and took on his unfinished alert mission.

The flower was placed at his feet and began to wind up and grow.

PS second more~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 200 starting points, the sn100 starting point, the x100 starting point, the reward, the x100 starting point, the reward, the ~100, the deceased, thank you to all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued...)

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