Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 6 Chapter 4: More women

Chuanxiong is the last day of late autumn. Mobile reading novels, synchronous update \\!{wap\'} crop crops in the winter snow 卞 "Sang just harvested, only a pile of slightly fine high piled on the edge of the field, Along the entire village's roadbed, surrounded by a circle; Ye Qi, standing at the entrance of the village, glanced at the slightly fine piles, and suddenly they were piled up like a wall, tightly guarding the village in front of them; Qiankun Holy King made the sacred king will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the throne, seek the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big week, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night killing god. God's Seal, the throne of the world, the most powerful, abandoning the Great Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the gods, the nightmare, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, and the slightest fluctuations in the squadrons Ye Qi immediately confirmed that his previous speculation was a camouflage. The following should be a fortification.

After this point, Ye Qi couldn't help but secretly clicked on the head. There was no direct evolution to reject the proposal of the other party to join. He just wants to look at the strength of the organization called "Blood Glory"; after all, for him to establish his own strength in the Gulf, the allies in the exhibition period are indispensable; but from now on, It has a certain scale; of course, it is incomparable with such a huge force as the Hunting Mania, the Holy See, and the Secret Service. It is even far from the Northder family. If you say it seriously, it is good.

It's just good, it can't reach my standard!

In the middle of the village, crossed the small square and entered the gate of a tall, pure steel. This place is the most important member of the blood glory organization. They gathered here to welcome a new mixed-race companion in the mouth of Carras, and of course there are other important things.

Sitting on the towering pedestal in this conference room is a full-bodied woman with a black long-shouldered skirt, a slightly longer bangs covering the left eye and the left half of the cheek; The knight, with the shaking of her wrist, beat the ground rhythmically. "Leader, why do we need to come here specially to wait for someone? And still a glimpse. Not a punctual newcomer!" The slender, thin girl’s pale skin seems to have never seen the sun, and the eye-catching is the knee-high The length and the impervious face at the moment were full of impatience, standing next to the female collar, pulling the robes of the traveler on the body, and the nine-night innocent eyes boring around. The cockroaches in the mouth did not hide at all: "Why should I waste my travel time waiting for a newcomer with no relationship?"

"Because that newcomer is our companion!" The sound is like a drum, and the taller than the upright giant bear, even if it is sitting, but the strong figure is still higher than the nine nights; look at each other The face is impatient, but he is full of expectations: "Listen to the guys in Callas, the other is a good guy! And the strength is very powerful! I really want to look at it"

"Only know the stupid dog of the battle" nine nights innocently interrupted Andre’s words. Pointing at the other's nose yelled: "Noisy! There is no beauty, the whole body is muscle. Even the violent dog whose brain is filled with muscles; can't you learn the quiet reading of Ainworth's brothers and sisters? ?"

Ai Weavs, the girl holding the book, faintly glanced at the nine nights and Andre, and put her gaze back on the books again. The small cloister with a cloak was careful. The woman’s collar moved and moved now. It’s obviously a stupid decision to face the nine nights of another trip because the other party’s time is not punctual. Although he is strong, it does not mean that his wisdom is also general. .

With a gentle youth walking in front of him, facing the bright whistle along the way, Ye Qi followed the village in a cobbled street running through the village, and a house was built on the side of the road. Livestock such as chickens and sheep are interspersed in the village. In the small square in the middle of the village, a bracket with an alarm bell stood there, a few miles away from the well with the lid, and the person wearing the chaotic costume was shaking the handle. Pull the bucket filled with clean water from the well,"

If it weren't for sure that he was still in the Gulf, Ye Qi almost thought he would return to Shak. Shaq, who has been building and flavoring hundreds of years ago, is so similar to everything here. The only difference is that. The place is that Shaq represents the towns hundreds of years ago, and the representative here is the village at that time; of course, the premise is that the mixed race with the tail or the ears of the beast must be ignored.

"It's here!" along the way, and the gentleman who was friendly and greeted by the village, brought Ye Qi to a steel gate next to the central square, pointing to the door and pointing to Ye Qi, who was standing beside him: There are also important members of the organization, and they will be very happy to see you soon!"


After the gentle youth just pushed the steel door open, a slashing knife with a cold light flew straight out and went straight to Ye Qi.


"This is the way you express your happiness?" After slashing the scalpel with a scabbard, Ye Qi sneered at the corner of his mouth; and after his voice network fell, a female voice containing anger came out of the room. : "This is a warning to you late!"

"A late warning?" Ye Qi looked at the slim girl who was not taller than her but had her knees on her head, and her eyes could not help but smack the darkness.

The core muscles occupy the body of the girl from the front! Full, it’s just a little bit, but the hunter’s man is extremely uncomfortable, as if he rushed into a nest full of dark creatures, peered by a group of dark creatures hiding in the shadows; The moderate youth saw Yan Qi, who was slightly blind, and the slim girl with anger, and immediately went to the two to take the initiative to admit the mistake: "If you are late, it should be my fault!"

"Sure enough, because of you, Carras Ivan!" The slim girl directly evolved into a gentle young man's calf, and then jumped up and unknowingly slammed the whip leg on the other's face: "Give me a fall into the abyss to confess!"

"Okay. Please come our guests!" A faint, full-fledged female voice stopped the slim young girl who had to chase the gentle young man who rolled over a few meters away. She grabbed the other's trouser legs. Dragging the other side back, and beckoning Ye Qi: "Come in!"

The steel door was unexpectedly wide, but the entire room was empty except for the tallest pedestal and a few chairs, and Ye Qi was obviously stunned when he saw the walls and roof shimmering with metal rays. Do you have a refuge in the conference room?

Then, Ye Qi smiled slightly, and looked at the half-faced face of the woman bangs sitting on the pedestal and could not make the other party's face faint, but more A mysterious attraction; people have a desire to see the other side of the bangs obscuring the true content; however, the bleak knight sword in the other hand is like a thorny rose, which will hurt those who reach out at will.

"I am the **** glory of Sinuld Aja; I am very glad to meet you and my family!" The knight's sword was standing beside the pedestal. Standing up and walking to Ye Qi's face, carefully staring at Ye Qi's eyes, and then slowly opening the road again: "Flame, control silk binding, lightning, and now there are shadows, all the same family, you are lucky! ”

In the face of the female leader, Ye Qi does not eat what is now a multi-functional person. After several times of fighting, it is no secret. Even he guessed that the major forces or the family in the family will have relevant information. A detailed description of his abilities.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not have any resentment. Now, he is sitting in the position of the president of the hunting area of ​​the Bay Area. Exposing a certain strength, attracting the attention of the forces of the parties is not something to worry about, but this will make him sit more stable in the position of the president; even if it is the high-level headquarters of the demon, what plans will be made in the future? At the same time, he will also consider his potential; of course, with so many "sight" attention, some of the things that should be hidden must also be hidden.

It was like this time when he came to the gathering place of the blood and the glory. He also acted after the other party specially sent a "replacement" to participate in the moon celebration.

"Lucky doesn't mean everything!" Ye Qi does not deny that the existence of his luck system is proof of his luck; but if he has all his dues and luck, he will not agree: "Whoever has Fortunately, but not all of them can be successful!"

"So lucky, will you get the success you want?" The female leader not only did not care about Ye Qi’s rebuttal, but also asked according to Ye Qi’s words; apparently, for Ye Qi’s new family, the female leader was curious. The heart, of course, has a certain difficulty for Ye Qi’s meaning because of facing this problem. Regardless of whether Ye Qi chooses to affirm or deny, it will be an imperfect answer; looking at the female collar in front of him, Ye Qi naturally shrugged and said: "I want success, not me. Hey. People can do it!"

Although Ye Qi did not directly decide whether to evolve or deny but let the woman smile and nod her head and let the whole **** glory of the high-level all waiting here, Ye Qi's strength is part. What's more important is the identity of the president of the Yeqi Bay Area Hunting Mania Club; after all. As a mixed-race, there is no shortage of enemies who perform missions.

"If you can, we are very happy to help you as a family!" The direct evolution of the female leader, so that Ye Qi slightly surprised a group of organizations, will inevitably take the consideration of their own organization first, and like the other side Almost frankly speaking about cooperation. Is to completely hand over the initiative to his hand; let him have enough bargaining chips,

What does the other person want?

Ye Qi never believed that there would be something that would not be obtained, even if the system on him was an equivalent exchange that needed to be paid; therefore. The other party’s almost “gift-giving” behavior not only did not make him feel relaxed, but instead began to fear from the bottom of his heart.

It’s a little more than a few days in a row, and it’s a bit of a disappointment. Let’s take a few days off and come back again. Thanks again to the aristocrats of the four nobles, the book friends, the mouth of the palace, the plaques, the three rides, and the light bulbs. The three tickets of Zhang Longwang and Yan Qingsi are dethroned. Thank you for your heart.

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