Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 6 Chapter 7: Can't hold a thirteen

. Wx`*fiction*mm book friend whole ~ Ritti~ The bunting on the streets of Fort Myers is still flying; however, with the end of the old one, the end of the stage play, people have already returned in the cold wind In the warm home; Constance wore his brown turtleneck trench coat, his hands in his pockets, his body bent slightly on the street in Randingburg, his appearance still hidden behind the straight erect collar, a small pair The eyes of the seams are indifferently watching the front, making the whole person in the dark like a lone wolf in the wilderness. Is this the area he is in charge of?

Although time has passed for a long time, Constance thought of the scene on the train that day, the original indifferent eyes can not help but have a wave of waves without hesitation to reject his invitation, which is unique to him; Although the success rate of the demon hunter is very low because of the secret between the two forces of the Holy See and the Demon Hunter, but under such favorable conditions, the other party has not even considered it, which makes him The other party left a deep impression; therefore, he was very concerned about the other party’s news for a long time afterwards; and the more he got the news about the other party, the more interested he was,


The Constance in distraction quickly withdrew, and a knight's sword descending from the sky suddenly appeared in the place where he stood before, deeply inserted into the flat ground; he looked into the distance, glanced The woman with a small slanting bangs slowly came out from the shadow of the street.

"Fissinold Aja".

Constance was surprised to see that a group of disciplinary knights led by Quinton, who was not supposed to be here at this time, was in the temporary residence of the other party, and the other’s message network would never be unaware of it; At the moment, the other side appeared in front of him. Suddenly, his heart was full of confidence in the mission of Quinton and his team.

Twelve disciplinary knights under the command of Quinton's centered, neatly arranged quadrilateral formations each rushing into the village with a shield, though full of anger against the devil's mixed-race, but this does not make them lose their senses, forget Basic combat literacy; after all, even God said, it has repeatedly mentioned the value of life.

How is the mother?

There was no unexpected attack, and Quinton, the captain, immediately felt that it was wrong.

According to him, these mixed-race people are not the kind of heresy that does not have the power to fight back; otherwise, he will not lead a whole team of disciplinary knights to crusade.

"Tighten the formation

Quinton’s warnings have not yet fallen, and a strong impact has come from his feet, even if he can’t resist this force.


In the huge explosion, even the earth shook with countless soil and sand and flew into the air. The center of the village that was close to the square had been razed to the ground, even in the distant houses. collapse.

"It seems that explosives are not enough."

The gentle young man stood in the distance and looked at the trap he had set up. He couldn’t help but shook his head and had disappointment on his face, but the joy in his eyes was difficult to conceal a group of twelve disciplinary knights after the baptism of explosives. Although only two people have fallen, it is a rare good thing for them; after all, every disciplinary knight is an enemy who needs their vigilance, and one less will have a decisive influence on their subsequent battles.

"I can deal with three!" Ander looked at his friend's expression and shrugged his helplessly. Although he wanted to let his friends continue to intoxicate with this unexpected result, the battle has already started; if not, Now divide the other party apart and destroy them one by one. When the other party gathers together again, it is inevitable that it is a little trouble; to know that the most worrying thing for the disciplinary knight is the mutual cooperation ability of the other team; the moderate youth stunned Immediately understood the meaning of the companion, immediately said: "I also divided into three!" "Their captain I came to deal with." Ye Qi grabbed the front of the slim girl and reported that he had to deal with the target to kill the captain of the Cavaliers. But the key to whether he can complete the task is naturally not to be completed by others; the slim girl took a look, With a huge openwork scalpel in his hand, the whole person directly evolved and rushed to the opposite disciplinary knight: "The remaining four are mine!"

"Evil heresy!"

Quinton stood up and shook his head because of the violent explosion. When the two disciplinary knights who fell to the ground in the distance did not stand up, they couldn’t help but shouted loudly in the voice of anger. Self-blame; as the captain can not show the trap of the other party, and the death of the subordinate, this is simply unforgivable for him; even if he can kill all the heresy, it is still for him. I can't make up for the mistakes I made; but killing each other is the only thing he can do now,

"Great Lord of Light,"

Quinton whispered, a faint white light appeared from him, and the same white light emerged from the surviving disciplinary knights; unlike the soft white light of the white robe, from Quinton and other disciplinary knights The white light with a layer of metal punishes the knight’s collective combat capability. The state group is because of the special power given by the gods of faith; the power of a heart cannot be compared with the power of the apostles, and In a separate case, it is difficult for ordinary disciplinary knights to defeat the apostles; however, in the mutual cooperation of many people, most of the time, they will end up with the victory of the disciplinary knight; because this kind of **** is believed by them. The ability to have an increase in a certain range.


In the collision between the knives and the Quinton weapons, the other party’s prayers had to stop; however, when Ye Qi was surprised to look at the other’s hands, the opponent’s hands did not have any weapons when they were seen with the naked eye. But the sparks and the faint wind pressure that came out before, are telling him that the other weapon exists.

Invisible weapon?

Ye Qi’s eyes are slightly stunned, and the hands holding the knives of the knives are hard, and the weapon that presses against each other is invisible. Even he doesn’t even know what weapons they are, so it’s hard to grasp each other’s attacks. Scope; if he withdraws at this time, he will immediately fall into an unusually unfavorable situation; even if he has the blindness expertise, he can perceive the surrounding fluctuations, but when he is unable to grasp the opponent’s attack range, he will only be passive. Defense. This is the result he absolutely does not want to see. If he can't take the other person in a short time, he can even see the mockery on the slim girl's face."

"You are not a mixed-race heresy." Quinton looked at the young man who had a long knife in front of him. He had to say that the blood glory is effective in discerning his companions. Even the disciplinary knight of the Holy See could not detect that he was not a dark creature. The **** veins; Ye Qi looked at the other close to the other, the mouth showed a pound. The sneer sneer: "In your eyes, do not believe in the so-called God, is there a heresy? . "You dare to blaspheme the gods!" Little Quinton screamed in Ye Qi's sneer: "Wind King."

Ye Qi, who is working hard with the other side, feels the airflow on the other side's weapon. The current speed is a step back, and the knives are once again pulled out. On the cold four-foot blade, the blue-violet crescent knife is plucked. Obvious.



The invisible airflow and the sorcerer's blue-violet crescent knife stalks met unexpectedly in the air, and the sound slammed in a flash; the blue-violet knives shattered into countless light spots and danced with the airflow that spread again. In the silver moonlight, it is like a group of fireflies roaming in the fields.


The spark of the blue rose will blow the bullets from the six-instant bullets. The power of the bullets is enough to be fatal to the average person, but for the disciplinary knight who is spurting toward him. It is not a problem, but the Knight Shield, which has been specially modified by the Holy See, shows its far-sighted shield and the sturdness brought by the expensive cost.


The six bullets shot a series of crisp sounds on the shield. Under the support of Quinton's powerful arms, the entire shield did not move to block the attack. However, his spurting momentum was not slow; When he saw the target and wanted to continue to complete another spur, a hot fireball with bursting energy appeared in front of him.

In the face of the fireball, Quinton did not retreat to block the Knight's shield on the chest, the invisible sword frame on the Knight's shield, and once again spurred; he was confident with the defense of the body's special armor and shield. To resist the heat of the flame; and as long as it rushes to the other side, with the spurs can pierce the sharpness of the plate, the other party will definitely be torn by his sword,"


The flame wave that the fireball hit on the shield after the explosion did not stop Quinton's pace. The heat and burst of the flame, as he estimated, did not bring him any damage to the tumbling flame under the protection of the armor shield. The spit of the fire tongue raged around the ground, but Quinton, who once again spurred in the flames, had a different flames tumbling with the sneer of heresy, justice and evil kept on The scene in the confrontation biography has come to his mind. At this moment, he seems to have become a brave person who is blessed in the biography and challenges Baro. Moreover, at this moment, he really feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big empire, the princes, the sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest Zhouhuang martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The mood, and the joy of the faint heart after the upcoming success; even the sorrow of the mistakes in the previous misguided command was dispelled by this special mood,

Quinton in the spurs rushed out of the flames with the snoring of the brave man of the year; however, a huge lightning flashed in the moment he rushed out of the flames."

Than this evening, the decadent friend went to the waste to drink together, and drink a little more. When I came back dizzy, I slept. "I only climbed up at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night and I have only coded this chapter until now." "I really have no cups for the manuscript." Thanks again, Zi Yan and Wang Chong. The Zhao and Jiu Tian Touring Dragons’ four rewards and the devil’s devil’s dedication, thank you for your support.

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