Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 328: Battle of Hailin District VIII

Continued to the northwest, after walking for about forty minutes, the old wizard came to a jungle with Ye Qi - in fact, he used to walk in the jungle, despite the detailed introduction of the old wizard, Ye Qi It is only through the "natural consciousness" to distinguish between them; but because of the difference between these differences, Ye Qi can understand that the daily little things that the old wizard told him are actually Really.

The old wizard turned around and looked at the slightly incomprehensible Ye Qi. He couldn’t help but smile: “Why, you seem to have some doubts; as an old man, to solve doubts for young people, I will be happy. !"

Ye Qi shrugged and said: "It's a bit strange. I just feel that you have a name for every tree and stone. There are some... well, nothing!"

Obviously, the adjectives in the back, Ye Qi looked at the old wizard in front of him and said that he couldn’t say anything; but the old wizard was a hand that didn’t care, saying: “Childish?”

Ye Qi nodded.

The old wizard laughed: "Thank you for your honesty, at the very least, this will give me some confidence in our next conversation!" I didn't continue to follow the key points. The old wizard turned a corner and went again. Said the previous topic: "Are you doing a long time, a complete tour of the place you want, or simply travel around the world?"

Ye Qi shook his head and said: "That is one of my long-cherished wishes. However, it is a pity that some or more troubles always appear in front of me, making it impossible for me to go through the long-awaited Travel - if you can, it should be something about nine years later... a guy who is more than 30, faster than half, can't be called an old guy, so it won't be too late, right?"

The old wizard nodded with certainty, saying: "Of course, of course, it is not too late. After all, I really left the hands of the wizard, and the age of starting to travel is already after the age of 30 - sufficient funds, good The ability to defend myself, and some necessary opportunities... After all, at that time, under the rule of the sacred age, if I was caught, being burned is the only end!"

"So... in order not to let me be burned to death, I can only strengthen my own strength. At the same time, I understand the changes in the outside world - do you know? At that time, my thoughts were very different, when I was outside. The number is called 'Idiot Lendell', and then it is 'Stupid Lendl'... So I have no friends, and here is the only place I can accommodate; at that time, young wizards liked the nose worms. Throw it into your neckline, and if you go to the public bath, I will have a close contact with some iced water..."

The old wizard said that three hundred years ago, there was no resentment on his face. More is nostalgia, he pointed to a tree around him: "I was very fond of a friend at the time, so I was here to find my friends, name them, tell jokes. Even want to use Let them resurrect - although I met a Druid master later, he really has such a way, but in the end I did not do this, still let my friends keep the original look!"

Ye Qi asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Ye Qi’s face was a little puzzled. According to the situation described by the old wizard, the old wizard at that time should be very 'lonely'. In such an ununderstood environment, a deliberate object is what he really needs; if he is thinking about it, Ye I will definitely choose to have such a friend.

The old wizard smiled when faced with such problems: "Because. I can't guarantee the safety of these friends. The Holy See is preparing to launch a large-scale Western expedition again. The wizards in the Hailin District are their primary goal; The younger generation of me must be involved in the resistance of the troops, in which my friends can not survive!"

The Western Expedition, which has appeared eleven times in the entire 150 years of the sacred age, appears almost every other decade. For the Holy See in that era, the grassland area, the frost forest area, In the 'poor' places of the winter forest area, the whole of Lorante is theirs. They naturally do not allow the existence of other forces to be bright and concise; therefore, in those days, the troops that dominated the disciplinary knights were mixed. There are a large number of black deacons and high priests of the Inquisition, who are searching for the so-called heresy all the time.

The deepest family in the Qiulin District, the wizards in the Hailin District, exile in various places, and the demon hunters hidden in all walks of life are their targets; however, in that era, the real large-scale war, only Occurred in the Hailin District; the tens of thousands of wizards in the air, the charge of 100,000 disciplinary knights, only happened there - and now, the wizards have less than three thousand remaining, and the disciplinary knight is only 20,000.

The cruelty of war is always chilling.

Looking at Ye Qi's frowning thoughts, the old wizard asked me to lick the staff in his hand. He smiled and said: "This topic is a bit serious. Come, please see my little nest at the time!"

Hey, hehe...

In the sound of a slightly rubbing gear, five yards in front of Ye Qi side, two large stones with two-storey houses were slowly removed; the old wizard made a gesture of asking, first. Going in and saying: "Although, I have been trying my best to keep everything here, but under the attack of time, the gears will still rust, even if they have been carefully maintained!"

"This is a fact that cannot be changed!"

Ye Qi nodded slightly. At the same time, his gaze looked at the hole in front of it, or the underground corridor; the steps down the stairs, which is a downward step, is also possible; about twenty Steps of the order, deep into the ground about ten yards, one side open, one person and a half high, three wide doors stand here.

Stepping down the steps, Ye Qi looked at the door with a very strange lock on it - this lock, everything is no different from the ordinary lock, at most it is a little bigger, with three times the size of the ordinary lock And the really different place, near the keyhole, there is no key to the lock, there is only a small, inconspicuous mosaic crystal; from the above fluctuations, Ye Qi can be sure that this is a piece Magic crystal.

"This lock is a little trick, but it helped me a lot... It was the first real magic item that my teacher guided me to complete!" said. The old wizard stretched out his staff and gently placed the place where the big lock was inlaid with crystals. A little bit of light; after the sound of '咔吧', the magic lock automatically jumped up, and the door was slowly Turned on.

The old wizard reached out and pointed at the inside and smiled and said: "Please!"

Ye Qi nodded and walked toward the inside. Looking at the door, Ye Qi knew that it was not too small. In fact, it’s far more than Ye Qi’s expectation; watching the empty bookshelves, two lab tables, and several chairs, and the beds and corners placed in the corners of the room. Kitchenware, Ye Qi can be sure that the old wizard must have spent a lot of time here.

The old wizard raised his hand and the two chairs flew to the fireplace in the room. The unburned dry wood quickly sparked and dissipated because there was no owner for a long time. And the feeling of sin in the room; the old wizard sat straight on one of the chairs, in front of the fireplace, stretched out.

He smiled and said: "Although I have said most of the time that I am old, but I am not convinced in my heart; however, there are always some reminders of me, but I am already old!"

Ye Qi sat opposite the old wizard and picked up the dry wood on the side. Adding heat to the fireplace again, dissipating the tide in the room at a faster speed. From the previous walking posture, Ye Qi can conclude that the old wizard in front of him has a wound on his leg, although it is already good, but But it has fallen down some of the root causes of life. Although the ordinary people can't see anything when they walk, it is obvious to Ye Qi.

Such a disease root is always difficult to bear in a place where the tide is overcast; most of the older hunting devils like to drink alcohol on a rainy day, not fascinated by alcohol, but use alcohol to numb the body. That kind of old hurt, but also with an itchy old wounds - once, Ye Qi thought that his teacher is also like that. Therefore, most of the time, for his teacher's alcoholism, Ye Qi has a tolerant attitude; and afterwards, he really thinks too much... There is really a kind of existence in the world that is completely fascinated by alcohol. At the very least, his teacher counts one.

The old wizard thanked and nodded and said slowly: "I participated in two wars before I actually traveled through the whole of Lorante. For the first time, I was a teenager, a type that was ignorant and ignorant, and my mind was everywhere. It’s an imaginative imagination. I care for the wounded in logistics... I am fortunate that I have not only been injured, but after that war, I met my teacher, a superior wizard; this is also the teacher who helped me build it. You can't imagine the simplicity of the original here - 'The place where the monkeys live is better than here!' At that time, the teacher paid a summer nest for me to evaluate, and in fact proved that my teacher Very correct!"

The old wizard had a smile on his face, but soon this smile was replaced by grief: "Ten years, when I became a youth, the war broke out again; my age made me I was chosen to be in the regular army, stationed in an avant-garde post... with my teacher; it was a past that I had never wanted to recall for a long time. Suddenly, the Holy See attacked the guardian’s guard post, one More than half of the people died in the sword and arrows, and my legs were shot. After that, I was chased by a senior priest of the Holy See for a long time until my teacher and the senior. The priests are gone!"

"That time of war, the duration is not long, but in my heart, it is like a long life... I took a cane to attend the funeral of the teacher, then left with a cane and returned here - five years In addition, I did not do anything except to increase my strength. At the age of thirty, I was granted permission as a grey robes (the sorcerers of the time, called the gray robes), and began to disperse the entire Lorant; Until the war broke out again, I returned to here and once again participated in the war war..."

Ye Qi recalls the memory in his mind, and then the old wizard’s words say: “That was the first time you were active in the sights of Lorante, the four red archbishops, the presiding judge of an inquisition, and The deputy director of the Inquisition, which was the commander, made your name - Yan Lendl!

Obviously, this title has not been mentioned in front of the old wizard for a long time, the old wizard can not help but shake his head and smile: "Reading the history of nearly three hundred years ago, it is not something that young people like you should do!"

Ye Qi shrugged and said: "Reading is one of my few hobbies. If you leave the plant aside, it can be regarded as something I can love and do... as a wizard, you have a reading. Unimaginable hobbies are right!” Speaking, Ye Qi pointed to the bookshelf that was evacuated around. Undoubtedly, if he only learned spells, he would not use so many books; and the old wizard who smiled and nodded. It also proves this.

Ye Qi smiled and said: "It is really pleasing to meet people with the same hobbies... and in order not to disappoint us, you are willing to continue the previous topic - the conversation that makes you 'confident' !"

The old wizard smiled and nodded. "Of course, of course. I won't delay you too much time... If I can, I really want to talk and eat, but it's a pity that the ingredients here are already two hundred years ago. Completely evacuated, even if it is the rest, it has long since decayed!"

Ye Qi nodded: "Thank you for your kindness. If you don't mind, I have some of my own here... Hey. The food that is important to a woman who is very important to me is just some small cakes. If you don't mind, try one. Try it!"

Ye Qi took out some cakes and snacks baked by the chameleon from the [Dimensional Bag], and the old wizard immediately raised another chair and pulled a black silver from the sleeve. The tablecloth on the side fluttered over it; obviously. As an old wizard who is one of the strongest seven in the world, there is no such thing as a [secondary bag].

Putting a dessert like a crown shape into his mouth, the old wizard immediately praised: "It's really a psychic lady, um, it's a good sweet taste... Fan Ersi always limits my sweetness, this A meticulous assistant. He can never understand the charm of sweets, which can make him build a spell model, one-third faster!"

After sending a snack to the entrance, the old wizard suddenly said in a very formal tone: "I want to ask the Lord of the Shakes to help the wizard to tide over the difficulties!"

Ye Qiyi, looking at the old wizard of the right color. Can't help but laugh: "Master Lendl, please don't make such a joke. If you are there, the wizard's hand does not need the help of other people. You, as the strongest seven in the world, are enough for all. There is understanding, what is the existence of the wizard's hand!"

The old wizard reached out and took out a hot porcelain teapot. They placed two teacups in front of themselves and Ye Qi, and they were filled with fragrant milk tea. They said as if they were: "If I am not here." What about it?"

Ye Qi frowned. "You are only three hundred years old now? The legendary strongman in the extraordinary world is only a step away from the immortal gap. Even if you can't reach the immortal realm, if you live five hundred years old, you should It's also very easy?"

The old wizard nodded and acknowledged Ye Qi’s statement: “Yes, the 500-year-old is a very easy-to-reach age for the legendary powerhouse; but it requires a premise – health!”

Ye Qi looked at the old wizard strangely and asked, "Your body?"

The old wizard nodded without disguising: "So many wars have already made my health worse, even a little bit horrible... my assistant has always suggested that I convert into a lich, but, I I think it’s better to sleep like this!"

Ye Qi looked very seriously at the old wizard who had set his own physical condition in front of him. He didn't know where the other person got his trust in him. He could be blunt to him like this. Everything must have cause and necessity. There is a country; especially after it is about himself, Ye Qi can't help but ask: "Do you trust me so much? Don't you worry?"

Ye Qi’s words are not finished, but the meaning is obvious.

The old wizard immediately laughed: "As a wizard who is good at prophecy, it is not difficult to distinguish one's good or bad. It is not difficult to know which person is trustworthy. What's more, I am old. John’s disciple is very confident; although he is a fool in some respects, in other respects he is admirable!”

Ye Qi was surprised and asked: "Do you know my teacher?"

The old wizard smiled a little. "It’s an old friend. About a while ago, he came here to visit me. Then, with the Alcatel, I played one on my site. It’s really When I was young, there was no change, it was still impulsive!"

Ye Qi repeatedly asked: "What is the specific time?"

The old wizard looked at it and thought: "The specific time? Oh, it should be two years... no, no, three years, or a longer time!"

Although the old wizard could not be sure, Ye Qi could clearly recall that when he first became the president of the Bay Area Demon Hunter, the battle that he encountered in the Druid camp was considered to be a 'Sun Yat-class' battle. - In the face of the inanimate king, Ye Qi has already had some speculation. After all, the breath of the inanimate king is really well recognized, and can fight with the other side, and the sword is like a person who wants to split the world. In the aftermath of Ye Qi, there are only a few people, and among them, his teacher has the greatest possibility.

However, those are some speculations, there is no real evidence to support such speculation; until now, after getting the news from the mouth of the old wizard, Ye Qicai has a real complete grasp.

At that time, the teacher, I guess I still don't worry, I am alone outside? And because of the wise tower master, can't I show up in front of me, or simply don't want me to know his existence, I have been hiding behind me?

When I thought that I thought I could see through my teacher's behavior at the beginning, Ye Qi couldn't help but smile at this time—that is where she can see through, and it is her own teacher who deliberately reveals his whereabouts in order to give himself some confidence. Let yourself know.

Even if Ye Qi’s current strength is not fully grasped, he can find his teacher’s whereabouts; and with his strength at the time, he wants to find his teacher’s whereabouts, which is more than a hundred years away.

Ye Qi took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his emotions. He looked at the old wizard in front of him and asked: "Do you know the whereabouts of my teacher? I have not contacted the teacher and the profiteer for a long time; And my other elders confirmed that they went to the depths of the Chima area... If you know, please tell me the whereabouts of my teacher!"

Saying, Ye Qi is going straight.

However, just when Ye Qi’s upper body had just moved, the old wizard opposite him raised his hand. Immediately, the breath of the force field was filled around Ye Qi, so that he just stopped moving. There, felt the power of the surrounding force field fluctuations, Ye Qi was slightly surprised.

Ye Qi can see that this unknown spell with a force field fluctuation is completely changed by the force field shield; however, it is several times stronger than the general force field shield spell; Even Ye Qi, in the case of not using the knives, it takes about 50% of the power to recover to the 'free state'.

Moreover, it is clear that this is not the state of combat; once in the state of combat, I am afraid that this spell with force field fluctuations will be more than twice as powerful?

The strength of the seven strongest people in the world, it really is not to be underestimated!

Ye Qi took such an idea and did not forcefully break through the fluctuations in his position. Instead, he sat up straight; the old wizard looked very satisfied. He smiled and said: "This kind of salute, for me, is really Too annoying... I always have an inexplicable pressure, especially when I want to ask you, but you treat me like this, and I will think that you are deliberately rejecting or waiting for me to really ask you. Do you still want me to squat?"

The old wizard said, and he blinked.

PS first more ~ ​​timing ~ (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation.)

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