Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 343: Wizard's Hand III

The volume of such speech sounds, although only the nearby Ye Qi and other three can hear, but it is obvious that the chief wizard of the wizard's hand is not relying on pure hearing; the voice of the Wolf King has just fallen. His voice was passed on: "Insults are not what I gave, but because of your choice!" After the words broke, the voice of the old wizard became more and more severe: "So, now Xiaoyue, can you give me an answer?"

Xiaoyue Wolf King said: "What answer do you want? Obey or destroy? Don't worry, I will give you an answer, but definitely not today... Shack's Dragon, are you ready to continue to read jokes?"

Ye Qi looked at the Xiaoyue Wolf King who turned his head. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Of course not. I don't have any meaning of a small beggar. Whether you are Master Lundel, it is so famous. I don't have any disrespectful heart; it's just when I didn't need me before... but it seems to be just right now!"

Ye Qi didn't have any blushing words that said that it didn't matter at all. Perhaps Randall's old wizard could make Ye Qi have a tribute, but Xiaoyue Wolf King? If you can, Ye Qi has already taken the opportunity to kill the other side; in this form, there will be a slight respect.

When the assistant's gaze looked at Ye Qi, Ye Qi continued to say: "Before I had some minor friction with the Lord Wolf King, and after a friendly negotiation, we agreed to sign The next agreement is beneficial to both parties; and this agreement naturally requires a person who is trustworthy and trustworthy to be a notary; therefore, I came to the hands of the wizard!"

The old wizard smiled and nodded. The voice said: "This kind of thing is honored!"

The assistant of the old wizard was a slight one, and once again responded with a wizard's gift: "Thank you for your trust!"

I can see that the assistant of the old wizard did not believe in the so-called friendly negotiation. After all, the Xiaoyue Wolf King knows how to negotiate friendlyly, it will not be the Wolf King; however, the assistant is not interested in what happened, because he looked at the face of the Xiaoyue Wolf King. It is possible to guess one or two - if you want to make this agreement, you will only be able to speak with strength if you want to make this agreement.

The young man in front of him can get the upper hand in the battle with the Wolf King, and the heart of the assistant is not calming down. Involuntarily once again bowed to the other side - perhaps for the Xiaoyue Wolf King, all the wizards including the assistant did not have any good feelings, but with regard to the strength of the Wolf King, they are very recognized; after all, That is the same existence as their chief wizard.

The assistant is very clear that no one can remove the chief wizard from them. No one can fight against each other; now the man who is younger than him has the strength to fight against the Wolf King. Such a person, he is naturally very respectful; especially when the other party shows enough goodwill, it is even more necessary.

"Please go ahead!"

The assistant of the old wizard, who had measured the body slightly, and built a bridge like a moonlight in the distance, a slight request - obviously. The statement in Ye Qi’s previous discourse clearly gained the respect of the assistant and made him willingly do so.

Ye Qi did not take it for granted, but looked at the old wizard hidden in the crowd; the chief wizard immediately laughed: "This is what it should be..." The Moon Wolf King and the assistant Fan Ersi can all hear clearly, and the following words are only heard in Ye Qi’s ear: "False is a kind and orderly person. Therefore, he inevitably has an old-fashioned place. Before, for my proposal, he was not happy, thinking that you still lacked the act of convincing him... but now it seems that everything is fine!"

Ye Qi replied with [traveling] and kept his humility: "The old-fashionedness brought by kindness and lawfulness can be forgiven. It is not because of his own will, but from a wide range of moral standards... In the face of ethical inquiries, I don’t think we need too much blame!"

The old wizard smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Maybe I should officially introduce you to Vails, he will definitely be your good friend... and as long as you can distract him, maybe I can drink a little more honey. Drink or eat more snacks?"

After the voice fell, the old wizard disappeared into the crowd, and Ye Qi once again nodded to the old wizard's assistant, Fan Ersi, and walked toward the bridge of the moon; Van der was a little behind Ye Qi. Staying in a position that is neither overstepped nor dignified; but after that, the Wolf King is not in the heart, and raises his head high.

However, Ye Qi is still able to use the "blind bucket perception" to detect the change of the wolf king, and the eyes of the other side quietly sweeping the eyes also indicate that the wolf king is definitely not the superficial expression at the moment - - For the inside of the wizard's hand, the Xiaoyue Wolf King is undoubtedly full of curiosity, or the mind of exploration.

After all, for a long time, it and the wizards are opponents and enemies. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Now, with an opportunity to go deep into the enemy camp and observe it well, the wolf king will not let it go. If you can't clearly feel the magical atmosphere around you, the Wolf King may be afraid to do something.

While Ye Qi observed the move of the Wolf King, he looked around like the Wolf King. However, compared with the general psychology of the Wolf King, Ye Qi’s eyes were only with pure curiosity. As for himself as a hunter, he entered the base camp of the wizards, and was welcomed by the honor. Ye Qi was somewhat unbelievable.

Perhaps this is the first demon hunter who entered the wizard's hand in 251 years after the beginning of the Free Age?

Ye Qi came to the forgive bridge with such a self-question, and then. His footsteps slowly embarked on the bridge full of bright light—the bridge is composed entirely of bright light. There is no other material, and there is no pillar of a general bridge, but its sturdiness is not to be questioned.

Ye Qi who walks on it can be sure of this. Don't just say that he, Xiaoyue Wolf King and the assistant three, even if there are ten times more and a hundred times more, there is no problem; according to this 'Moon Bridge' display The volatility is completely inconsistent with the legendary powerhouse of an extraordinary situation.

Not only a welcome ceremony, but also its own defense!

Feel the following fluctuations belonging to a certain kind of strong technique, Ye Qi is so determined; and not just this 'moon bridge'. The rainbows on the top of the head that seem to be sprayed out and hung on the horizon have the same effect. It is obvious that they existed there for a long time. The waving of the former staff was just to make this ‘rainbow’ appear.

Moreover, the ‘Rainbow’ at the top of the head is more dangerous than the ‘Moon Bridge’ at the foot. Even if the latter is more restrained, it makes Ye Qi look more subconsciously; then, Ye Qi’s gaze looks at the Xiaoyue Wolf King behind him; obviously, this arrangement is not directed at him, the one behind him It is the Lord.

And he?

Nature is the essence of enjoying the welcoming ceremony.

Under the gaze of Ye Qi, the face of Xiaoyue Wolf King looked from the initial disdain to the dignity afterwards. It’s less ugly, it took less than three seconds, and it’s all about changing the face. The wolf’s heart is spinning at the moment, and wants to break through it, the damage it needs to bear; and the result. It is extremely unacceptable, even impossible to bear.

哗, 哗, 哗...

A sudden sound. Once again, he attracted Ye Qi’s attention. He put his gaze on the place where the sound appeared. He saw the crystal clear light spot suddenly appearing in front, where a little rainbow of 'Rainbow' became a huge black. The curtains are like the night sky, and those light spots are on the rise, as if they are stars.

At the same time, the 'Moon Bridge' at the foot also changed. When Ye Qi stepped up, the whole body was carried forward by a force without any maliciousness and very softness. With this force, the body is advancing faster than the flight, and the wolf king seems to have withstood tremendous pressure, and the whole body is shaken.

At the same time, the voice of the assistant who followed Ye Qi also rang: "Please don't have any struggles, it is not malicious, just accelerate our progress! So, please don't resist or struggle, if this is the case If it is, it will only think that the object to be helped is very heavy, and constantly increase the power!"

Ye Qi looked at him quickly and turned into a small point. The wolf king, who was about to disappear, asked the assistant of the old wizard next to him: "Lord Fan Ersi, will there be any problem with this?"

The assistant replied with a smile; "Of course not, but the wolf king may have to suffer a bit!"

Hearing such words, if Ye Qi was not sure before, at this moment, he was absolutely sure that the assistant was deliberately so kind--good? Law order? I am not sure about the former. The latter is definitely not the case. Ye Qi thought of the words before the old wizard, and immediately smiled, and the smile contained a different kind of meaning.

However, what is this about him?

Therefore, Ye Qi soon shrugged and expressed his indifferent attitude. Apart from what the old wizard might ask, Ye Qi did not think that the other party would have anything to do with himself; after all, there is no The support of blood, family and friendship, the fundamental creation of strength has divided the level of the two sides.

Looking up, you can only look up.

Looking down, you will sit in the clouds.

This is not Ye Qi’s own thoughts, but the original blame of the wolf, even until the moment the wolf still thinks this way; and Ye Qi is trying to interpret this with his own understanding while trying not to assimilate. Discourse - although until now, the effect is not great.

At this moment, the once-devil **** of the wolf, but issued a sigh of praise from Zeze: "The civilization of the wizards, something that is nostalgic... Kid, do you know? At the time, the wizards... It should be the capital city, just like the highest government and the virtues. In the royal palace of the wizard, there are sixteen such 'bridges', along with the territory of the sixteen emperors, whenever the 'bridge' opens. Time. It’s really spectacular – can you imagine a 'bridge' across the entire Lorante?”

Ye Qiyi. The tone is incredible: “Across the entire ‘Bridge’ of Lorante?”

The strange wolf nodded slightly, and then said with a slight appreciation: "The sorcerers are really a group of incredible guys. Some whimsy, even us, can only express their sigh... If they are not because of those, desires, hopes, They may really succeed!"

Ye Qi couldn't help but sneer: "There is no such thing as. Desire, hope, how can there be so-called success - perhaps, we should say, even the guys who have no dreams. How can you understand, how successful is it?"

The strange wolf snorted and said: "Don't use the words I have said to ridicule me... although it is indeed a famous saying!"

Faced with the strange wolf who was boasting when he retorted, Ye Qi’s smile on his face was a little more. He said: “It is because of this. Shouldn’t you have more clarity? After all, you are The person who said this sentence!"

The strange wolf snorted and muttered: "Okay, okay, no. Desire. Hope, is it a dream? It's really a nitpicking guy... Those are wizards, not hunters. Is it necessary?"

Ye Qiyi said: "The sorcerer and the hunter are all human beings, and you are 'it'; I think that we are human beings, there is nothing wrong with standing on everything... Of course, my relationship with you now Naturally, they are very close; at the very least, when we face them, we are close comrades!"

The strange wolf is covering his mouth. Dao: "If you have a good boy, would you cooperate if you didn't have the interest at first?"

Ye Qi replied honestly: "Maybe, maybe not... Who knows? After all, when I became a hunter, I didn't think about signing a contract with you, didn't I?"

The wolf declared: "It is your luck to be able to sign a contract with me. Without me, you have already died. I don’t know how many times, you want..."

Ye Qi faces with such a smile and smiles with a smile: "Yes, yes... yes, yes... you are right, you are like a truth..."

The tone of voice is the same, as a mechanical answer, and soon the wolf stopped boasting. It did not say good-naturedly: "A guy who has no sincerity!"

And Ye Qi seems to have not heard clearly, and continues to be a general answer before the enthusiasm, stunned the wolf, blinked, and left the heart of his contractor, and entered the seal hall, no longer speak. After the harassment of the strange wolf, Ye Qi looked up and looked at the existence of the starry sky.

After watching it for dozens of seconds, Ye Qi was surprised to find that the starry sky above his head turned out to be the same as the starry sky of Lorient; at the very least, several constellations in his memory appeared there accurately, even if they were there. One will only appear in the spring, but it is enough to prove that the stars at the top of the head are arranged according to the real Lloret starry sky, rather than random decorations and embellishments.

The assistant of the old wizard apparently discovered Ye Qi’s surprise and said in a proud tone: “This is the 'star curtain' completed by Lendell’s adults, spending nearly ten years for Lundell’s adults, every star and Like the real stars, and standing here looking up, you can see all the signs of the year without spending any time!"

Ten years?

Ye Qiyi, a subconscious frowning: "Although there is no difference between the positions of these stars and the real stars, it does not need such much time; unless..."

Ye Qi soon thought of something; and when Ye Qi wanted to study it in detail, the front was bright, a circular exit appeared there; from the starry sky to the morning sun, the leaves The strange eyes returned to normal with a slight glimpse. This is a courtyard-like place, but it is not big, only the flower bed and a round table, surrounded by four chairs; and in one of the chairs, the wizard The chief wizard of the hand was sitting there, beckoning at Ye Qi.

Looking at the old wizard who was holding his staff in front of him, Ye Qi smiled and said hello: "Master Lendl, good morning!"

The old wizard smiled and responded: "Good morning, leaves!"

Ye Qi looked behind him, at the moment, like the tunnel's ‘moonlight bridge’, asked with a slightly hesitant attitude: “Where is the wolf king?”

The old wizard waved his hand: "There will be nothing, but with the temper of the wolf king, I am afraid that only after being exhausted of all the strength can it come out!"

Ye Qi’s heart glimpsed: “Everything is exhausted? Isn’t it How does the Xiaoyue Wolf King consume all the strength and can’t break free? Although Xiaoyue Wolf King is not good at power, but can be so sleepy. Living in an extraordinary situation, especially the legendary existence of the Wolf King, the wizard's hand really has its own heritage!"

Collapsed the surprise of the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi slowly nodded: "So, it seems that we have to wait for it to come out and then talk about it!"

The old wizard smiled and said: "If you don't mind, can you tell me about the process after we separated? I am very curious about the old man!"

Ye Qi said a little bit: "Of course there is no problem!"

Ps second more~

Today, this chapter is also timed ~ decadent birthday, go out and have fun with friends~ Also, look at the birthday of the decadent birthday, come to protect it! Desperately rolling the birthday protection ah ~~~

Thanks to the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the x100 starting point, the reward of the x100 starting point, the Wang Xiucai 100 starting point, the reward of the moon, the 100th starting point of the coin, and the reward of the starting point. Brothers and sisters~ (to be continued.)

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