Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 346: Wizard's Hand VI

Ye Qi turned and walked back, and did not conceal his thoughts. He nodded: "Yes, Master Lendl has this strength... Although we have Les Lor, Leslor Cāo is no problem for the wizarding tower. However, if you want to completely restore the wizard tower to normal, I don’t think there will be anything for a lich who is a special school!"

The strange wolf laughed and said: "Special jīng does not mean that there is no way to know anything about it. What's more, after signing a contract with me, don't you think that Leslor should have greater progress?"

Ye Qi smiled and said: "This is one of the problems I am worried about. After all, your asking price is really making me feel that I have no confidence... Therefore, it is definitely a good choice to use such limited conditions! ”

The wolf emphasizes: "It is definitely not the best!"

Ye Qi responded: "That is definitely not a bad sin!"

The accent of the wolf is still going on, and Ye Qi is beginning to turn a deaf ear. He walks quickly toward the wizard behind him. After passing through the woods, at the first gate, the assistant of the old wizard is Waiting there; seeing Ye Qi coming, I immediately greeted him.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

The assistant first took a ritual and said: "Good evening, Lord Shack!"

Ye Qi smiled back and said: "Good evening, Lord Firth!"

The assistant pointed at the door and said, "If you want to visit the wizard, I think you need a guide... Lundell adults need about two hours of meditation every day, I think this is a Very good free time, what do you say?"

Have such an unusual explanation. Ye Qi can certainly not say anything more. He immediately nodded. "There is a guide. This is really a good thing. The night sky of the wizard's hand is really beautiful. I have seen it for a long time." The Galaxy!"

Ye Qi, who passed through the four special gates, looked up at the starry night sky, the instinctive praise road - although it was not plagued by the pollution of Ye Qi's hometown, but experienced the 'dusk of the gods' In the deliberate transfer of the battlefield, Lorante retained most of its original appearance. However, in the sky of the ‘God's residence, it was not so good luck, and even became the main battlefield of the gods.

In the records of some poems, the sky at that time was full of gray, not only without the stars, but also the sun and the moon disappeared, although it has gone through thousands of years. Everything seems to have returned to normal, but some constellations have disappeared forever.

As for the Milky Way that Ye Qi saw at the moment, it is a landscape that needs to be seen at a special time and place.

The assistant of the old wizard also raised his head and pointed at the gleaming Milky Way: "The wars of the gods have spread to the sky, causing the sky to burst and the earth to collapse. Countless complete planes are broken or annihilated, only Lorraine Specially preserved, the earliest gods, did not forget where they were born!"

Legend has it that the first place where the gods appeared was Lorante. Some poets even called Lorante the home of the gods.

Ye Qi laughed: "They don't really care about Lorante sometimes, but it just happens to avoid it here - if the necessary wars really happen. I don't think these gods are avoiding The idea, they always like this kind of guilty!"

The old wizard's assistant glimpsed. Obviously, he did not think that Ye Qihui would say this. After a slight meal, the assistant apparently thought of something. He could not help but smile: "It is possible to reach the realm of yours. Food has an unusual understanding, unlike us... I don’t know what I should be sure, or believe what!”

The assistant's bitter smile became more and more intense: "Even if you see it with your eyes, you can't believe that it is true... We are pursuing the truth, but it is always on the road!"

With his head tilted, Ye Qi’s eyes shifted to the only constellations he could recognize. While comparing the memories in his mind, he smiled and said: “This way is beautiful because you have the goal of moving forward... and Unlike the guys who are arrogant, they always think they are the truth!"

The wolf, who had endured for a long time, once again screamed out and pleaded: "Please don't arbitrarily deliberately swear by such words. Most of the time, we are very obedient!"

And Ye Qi was undecided about this, and did not answer at all. He quietly took back his eyes and looked up at the night sky, and looked at the assistant of the old wizard next to him. The assistant of the old wizard took one. Inexplicable tone, nodded: "You may be right, but I can not have such a firm heart, every sudden change, I can not afford it - this may be the gap between me and you!"

The assistant of the old wizard sighed: "I have tried hard, but every time I fail, it makes me more and more difficult... I never dare to try again!" Then he seems to have discovered what it is, A slightly embarrassed smile: "His Lord of the Shack, come, here is the most popular place for the wizard's hand!"

After that, the assistant of the old wizard quickly walked toward a building with a different kind of light; and Ye Qi, who was behind the other side, did not say anything more, followed by the slow step. Going there - everyone has the right to choose, he does not want others to interfere with his choices, the same he will not interfere with other people's choices, even if this seems to be a success or failure!

A person who is truly successful in business, although he will be envied and embarrassed by ordinary people, but those who have succeeded in business will not face the things that make them regret - compared, it will always cause confusion. And when you abandon your thoughts, at this time, just sticking to it is enough.

As for those who can't persist?

Nature will also have their own place to go.

When it’s not about life, Ye Qi is always so calm, and facing such frankness, the assistant of the old wizard obviously does not understand – for a struggle with persistence or abandonment, even fear of facing For the failed person. Has long lost the square inch.

And this is even the reason why he will fail more afterwards, only. He himself will not find out.

If it is a good friend, Ye Qi will go to persuade, but the assistant of the old wizard is obviously unable to reach such a relationship. They are more of a cooperative relationship at the moment.

Immediately after entering the building behind the old wizard assistant, Ye Qi was attracted by the lively scene in front of him, and countless young wizards were free to talk and toast. Even doing a pen transaction, and in a distant place, some elderly people leaned back in their chairs and nodded with a smile, and occasionally talked in the ear.

This is a place for gatherings!

Ye Qi looked at the place around the hilarious and unruly, and couldn’t help but point it out – even the place where the party was, it would not be as disgusting as the outside world. On the contrary, Ye Qi looked at the table and chair that was completely circulated by plants, and the curtain made of a bunch of green leaves. The corner of the mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"please follow me!"

The old wizard's assistant said this, then, after nodding to the old wizards in the distance, he walked to the corner of the side. Ye Qi, who is behind the other side, is very keen to find that in this place, there seems to be no such problem as identity. Everyone is facing everything with a friendly attitude. Except for the acquaintances who say hello to each other, the rest of the people keep their boundaries. One small group after another is always friendly.

The assistant, while opening a door, explained: "This is built according to the ideas of Lendl adults. The house called the "Sorcer's Staff of the Sorcerer" belongs to the general center of the exchange center. Place, here is..."

The assistant’s words have not been finished yet, and Ye Qi has already been shocked by the sound of the face--that is quieter than before, even with a quiet place, it’s really noisy here. Unbearable; in the middle of a radius of fifteen yards, two young wizards are maintaining an appropriate distance, wielding their staff, flames and ice arrows between the two sides, two young wizards Stepping on a quick step, dodging the opponent's attack.

The flames and ice arrows that were evaded were vanished in the fifteen yards of defensive spells around the radius; when Ye Qi and the assistant came in, the young wizard who used the ice arrows, just After winning the victory - the ice arrow of shè was split into two, and his opponent was hit by a defense, after which the other chose to admit defeat.

The assistant of the old wizard continued to explain to Ye Qi: "The place is loved by young people. They are here to experience the ultimate success of their hard work..." Ye Qi can see the assistant of the old wizard with The tone of the memory, obviously, the other side has had a brilliant rì here.

Ye Qi did not interrupt the other party's memories. After seeing the other party returning to God, he asked: "Is there any rules here?"

The assistant replied: "Use your fastest magic to avoid the opponent's attack. Once you are hit, it is a failure... Some wizards who were not good at such spells have complained, but when they are in danger, they always I’m sure I’m lucky to have a quick spell, even if it needs to waste a spell!”

Ye Qi smiled and nodded: "Any opportunity to survive in a crisis moment is worth paying!"

The assistant agreed with this point of view. He pointed at Ye Qi and circumvented the surrounding human rights and walked to the side of the high platform. In any place, the identity is different, and always gets a little convenience, although the hand of the wizard Under the constraints of the Lendl chief sorcerer, this convenience has become very weak, but it still exists.

It’s not enough to want a thorough view of the so-called fairness, just strength and prestige. It must have a long-term plan and enough start-up funds, which is obviously not necessary for the old wizard; The little nest that the old wizard claimed to be able to see it, the old wizard was not good at a young age, and after possessing such prestige, he was constrained by various conditions.

Of course, the blood of the wizarding family can be seen in the confidence of the old wizard, but everything takes time to run in; and such a running-in, Ye Qi does not think that will eventually gain something; after all, this is built on this On the basis of an old wizard, once the old wizard has passed away. Everything will return to the original route, everything before. Will inevitably be crushed.

And this is one of the reasons why the old wizard needs his help.

In this regard, Ye Qi will not oppose, but he can only do his best. He is a hunter, not a wizard.

“The angle here is the best, and it’s all in the middle of the scene!”

After walking to the back of the high platform, but high enough, the assistant of the old wizard said with a smile; Ye Qi looked at the crowd standing around. And the empty seats here, can not help but smile - it is clear that the seat here is not to sit and can sit.

However, he did not mind that he would be condemned by conscience. It was a question that the saint would think about. He didn’t need to do that. Ye Qi just sat down and saw the use in the field. The young wizard of Ice Archery once again won a victory; unlike the previous ones. This time, it was completely flexible by footsteps. In the gap between the opponents attacking, there was an opportunity to wipe an ice arrow over the shoulder of the other side.

The young wizard who uses the ice arrow is undoubtedly merciful. If the ice arrow is aimed at the key, even the therapeutic market. It will definitely leave his opponent with unbearable pain, and fatal is also very likely; after all, Ye Qi does not think that the protection of the other side can withstand such close distance, almost a close-fitting attack.

Ye Qi’s gaze caught the attention of the old wizard’s assistant. He smiled and said: “This is Pelos. A very promising young man, not only a spell, but also a very high alchemy. Talent, he is the leader of the young generation of wizards!"

Ye Qi nodded: "I can see that you are looking forward to the growth of this young man; however, young people who have a strong heart but do not use their own strength will be more cultivated everywhere; not only For his talent, but also for his kindness!"

The assistant smiled and said: "This kindness is a must. Under the guidance of Lendell, we fully abide by everything in the Final Armistice Agreement, as well as the rules of the wizards, and will not mess with the power of the spell; and this is the establishment. It’s necessary, after all, young people need considerable combat!”

Ye Qi smiled and said: "The devil is also the same... Lord Van der Si, do you know Vauban? In this wizarding city, I have seen this young man, he is very good, his companions around him. Also very good!"

The assistant glimpsed, and then his face became strange, in an inexplicable tone: "Vauban is an equally good young man; but, that Philsa... although I think I said this Some shouldn't, but the lady, it's too lively, and lively to the point where I feel a headache!"

When the assistant said that he smiled bitterly, and Ye Qi thought about the performance of the wizard girl, he could not help but smile: "Yes!"

The assistant in the bitter smile continued: "Fisher is the most talented wizard I have ever seen. If she can converge her own, she will definitely become a banner for the wizard in the next 50 years. ... This is not my statement, but what Rendell’s adult said; but the lady, who doesn’t seem to care, is still in trouble with the wizard’s hands.

Ye Qi was amazed at the evaluation of the wizarding girl by the old wizard. He couldn’t help but recall the witch girl again, and then said: "The evaluation of Lord Lendl is not wrong. After all, I can participate in this experience and walk in On the road to wizarding, she has already proved her qualifications - we should look at such children with a more tolerant look!"

Although the assistant of the old wizard nodded, he obviously had different ideas: "I think it is more appropriate to accept a comprehensive education... This is the tradition of the wizard!"

Once the 'tradition' is mentioned, the assistant of the old wizard seems to have changed into a person, making Ye Qi wisely choose to give up and argue with each other and turn to listen; however, such listening is obviously not focused. His gaze is more to look at the young wizards in the field, although this level of comparison, at this moment, Ye Qi seems to be completely pediatrics but also than listening to the next The 'tradition' of the assistant is coming strong.

At the moment, the young wizard named Pelos in the field has won five consecutive victories, and he did not go to rest immediately, instead standing still waiting for the next challenger, Ye Qi looked The other person’s silent expression could not help but think: “Is this a well-prepared winning streak? However, there are more than six spell model positions, which is enough to prove the talent. The better upper-level wizards are just like this... …what!"

Ye Qi’s gaze looked at the young sorcerer of Pelos, and his eyes flashed a bit of surprise. Although it was very short-lived, he still clearly perceives a change in the fluctuations in the other’s body, the abnormal darkness. confusion.

Ye Qi whispered to the wolf at the bottom of his heart and asked: "Don't tell me, my guess is correct!"

The wolf does not care, saying: "Your guess is completely correct... that crazy guy, what do you want to do?"

Ps first more ~

I got up at 5:30 in the morning, the decadence of the code in the hotel, the hardship of the heart, the protection of the ground rolling! ! ! (To be continued...)

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