Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 363: 2 in 1 under the banquet

When the sun has only a trace of afterglow, the devil does not cry on the street where the bar is located, and the people of all kinds have come to this place; the horse was originally brought to the backyard at the entrance of the bar, the brand that is not open for business. It was also completely replaced by the smile of the waiters.

Of course, they still need to identify who is the real guest.

And this is not too difficult, even if their boss does not give a real invitation, but some temperament or face will not change - for these waiters, come here tonight They are big people, the big ones they are unattainable.

Therefore, some people who follow the advice, who have a sigh of anger, and after two or three questions, they begin to support the guys who can’t answer, no doubt want to mess around or mix and drink; nature The latter will occupy a considerable proportion; if it is normal, they will give a little bit of food and drink under the direction of their benevolent proprietress, but today is not enough, although today is a day of celebration.

"Oh, man, today's day is very, you understand!"

Bob, wearing a waiter's dress, led his two former mercenaries and served as the first line of defense at the door of the bar; for the bartender, the arrangement of his idol, Bob would not Oppose, even happy to do so; after all, the first line of defense is enough to illustrate the trust in him.

And the same is true of his two men, even more than he did; from about 5:00 pm, to an hour so far, they have cleaned up about 20 uninvited guests - these want to mix Eat mixed guys. It is a nose that is more spiritual than a dog. Where to hold a banquet. Where there are parties, they simply can't beat them; however, compared to those who need to show invitations to enter, no doubt they are more difficult here; at the very least, with their boss's orders, they don't need to stay at all. face.

In front of the well-dressed, a man of the upper class social elite. When he still wants to say something, Bob slaps a slap in the shoulders of the other party, and then the force is like a small chicken will go in the direction of the outside; and this is picked up The man, let go of his throat and shouted: "I am a member of the Northder family... you can't do this to me, I have my own honor and dignity, I will..."

His words have not been shouted, and he feels the strength of his shoulders like a steel tongs. When the gentleman is happy, he is ready to say the words that are prepared, and humiliate the guard. but. His words have not yet been exported, and the soft belly is slammed into a punch. That kind of great strength, immediately let him hold his abdomen, kneeling on the ground, leaving only the power of sputum, nose and saliva.

Bob pulled up the liar's hair, raised the other's head up, pointed at the door of the bar, and sneered in a low voice: "If you just come to find something to eat and drink, we don't mind, but if you If you want to come to us with other purposes, I will let you regret the birth... The Northder family and our boss, hey, what do I say to you? What do you know? Just with you. The one who came later was the patriarch of the Northder family. You, the family of the Northder family, went in front of the patriarch... Hey, the identity is high enough!"

The gentleman who was held up with his hair raised was immediately a sly, and his face had an unbelievable expression. Obviously, this gentleman couldn’t understand anyway, why the status and status are extremely noble. The patriarch of the German family will come on foot.

However, he did not dare to refute - because, just a punch, let him understand that the master here is not the traditional so-called high-ranking people; in the face of such people, it is obvious to understand their identity and Status; otherwise, if you are not good, you have to spend the rest of your life in the gutter.

Bob looked at a low-minded man who was ruthless, and glared at his own genius. Immediately, the powerful mercenary came over and grabbed the other’s belt and leaned out the street. Going - although the bar has a trash can diagonally opposite, but thrown there, it is too bad to pay attention to it.

And just as Bob’s subordinate man took the unruly man to the street, a well-dressed old man walked over with several followers and saw the old man walking in front of him. The mercenary immediately smiled and said hello: "Delly boss, Mr. Morrie is on the second floor of the bar, and the boss's words are talking to a big man!"

The bartender's bartender's bartender and boss, the original black on the road when the pirates invaded, the man on the road, this time with a smile of harmony: "We just came to look for Mori, Lord Ye Qi and those big names, Of course I dare not bother... is this?"

Seeing Deli’s gaze, Bob’s subordinates immediately replied: “Our boss is very nice, very kind, and doesn’t mind some guys who mix and drink... but today is very special, so we don’t Allow those people to enter; not to mention, this guy is obviously ill-conceived... with the name of the Northed family, but does not know the relationship between the Northder family and our boss!"

Speaking of this, Bob's subordinates gave him a different foot. In his opinion, if there are not many people here, such a speculative guy should have known it.

Deli, the old man shook his head and told the young people behind him: "Raul and Lawen are going to bring people to remind those guys that this is not where they should come... if they insist on coming, You know how to do it!"

Raul and Lawen immediately nodded: "Yes, boss!"

Bob’s subordinates are embarrassed to say: “This is our business. How do you bother to trouble the Deli boss?”

The old man did not care about laughing: "I want to bring gifts at the banquet, and I am a poor man. Of course, I can only send a little more... This guy, if you don't mind, give it to me?"

Bob’s subordinates nodded and said: "No problem!"

Then he threw the unlucky one to Raul, who was smirking. then. He took the old man inward; some people peeping around. After seeing this scene, it disappeared without a trace; of course, these people are only ordinary people, and those who are not ordinary people, no one dares to appear here.

The secret service squad of the highest government lion corps, the sea gods of the Northstead family, and the moon-level apostles of the hunters, have long let these guys know what they need to do; if not because of the identity of ordinary people, Make these special existences difficult to shoot. They can't even enter the four-block neighborhood near the bar.

The tower of the sacred tower sits on the roof and drank the rum from the bottom. He said to Ye Qi: "Your friend... Hey, Mori? Can you let Deli come out, really not bad!"

Although there is a considerable distance from the distance, such a distance has no obstacles to the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world, and there is no difference between what is happening in front of the eyes.

Ye Qi smiled and said: "Do you know Mr. Deli?"

After the pirates invaded the city of Randin, the Nosted family who had worked hard had been rewarded one by one, and those who wanted to fall into the rock were also retaliated. If you want to be a family in a region, such a means must be there. Ye Qi is also well-informed; however, he did not participate in it, but only asked a few people who were interested, including Mr. Deli, who was once in the black circle.

The sacred tower tower owner shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I admire what he did; if it is not without talent, I really want him to enter the Devil's Headquarters!"

The words of the lord of the tower of the sacred object made Ye Qi amazed. Looking at the Deli, who was getting closer and closer, couldn’t help but bring a stranger--one of the evaluations of one of the six towers of the Demon Hunter Headquarters. It is enough to explain the other's extraordinary; but he did not ask anything worth paying attention to before; however, such a reverse inference, once again confirmed the other's extraordinary,

Of course, such extraordinary is only in the circle of ordinary people. Once you enter the dark world and the mysterious side, everything will be useless - because there will be no rules laid by ordinary people to drill for you. They will all be based on strength, even if it is a rule, it is also specified by the strong.

Knowing that the tricky Ye Qi, just a smile, he converges on the bottom of his heart. He just keeps his curiosity and asks: "Have you ever contacted him?"

The tower of the sacred tower shook his head again and said: "If it is now, I will do this. But at that time, there is really no way... whether it is the Holy See or the highest government, it is staring. Us - any incitement will be the beginning of a conflict!"

Obviously, the lord of the sacred tower thought of something, he could not help but shake his head, and Ye Qi kept his silence - in the free age, everything seems to have become peaceful, but in the dark The struggle has not ended. On the contrary, it has become more and more fierce; especially after the infiltration of the Holy See several times, the degree of tension in the atmosphere will definitely cause direct heart disease to people with bad heart.

About thirty years ago, this atmosphere even solidified to the extreme.

The highest government, the Holy See, and the Demon Hunter, after decades of refueling, it seems that they are three imprisoned hungry beasts, looking for the flaws of the other side, ready to jump up and devour each other; Especially the first two, all of them are willing to swallow the remaining two parties in order to unify the entire Lorante.

However, unfortunately, with the sake of the Holy Sword, although the fuse of the war was ignited, it was also ended in an unexpected loss.

Ye Qi, who knows some of these things, naturally has no say; after all, the leader of the fuse and the war is his teacher.

The main tower of the sacred tower is filled with wine, almost all the barrels are drunk, and this continues: "You should thank Pedernange... although you are different from your teacher, but in some Things are exactly the same!"

Saying, the tower of the sacred object shows a strange smile for the old.

Ye Qi can only say with a bitter smile: "This kind of kindness, I will write down; but I still have some..."

The sacred tower tower owner smiled and said: "Some of them are incredible?" He once again sipped his mouth and said: "Only after the experience, will you know the pain... Pedernange was originally a kind person. Even after becoming extreme, she is still kind--the pain she has experienced. I definitely don't want to let Els try again!"

"However, from this perspective, your teacher is really a jerk!"

The commentary of the sacred tower tower makes Ye Qi’s bitter smile more and more intense; such a topic is obviously not suitable for Ye Qi, so he has kept silent again; however, the arrival of the following two people has made him Better reason.

At the street mouth. Lehman in a knight suit and Vallejo of the bishop's suit walked in slowly.

After watching the two men, the tower of the sacred tower towered and said, "Two people who are still pretty good, let me entertain! I am here, don't care for me!"

After Ye Qi nodded and gestured, he jumped straight down the roof, went through the window, went back to his room, and opened the door and walked downstairs. However, Ye Qi did not leave the second floor of the bar and waited until Lehmann. And Vallejo appeared at the corner of the stairs. This is ushered in - this is not a rude, but has given the respect and treatment that it deserves; after all. The identity of the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world, and the outstanding achievements in this war, have already made Ye Qi have such qualifications.

Looking at Ye Qi, who was walking quickly, Vallejo immediately greeted him and said: "Good evening, Lord Shack! Thank you for your invitation!"

On the side of Lehman, with a standard etiquette, a slight bend, said: "Good evening, Lord Ye Qi!"

The names of the two are different, and the distances are different. Lehmann undoubtedly wants to be intimate, but as early as one day ago, after the news that Ye Qi and the Xiaoyue Wolf King won and won, they were introduced to Langenburg. Lehman said in a public manner that there is no trace of the admiration of the Shaker's dragon, just like his knight style.

Vallejo heard the name of Lehmann, first brows, then immediately became helpless - he was very clear that the character of the young man was so straight, not hiding his thoughts, everything stood Consider it from the perspective of justice and justice.

This is what he likes the most, and he is most worried. In the words of Randenburg, there is nothing in this, but in other places...

At the thought of those who are in the name of God, but selfish, the heart of Vallejo is a glimpse - he has suffered in these people, but he does not want the young man to suffer the same suffering; but the other Has been called into the mountains of God...

It seems that I have to accompany it!

Vallejo’s heart turned his mind; Ye Qi smiled and greeted the two, and it was brought straight into a corner—although some people thought about Lehman’s frequent toasts, but if so If you think that the two sides are friendly, then it is definitely a child who has not grown up.

The relationship between the Holy See and other forces is far from being able to change by one's existence; unless he can make such a feat of changing the day... But the difficulty can be understood as long as you think about it; not to mention the average person. Even the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world can't do it.

"Bishop Vallejo, Knight of Lyman, where the drinks are free to use, if you have food, you will not wait until the dinner begins," Ye Qi said with a smile.

“Thank you for your hospitality!”

Vallejo and Lyman responded at the same time.

Ye Qi smiled and nodded and turned to go to him. After all, there were other guests who needed him to greet him - although it was a banquet of the demon hunter initiated by the lord of the sacred tower. But the venue is Ye Qi’s bar, and the people involved are not just the demon hunters.

After the main tower of the sacred tower, Ye Qi had to come forward.

And why did the lord of the sacred tower tower do this, Ye Qi is also well-informed - smashing the opportunity of the screaming wolf king, pushing his reputation to a higher place in one fell swoop; Odd nature is full of gratitude, even if he does not like this approach.

After all, for Ye Qi at the moment, a quiet rest, inheriting [the inheritance of the dragon (the ancient dragon)] and consolidating the current strength is the most important.

The chameleon that appears in the crowd stands in the crowd, radiant, more dazzling than the light on the top of the head. She is welcoming and greetings to the guests of all status and status, as a host, to make any guest They have not been left out, but they feel at home.

but. The chameleon's gaze is naturally placed on Ye Qi. Looking at the bitter smile that leaves Ye Qi’s mouth. She came to Ye Qi’s side with a flash, and said in a low voice: “You don’t need to be personally involved here. The North’s family, the Holy See, and the hunter’s friends are basically coming. If you are tired, You can go take a break first... sister Ers, isn't it in your room?"

At the end of the day, there was a blush on the face of Chameleon - the movement of Ye Qi and the female cavalry chief. I couldn't get a chameleon at all, and even I heard it all.

Ye Qi coughed a little and concealed his embarrassment. He did have some waves in the past; because of excitement, apology, love and all kinds of emotions, he couldn’t help himself; especially he was heard clearly. Clearly, although this person has a very close relationship with him, Ye Qi is still a little embarrassed when he is embarrassed.

With cover, after Ye Qi threw out the embarrassing thoughts in his heart, he said softly: "The leader of the highest government has not yet come. As a temporary representative of Blanc, I need to wait! ”

The chameleon lifts the silk fan fan on the left hand. Covering the shameful face, the low answer replied: "The old lion is a robot. Every time, he will do it on time and on time. At the party starting at 7:00, he will only follow the etiquette ten minutes in advance. There is still half an hour now, are you going to take a break?"

Said to be a rest, but for an extraordinary legendary strong, such activities can not have any sense of exertion; Ye Qi knows well, this is the other side is taking care of him; for the chameleon to see that it does not adapt to this Banquet, Ye Qi did not have anything wrong, he nodded slightly: "So... please!"

The chameleon, which covers the silk fan, does not see the face, but the eyes are curved into a crescent shape, showing her mood at the moment - for the chameleon, she is very happy to be in front of the person she loves. Out of the ability side, this is not a strong, just a simple display; after all, the beauty of the face also has a day of demise, only ability is permanent, even if her face is not immortal to some extent.


Just as Ye Qi turned and prepared to go upstairs, the chameleon gently kissed Ye Qi’s face by the cover of the folding fan, and then, when Ye Qi did not respond, he quickly left here; When Qi was greeted with a sly look, he could only shrug his shoulders and walked quickly toward the third floor. Although he stood in the corner, he was the main character of the banquet. It should be.


Just stepping up the stairs on the third floor, I fell down at the first sentence; Ye Qi looked at the mature Lancelot in front of him, and did not speak, just a slight side, made a gesture of asking down - - Obviously, Ye Qi does not want to entangle with the female cavalry. Some things that have happened have made Ye Qi understand what the result of entanglement with the other party will be; even if the other party seems mature at the moment.

However, this is what it looks like; who can know what is going on without real contact?

Lancelot looked at Ye Qi, who made a downward gesture, and snorted coldly. Of course she would not go down. Even she just wanted to stand here and block Ye Qi from going up; Ye Qi easily walked out of the defensive circle under the twelve of them, and Lancelot retreated backwards with a gloomy face.

From this point of view, Lancelot has undoubtedly grown a lot; if it was in the past, the female cavalry would definitely stand here if it knew that it would not be able to die.

"Thank you!"

After Ye Qi nodded and thanked him, he walked to his room; and he could clearly feel the sinful look of Lancelot - Ye Qi believes that if his eyes can kill, he has already died countless times; However, Ye Qi does not really care about this.

He can feel the respect and attachment of the female cavalry from the bottom of his heart, and it is precisely because such respect and attachment will make the other party have an initial feeling of bad feelings for him, and quickly develop into disgust, but also in the other side. Without a fully mature mindset, something has been done that entangles them.

However, the initial starting point has not changed.

Ye Qi understands that as long as the female cavalry is there, the other party will only dislike him, not hate; how to resolve this disgust? Ye Qi has not thought about it until now. Or there is no time to think about it; after all. The other party has already shown its own mature side. If such maturity continues, the other party will naturally understand that it is not necessary to be disgusted with him.

Leave everything to time!

With such a sigh, Ye Qi closed the door and left the hustle and bustle all the way away; there was only a quiet and faint warmth; the female cavalry captain was covered with a thin layer lying on the wide enough bed. The original Ranger uniform was hung on a hanger on the side, and the exposed arm, even in this unlit room, was accompanied by a lustrous luster.

Ye Qi smiled and walked over and gently picked up the leaking arm. Put it into the thin quilt, and after being smashed by the horns, sit down straight along the bed, and then the rising moon looks at the woman in front of him, and the corner of the mouth involuntarily emerges with a gentle smile.

After watching for a long time, I felt that the female cavalry commander’s breath was slightly unstable. It seemed that when she was awake, Ye Qicai regained her gaze – the continuous battle in the Four Seasons Fortress, enough for the other side to fatigue; see the accompanying female female cavalry. I know that Lancelot is still strong. Every one of them has fallen into the dream at this moment; the subordinates are like this, and the female cavalry leader who is the leader can imagine. Even the strength is the same.

Unless it is truly a legendary powerhouse that has entered the extraordinary world, sleep is still necessary; even the legendary powerhouses in the extraordinary world are not really abandoning sleep, they will choose, at the right time. Take a break for a while; however, this kind of sleep is really too long. In the eyes of ordinary people, it basically does not require sleep.

In fact, the Japanese-level powerhouse in the normal state can do this too, but in a high-intensity war, such a state is undoubtedly impossible to maintain; not to mention, the female cavalry chief is not relying on his own reality. The strength, but the holy device beside him - Ye Qi's gaze subconsciously saw this sacred sword on the sword, feeling the breath above, he could not help but frown slightly.

The sacred atmosphere and the volatility show the level of the day, but an inexplicable breath makes him feel a little dangerous.

This is the so-called king heart?

Ye Qi couldn't help but think of the original situation. In the end, he could only shake his head and gently sit on the chair next to him. He closed his eyes slightly - the heart of the king, Ye Qi also asked strange Wolf, but the description of the other party is also very abstract. According to Ye Qi's own understanding, it seems to be the existence of the 'protagonist halo'. However, there are certain restrictions. Once some of these rules are violated, they will lose their favor.

Although the sacristy will not be lost, it will not be able to exert the power of the sacristy.

In short, in Ye Qi’s view, it is something that does more harm than good; after all, the dogma that is not from oneself, any one will have a conflicting spirit, even if it is very consistent at the beginning, but with The passage of time, the change in position and the surrounding environment will have a corresponding impact.

This kind of existence needs to be guarded...

Ye Qi’s heart is turning rapidly – ​​protecting his loved ones and friends from harm, and removing his own strength, his relatives and friends also need to have corresponding strength; while the female cavalry chief has a fairly solid foundation, and he There are all kinds of complicated but systematic skills in the inheritance of the dragon. It is not difficult to choose one of them to teach the female cavalry chief.

The most recent time is a very good opportunity.

After all, there are still two weeks from the harvest festival, and there are more than eight weeks from the moon celebration. With the foundation and talent of the female cavalry chief, learning a secret skill is enough to get started.

Thinking about any strength to improve the female cavalry commander, Ye Qi naturally expanded the scope of consideration - except for the female cavalry commander, his subordinates, whether it is a remnant or a young person, should have corresponding learning; The power of the chariot is unquestionable, but its limitations are extremely powerful. Once the body is old, the old lion is the best example.

Training must be carried out to improve one's physical fitness, as well as some skill training that suits their respective characteristics.

Ye Qi thought about such a plan - training itself, for Ye Qi, it is naturally not a problem. In order to improve his physical fitness, Ye Qi also did various trainings, even if he did not stop now. ; just because of the system display. Cannot be accurate after the decimal point. So that he can not accurately predict. But the changes in the body are truly real and can be felt.

Just when Ye Qi formulated a series of plans, two hidden breaths flashed, and then two fluctuations suddenly appeared in his [blind bucket perception], Ye Qi eyes stunned; while in a deep sleep The female cavalry commander also touched the sheet and touched the invisible sword.

Ye Qi smiled and comforted the female cavalry chief and said: "Two old friends, not the enemy... rest assured, you can continue to sleep for a while. From the official start of the dinner, there are still more than half an hour, I can let Lanslow I am calling you!"

The female cavalry chief looked at Ye Qi in front of him, and could not help but tighten the sheets on her body, but the slender legs were still exposed, and a white smudge flashed through the room with a trace of redness on his face: "I will Go down and let Lancelot go to rest!"

Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders and said: "This is not something I can order... I need you to be personally!"

As he said, Ye Qi kissed the female captain's forehead. Pointed at the other side, after the female cavalry nodded. Only slowly walked toward the door; as soon as the door was opened, Lancelot, who was at the door, once again slammed at him, then tapped the door: "Sister, I can Come in?"

Listening to the movement coming from behind the room, Ye Qi walked into the secret road with a smile, which is a private woman's private words. He is not very curious about this; therefore, it is straight on the window of the third floor corridor. Jumping down, the volley flies, and the suspended body goes straight to the direction of [blind bucket perception] fluctuations.

Not hidden, under the street lights in Randburg, on the street mouth, a red robe and a blue robes, in most of the dresses, as well as in the windbreaker, the guests who went to the devil did not cry the bar to attend the dinner. There are a lot of eyes; however, these two are proud to look up, a look of coldness, unmoved, even one of them with a smile.

However, after seeing Ye Qi, the cold and rapid relaxation of the two faces, with a word that is both close and with a little respect, said: "Good evening, Lord of the Shack!"

"Good evening, Hart brothers!"

Ye Qi nodded and smiled at the two people who first brought him the message of the other side of the bridge; although the other party came with some purpose, but from the conversation, it was fairly honest; despite the simple Compared with the wanderer, Pard, who is acting with blood, it is not a little bit worse, but compared with the killers of the meditation or the spring water city, it is better to know how much.

Comparison is always the easiest process to make a choice.

Still being a representative of the two brothers, Tenny Hart, wearing a red robe, said: "The war is over in the agreement, and your reputation will be circulated. I and I are very honored to see you so great. The presence……"

Full of compliments, from the mouth of this Tenny Hart, let Ye Qi know more about the unanimity of the legendary powerhouse and the mortal; the Hart brothers suddenly appear here for no reason. It must be that after the news that the war is coming to an end, the two talents rushed back from Dude.

Ye Qi was amazed at the news network of the two on Lorante. After all, he and the Xiaoyue Wolf King signed a truce agreement. Before this morning, only some senior leaders of the relevant forces knew it; and the two men rushed from Dude. To Randenburg, it is obviously not a day to arrive, it must start from the moment before dawn.

However, after thinking about it, Ye Qi has once again relieved - as long as the strength reaches a certain height, some forces are naturally inevitably found, with various purposes, seeking help, protection, even if The bridge on the other side has regulations, but Ye Qi is skeptical about such regulations.

Perhaps for organizations and forces, there is considerable deterrence.

However, for the individual, especially the lone ranger who is not weak, how much deterrence there is, everyone knows well.

Although the two of them quickly found it, but for the purpose of the two, Ye Qi still can not agree - before the moon celebration, Ye Qi has a detailed arrangement, he does not want to be other things disturb.

Therefore, Ye Qi said very directly: "Even if you praise me like this, but the matter of Lord Hortle, I still can hardly agree... At the very least, it is very difficult to leave now!"

Teney Hart asked very respectfully: "What kind of difficulties do you have? Need our help?"

Ye Qi laughed: "This year's moon celebration, I need to play another game with Xiaoyue Wolf King!"

Hearing the name of the wolf king, Tenny Hart couldn’t help but smile. He said, "Please forgive me for being powerless. We can’t participate in such a battle!"

For such a situation, Ye Qi is naturally well aware; before, in the rapids of the Strait, when he said the name of the inanimate king, the other party was shocked and expressed a sense of helplessness. Then the same as the strongest seven in the world, the Xiaoyue Wolf King, naturally the same effect.

Looking at the legendary powerhouses of the two extraordinary worlds, there is no wave in the heart of Ye Qi. The road is his choice. Everyone has their own rights, but everyone has to bear the same. After this choice, the consequences must be borne.

The legendary powerhouses who can become extraordinary are each born with a different talent, or a firm mind; at least it is like this before, but once it becomes a legendary powerhouse in an extraordinary world, it is involuntary. It was born, and then everything became logical.

Despise not as good as oneself, and obey more than yourself.

Isn’t the Hart brothers the most typical example?

Ye Qi does not want to be such a presence, but it will not stop the other party; after all, their relationship does not reach this level.

The bitter smile is still on Tenny Hart's mouth, he said: "Hotlier should be able to support that time... so if you can, can you..."

Said, Turner Hart's gaze looked at Ye Qi.

Ye Qi nodded: "This is not a problem; if there are no accidents, I think I can visit Lord Hortel!"

In any case, the skills of [Light Blade] and [Edge Blade] are derived from that of Hortel; without prejudice to the main plan, Ye Qi is still willing to see each other; and give appropriate The other party's help - from the current situation, the other party's situation is not optimistic.

As for the wanderer’s ‘the injury has been repeated again, at most there are only less than two months left! ’

Ye Qi believes that the Holliar with the 'polar blade' title will have its own way; especially when the two people in front of the message bring the message back - from the previous 'pole Blade 'Hotlier deliberately reduced his strength to the level of the day, you can see that the other party is not a courageous generation.

The Hart brothers also fainted at the same time, saying: "Thank you for your grief!"

Ye Qi nodded and pointed to the bar in the distance: "If you don't mind, join the dinner at my bar, although I am not the initiator!"

The Hart brothers immediately thanked: "This is of course!"

Ps two in one chapter ~~

Look at it in vain, feel it still together, let's send it together~~~

Thanks for the 400 yuan for the prodigal sons wandering around the sea, the reward for sn100 coins, the reward for the 100% for the dust, the reward for the 100 coins, and the reward for the x100 coins~~~ decadent thanks to all support for decadence The brothers and sisters ~~~ are not finished. .

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