Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 5: Heart + heart sword


Don't retire, you have to die!

Inexplicable, in the heart of Te Nihart's heart, such an idea, his body instinct reacted, the flame flew out of his hand, not shè to Ye Qi, but formed a huge wall of fire on the ground Almost, this unique hall is divided into two.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

He is not attacking Ye Qi, just want to stop it.

However, such blocking is obviously useless!


There was a shock in the air. Suddenly, there was a gap in the fire wall composed of the flames of the Tao Tao, or it was a hard passage that was '斩' out of the way - not the kind of change or the extinction. It is quite fierce, just like a sharp knife, from top to bottom, splitting a watermelon into two.

And across the wall of fire, the Hart brothers clearly saw the palm of Ye Qi's retraction.

Hand knife? !

The two were amazed - with a simple palm, but with an attack that was comparable to a real weapon, such a hand knife... I am afraid it is already comparable to that of Hotrell?

The Hart brothers who thought about the bottom of the heart did not have any scorn. Tenny Hart, who is the brother of the brother, shouted loudly: "Be careful!"

However, just as his voice just sounded and he had not yet fallen, Ye Qi had already disappeared in the same place, and when he appeared again, he still stood in front of him - and then, from the bottom of his heart. The sense of trepidation, once again appeared, even more serious than before, as if all of his actions were seen by these eyes, and any move would be caught by the other side, a blow.


Turner Hart once again chose to evade, and as a younger brother, Ter Hart seemed to be reluctant to go back with his brother; however, just after Tel Hart had retreated Ye Qi’s gaze looked at him.

Immediately, it seems to be in the midst of the body-fixing technique. Telt Hart’s stiffness is in the same place, but at this time, Tenny Hart has not stopped, still retreating; a stiff Moving, a rapid retreat, almost at this moment, the best combination of the two is broken.

The flames and ice crystals separated in an instant, and at this moment, Ye Qi appeared in front of Tel Hart, watching Ye Qi appearing in front of his eyes, and Tel Hart kept his expressionless face. Can not help but reveal a bitter smile, when his brother changed his mind, Tel Hart has been careful, but such caution is really useless.

When the other person's gaze saw him, Tel Hart completely fell into a position of advancement and retreat. The gaze seemed to be a pervasive, but full of death-like knife. All his actions were completely sealed, and he was only able to stand in the same place. Any step of dare to go beyond the thunder, that is the end of death.

What is this ability?

Not only is Tel Hart thinking in amazement, but his brother Terni Hart is also the same; however, Tenny Hart did not do anything because of this unknown, he snorted, The flames of the whole body began to pervade in a more crazy situation, and the whole hall was filled with flames. Then, the whole person went to Ye Qihong!

Feeling the snoring of his elder brother, Tel Hart immediately reacted, and his eyes were condensed, and the coldness of his body permeated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hey, hey, karaoke...

At the center of Tel Hart, it is covered by frost within a radius of fifteen feet.

For a moment, just hold on for a moment!

At the bottom of his heart, Hart’s madness dispelled the sharpness brought by the other’s eyes, but in the next moment, such beliefs completely collapsed!

There was a bell on the handle of the knife, and the long knife of the scabbard was unpretentious. It suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The sudden feeling made Telt Hart almost vomiting blood, but when the knife was attached When the long knife of the sheath ignores the flames and the freezing air, he is truly horrified.

I want to dodge, but I can't dodge at all. The slightly squirming scabbard seems to block the whole world where he is. He is in this world, but he can't even attack, because he wants it every time. When you want to fight back, you can see his miserable ending from the other's eyes.

His attack, his defense, his everything, have been seen!


Hey, hehe...

In the dull sound, the scabbard passed through the frozen air, hitting the ice-like armor, starting with the position of the hit, the cobweb-like gap emerged, deepened, spread, and then crashed.


In such a broken sound, the whole person of Tel Hart flew high and fell on the wall of the hall; this time, Turner Hart just rushed over.


In the slight vibrato, the long knife with a scabbard suddenly pointed to his eyebrows, and it seemed as if a huge figure was coming in front of him - the gray body, with hard description The heavy, twelve long, like a pointer's back with a diagonal pointing, like a thorn through the sky, a road, a layer of layers like the annual ring throughout the body.


It seems that the quicksand has crossed the fingertips and cracks, and it seems that the wheels are running over the soft sand. Tenny Hart feels his weakness and aging.

A huge hourglass, a gravel, flowing down.

Representing the passing of his life, the ruthlessness of the years, the time... the sharp!

"Ah! Ah!!"

The fierce screams, from the mouth of the superb legendary powerhouse, are like a child who is awakened by a nightmare. He retreats, and the whole body falls unconsciously on the ground, but still uses his hands and feet. Retreating and retreating seems to be far from the most terrible existence.

"Brother, brother, what's wrong with you?"

Tenny Hart, who had suffered a blow from Ye Qi, had nothing to do with it. At most, he accidentally fell with the ordinary people, and the skin was not broken. For the result of failure, Ni. Hart was psychologically prepared, but such a process was somewhat unacceptable to him.

The gap is really too big!

However, before he was sighed by Tenny Hart, he heard the scream of his brother, and the miserable voice almost made Tenny Hart think that it was impossible for his brother, who always smiles, to send out. However, the scene in front of him made him have to believe.

Directly rushed to the past, half squatting on the ground, holding his brother's upper body, Turner Hart swayed violently: "Brother, what do you see? Everything is hallucinations, hallucinations! Nothing, wake up, brother ......"

As a legendary strongman in an extraordinary situation, Tenny Hart has a good understanding of his brother's status at this time. After all, when they encounter the existence of the legends, they will let the other party enter. To such a state; but that is, across the ranks, now it is...

At the thought of this as if it was a level-like crushing, Tel Hart could not help but be amazed at the bottom of his heart; however, this time, Tel Hart did not think too much, his eyes focused on his own On the elder brother, the dull, cold face on his face has long since disappeared, leaving only eagerness and concern.

About two minutes later, Turner Hart woke up from that illusion. He looked at his brother, who was close at hand, and couldn’t help but tighten his hand. Then he saw a man standing in a whisper and talking to the young man not far away. It was obviously driven by his gaze and raised his head.

Seeing the other person smiling and looking at himself, Turner Hart immediately stood up and said to him: "Thank you, Shake's Dragon Master is merciful!"

Tel Hart followed with the gift.

Ye Qi smiled and waved his hand and said: "It's just an ordinary 'duel'!"

Ordinary ‘duress’?

The Hart brothers smiled at the same time, perhaps ordinary for you, but for us, it was almost fatal!

In particular, Teney Hart, who is a brother, even now has a cold back. He can be sure that this seemingly young man in front of him has definitely stood in a place that he could not reach, and the original ' The news of defeating Xiaoyue Wolf King is definitely not what he thinks is 'smooth escape'.

The other side has the ability to defeat the strongest seven in the world!

After all, in the attack of the other party, he felt too much, and even made him unable to distinguish the ‘road’ atmosphere, but one thing is certain, the other’s ‘road’ is absolutely there and...!

That's right, that's the Hutley's adult. Otherwise, the other party can't have the kind of gaze-like look that is like a knife, and it can reveal a sharp knife. Moreover, these are only very basic, and there is a 'road' atmosphere that makes him fear.

Before, before the hourglass, it seemed to be abandoned by the heavens and the earth, and he was cursed by the rì month. He really didn't want to bear it; even, even the young man in front of him didn't want to see it!

Therefore, he simply followed the previous topic -

"Hak Master, the third generation of our spring city, is a very kind and upright person who has helped more than once in our existence..." Tenny Hart mentioned the spring city owner It was very respectful, but then the brow was slightly wrinkled. After he sighed, he said, "But the deputy city owner of Kilshui is a very annoying guy... he didn't have it at first. As it is now, it is a very enthusiastic appearance, deeply trusted by Huck and the people; however, about a decade ago, some people accused Kiri of some 'violet things'!"

"Although it ended up being lost, some careful people also discovered the difference in Kildley... Even a few people have seen him contact with several high-level gangsters!" Tenny Hart "If you think that the people in Quanshui City want to kill the Lord Hortil, Kim is undoubtedly the number one, and he has a relationship with the people of the meditation!"

"Oh, the deputy city lord of Kild, it seems that I can't wait for people!" Ye Qi smiled and laughed. He continued to ask: "The person who accused him would not be Lord Hortel?"

The Hart brothers nodded: "It’s Hultril!" Even the reticent brother couldn’t help but say, "If it’s not the strength of Killy, it’s indispensable, we will have He changed from the position of the deputy city lord...Hotley is more suitable for this position!"

"It turns out!" Ye Qi nodded. "So, is there a hatred between Lord Hortel and the Kiri?"

Tenny Hart smiled bitterly: "Very big hatred, if it wasn't for the strength of Lord Hortil, Kelly wouldn't dare to take a nap, he had already started!"

Ye Qi nodded: "In addition to Kire, in the spring city, who else's strength is at this level?"

The Hart brothers immediately replied: "There are also adults of Fislot and the adults of Delci... However, these two adults have been exploring various plane fragments and half-planes for a long time and do not often appear in Spring Water City. !"

Ye Qi nodded again. After he was slightly indulged, he asked: "So, besides the Quanshui City, other powerful forces, such as St. De Ge, Blood Alliance Tower, and the meditation area?"

The Hart brothers laughed a bit, still with a hint of hesitation: "We said it according to the requirements of the decision, but apart from you, we want other people, and don't know these things..."

Ye Qi laughed: "This is a matter of course!"


This conversation continued until the afternoon, after rejecting the invitation of the Hart Brothers dinner, Ye Qi left the Deron Manor with a small car sitting in the other side.

At the street of the wilderness of Spedo, Ye Qi and Xiao Doug got off the bus. However, the small Doug did not return directly to the wilderness wine, but came to the foot of Ye Qi and his party.

Xiao Dao looked at the lady in front of the door and politely said: "Ms. Taylor, good afternoon! I am honored to see you again!"

Change sè dragon smiled and said: "I am also very honored to meet you, Mr. Xiao Daoge!" After that, the eyes of the sè dragon looked at Ye Qi and asked: "Is there a harvest there?"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded: "very big gain, even, some are beyond imagination!"

The smile of sè dragon became more and more brilliant: "Well, I am going to prepare tea and snacks... Mr. Doug, what do you need?"

Xiao Doug immediately replied: "Thank you, don't want lemon tea!"

“I’ll be right soon!”

The sè dragon turned and walked to the kitchen on the side of the hall, while the small Doug looked at it with a slight restraint.

Ye Qi obviously knew that the other party was nervous, and could not help but smile: "Aer and her men went to the suburbs... After all, there is not enough training here!"

After hearing this sentence, Xiao Doug couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and asked Ye Qixiao: "You are very worried about seeing Els?"

Xiao Doug nodded without concealing and replied: "Yes, listen to Mr. Blanc, saying that Lord Els is not only unsmiling, but also very strict... I am worried about getting along with such people!"

After hearing the evaluation of the female cavalry commander, Ye Qi couldn't help but smile: "Ilsh is not as big as Blank's adult... Although she is very serious in most of the time, but compared For Els, the Hart brothers you saw today, don’t you feel terrible? They are far beyond your imagination!”

Xiaodaoer shook his head and said: "It's not very scary. Although I heard such secrets at the beginning, I was really surprised. However, I saw their attitude towards you..." Xiaodao Gusi asked about the scene at the time, saying: " They are very afraid of you, especially after the 'duel', their fear of you is almost an obvious point!"

As soon as he talked about the fight, the little tracker suddenly became a singer. He waved his fist hard and said with excitement: "In such flames and ice, you mean waving a few Under the knife, all their attacks and defenses become useless, it is too powerful!"

Simple waving?

Facing the words of the simple worship of the little Doug, Ye Qi could not help but laugh.

Before, his seemingly simple attack was absolutely not simple, not only based on doing it, but also using the special features of the legendary cold weapon and the creation of his own teacher from the chief wizard. Skills are naturally indispensable.

The effect did not disappoint Ye Qi, but the combination of and beyond was beyond the expectation of Ye Qi. It seems that after a complementarity, the power of the explosion is multiplied - the Hart brothers are combined, the kind of big Lost sè, the look of timidity, naturally makes Ye Qi remember the new the power that is far from being able to play the extraordinary legendary powerhouse, completely out of the wind, suppressed In the situation, Ye Qi couldn't help but blink a bit. Ye Qi was very clear. If it wasn't for the sake of this, he still can win, but he definitely needs to spend more effort.

Maybe, you can have another try!

Ye Qi’s heart raised such an idea. However, he did not immediately start, but looked at the small Doug and asked: “Do you want to learn some skills?”

Teaching the little Dougs some skills, this is the real purpose of Ye Qi with the other party to leave the wine.

PS second more~

On Saturday afternoon plus night, decadence is spent in the code word... I can’t afford to hurt! ! I want to protect everyone from tears~~~Click, collect, reward, and monthly ticket can not be less~~~

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the 200 starting point of the reward, the sn100 starting point for the reward of the ~~~RS


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