Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 7: election

Ye Qi at the moment is like standing in front of a mirror shrouded in fog, and the words of the wolf are like a hand, wiping out a misty mirror with a clear trace, although most of the mirror Still covered by fog, but that clear trace has already enabled Ye Qi to see everything inside.

As if it were a number reading, the confirmation of the first number is the most difficult, and when the first number is determined, everything will become easier.

After thinking about the problem of almost the whole night, Ye Qi’s mouth was not slightly upturned.

"Thank you!"

Ye Qi expressed his gratitude to the strange wolf, which is very sincere. However, for Ye Qi’s gratitude, the wolf is disdainful. It squats and says: “Hurry to finish things here, I need to be more Get my next statue soon!"

Ye Qi laughed: "Of course, it has been in my plan!"

The wolf said with no anger: "But always at the end of the position!"

Ye Qi nodded without deny, and then declared: "That is because of its uncertainty... Once it is determined, it will always be at the top!"

The blame wolf stunned his mouth: "I hope so... But do you think it makes sense to come to such an event? It won't make you strong, so you should be in your own bar as soon as possible. Those sudden knowledge, not swaying here!"

Obviously, for Ye Qilai to participate in the so-called speaker inauguration, the wolf is dissatisfied - in its view, this is completely a waste of time.

Ye Qi shrugged: "I didn't stop my adaptation... and it's not without gain!"

There are many gains that Ye Qi refers to. Not just the bridge on the other side. And the person who appeared in front - the red robe, embroidered with a long golden rim, a holy, clean appearance, obscuring the thin figure, dry flat cheeks, no one will notice when he sees him. These will only repent in the warm light.

Archbishop, House...

Ye Qi blinked. Looking at the archbishop of the Holy See, he remembered the information about the other party in his mind, but said to the wolf in his heart: "This is one of the gains we may have!"

The blame on the wolf's mouth is very disdainful: "An intelligence dealer!"

However, Ye Qi can feel the action of the wolf, only a sense that he can perceive, spread to the Archbishop of House; without any substantial contact, it seems to be a hovering, around this The Archbishop of Houses took a circle and received it.

Ye Qi is familiar with the method of detecting strangers to detect the members of the Holy See. There is no interruption, after that sensation harvest. I asked: "How is this harvest?"

In the answer of the wolf, with a smile: "It looks very good!"

Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders and smiled and replied: "That is of course... a guy who manages intelligence, even if he has faith, is absolutely limited. Your 'great' work may come in handy - Perhaps we should thank Iyeta? His appearance has saved us a lot of things, much simpler than that of the old pope!"

The wolf is taken for granted: "This is inevitable - a careerist, and ultimately only trust yourself!"

Ye Qi said with a sigh: "Thank you for such a career!"

The wolf also nodded and said: "Thank you!"

Ye Qi continued: "So, is the plan in your mind at the moment, need my help?"

The wolf smiled and said: "You need to get close to each other and don't need physical contact... it's very simple!"

Ye Qi replied: "Simple to unexpected!"

In fact, the same is true. When Ye Qi looked at each other, Archbishop Haus was also looking at the dragon in front of him. Although he was habitually calling the other side a Shak Dragon, but in front of any peer, the dragon was only It is his final title for Ye Qi; after all, he does not want to be troubled.

He has always been very good at how to save at home.

Just like at this moment, he did not turn a blind eye to the Shak Dragon in front of him as other clerics. Instead, he went up and said, "Good morning, Lord Shack!"

This greeting with a friendly tone is nothing to the House, even if it is to kill the father and the enemy in front of it, it can also be done in such a way that the collection of intelligence is such a thing that violates common sense, and falsehood is even more It is necessary, even if it is repentance in front of God, it is just a mask.

In this regard, Archbishop House is undoubtedly doing quite well. No one will doubt his belief. Every time the grief and sorrow of repentance is enough to pass anyone else; of course, this is just a human being, for some It is not the existence of man, and everything he reveals is undoubted.

Ye Qi looked straight and walked over, standing in front of him, greeted the Archbishop of House, nodded and said, "Good morning!"

The female cavalry chief and chameleon sitting on both sides of Ye Qi were subconsciously frowning, but after hearing Ye Qi’s response, they nodded.

Undoubtedly, House is a person who knows how to score. He doesn't have too much stay for a long time, and he doesn't have any in-depth conversation. After all, his relationship with the other party is very inappropriate for the following things, and even it will cause the other party to resent. Can make a greeting, has already explained that the other side's cultivation is good.

For those who have conservatism, Archbishop House has always thought it is the best person to deal with; however, he obviously needs to leave now.

“I am very honored to meet you!”

With such a sentence, Archbishop House went to his seat and looked at the back of the clergyman. The chameleon said to Ye Qi: "Beware of this guy, it is like a snake, it is sinister and untrustworthy!"

Ye Qi nodded: "Yeah!"

The female cavalry chief also nodded: "As far as I know, some things that happened in Xia Lin District in the last ten years are related to this, and people are called the next subversive!"

"He is the cleric of the Holy See, we are the hunters... so don't worry about the other - because. We are inherently hostile!" Ye Qi said. The bottom of my heart said secretly: "It is known to the world. This kind of practice is not suitable for a person who collects intelligence!"

The intelligence collector is itself a profession that is tied to thieves and assassins. Like the latter, once exposed, it is the end of a career... or the end of life.

And the House Archbishop did the opposite...

Even for more camouflage, it is enough to explain some problems.

Ye Qi sneered in the bottom of his heart. Asked the strange wolf: "How?"

The wolf smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem... Hey, that guy is a complete false believer, so that some of my previous methods are ready; but such a false believer, I am very appreciative ... Hey, and Lehman’s kid, his disguise is almost equal!”

Ye Qi asked: "Are you ready to control him?"

The strange wolf immediately shook his head: "Of course not, although it is a false believer, but this fake believer still has the faith of the guy, I don't want to be exposed in advance... But we want to know something, but it is simple A lot - of course. I am very skeptical, this guy can know how much really valuable things!"

The method used by the wolf is similar to the magic, but more is biased towards the spell; in the words of the wolf, this is a very great 'work'; and Ye Qi with a trace of doubt - —Because such a great 'work' would not be of any use to most of the Holy See clerics.

Only those who have no faith or few beliefs can use it.

Therefore, Ye Qi did not pay attention to this great ‘work.’ After all, the corresponding results, some more convenient and direct means can be achieved, even more safely than it.

However, it was unexpected, and even a big surprise, to encounter a false believer like Archbishop House.

As a contractor of the wolf, Ye Qi’s heart also has joy. He smiled and said: “No matter how much you know, you need to identify, and I am just a recipient!”

Faced with his old rivals, the wolf is always like that. This time is no exception, almost without hesitation: "Give it to me!"

Feeling that the wolf disappeared into the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi began to think about how to better use [heart sword] with [heart]; but when he wants to continue thinking, an unbearable sense of fatigue appears. In the body, Ye Qi’s heart moved, knowing that he had completed the problem that had been plaguing himself. After the spirit was relaxed, he naturally responded, not to mention accepting [the inheritance of the dragon (the ancient dragon)], even if there is the help of the medicine, it is also Need a rest.

Naturally, Ye Qi slightly stretched his body, moved his back, leaned back, and put on a more comfortable posture. When his eyes closed, he was silent in sleep; and a conversation, but a conversation, but The female cavalry chief and the chameleon, who all focused on Ye Qi, stopped talking after watching each other.

When the mental fatigue began to fade, Ye Qi slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the surroundings without looking at the traces, and then looked at the old speaker and the new Desa, who was handing over the podium. Speaker, Ye Qi whispered: "Will you start?"

The female cavalry chief smiled lightly: "About one and a half hours ago!"

Ye Qiyi said: "I slept for more than two hours!"

The chameleon nodded: "Do not worry, the breathing is very smooth, and did not bother the inauguration ceremony... However, Mr. Blanc expressed dissatisfaction, he tried, but did not fall asleep!"


Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders and smiled a bit. Then, he looked at the podium. At this time, the handover ceremony between the new and the old speaker has been completed. The old president of Ai Lin has already had a relationship. Going behind the scenes; in the dark, only a shadow is left for everyone, and the new speaker, the original Desa member, has stepped into the middle of the stage, and under the light, it looks like a flying star.

"In less than five weeks, we have experienced things that have hurt us. I am very sorry about this, please forgive me..."

Standing in the middle of the stage, Desa Speaker under the light began his inaugural speech. Ye Qi did not listen carefully to the beginning. In fact, in the entire studio. Except those who are responsible for broadcasting to the staff on the big screen of the square and the invitees sitting on the right side. On the left side, basically, there is a similar attitude with Ye Qi.

After all, at the inauguration ceremony of the Supreme Government Speaker, you can't force the demon hunter, the clergy, or some representatives of the mysterious side forces to listen to the concentration.

However, most people are satisfied with the speech of the new speaker. At the very least, this is a sincere and not courageous speaker. Most of the people present think so; of course. A small number of people are biting their teeth with resentment; but, soon, such resentment disappears.

It wasn't touched, but it was something that God couldn't do, but the black shadows appeared next to these people, and they stunned each other with a neat and stunned look. They dragged out the studio and looked around. The invitees, Ye Qi could not help but raise his eyes.

obviously. These invitees should have already known such things, otherwise. Even those who are calmer will be exclaimed one or two times when they encounter such a thing; instead of being indifferent at this moment, the arrest is still going on, it lasts for about ten minutes, and In the ten minutes or so, the seat on the right side is about one-fifth less.

Although she experienced the battlefield, she saw such a arrest. The female cavalry chief was still unaccustomed. She frowned and said: "Can such a capture really confirm the enemy?"

The chameleon chuckled: "No confirmation, just doubt is enough!"

The female cavalry chief’s brow wrinkled more tightly, and Ye Qi reached out and gently placed it on the back of the other’s hand, sighing: “The highest government at the moment has not allowed any more things to be done... in a crumbling, any sudden occurrence Things will be like the last straw to crush the camel!"

The female cavalry chief frowned and thought about it. He asked lowly: "Do you agree with this approach?"

Ye Qi shook his head very simply and said: "No - because, I will not let things happen like the highest government, I will prepare in advance!"

The chameleon smiled and said: "We are just a small group. Everyone is a relative. It is a matter of fame and fortune. It is not suitable for us... Sir Elsie, will you drive Ye Qi for the position of the bar owner? ?"

The female cavalry chief shook his head and said: "Of course not. If there is no Ye Qi, I am not the boss wife at all..." When it comes to this, the female cavalry chief’s face is fierce and her voice is getting lower and lower: "And I am not good at managing bars!"

Ye Qi shrugged and said: "I am not good at it!"

The chameleon followed: "Me too!"

"So, leave it to others!"

The three men glanced at each other and laughed in a low voice.

The speech of the new speaker is still going on. Even when the opponents are arrested, there is no pause, the voice is impassioned, the content is sincere and simple, and such acting is undoubtedly very easy to succeed, and at this moment has conquered quite Many people.

Even sitting here, Ye Qi has already heard the cheers outside; of course, not only Ye Qi can hear it alone, but the tower lord of the sacred object also hears it, but the tower owner is picking up the side. His own jug, filled two, his eyes floating, obviously not at all here.

Later, when the cheers were a little bigger, the female cavalry chief, the chameleon, and the distant Archbishop Haus also heard it; with the previous discussion, the two ladies did not care, they sat. There, the eyes looked at the new speaker who continued to speak, while the body leaned back toward Ye Qi.

However, the Archbishop of House is a slight change in his face. In his eyes, he obviously thinks about something unknown.

After about twenty-five minutes, the new speaker’s speech was over. This time, more cheers and applause were exchanged. Although there have been many times before, this time is undoubtedly the strongest and enthusiastic; in the studio There was also a round of applause, and Ye Qi and the two ladies followed the drums.

Compared to the excitement on the right side, the left side is undoubtedly with a hint of nothing to do with it.

The reason why the applause, most of the reason, is also because of the end of the inauguration ceremony; at the very least, the tower of the sacred object is such an idea, and Ye Qi, there is also a little.

After that, most of the people on the right side left at the end; the people on the left side basically walked away except for a few.

Among these few, there are Ye Qi and the two ladies beside him, the Archbishop of Houses not far away, and the tower lord of the sacred thing that swayed over – they need to stay because, The new speaker has prepared lunch.

This invitation was issued early and was able to stay, naturally because of the promise.

"Lord Ye Qi, Lord Blanc, Archbishop Haus, and Lord Els, Ms. Taylor, please!"

The re-emerged Moretti, with a smile, once again acts as a guide.

Ps second more ~ ​​~ timing ~ ~

I don’t know what it is in the afternoon, I feel all kinds of sleepiness, the kind of eyes that can’t open my eyes... Then, I climbed into the bed and woke up, the sky was dark! ! !

The code is not eaten by the decadent rice!

Hey, there is no delay, and the meal has gone~~~ Also, continue to roll and sell and ask for various protections~~~ There is something to be done! ! !

Thanks to the wave of the starting point of the 200-year-old wave of the sea, the reward of the x200 starting point, the reward of the sn100 starting point, the reward of the starting point of the book 130116212825552100~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ To be continued.)

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