Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 6 Chapter 12: eve

: The breakfast of the factory was sent to the "Ding's ※ by the name of the white robes

Even though there was no group breakfast with the monks, the neat prayers were still faintly from the outside. Novel mm member hand hit

Ye Qi, who is used to his own discipleship, eats a breakfast that is not particularly delicious. Listening to the vague prayers, the brow slightly wrinkled and put the dry, non-hydrated bread back into the plate, and the milk in the cup was also put back to the plate after a slight attempt. He didn't have much interest in the water-mixed milk; and after the only two breakfasts were put back on the plate, the first breakfast in the church was the end of his life.

"Ye, do you need to go back to the restaurant to order a breakfast?" The white robe that came in from the door greeted the almost untouched breakfast in the plate, and could not help but smile. Ye Qi waved his hand.

If you're going to finish the matter here, then the time to go back to breakfast is still up; as for the breakfast at the restaurant? For those who don't like coffee, don't try it well; Ye Qi's eyes look at the white robe sacrifice: "Is your trial long?"

"The negative energy hidden in the body has been completely removed; although the body is still a little weak, but the person has already awake over the white robe sacrifice, and the piece of the key to the doomsday thrown by Ye Qi was interrupted. He looked at Ye Qi inexplicably. Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Qi got up and picked up the coat hanging by the door. Without turning around, he waved his hand straight: "Then my task is finished. I think your reinforcements in the holy forest area are already coming soon?" I will not stay here for the eye! Remember to send the commission to my bar"

"You are too embarrassed to escape from the wild!" The sullen wolf laughter is full of pleasure. However, Ye Qi snorted and did not answer, although he had decided to compensate the white robes in the future. But in the face of the other side, he still has an unnatural feeling; shook his head. In order to divert attention, he turned his attention to the system property bar.

Last night, absorbing the power of the key pieces of the Doomsday, beyond his expectation, although only a quarter of the power, but even catalyzed twenty shadow servants; for this, the wolf was proud to explain a Although Yan Fanzhuo has a method to guide the use of the key to the end, it must be much less efficient.

Although Ye Qi did not want to admit it, but the facts are in front of him, the method of the wolf is indeed more effective than Levin Van Gogh; of course, this is not the most concern of Ye Qi when the total number of shadow servants reaches 50, the system gives The hint is the key point. "Shadow: Ten. Shadow servants temporarily merge into one; strengthen the power of shadow thorns, shadow shields; effect: the power of the shadow thorn increases the cylinder sink, the number increases the drain root; the shadow shield cumulative absorption damage increases four points Negative energy and physical attacks reduce skin damage, positive energy attacks increase damage and reduce buildup. Duration is one hour, the same shadow servant times, day."

Although the duration is only one hour. However, the effect brought by the film and shadow has made Ye Qi feel satisfied, especially the shadow thorn not only increases its own power, but also increases the number. It is necessary to know that the notch root does not mean that the maximum number is the root, but The five largest numbers are twelve scatters, that is to say, the maximum number of summoned is the root of the stalk, even if the root number is more scattered, the more the power is scattered, but in the case that the basic power increases the knife sink, it swings out. The power is still impressive.


The neat and powerful footsteps attract the attention of Ye Qi who is guessing what skills will appear as the shadow servant increases. At this moment, the day is at the moment before dawn, except for the decoration to pray, only the cleaners or those who like to get up early will It appears on the street; the two rows of neat queues appear in the street at this time, even if it is difficult to attract attention; however, these two rows of people do not care about the eyes of only a few passers-by around, calm and comfortable Advancing.

Disciplinary knight?

Ye Qi’s eyes narrowed slightly and he was seen for him who had seen the same dress less than ten hours ago. The other party's dress is really familiar, almost knowing the identity of the other party when they first saw it; however, the number is somewhat unexpected.

A total of thirty-nine people. A team of disciplinary knights except the captain is 12 people in each team; that is to say, it is now passing through the entire three teams of disciplinary knights, although the level of mission hunting has been successfully completed, to contribute to him. 20,000 experience; but another level of mission assistance did not prompt completion; and the content of the mission assistance is to help the blood glory safely through the Holy See, that is, he is likely to The three teams of disciplinary knights, even the presiding judge of the Holy See, played against each other; even if the presiding judge was a big wound, he still did not have the confidence to defeat the other side under the three teams of the disciplinary knights."

The black apostle windbreaker creaked in the cold wind of the first winter, and his hands were inserted in the pockets of the windbreaker. Ye Qi stepped forward and stepped on the two rows of disciplinary knights.

During the period, both sides were squinting and the face was cold; however, the coldness of the disciplinary knight was a deliberate stereotype. And he is from the heart of the coldness of killing."

The devil who just finished the night is not crying, only a few waiters are cleaning; the time is still early, when the devils are not coming, so the whole bar looks very deserted; nodded to several waiters who greeted each other, Qi went up to the second floor, but after seeing the golden girl sitting on the second floor of the sand scene, Ye Qi could not help but see the knifeman who was temporarily living on the second floor because of the moon celebration, and did not return last night; As for where to go, he certainly understands as a man; after all, when he used to celebrate the moon, he also did the same thing as the swordsman; the life of a highly dangerous demon hunter needs to be relaxed, isn't it?

"Otto is looking for you, is it a group of disciplinary knights killed in the outer suburbs of Saskatchewan late last night?" When Ye Qi saw the golden girl, the other party naturally saw him; looking at the Ye Qi who came up The Golden Girl did not mean to get up from the sand, but sat there and asked: "Is there any new clue?"

"Not all. Constance, one of the three presiding judges of the Holy See, was also wounded in Randenburg; I was pulled over and became a bodyguard for the night" to the Golden Girl with a temporary alliance, Ye Qihe There is no concealment of the small, not to mention these things do not need to conceal; to the other party's news network, at noon at the latest, you can get the whole process of the complete event; how can the apparently unprepared golden girl be shocked by the words of Ye, the letter Looking at Ye Qi, he was surprised to ask: "The Senate of the Inquisition, Constance?"

"Well!" Looking at the nod to Ye Qi, the golden girl could not help but silence; but in the bottom of her heart, she suddenly felt a sigh of relief. The Inquisition judge was wounded in her jurisdiction. The Holy See will definitely not give up. It is bound to set off a storm in Langerburg; and as a representative of the special service in Langburg, she naturally cannot leave at this time; although her heart is relieved, when the golden girl sees the opposite After Ye Qi, he couldn’t help but coldly said: "The order of the Secret Service has been issued to me, but at this time there will be such a thing, it is really unlucky! Oh, no way. Cooperation with you. I can only continue. "For those who attack Constance, I will trace it; if there is news, I will inform you!" ”

After that, the golden girl stood up and walked downstairs briskly; and Ye Qi, who had nothing to do, stepped onto the third floor. In his opinion, the other’s words and deeds were the same, and there was no need. Special attention; and the smell of breakfast from the third floor. Has completely attracted him.


The housekeeper’s words disturbed the Gaelic family who was having breakfast together, but Gail did not blame his butler, but apologized to the wife, daughter and son at the same table because he knew. If it is not a matter of urgency, the other party will not bother him when he has breakfast with his family.

Gale’s wife smiled at her smiling husband who was apologetic, and became the wife of the North’s family. She understood her husband and she would do her best to help his husband; Even if it is just a comfort to the daughter and son who are slightly dissatisfied because of the husband’s departure.

"Linda, sing, you don't blame your father too much; you know that he has been working hard for us." Gael's wife, with her mother's gentle smile, calmed the dissatisfied children: "If In today, if you can let your father laugh and laugh, I will ask Mr. Ye Qi to resume the course as soon as possible!"

Due to the day of mourning, Ye Qi’s preparations for the teaching of grammar were stopped for about three to five weeks. He was the president of the Bay Area Hunting Artificial Branch. He made this request and Gael expressed his understanding and gave support. .

"Really?" The boy stared at his mother. When he saw his mother nodded affirmatively, he immediately cheered: "Oh yeah! Good! I will, let my father laugh." Sister, let's go!"

After hearing the news, Linda, who was slightly embarrassed, was rushed out of the room by the teenager.

"Last night last night, the Inquisition Judge Constance was seriously injured by unidentified creatures in Randenburg; there was also a team of disciplinary knights who performed their duties, including their captains, all killed in the suburbs of Saskatchewan;" Business gaiers from the desk, sergeant, sir, we have sent the last one of the last week, and we have sent a group of affiliations to the island. !"

Gail did not make arrangements immediately after listening to the obituary's obituary, but leaned back in the chair. Picking up his eyes, it is like falling asleep; the steward's body is standing there straight, breathing has become like nothing. After nearly forty years of service, he clearly knows that this is the unique way of thinking of the patriarch; There must be no one to bother with this kind of time; even a slightly larger movement will not work.

"The young people from the family who were sent to work in Langerburg, Saskatchewan and Fate were called back. They were ordered not to allow them to leave the manor without permission; and the family guards were on call from now on." Gail’s desk went to all parts of the Northland family in the Bay Area; after all the orders were sent away, Gail licked the slight painful waist time, although he matured more Experience, but also took away the body that is extremely important to him; even if he has the more ordinary human body, can not stop the time wear; look at the pointer on the wall clock has overlapped, Gail is facing the housekeeper next to him "Take my invitation and invite Mr. Ye Qi and Miss Hoss to come to the afternoon tea; there are some things we must face together!"

"Yes, Master!"

The cold-faced man took the message from the central castle and walked on the narrow road leading to the tower of knowledge. Even if the face is still the cold and dull expression, but the fast pace shows his inner anxiety at the moment; as a disciple of the main tower of knowledge, the cold-faced man went all the way to the top of the tower, Pedernan In front of the room.

Listening carefully to the movements in the room, the cold-faced man carefully knocked on the closed door. Since the last time his teacher came back from afar, his mood has been very bad. He even screamed like an ordinary woman. Even in front of him, he would shout a name called John and throw all the things he could see outside the window.

For John, he is no stranger, because the teacher of a guy he hates quite is called this name buckle...

"Come in!" Pedernange's cold voice made the cold-faced man relieved the incident he recorded in his Only a sober teacher can decide that if he is angry, he can't guarantee him. The teacher made the right decision; the cold-faced man pushed the door open and respectfully handed the message in his hand to Pedernange: "Teacher, this is the news from the Langhamburg trade union in the Gulf District"

"The presiding judge of the Inquisition" disciplinary knight" Pedernange carefully looked at the news, immediately picked up the pen and wrote a few lines below the recorded message. Then handed it to the cold-faced man: "I am on the paper." Write it! ”

Looking at the contents of the paper, the cold-faced man was extremely surprised. But still respectfully executed the order: "Yes, teacher!"

"You are not doing this well!"

After the cold-faced man left, the Sunshine Boy came out from behind the curtains.

Prevent a thousand words less yesterday. Today, I will give you a tribute to Fassis, "Famous name, the two rewards and the emptiness of the people. Thank you for your support.


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