Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 12: Road encounter


Deides denied his thoughts in the next moment, although everything in front of him looks very similar to Long Wushu, but if you look deeper, there is a slight difference - Long Wushu, with the blood of the dragon The power of the force achieves a special effect; at the moment, Ye Qi is a fusion of his own knife by the external force!

Is the Shack Dragon and Juggernaut Successor?

Thinking about such a name in the bottom of his heart, Deides’ eyes narrowed and he nodded secretly in his heart.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Undoubtedly, to achieve such a degree, such a name is well deserved, although there is still a considerable distance from the old John, but the other party's age...

Deeply sighed, Deides was full of sighs, and there was a different kind of embarrassment - the other party is less than 30 years old, even several years from this age, but in this case The other party has reached the point where others can't imagine it. Even at the same age, he and the other party have a considerable gap!

However, this silkworm was quickly replaced by joy - almost instinct, Deides thought, if Ye Qi joined the highest zhèngfǔ influence...

However, Deides also understands that he wants to let the young people in front of him join the highest zhèngfǔ, just want to rely on his mouth to say that it is absolutely impossible, must be convinced by strength - the good side of the demon hunter, he knows, 桀骜The untamed side, he knows the same.

Therefore, when the Thunder gathered, the wind raged, and the breeze rolled, Diddes did not stop or preemptively attack, but stood in front of the hands and embraced ōng quietly waiting for Ye Qi’s attack – only in the face After the opponent's strongest blow, he has the qualification to ask for the other party. Or. It was at that time. The other party will listen to the words he said.

Four seconds!

Five seconds!

Six seconds!

嗡, 嗡, 嗡...

The knives quickly vibrated, and an invisible force began to gather around Ye Qi’s body, and Deides’s hands before the ng’s hands were involuntarily released, and they were completely guarded, and they were completely in line with the pulse of the earth. The jump appeared around, and the stones on the ground followed and slammed in the air.

Seven seconds!

Eight seconds!

Nine seconds!

The invisible force began to revolve around Ye Qi, and it was getting faster and faster; and the ground where Deides stood was crystallized in that characteristic pulsation. The land of the black and brown sè is like the crystal in the sun at this moment, exuding a different kind of brilliance, which makes people involuntarily close their eyes and cannot look directly.

Ten seconds!

Eleven seconds!

Twelve seconds!

The invisible power in the rotation, turned into a tangible, roaring with a gust of wind, an eighty-four-foot-long half-moon-shaped knives, with a faint blue sè, with Ye Qi Meng's knife, flew out. Half a month's knives, shining with their own glory. Not only bright, soft, but also as cold as frost, like a knife and a gun, it is like a round of meniscus on the ground.

At the moment when this knife was thrown out, Deides had never twitched his cheek, and he never thought that Ye Qi could even make such an attack!

If it is such an attack, it is not impossible to defeat Xiaoyue...

At the bottom of my heart, Dydes took a long breath and hung his hands on both sides of the body and slammed it toward the ground.


The wind from the two arms showed a powerful force, but when such a powerful force slammed on the ground, it did not make any noise, just like the feathers fell on the ground; however, the next moment was changed. It suddenly appeared, I saw the ground that was only crystallized at the foot of Diddes, as if with the breathing of Diddes, it began to spread rapidly in all directions, and then bulged!

Bang, boom, rumble!

It is like a crystal palace. These perfectly crystallized grounds have a radius of 35 feet. Then, it is like a wall, firmly surrounding Didders in the middle position, and then the knife Mang is here!

嗤, 嗤, 嗤...

The blue sè's knives and the crystallized ground gave a harsh sound of friction when it first collided. In such a frictional sound, the crystallized ground that rises is sharpened by the sharp knife. Cutting, although strenuous, but the knife is not meant to stop, and persistently forward.

About a breath of effort, the crystallized ground after thirty feet is penetrated, leaving only about five feet in thickness, protecting the Deides standing in it; at this moment, Deides frowned Locked and looked at the blue s knives that were close at hand, frowning and explaining his inner heart.

Although it has been confirmed that Ye Qi’s attack is very powerful, Deides has never thought that it will be so strong that it is many times stronger than he expected; even if there is still five feet in the edge, Separated by a crystal wall, he was able to feel clearly, even the skin of the face still had a tingling tingling.

Such a sting reminds Deides that if you don't want to be split into two, it's best to do something else - Deides sighs softly, knowing that in this way, the unlucky one will only be his own di Dess did not hide his strength, and he opened his mouth sharply.


A whistling sound, immediately, Deides began to emit a different kind of light all over the body, and in such a ray, the surrounding crystallized ground began a slight change, just like the water began to flow and become More translucent, bright... and sturdy.

And when this light began to converge, the surrounding crystallized ground had completely changed its shape.

Eight angular arcs, wide and narrow, perfect and without loss of grace, the moonlight passes through it, and is immediately dispersed into a spot of light, unbearable attention, especially women, will definitely send out Favorite screams - for diamonds, the performance of women is normal!

However, unlike ordinary diamonds, the diamonds that surround Didders are not only huge, but also have special forces flowing in them. Make it even stronger!


The blue sè knife is moving forward again. There is no such thing as a huge diamond. After the silence, the unstoppable knife was finally blocked.

However, such a block is only two or three seconds, but it is these two or three seconds, it seems that there has been a long-lasting battle, and the rising Mars seems to be splashing around without money. And the huge diamond wrapped in Deides was also under this huge impact, and began to retreat rapidly, drawing a deep gully on the crystalized ground.


When the length of the trench reached a hundred yards. There was a small crack on the huge diamond, and then it suddenly expanded. Even the repair with that special power would not help - destruction, always faster than construction and repair!

咔, 咔, 咔...

It’s as if someone is beating with a sledgehammer. Generally, there is a piece of crack on the huge diamond that is enough to break any woman’s heart. For such a situation, the blue knife seems to be still Unsatisfied, the whole knife began to instinctively shake.

Suddenly, the rupture speed of huge diamonds is almost twice as fast!


When the vibration of the knife has reached the limit. The explosion happened, and the huge diamond seemed to be an internal explosion. With the Mars four shè, a piece of crystal clear diamonds flew in all directions; and in the middle of the diamond, Diddes screamed again, and the whole body took up the same light as before.


A mountain of diamonds, which rises from the ground, is blocked before the knife, and the whole person of Deides disappears from the ground.

Knife Mang hits the diamond mountain, but it is like a fake and inferior project. Compared with the previous diamond armor, this diamond mountain is just like paper paste, stronger than the previously crystallized ground. Wherever I went, I was swept away by the knife of the blue sè.


The knives that passed through the peaks of the diamonds continued to move forward and slammed into the earth. I saw the earth that was invaded, as if it had encountered a magnitude 12 earthquake, and it trembled fiercely. Shēn groaned; then, in that huge noise, a large pit that was more than a hundred yards in diameter and hundreds of feet deep was collapsed out of thin air.

And Deides went out from the big pit. He looked at the big hole beside him, his heart trembled a little, then turned his head and looked at Ye Qi, and suddenly he was a little stiff.

I saw that Ye Qi still stood in the original place, and there was no movement at all. Just as in the past, the two bows were straight before the bow, and the right hand was placed on the handle of the knives, and the invisible b swayed again. Appeared around him, and began to spin quickly, apparently ready to issue a second hit!

Seeing this scene, Deides’s back was immediately soaked in cold sweat. He immediately shouted loudly: “Wait!”

"I have no ill intentions!"

Then, seeing Ye Qi did not have any reaction, the most powerful seven of the world had to add another sentence, and at the same time, the dark smile in the bottom of his heart - self-defeating, undoubtedly said that he at the moment, originally wanted to be powerful The strength pressed the other side, but did not expect the strength of the other party to be so strong, especially he is only passive defense, can not really attack, this kind of fighting, to the end, the lose must be him.

Dedis, who knows this very well, chose to give up very simply - in this case, the battle that must be lost is obviously not necessary to carry on; unless there is any special hobby.

Broken diamond armor and crystallized ground returned to normal in Deides's wave, and even the huge pit was restored to normal; Ye Qi also slowly stood up, straight and straight Looking at each other, apparently waiting for Deides' explanation, a reasonable explanation he can accept.

At the same time, in Ye Qi's heart is also silently for the opponent's previous defensive power, secretly surprised - the longest time itself has three times the attack power, plus double damage, this is Five times the attack power, and the opponent's defensive power is not broken, it has already explained its strong defense, although it is still broken, but it does take a certain amount of time.

Not much, about six seconds!

but. For the strong of them to this extent. Don't say six seconds. It’s just a second, it’s already a matter of life and death.

Of course, the most fascinating thing is that the other side is in control of 'the power of the earth'. The kind of change between the hands is very casual, without any intentional meaning; compared to his, it is higher than the other. Not to mention that it is incomplete.

And need more time to get acquainted!

As for the need to supplement the complete. There is still a considerable distance, and it is impossible to truly join the battle of this level!

Ye Qi’s heart silently thought: “Maybe, should I go to the endless sea and experience it in the storm?”

"I have no ill intentions……"

Deides came over, stood in front of Ye Qi, repeating the previous words, and then, some did not know what to say - as a habit of a man who used his actions to express his meaning, let him It is a bit difficult to think of someone explaining their intentions.

but. The harder thing is at this time. Also need customer service, Dides definitely does not want to face the young people in front of him, leaving any bad misunderstanding; therefore, after he paused for a while, this continued: "I just want to see you. Strength!"

At this time, Deides was embarrassed to directly say the original purpose. He did not have such a cheeky face; after all, even if he found such an excuse, the face of the most powerful seven in the world was a little red.

Ye Qi’s left hand rested on the handle of the knives, and said with a smile: “Is it? Then, Lord Deides, are you satisfied with my strength?”

Some Dedes can't face Ye Qi's smile and smile. After subconsciously turning around, this said: "It's very strong, the leader of the young, even when I was young, not as good as you! So... I want to invite you to join the highest zhèngfǔ, we need you a strong young man here!"

There is no excuse in the discourse, very sincere, but this is the case, so that Ye Qi is ashamed, he seems to have not heard, and asked: "What do you say?"

Diddes turned around, even if the sunglasses could not stop the eyes of the strongest seven in the world, he stared at Ye Qi through the sunglasses, repeating in one sentence: "I want to invite you to join the highest zhèngfǔ We need a strong young man like you here!"

Ye Qi laughed. He shook his head and refused. "Lord Deides, I am a demon hunter... a habit of xìng 〗 〖From the hunter, you understand?"

Diddes nodded: "Of course, the Demon Hunter has his own principles, but it does not prevent you from joining us... Desa is now the Speaker, the House of Lords will be reformed, we need a strong Strong members join in; or the director of the Supreme Justice Bureau!"

In the face of such straightforward solicitation, Ye Qi smiled very brightly. He said: "Since you understand the principles of the demon hunter, then you say this, do you think I will be tempted?"

There is no change in Dides's expression. He just said, "I just understand the principle of the demon hunter. I will say this. - Don't you want to make more civilians better, and the wicked people who got the law get it. Do you have the punishment? And if you want to do this, you need a position, a position that can justify these rights... Add to the highest zhèngfǔ, you can get this position!"

"Practicing nn to eliminate evil, protecting civilians... This is very attractive, and I am no exception - but, unfortunately, I am not Robin Hood!" Ye Qi walked two laps and smiled. Do you understand? I am a person who does not seek advancement. If no one is forced, it will be like a pool of mud crawling there. I may take care of what I saw as unfair, but I I can't take this as a goal, and I will fight for it! Not to mention it, as a career in my life - I can stay safely in my wine, I always think that it is a wonderful thing!"

In the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi added another sentence: "In order to be safe and secure in my wine, I have to deal with some troubles - even if these troublemakers are some gods!"

Deides looked at Ye Qi, looked up and down, and after a few seconds, he sighed: "You think like your teacher... He is a **** because he chose this path, and also Influencing you choose this path!"

Ye Qiyi felt that it was necessary to defend his teacher. He said: "My teacher did not give me too much is still a lot of benefits, at the very least, I am now Wine jīng drinks will not touch at all... and each person’s choice is the 〖〗 by himself--and such a 〗 〖From the point of view, it is inexplicable to others, but only himself Know how happy it is; just like Lord Deides, you choose to be the patron saint of the highest zhèngfǔ, you have your own responsibilities, but would you deny that you are not happy when you complete this responsibility?"

Dides was silent.

Ye Qi smiled and shrugged, turned and walked toward Dude, raised his arm and waved at Deides, and said: "If I don't leave, dinner will not catch up... Again, Lord Deides! ”

Ye Qi’s back soon disappeared into the night, until Ye Qi disappeared, and Deides yelled, “Come out, do you hide?”

"Interesting, at the very least, I can see some guys who are known as gentlemen, doing something unspeakable!"

The sacred tower tower master walked out of the yīn shadow, swaying his own jug, very disgusted to see Deides.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~! .

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