Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 32: Message

"Last hurry and go, not you to bid farewell to Ms. Jia Liya, really sorry!"

Ye Qi looked at the businesswoman sitting opposite, the smug smile in the corner of her mouth, and immediately felt the helplessness of the bursts - even in the face of a raid of the rì曜 strongman, Ye Qi would not be like the present Helpless; because the former can fight back, you can let the other side feel like a blade that destroys the Thunder in the next moment; but in the face of a woman who is as ordinary as a normal man, he can’t shoot at all; Ge, or his own Ye Qi, except for facing the enemy, will not be shot for any ordinary person.

A qualified demon hunter is definitely not a violent person who is tyrannical to good and evil, bullying ordinary people - even if the other party shows a hint of malice, although Ye Qi will not kill each other, but can also choose to turn away; From the beginning to the end, the other party expressed their goodwill.

In the face of a person with good intentions, especially when this person's xìng is not a woman, most of the demon hunters will feel embarrassed or difficult to adapt - except for physiological needs, most of the demon hunters will choose to stay away Because they are very anxious in the bottom of their hearts, they understand that their existence is very easy to be bound by any kind of feelings; especially the feelings between men and women, once they are deeply involved, then each time they are tasked Someone is worried about them, and in order not to worry about that person, they will work hard to ensure that they are all retreating or choosing... a less difficult task.

Obviously, the latter is extremely unacceptable to the demon hunters; even the surrounding companions will give an explanation of their eyes. It doesn't make the party better - it's the moment to become a hunter, forgetting that life and death are not verbal pledges, but full of action; facing the dark creatures, the minions filled with negative energy . They should be fearless, not looking after the situation, or even hesitating.

The demon hunter with such an idea is absolutely the majority; therefore, unless it is a woman who is also a hunter, it is difficult for a hunter to rebuild a family - because it will make them lose The qualification of the demon hunter, and will once again taste the pain of losing the family; after all, the dark creatures are very vengeful at some point, just like the devil.

Of course, these are for Ye Qi, who has now reached the level of rì曜. The influence has been reduced again infinitely - but it does not mean that Ye Qi will be unscrupulous; on the contrary, there are already female cavalry chiefs and witches, and after he is not clear about Lancelot. Ye Qi has extra caution for any feelings that are related to each other.

One inch. Hou. Palace, one inch of blood - although it is only a famous saying he heard in the original world, but the reality proves that this famous saying has its own truth; and Ye Qi does not want to let his loved one become a **** sacrifice. I also don't want to be a **** sacrifice; therefore, give up the dream of all men. It is inevitable.

Although it is a pity, it will be easy – whether it is the female cavalry chief or the witch, knowing that he is once again “betrayed”. Ye Qi did not dare to imagine the situation, especially the former who had forgiven him once. If you disappoint the other person, even his companion still chooses to stand behind him. I am afraid that he will despise himself as a person.


Before that, I was very puzzled. Why did the sè dragon named Bernard-Taylor, the big star, design an ex-wife's Ye Qi for 'Finger'? At this moment, he grew a sigh of relief; At least, he already has a reason to reject the other party without harming the other party.

Have you thought that something like this will happen?

Looking back at the handing of these identities to him, the smile that appeared on his face, Ye Qi could not help but sigh; the original helpless smile in the corner of his mouth, more and more helpless.

"Mr. Finger, you are sorry, there is really no sincerity!" Stopped the hand stirring the coffee, the businesswoman pointed at the smile of Ye Qi's mouth and said softly: "As a gentleman, you even apologize at least. There is no enlightenment; I don’t think anyone will accept such apologies; Mr. Finger, are you saying yes?"

"I apologize to you for the rudeness!"

Ye Qi, pointed by the other's white, slender fingers, glimpsed a little, then immediately lifted his hands and made a position of surrender; then, God said very solemnly. /

The businesswoman sitting opposite Ye Qi faced such a sincere apology, but she did not have any joy. She frowned and looked at the opposite side with a beard covering most of her true face, revealing only a pair of bright eyes. Whispered: "Is it so terrible? It’s terrible to let you connect, I don’t dare?"

"This, this, not..."

"Your ex-wife can make you such a dedication, to see that she is a very attractive person!"

Facing Ye Qi, the businesswoman started a series of forced questions.

"Does she have me beautiful?"


"Is her ability outstanding?"

"It’s just the average person, it’s a far cry from you!”

"Oh, then her xìng is very good, will you care for me?"

"Not very good, we often quarrel for some small things!"

"That is to say, do you and her have a common ideal?"

"If that's the case, we won't end up choosing a divorce!"

"So, what are your reasons for rejecting me? Is there a problem with your body?"

"Ms. Kalia, I promise that I am healthy!"

A series of petitions made Ye Qi wacky, every problem made him only hide his smile, and then he shook his head very surely; did not expect the businesswoman to be so direct, Ye Qi, asked the first question in the other party. At that time, I was trapped in the passive, even the excuses that I had prepared for a long time, and I couldn’t say anything at the moment. The result of a series of questions from the other side was enough to make Ye Qi rise from the bottom of my heart and give up the excuses before using it. The intention; however, at the last moment. Ye Qi finally said with a bite.

"Ms. Kelly, the emotional thing is not so simple! I have a lot of things with her, and you don't know it! It's not about the appearance, the ability and the objective factors such as the personality or interest, just some I can't give up anything!" Ye Qi said the reason why he could not stand firm. The body quickly stood up from the table: "Apologize to you again, thank you for your breakfast!"

After that, Ye Qifei also ran to the outside of the small building - the look of the wolf, as if sitting behind is not a businesswoman, but in the bottom of the sea temple, the number of thirties of the sea gods guard is To catch up with him in general.

"The timid guy who doesn't dare to face reality! Not at all honest!"

Looking at Ye Qi, who quickly disappeared into her own vision, the businesswoman said with a slight resentment - as a woman who had seen the ‘Finger’ material, she was naturally very clear about Finger. This includes the ex-wife of the other party; and the business woman who knows such information, but still asks this question, is definitely not simply to obtain the result of comparison with the other party; if it is only a simple comparison result, the businesswoman does not even Will go to compare. Because she is confident that she is no worse than any woman, and even in some ways, her achievements are enough to make her look up.

And the reason for this, she just wants the man she cares about to face the reality calmly. Breaking the unrealistic fantasies of the other side; of course, it is inevitable to block the other party's use of his ex-wife as an excuse - from that information, the businesswoman has learned in detail. More than once, the other party refused several different opinions on the other party with such an excuse; and the businesswoman never wants to be such a rejected existence.


The businesswoman picked up the coffee spoon and gently tapped the cup, and the crisp voice immediately echoed in the room. The female bodyguard of the businesswoman, the next moment the sound fell. On time, in front of the businesswoman, Christine said: "Boss!"

"Reschedule my trip back to Dude!" After the woman sipped a cup of coffee, she slowly said: "Put the ex-wife who met the guy in my first column!"

"Yes, boss!"

The female bodyguard with different inner feelings did not stop, and replied again with a sigh of relief. After that, he asked hesitantly: "Is the boss the first column?"

It’s not that the female bodyguard is making a fuss, but that every item in the first column of her boss is enough to affect the big things in the whole Dude or Xia Lin District; even the renovation and construction plan of the Qiangyu District It is only in the second column of the itinerary.

"Of course, that guy, now is one of the things I want to accomplish most!"

"Understood, boss!"

Looking at the relaxed, but narrow-eyed Kalia, the female bodyguard immediately nodded and understood that she had been with the businesswoman for several years, of course, understand that this time the businesswoman is determined to complete a piece. The appearance of things; only, there were some things about trade and business wars; it was the first time when it appeared on a man.

I really don't know if it is your honor or your sorrow...

Out of the small building, looking at the distance and Toka walked together, the 'Finger' who talked down, very aware that her boss's bodyguard and ability of the female bodyguard slowly shook his head, and then turned to the team left behind Going there - there are two super-powered radio stations, and that is the only way for the rich to connect with the outside world; after all, compared to the Thousand Marsh area, it still maintains a two-legged and manual way of sending letters. The convenience of the radio is what these rich people are pursuing.


"Finger, the news has already been sent out! Stoic will get your news when he supplies the next time!"

Toka whispered to Ye Qi - after the incident last night, the relationship between the two sides was undoubtedly leaps and bounds; not only did he call his name, but he also appeared intimate with a few points, no more points of life; The news from the torture is enough to make the whole Qiangqu District grateful. Together with Ye Qi’s new identity expressed by Finge, the Thousand Marsh area faces the same existence as Stowe, which is undoubtedly welcome. .

"I hope Fendi is fine!"

After the talk, Toka could not help but sigh.

"It will be ok! Fendi's squad is only trapped by those guys; with Fendi's ability, as long as it is not a regular army, if you want to escape, there is no problem! What's more, Stodo is receiving After the news, I will be in the first place!"

Ye Qi, who once played with Fendi at the Apostle Contest with the title of 'black bat', remembers the other's abilities as well - the ability of the other party plus the scimitar in the other hand, as long as it is not directly I met the strong man of rì曜 level, then in the moonlight class. Absolutely rare opponents; not to mention facing a group of 'counterfeit apostles' that were 'made'.

Ye Qike has always been remembered for the mob leader who suddenly saw the apostle from the ordinary man’s ruins. Not only did he examine the other’s body in detail at the time, but also afterwards. I did a series of investigations; unfortunately, everything was nothing; just what Ye Qi didn't think was that in the interrogation last night, there was such an unexpected gain!

Moreover, Allen's very detailed confession, which is completely intended to be confessed, is completely beyond Ye Qi's expectation; except for this unexpected gain. As well as Ye Qi’s original position of the temple, the surprise of Ye Qi was that he had the fate of Fendi – the 'counterfeiting apostle' that was 'made' by the other party forced into a remnant of the C2 area. .

Although Allen did not know why this group of 'famous apostles' that were 'made' would attack Fendi's entire team. But this does not mean that Ye Qi does not know what he is going to do now. After the end of the torture and re-inflicting Allen into a lethargy, Ye Qi informed the person in charge of the Chiba area in the market, Toka; Toka, who was still shocked by the purpose of getting the other side from Wall's mouth, was once again scared.

He never imagined that he would encounter such a thorny incident - in the face of any mob, Toka, who is the head of the market in the Chima area, would not worry. However, if it is mixed with the shadow of the cult, then it is enough for him to worry; although there is no good feeling for the Holy See, but for the cult similar to the Holy See, the entire Qianggu District is even more disgusted; after all. As the former who was once a ruler of the era, there are sometimes some scruples. Except for the dark creatures, even the hunters with old grievances. It will also choose a more polite way; therefore, it is no exception to the local Qianguma area with friction.

The latter does not have such an estimate. It is like a slap in the face of all the benefits that can be seen. It does not take into account all the consequences. As a three-way, 'backcountry' area, Toka has seen it too. There are many similar incidents; after all, there is nothing more than a need for a man who is suffering from the Qianguma area here, and some people with a purpose, quietly entering, it is too normal. It is.

I saw with my own eyes an ordinary and amiable elder who became like a nerve under the confusion of the other side and generally contributed all of his own life, even his own life. This is enough for Toka to be called indelible; even if it is After the Demon Hunter Guild and the Holy See intervened, such incidents have become rare, but the jǐng惕 of the cult has never been reduced in the hearts of the people in the area.

"Reassure, everything will wait until Stowe comes back, just become again as usual!" Seeing that Toka is walking around, the heart is very heavy, Ye Qi beats each other's shoulders in a Finger way, with a hearty The smile said: "The headquarters and the Holy See will not let people exist in Lolante, and with the appearance of these big men, those exist only in the sun, the snow, the instant melting!"

"It will definitely become as usual!"

Obviously, the presence of the Demon Hunter Headquarters and the Holy See gave Toka great confidence, and the original frowning brows also stretched out a bit - although there is no good feeling for the latter, but for the latter's strength, do Toka is also very clear to the locals who have dealt with the other party in the area of ​​the Marsh. Even if the wicked wicked are strong, Toka believes that after the special existence of the Holy See, the final demise will be those. The final destination of the wicked; after all, these cult sinister secrets, hiding attitude has already explained everything; not to mention this time the upcoming siege, there are also the addition of the demon people who admire him.

"No, it will be better than usual! Because we have the help of Ms. Kalia!"

The Toka, who had paused, suddenly stopped and said affirmatively; even when his entire man’s cheek was realized because of the long-awaited hope, a cháo red appeared in the excitement. The corner of the card's corner of the eye swept over the face of Lucy, Toka immediately said in a tone of the person: "Ms. Kalia is definitely a rare wife!"

" but it is not for me!"

Facing the eye-catching Toka, Ye Qi immediately shrugged his shoulders in the way of Finger, and then waved his hand at Toka: "Send it here!"

"Are you sure not to wait for Stowe to come back with you?" Toka asked solemnly.

"Reassured, Toka, I just went to investigate the truth of the so-called "Temple", not to attack each other! There are not many people in the crowd! And, I can't be a lonely hero!"

Tightly behind the baggage, Ye Qi, who has already arrived at the gate of the market, did not look back and officially said goodbye. He just raised his right arm and waved as he walked.

PS Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the June snow IV200 starting point of the reward; sn, dark Yan phoenix 100 starting point of the reward of the money, two months of tickets, Xuanyuan Yuhe a monthly ticket, len one The reward of Zhang Yuetiao is hereby thanked all the brothers and sisters who support decadence. . )


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