Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 42: Under shock

On the sand dunes, a hot wind blew, and immediately raised a piece of yellow sand, wrapped the six people standing on the sand dunes; and at this moment, after repeated emptying, a squeaking sound Feeling the strange atmosphere around and the pressure that made them feel huge, Carter and Cyans did not dare to move in the same place.

They can hear that the repeated sounds of the air are ringing around, and that the sullenness comes from the deputy city owner Kirily of Quanshuicheng. Even an ordinary person can infer that in this short In an instant work, the four people around have already played, and Kiri has suffered a loss.

When the yellow sand blew through the hot wind and dissipated, the sights of Katwi and Cirrus were clear again, and the atmosphere of their perceptual suppression disappeared, so that they could clearly see them standing opposite each other. Kire’s brows were wrinkled, and there was even a scratch on the left shoulder of the coat.

As for the manufacturer of scratches?

Cheddel’s green dagger is undoubtedly a sign of what.

Gilly's face was calm and his voice was without any ups and downs. He looked at Cheddar indifferently and asked slowly: "Will the shackles of the meditation bear the consequences for your actions?"

Although Kirch has no special expression, even the sound is so calm, but the content of the discourse is more than anger, but killing, a desperate need to set off two organizational wars - —Zilyan and Smoj, the former is silent, while the latter is brows.

Because, they know, Kiri really can do it.

Cheddar turned the green dagger between the fingers. The head of the dagger pointed directly at Kirch. Cold smile: "Spring Water City will pay the price for such a discourse... The meditation of the meditation. There is no challenge, Kildley, do you want to try it? Make sure that you will never forget!"

Gilly laughed, but he was smiling and cold. He said, "I am waiting for it! Maybe we should have a high score now?"

Cheder’s gloomy eyes swept Kierley’s shoulders and said in a sullen voice: “Now it’s a high score? Is this needed? Don’t you feel that your left shoulder is numb?”

Kyle was shocked and turned to look at the left shoulder. I don't know when it was just the left shoulder that was cut through the coat. Even with the clothes, it was already black.

Chedel said with a smile: "My dagger is not able to see the blood to spread the toxins... As long as I touch a little bit, even indirect contact is enough to play its effects!" Dunton, Chedel Li said: "Now, what qualifications do you have to talk to me? Oh, don't think about using ordinary antidote to hydrolyze poison, that is useless... What do you want to do with Smoj?"

Chedel's words are gloomy. With great enthusiasm, especially when I saw that Killy began to take out the antidote. The feeling of smugness, even the people standing around can feel clear; but, the next moment, his voice is mad.

Looking at Smooy, who was heading for Kire, the killer of the sorrowful field couldn't help but reach out and stop, but Zellyan wrapped in the cloak was in front of him, and Chedel said: "How? Is the blood alliance tower and Quanshui City allied?"

Zilyan, hidden in the cloak, said with a strong voice: "The blood alliance tower is neutral and will not help any forces!"

Chedell looked at Smooy, who had a white glow in his hand, and hurriedly said, "Then let go!"

In Chedell's words, Zilyan really took a step back, but Chedell did not have the slightest joy. He looked at the converging white light and was moving his left shoulder. He did not care about Kild, who was eager to say: "Smooy, Zilyan, you are provoking to the top of the meditation!"

Zilyan did not say much, but he stood back in the distance, but Smoj was slightly closed, slightly bowed his head, as if praying: "We are not enemies, the enemy is the unsuccessful existence... ...our internal friction will not only make us get more, but on the contrary, it will only make us lose everything!"

Obviously the words of advice were spoken from Smoi's mouth. Then he looked at Kirk and Cheddar and said: "We will not stop the war organized by two or two people behind, but... please After we have done what we have done, we will do it, and we will only lose our lives and there will be no gains!"


After Cheder issued a cold cry, he said, "Of course I know what is the most important thing, but some people don't know. Don't you see what he wants to be swallowed before? One person wants to Do you want to die alone?"

Kiel squinted and responded: "I just want to ask in detail, then I will convey it to you truthfully, but some people... despicable as the existence of the gutter, they always look up at the chastity. The moon, then, rolled up in those muds—because they always wanted to insult themselves and speculate on others; but, unfortunately, the moon is in the air, and they are in the gutter, how is it enough, too Not enough!"

There is no swearing words in the discourse, but the meaning of sarcasm and contempt is obvious.

Smoj frowned slightly, and before the face-changing Chedel had not spoken, he preached: "I think we should ask these two young people now, instead of continuing to waste time - after all None of us knows how long the Lord Ye Qi will stay there!"

"Yes, if the news is true, his purpose will definitely not be here, but the bridge on the other side!"

Zilyan, who has been rarely talking, is equally attached.

Obviously, the annexation of Zilyan made the dispute between Kirch and Cheddar come to an end temporarily. However, the atmosphere between the two was very unnatural, but there was no conflict.

Kiel slowly walked to the side of Katwi and Cyans. In the fearful salute of the two men, they waved their hands and asked: "You will tell all the things you have been there, and have a detailed description. The face of the Lord Ye Qi!"

Carter, who has a good mouth and can work better. Stand up immediately. He nodded and said: "Yes. Kirily, we went straight after we got the task..."

Carter’s narration of the 15th and 10th, even some discussions between him and his friends were said; however, for some reason, Katwi ignored the fact that Nusti was in their entry into Ye Qi. The words spoken in the house; and the Cyans on the side seems to have no such words at all, just standing there quietly.

About ten minutes later, Katwe’s narrative stopped. Kilden spent another twenty minutes, asking questions in his mind—essentially focused on Ye Qi’s looks and characteristics, as well as Mullett’s first level, and Nusti’s situation. Above, and in these three items, there are quite a large proportion of the appearance and characteristics of Ye Qi, and the latter two are not enough to compare with the former.

After asking the last question in his heart, Kire smiled and said to Katwi and Cyans: "You are doing very well. I will reward you with the three levels of task level!"

Katwi and Cyans immediately went to the ceremony: "Killy, we are thank you!"

Kire kept a smile and waved. Carter and Cyans went to the ranks of the Spring Water City not far from the desert. Although they completed the mission to the Tucheng exploration, they were before the task of searching for the treasures. Obviously it is impossible to leave.

Even if they want to leave here, but on the surface is still so calm, and even flashed a glimmer of joy from time to time.

However, what the two think is inside, but only they know it.

After all, Cyans’s hunch is always the same.


Looking back to the subordinates belonging to his own team, Kiel retracted his gaze and turned to look at the three people beside him. He seemed to be outside the house and asked: "What are you going to do?"

Chedel snorted and asked, "What should I do? What do you say?"

Kiel smiled and shook his head and said, "Hotril is now ignorant, and Palder has disappeared... We are always too underestimated, and this will lead to such a result!"

Zilyan suddenly said: "Our blood alliance tower is not involved in the matter between you and Hortel!"

The tone was affirmative, and the disdain was also unusually obvious. After the rest of the three people were slightly stunned, they were somewhat unnatural. Chedel had a glance at Zilyan, but Smooy whispered. A few words of God said, but Kildare continued to smile, but no matter how you look at it, such a smile is a bit awkward.

And Zilyan, hidden in the cloak and seeing everything in his eyes, was sneer at the bottom of his heart, especially when he looked at Kildley’s gaze, the disdainful meaning became more and more rich--for being able to sell A person who is a member of the organization, he is extremely despised, but this does not prevent him from gaining benefits from it; after all, it is not a person of the Blood League Tower, why should he worry about it?

Kire looked at Zilyan, who hid everything in the cloak. The smile still said: "Since Zilyan is still standing here, you have already participated in the matter between us and Hortel. This is undisputed, unless you swear to give up the benefits you will get now... If that's the case, I have nothing to say, presumably Cheddar and Smoj, and that's it!"

Chedel said with a smile, revenge generally said: "If you want to get the benefits, don't put on a look outside the scene... You just blocked me in front of me, what did you say? The blood alliance tower has always been neutral? Looking at it now, it seems that it is not the case!"

Smooy did not speak, but the smile on his face already explained everything.

Zilyan is silent, but the heat wave rolling around is understandable. What is the mood of the representative of the blood alliance tower?

After thirty seconds, those heat waves began to disappear, and Zilyan also said coldly: "I will not swear!"

Although it is just a few words, but it has already explained everything, Kirch has not forced the other side again, but turned to look at Cheddar: "The mistakes we made will never be repeated, so please After that, the spy went to a glimpse... I need more accurate information; after all, Mullett’s first level was hung. Nusti was imprisoned. Although it was true, no one saw it!”

Chedel squinted and said, "Do you want our people to die?"

Kire repeatedly shook his head and said: "No, no, we have better candidates!"

Smoey also laughed: "Yes!"


In the distance, in the place of hundreds of kilometers from the treasure search, a group of people gathered, a small group of people sitting in a tent surrounded by huge cowhide, a mysterious piece of leather The words, with special strength to prevent the invasion of sand. And more is disguise.

From the outside, it is just a sand dune, nothing special, just like the surrounding sand dunes.

"When are we waiting?"

The sound of a thick **** sounded, and then a big, burly man stood up. He shouted loudly: "It has been four days. Do we have to wait? If we wait, we will even have the shadow of the treasure. Can't see it!"

"Yes, it has been four days!"

"We can't wait any longer!"

"We have to go there!"


This statement is obviously got inside the tent. The rest of the people agreed, a group of people smashed in the mess.

"To shut up!"

A cold drink made these sounds stop. A thin man sitting in the corner stood up, the gray ordinary robes, the long sword at the waist also looked slightly worn, the whole person's face was even dirty, the beard even condensed in everything, obviously already very I haven't taken a bath for a long time or I have taken care of it.

In short, the whole person can only be described by two words: 邋遢.

After attracting everyone's attention, the embarrassed swordsman smiled and said lazily: "Don't worry, everyone waits patiently, or else go to lunch break? Maybe after sleeping The news that everyone is waiting is back!"

"Glottel, you are a ghost, you can sleep anywhere, but I don't have much time!" The voice of the rough rang again, and the burly big man shook his head and said with a sigh of relief. I need something in the treasure!"

The swordsman lying there, his head did not lift and said: "Yes, yes, you are about to break through to the extraordinary big man, I can't compete with you... but, are you ready to fight with the four forces? Is it true that all the people here will add up to the war with one of them?"

Such discourses are obviously somewhat rude, but the people present here are silent—because this is a fact, and when confronted with facts, it is useless to argue what is.

After a long while, the voice of the rough singer rang: "Don't we wait like this?" The tone was full of resentment, followed by the anger of the burst: "The **** four forces, in exchange for the hard work in exchange for admission The way the coupons limit us is too damn!"

The swordsman lying there turned slightly and turned into a posture of rising to the sky. After he yawned heavily, he said, "This is also a problem that can't be done. Isn't the rules of the bridge on the other side the same?" Compared to those coolies, we should be much happier!"


After the swordsman sighed, he closed his eyes like this. After a while, there was a loud snoring, apparently entering the deep sleep; and the long breathing and relaxed posture were obviously not pretending. It is really falling asleep.

For such a guy, there is no way for all the people. Even the voice of the rude tycoon can only blink and then sit down. After all, they are still alone, and any force that can be drawn is It is necessary to draw, and it is obvious that the strength of the swordsman is very strong, it is worthy of wooing, although the other party is really embarrassed, but beyond the dirty face, sour smell, there is nothing that can not Patience.

It’s a big deal, when you pass by the other side, you don’t breathe.

Of course, the words should be said less.

The dull atmosphere in the tent continued until a glimpse of the air appeared.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

Character card, item update -

Item: Book: Furyka's spell book - the eye of Mao Mo.

Samikina's drive (the holy device)

Abigail Diary - The magic diary of the 16 wizarding emperors.

Firearms: m500 revolver upgraded azure rose (from the original large revolver m500, modified by Colt; need special matching bullets to be able to exert maximum power.)

Cold Weapon: The Devil's Knife (The short knife given by the old John was broken and forged by the sacred tower tower, Blanc.)

Clothing: A number of pieces of gold-trimmed apostle windbreaker, similar to the magical outfit of the apostle trench coat (damaged).

Jewelry: a silver jug ​​(a gift from the old John), a broken belt (a gift from a profiteer) negative ring

Holy device: 阎魔(长刀,日耀), Bronze Guardian (left bracelet星照; remove), green leaf (ornament, star photo) 锢者's claw left glove, star Photograph; remove the blue star mark (right glove, moonlight), the wind wing (leather boots, moonlight) wizard's crown. Liege (legendary)

Special items: [high dimensional bag], [secondary bag] (storage), war horn

Other items: electromagnetic detector ems (detects the location of the victim when the victim is killed, if the signal is strong, it is likely to have a ghost or detect strong negative energy.)

Holy Water (purchased from the profiteer Ward, it is rumored that Ward got some from the Holy See! Although the price is not very cheap, it is really effective for dark creatures.)

Spiritual powder (Draw a circle of spiritual circles, construct enchantment, can prevent the attack of ordinary evil spirits or virtual dark creatures! The main constituent materials are more than a hundred years of tomb...)

Special Crystal Life Dust x2: When you are slightly injured, if you hold it hard and put it on the wound, your wound will heal immediately; when you are seriously injured, you can swallow it directly and immediately stabilize the injury! Rest assured, this is definitely not the set of Heather's ability to use his ability to inspire the potential of life. .

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