Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 50: Treasure Time VI

The reborn demon hunter through train m/k/1751791.aspx The atmosphere is arrogant and arrogant.

The subordinates of Quanshuicheng and the meditation domain, although there are still doubts in their hearts, but the action is not slow, they grouped the subordinates of the four blood alliance towers; after all, their leaders have formed a pair of opponents’ heads. The situation, they naturally can not be indifferent.

The rules of the bridge on the other side have already allowed this lower layer to obey the upper layer and penetrate into the bone marrow.

"You, wait!"

Just as the flames beside Zilyan had begun to roll, a sensation came out, and at the same time, the white light of the film descended from the air, with a trace of holiness, and... calming the soul; The heart of the war seems to have calmed down in this white light.

Smoj, who almost integrated his whole body in this white light, with a kind smile, his eyes glanced around and said: "Can you calm down first..." The words paused a little, and Smoey looked at him. Zilyan and Kirch, and the cherd three, he said clearly and gently: "We don't need to fight... because we don't have the reason for fighting!"

Smooy looked at Ye Qi and smiled and asked: "Hello, are you a bloodline tower?"

The seemingly simple question is hidden secret!

Undoubtedly, in the bridge on the other side, they are 'understanding' Ye Qi, knowing that Ye Qi is not a person of the blood alliance tower. Therefore, if Ye Qi can only say no, then Zilyan naturally has no excuse for the shot - although The Blood commonly used tower is famous for taking care of commonly mixed blood in the bridge on the other side, but there are also quite different differences. At the very least, the mixed blood that has not joined the Blood Alliance Tower and joined the Blood Alliance Tower is two treatments.

Business parameter is nothing to lose, the normal organization, the blood is also not the case.

And such a difference in treatment will naturally extend in all aspects, and this is the same, even more important.

As for Yitchi’s promise?

Although Smooy left Lorante for a long time, he still remembers the stench of the demon hunter, and according to him, Ye Qi is a hunter.

And this is a good premise.

Sure enough, just after the words of Smoj fell, Kirch and Cheddar, who had been confronted with continue to Zilyan, seemed to think of something, and immediately laughed; Chedel said again and again: "Want to When someone else shoots, you have to ask other people's wishes or their origins... Lord, are you sure you are from the Blood Alliance Tower?"

Kire is silent, but the smile on the corner of his mouth has already explained everything.

"He is me..."

Zilyan undoubtedly understood that these guys were paying attention to them, and immediately they were screaming; however, when the snoring was not completely out, Smooy’s hand raised was a white light that hit Zilyan; Before the gentle, sober people, this time is cold and biting, and even brought a sharp metal.

Obviously, Smooy would not allow Zilyan to say anything else, or simply say that he did not want to have any accidents to interfere with the choice of the demon hunter named Ye Qi; and undoubtedly, Kiel And Chedell will be very good with Smoj.

Just as Smoey’s next moment to Zilyan’s shot, Kiri, with a smile, sighed slightly and whispered: “Zilyan is not a warm-hearted person, but has a different attachment to the blood. ... However, it is clear that his persistence today is not a good choice for him!"

Cheddar even blinked and said: "Smoy is a kind old man, but if we join forces, the defeat of Zilyan is only a matter of time; right, and four of him. Under the squad, it will also die with Zilyan... The Blood Alliance Tower is such a blind, what is the strategic retreat that does not understand?"

Kierly suddenly thought of something, and again opened his mouth and asked: "Yes, are you a bloodline tower?"

When such a problem was exported, Zilyan apparently anxious. He began to madly push the flames around him, but under the block of Smooy, he could not break through the white light, even though he opened his mouth. But there was no sound that came out.

Zil's cloak has completely turned into fly ash at this moment, revealing the red skin inside, the corner of the head, but the bloodline of the purgatory, there is a pair of smaller behind him, obviously unable to support the flight. Wings; if it is not a small figure, it is simply a balo.

Growing up in the mouth, indicating the anger of Zilyan, and the sudden appearance of the scimitar and long whip in the hand, it indicates that Zilyan has to give it a go.

Killy and Cheddar couldn't help but frown slightly, and they were secretly vigilant – they were obviously preparing to help Smoj at the crucial moment; after all, they were also the forces of the other side of the bridge, they were very Understand that Zilyan will be a situation if it is crazy.

Maybe they won't have anything, but their subordinates are inevitable.

As leaders, they are absolutely unwilling to see their own deaths without reason, especially in this kind of person who needs manpower, but it is very worthless to die.

Their subordinates, even if they are dying, are worthy of death.

This is an extension of the rules of the other side of the bridge, or the habit of growing over time; in fact, the same is true of the other people in other places.

For example, abandoning a car to protect the handsome, can not be because of a small loss or go, my wife and my husband, etc., not all?

But the difference is different, or in some respects, the whitewash is different, so that it looks a little different glory; in fact? What is different!

Naturally, the atmosphere that was previously eased by Smoj was once again tense, and at this time, Ye Qi’s voice sounded clearly –

"I'm not!"

The sound is so clear that it is enough for everyone present to hear it.

The tightly guarded Kiri and Cheder’s subconscious mouth are awkward, and the Smoj in the battle is a wave of a cold light that is separated from the flames of Zilyan. The sound is gentle: Er Yan, this lord has already indicated his identity, we don’t need to fight again!"

Zilyan’s body was full of blazing flames, and he angrily shouted: “Is the demon man such a stupid fool?”

Ye Qi shrugged and said: "There is no way, I am a very traditional hunting demon!"

Zilyan didn't talk any more, and he was cold and cold; however, when Kirkly, Cheddar, and Smoey turned and looked at what to say to Ye Qi -


The flames of Zilyan burst into flames, and the three high-rises and the three high-level subordinates standing in the surrounding forces had to dodge; these flames were not only hot but also full of smoke. It seems that the volcanic eruption is a volcanic ash. The smell of thick sulfur spreads throughout the audience, making the people in the room breathless and the eyes are burning.

And after a dozen seconds, when all of this subsided, Zilyan and his four subordinates had already stood on the side of Ye Qi, Zilyan looked across Kiri, Chedell and Smoey. The gloomy face, then watching Ye Qi’s incomprehensibility, Zilyan’s red face, brought a smile that was awkward: “You are a very traditional hunter, and I am a hateful tradition. The mixed, I won’t care about your tradition!”

"Hey, you guys who are ill-intentioned, if you want to fight, come on!" Zilyan, who took the scimitar and the long whip in his hand, facing the three people of Kirch, Cheddar and Smoj. A fang, "Whether this guy is a **** tower, as long as it is a mixed blood, I will help!"

Kire smiled and advised with the remaining patience: "Zilyan's behavior like this will bring trouble to the Blood Alliance Tower. You should..."

Red. Naked. With the upper body, revealing the red sputum muscles of Zilyan, spit out a strong smell of sulfur, said: "The blood alliance tower has enough trouble, do not care a few more! You are one by one Come, or come together?"

Chedel sneered: "The stubborn person, but the first to die..."


The flame's long whip interrupted Chedell's words, the short figure, and slammed back, and Zilyan laughed arrogantly: "Whoever died first is not necessarily awkward!"

Hey, hey, hey!

In the voice of the voice, the flames whip with a burst of crisp sound, the temperature that has just subsided around, once again stirred up a scorching heat.

Standing next to each other, looking at Zer's crazy and almost rebellious move, Ye Qi raised his brow slightly, then shook his head and smiled - no doubt, for Ye Qi, there is such a purgatory creature. Too much surprise, even if it is a mixed blood.

"The chaotic camp, what kind of existence is there?"

The wolf is watching by watching the lively mentality completely, ignoring the helplessness of his own contractor at this time. In fact, it does not look at the eyes of the contractor’s so-called plan. After all, this is seen in it. Come, it is too rudimentary.

Jane is not simple, simple and simple, although it is only a word difference, but the latter can often be associated with the word 'effective', but the former represents 'failure', and the better description is 'cheap difference' '; However, no matter how good the description is, failure is failure.

Of course, as both parties to the contract, the wolf does not want his contractor to really fail, especially when it comes to the statue of it; it is only in its thinking that such a simple plan is difficult. Success; but it seems that the luck of his contractor is always good, and there is a mixed blood of the purgatory to spoil.

Other wolves are not considered, but the wolf can be sure that his contractor's plan seems to be successful; after all, after the prisoner's spoiler, his contractor and his three friends agreed time More than a third has passed.

"Kid, don't take good luck as helplessness - this will make you bad luck!"

The blame wore a sentence like this, and once again kept his own mode of watching, not talking; and Ye Qi had to talk, or to stop the **** tower of Zilyan - he thanked each other Help, even quite appreciate the other side, in the face of possible deaths, still do not back down.

However, this does not mean that Ye Qi will really look at the other party and die in front of him.

From the fluctuations reflected in the "blind bucket perception", Kire and the old man who seems to be a cultist have begun to move around, plus the words of Cheddar who are working with each other, no doubt, Ye Qi does not think that Zilyan will have a chance of winning.


In a green dagger, when he flew out from Chedell, Ye Qi’s scabbard grabbed the dagger before Zilyan’s scimitar and flew the dagger, watching the dagger inserted in the yellow sand, Kiri and Smooy did not hesitate to join the battle circle, but when Zilyan was clamoring to rush to the two, Ye Qi was in front of Zilyan.

Ye Qi faced the doubtful eyes of Zilyan and smiled faintly: "They came to me, so... this is my battle; and in my battle, I don't want other people to intervene!"

Zil's red face, scarlet like blood and like a flame in the eyes with a strange, asked: "You have to deal with, three of them?"

Ye Qi nodded and added: "There are people behind them!"

Zilyan shook his head quickly and stressed: "While you killed Murret, you wouldn't think that they are a level with Mullett? Kild is the deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng. Del is one of the four killer heads of the meditation domain. Although Smoj has no fame on the other side of the bridge, in Lorante, he is the famous inquisition director of the year!"

Apparently, Zilyan had wisdom that was inconsistent with his rude appearance. It seemed to be an emphasis on the words, but it was one by one that introduced the strong enemy in front of him to Ye Qi.

In this regard, Ye Qi smiled and nodded, accepted the goodwill of the other party, but did not have any intention to withdraw the previous words.

Zilyan eagerly shouted: "Even if you have the talent of blood, it is impossible to have three of them together, not to mention the number of people who have nearly 100 people behind them!"

Ye Qi nodded again. His eyes looked at the three sides of the four sides of the bridge in front of him, and smiled faintly: "What about that?"

Zilyan faced such a disdain or sarcasm answer, and saw Ye Qi watching the eyes of the opposite crowd, unable to help frown, because he found that the other party seemed to be a stubborn person like him. Once the decision is made, it is difficult to modify the guy.

As the same personality, Zilyan said very simply: "I help you!"

Ye Qi nodded: "Okay, please, Sir Ziljan, take the Mr. Wald away from the battlefield, and the next battle is not the gentleman can participate!"

In the face of Wald's straightforward people who have no bad thoughts, he does not mind saving the other person's life if conditions permit.

"Hey! I don't mean this, I mean..."

After Zilyan’s glimpse, he will immediately refute it. However, the words have just been exported and they have been suddenly attracted by Ye Qi’s body, and they have slammed the words back.


The huge, loud dragon humming sound suddenly rises around Ye Qi, and the sound is getting louder and louder. After a few breaths, it is like the thunder of the dark clouds, shaking the sky; the sand on the ground is no. The wind is automatic, just like what is great in the sky.

A funnel-shaped 'tornado' consisting entirely of sand was formed in a few breaths.

Call, call, call!

The huge salon roll, as if to show his power, began to growl, spinning at a rapid speed, after reaching a height of one hundred feet, it is still expanding, two hundred feet, three hundred feet, this The salon volume seems to be generally no end to growth.

The Kirily, Chedell, and Smooy underneath looked at the ever-larger salon roll, and they couldn't help but feel the ‘power’ involved in it.

Zilyan was laughing and laughing. He raised his hand and waved Wald in his hand. He shouted loudly: "Remove!"

Looking at Zilyan, who was running far away, Kiel's three faces changed again. If they could, they also wanted to leave temporarily. It is obviously the power of heaven and earth.

That's right, it's the power of heaven and earth.

However, at the beginning, it was the power of heaven and earth caused by people.

Knife wind. The wind of destruction!

In the secret technique [Sword Wind], the most powerful trick is also the ultimate mystery. With its own sword wind, it ignites the wind between the heavens and the earth, and blows up the wind that destroys everything.

However, Ye Qi is thinking about changing the sword wind into a knife style. Of course, there is no difference. It is a typical change of soup.

Ye Qi is not surprised by the power of the knife wind. The wind is destroyed, because according to the memory description of Dragon's Inheritance (Upper Dragon), he has no power at the moment of this final esoteric one-third. It is issued; however, Ye Qi believes that with the improvement of the skills of [Cold Weapons (Legend)], it is not difficult to truly reproduce the ultimate meaning of [Swordwind].

Of course, even if it is completely re-emerged, there is still a considerable gap from the ‘destruction’. This is just a name.

However, naturally, having such a name is enough to illustrate its power.

Look at the faint Kild, Cheddar and Smoj.

"Temporarily retreat!"

When Chedel disappeared silently, and the people of the meditation were disappeared, Kirch gave up the last glimpse of the face, loud swearing - comparing between life and face, for Kirch The former is undoubtedly more important.

However, such an order is a bit overdone!

The salon roll, which is five hundred feet in diameter and more than one hundred and fifty feet in diameter, began to move after a slight meal, and the speed exceeded anyone's expectations.

PS to repair the book, come back late...

The repairman told the decadence that the notebook was basically a complete pit, not only the CPU and the motherboard, but also the hard disk is GAME OVER... The repairman was very curious about how the decadence caused such consequences - if it is water, it is usually burned at most. It’s very rare to drop the motherboard and burn it with the hard drive. There isn’t one in a dozen!

This is the original words of the repairman. After listening, when I was in tears, I went to buy a lottery ticket...

Because it is another book, the thesaurus, the materials are gone, and the decadence relies on the memory for a long time, and then the codeword is started; although this is the case, the speed of the decadence itself is not fast, and it is slower and slower.

唉......(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the mobile phone network () subscription, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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