Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 54: Treasure when X


The door made of pure metal, when the violently closed, the door itself collided with the door frame, and the sound of the big bell sounded in the underground city; the big man who had just rushed out of the palace gate and Ava, did not want to The body instincts rushed toward the palace gate again.

Especially the big man, he raised his fist. He wanted to smash the door in front of him and save his friend. Although it is not clear what happened before, there is a big man who can be sure. Friends in the palace will definitely have trouble.

"Wait! Don't touch the door!"

The voice of whispering sound came from the door of the palace. Although the sound was very unclear because of the blockage of the door, the anxiety in the little man's words was obvious.

Hey, hey, hey!

Then there were several consecutive blows, the dull sound that interrupted the little man's words.

And this makes the big man and Ava more anxious, but with a small reminder of the big man and Ava, they dare not touch the door again - obviously, can make the little man in this sudden time, Forgetting to remind, naturally it is something related to poison.

"Look at the other entrances around!"

Ava took out a seed, and began to catalyze with natural force, while talking to the big man, while the big man turned and ran.

The seeds in the hands of Ava quickly grew into a seedling, and then, the hard marble floor in front of the palace, when Ava put the seedlings down, they were immediately pierced by the roots. The seedlings grow at a faster rate. The two breathing hours become one person high.

Turquoise foliage. Soft like a willow, but the leaves themselves are like a barracuda, even with a hint of sharpness.

Hey, hey!

With two crisp sounds, the sharpest of the branches and leaves, quickly plunged into the door; suddenly, a stinking taste began to appear from the door, the pure black looks like a door made entirely of metal At this time, it seems that it is alive.

The black, stinky smoke. Beginning to permeate the gate, and then, along the two branches that plunged into the gate, the plants that are catalyzed by nature are extended; almost at the next moment, the green-green plant becomes dark green. Then it is black.

When it turned completely black, the plant began to wither quickly.

Ava’s face changed. Apparently, Ava was amazed at the toxins on the door; after all, he had just produced a plant called ‘Deland Grass’. It is a plant that grows deep in the Hailin District. It is inherently toxic and has a very toxic effect in the Hailin District. The arrowhead frog, which can poison hundreds of people, is helpless in the face of the use of DeLangcao, but he did not expect that the cypresses catalyzed by the power of nature could face the toxins on this door and could even be eroded.

The surprise at the bottom of my heart did not slow down Ava’s movements. He quickly took out the seeds of two sagebrushes and began to catalyze again.

The big man who had swiftly checked around the palace and ran back again.

"No, other places are completely sealed, and there is special protection... The door is only here!" The big man said that he had checked the situation, his tone was dignified; and at this time, it came again.砰砰砰's dull hit, the big man's face shook his head: "Datong, are you okay?"

After about two minutes, when the big man couldn't help but open again, there was a small voice in it.

"Do not worry, I am fine!"

Although the discourse is like this, both the big man and Ava have heard the gasping inside. Obviously, the real situation is not as ‘nothing’ as the little man said.

"Can this poison be removed?"

The big man looked at Ava, who was catalyzing the third batch of seeds, and asked anxiously.

"About twenty minutes!"

Ava gave the fastest answer.

However, such an answer is obviously too slow for the big man. Even Ava himself thinks it is too slow. He sees that his whole body is shining with emerald green light and he knows that he is trying his best to make himself the best. Power, speeding up the removal of toxins on this door.

Looking at the catalysis of the seeds in front of Ava, listening to the sound of the hits from time to time, the big man standing in the place seems to be the ant on the hot pot, eagerly turning around in the same place; then, fierce The big man who thought of what was in the air was suddenly in place.


With a sullen, walking to the door of the palace, the big man under the steps suddenly inserted his arm deep into the ground of the obsidian, and then the ability to control the rock ran in a completely explosive situation, then the big man A fierce upward mention.

Suddenly, an obsidian round ball with a diameter of more than thirty feet was lifted up by the big white man and squatted on his shoulder.

"Ava, get out!"

The big man shouted loudly, Ava, who was catalyzing the seeds in the distance, did not stop the act of catalyzing the seeds, but the whole person was flashing away for about fifty yards.

The big man lifted the huge round obsidian over his head and took a deep breath. When the muscles of the whole body were raised high, especially on the sides of the shoulders, the height was as if the big man had two more. In general, when the power is saved to the extreme, the big man screams fiercely: "Drink!"


The huge round obsidian, with a bad wind that makes people feel scared, straight to the door of the palace, more powerful than the most powerful trebuchet.


When the obsidian squatted on the gate of the palace, the sound of an explosion like a ton of explosives suddenly sounded. The palace itself was under such power and shook with three shakes.

However, the gate of the palace was only sunken down and was not completely opened.

Although not completely opened, the depression on the door is enough to prove that such behavior is effective. The big man did not hesitate at all. Once again, insert your hand into the ground.

After a while. The previous scene was repeated again.


It was the explosion of the roar, the depression of the gate was bigger, and even a gap was formed between the tight doors.

And when the big man is ready to start the third time, there is a small voice inside.

"Dallan, stop... the inside is falling!"

The sound seemed to be intermittent, but the sound was clear because of the door.

And the big man and Ava standing outside the palace gate. I finally saw the situation inside -

A giant spider is hanging upside down on the top of the palace hall. A spider's silk with the size of the adult's small arm is firmly fixed there. The back is a huge net. This net will be completely The hall of the palace is shrouded in it, so that any creature that has stepped into the interior of the palace will become the food of this giant spider.

This giant spider is the same as a general spider, but the whole body is black, and even under the shine of the butter candle, it shines with metallic luster; however. After careful observation, I immediately found out that something was wrong.

Although from the appearance and action point of view. This giant spider is a dozens of magnified appearance of a spider, but at some point, the spider has a stagnation, and when another ‘咔, 嘎吱吱! After the appearance of the crisp spring, the big man and Ava, immediately, at the same time, said: "Mystery!"

Obviously, this lifelike giant spider is a special mystery!

When the giant spider was separated from the mystery, the big man and Ava looked at each other, and the face that could not help could be worried.

As friends, they certainly know their strengths and weaknesses.

Ye Qi, the knife-based ability to match the various abilities, basically does not have much disadvantages and shortcomings, is the only one of the four people who can fight at any time and anywhere.

Darlan, on the other hand, is endless, especially after the transformation, the power is unimaginably increased, and the body has become harder than the granite, but correspondingly, the dexterity has irreparable defects.

The advantages and disadvantages of Ava are more obvious. He needs some time to cultivate seeds or plants. In this period of time, although his strength is a legendary strongman in extraordinary circumstances, he cannot fully express it. It is natural that the opponents who have attacked or attacked are obviously inferior.

As for Datong?

The ability of the own toxins, plus the nine-night innocent transformation, made Datong the best pathfinder and sub-pilot role in many occasions, but only one exception is the case - facing the time !

Whether it is a toxin that is extremely lethal to ordinary organisms, or the ability to be a natural enemy of undead or undead, facing the cockroaches made of metal or wood, it is useless and can only be dealt with by other means; however, Obviously, after throwing away the two aspects that are best at the end, the remaining means, even if they are effective, are limited.

And in fact, the same is true.

The little man in the palace, leaning against the dexterous hand, escaped a slap in the spider's body, and the hand was flashing, and a flying knife shot at the joint of the other's hind legs.


Next to Mars, the flying knife was smashed. The giant spider spurted out a white, nearly transparent thread. The little man immediately rolled over and escaped such a dangerous attack. At the same time, the whole person borrowed. The occlusion of the column in the palace, the giant scorpion spider once again smacked off the street.

Then, the little man did not stop at all, and flashed to the other pillar, by the next one, as if with this giant ape spiders guerrilla warfare.

In this regard, the heart of the little man is full of helplessness.

If you can, even if the giant spider in front of you is alive, and it is ten times more powerful, he is sure to kill the other person unconsciously, but in the face of shackles, this makes him frown, but he has nowhere to make it. Although it is not helpless, it is half the effort.

In fact, this giant spider is not difficult to stalk. Whether it is a big man or any one of Ava, it can be easily solved. Especially the big man can definitely make this giant spider know what is called real. Power, and how to use it properly.

However, the original builder undoubtedly thought of this.

It is surrounded by bright butter candles for the entire hall. Exudes a unique touch of silk candles. But under the cover of this special atmosphere. It has a deadly fragrance.

This scent is undoubtedly fatal. Apart from his friend Ye Qi, the little man can't think of anyone who can survive in this confined space except him. It is also a big man of friends and Ava. After all, when they faced toxins, their resistance exceeded the average person, but they could not resist this persistent erosion.

obviously. This is a trap - a seemingly simple but deadly trap.

It is conceivable to change to other people or a group of people. After being entangled by this giant ape spider, kill this giant ape spider, just relax and suddenly find yourself poisoned!

They will definitely madly flee towards the gate, and once they reach the gate, they are finished!

On the gate of the palace, there is also poison. Like the fragrance of this candle, it is extremely deadly. And as the controller of the ability toxins, the little one can clearly feel the connection - obviously, anyone who comes into contact with the fragrant gas inside, and then touch the door, the poison of the fragrance will be another A more deadly toxin appears, unless it is a controller of toxins like him. Otherwise, it is dead.

Even the legendary powerhouse in an extraordinary world cannot be spared until it reaches ‘immortal’.

Undoubtedly, starting from the entrance to the palace, or from the gate of the palace, this is a complete trap.

Although it is very simple to set up, it only takes advantage of some very subtleties, but it is fatal.

The little man clearly outlined the outline of the arranger - insidious and sinister, and cruel, hot and ruthless, like to find a deadly place in that simple and enjoy it.

From the position of the seat directly facing the palace gate, the intention of the other party is obvious - he just wants to sit there and watch the good play below.

With such speculation, the name of the other party is not difficult to know.

New King - Taldeqi.

This guy who resisted the Holy See but was cruel and innocent, in order to confront the Holy See, blackened everything and swore that he and the Holy See were incompatible.

But in the dark, it is said to be the Sun King, like any golden thing, the living utensils, the living palaces are like this - this is just a small man thinking about how to solve the giant spider in front of him, and suddenly It was because of this flash of light that the little man understood that he and his two friends apparently did not find the real palace of the new king.

Here, at the beginning is a trap.

As for the gems on the tower of the palace?

It is undoubtedly a bait that attracts people into this trap, just like the vivid colors of poisonous creatures in nature.

However, whether or not he is in a trap, he wants to continue to search for it. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to kill this huge spider, otherwise everything is a virtual talk.

However, he wants to simply kill this spider, which is unrealistic and even difficult.


The cockroach slammed into a small cylinder that was hidden by the cockroach. After all, it was a cockroach. Even if it was a mysterious cockroach, its reaction and sensitivity were naturally unstoppable. Weaken; this is also a small man, the only place to be lucky at the moment.


The giant cockroach spider, the large body moved abruptly and awkwardly, and the candlestick inserted in the cylinder was knocked out. The adult-sized candle with a flame fell on it with a flame, but this giant The ape spider did not care to turn around and continued to chase the little man.

And when I saw the butter candle that fell to the ground, the little man was a glimpse. Then, the body was extremely quick to pass by the giant spider, and took the rough butter candle. In the hands, I looked at the candles in my hands and looked at the giant spiders that rushed over again.

The little man laughed -

"Come on, baby! Let Grand Master Datong, give you oil!"

A buttered candle was taken from the candlestick by a small man, taken in the hand, and then quickly smashed into a ball, hitting the giant spider body.

The unique stickiness of butter makes such a ball, like a cake, stick to the body of a giant spider after a collision, and the small one intentionally mixes the flames among them; after a while, this The giant cockroach spider turned from black to white-yellow, and there was a gun-like lead that could be lit.

Rolling, leaping, and moving!

The lead of one root is ignited, although the lead of this butter candle will not ignite if it is but... it will burn, and it will be continuous, with huge heat, and 甩It can't be burned.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

When I wrote this chapter, I thought of the innocent scene of the previous reading of the candle. The first thing I saw was Mr. Jin Yong’s Tianlong Ba Bu, borrowed from the bookstore, and the deposit was ten, and the rent was five cents a day. After reading it for one day, the rent for two days is basically reading the book late at night.

However, at that time, the family refused, so at that time, the young and decadent was littered with candles; until the book and the pillow were lit again, a bucket of water was poured on the bed, so that the father was fat and decadent. Gritted teeth, updated and bought a

Then I felt that the battery was expensive and I changed it to a rechargeable flashlight.

A rechargeable flashlight is not enough at all, it becomes two, then three... until it is once again discovered by Dad, then fat again...

Inexplicable, when I was writing this chapter, I remembered my childhood. To be continued. .

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