Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 56: Treasure when XII

In the first half hour of the appointment with friends, Ye Qi is ready to leave.

Zilyan and his party were persuaded by him 15 minutes earlier; for this, Ye Qi had to agree, the **** leader of the bloodline tower straightness, entering the bridge on the other side will meet his request - - The other party's intention to invite him is obvious. Although it was rejected, it is obvious that the character of the other party will not give up.

In this regard, Ye Qi can only helplessly shrug.

After learning the rules of the bridge on the other side, Ye Qi had already decided not to join any organization.

As for establishing a small organization yourself?

Although it has not been completely rejected, the possibility is basically none.

After all, there, he is now destined to be only a passer-by, not permanent - perhaps there are more opportunities there, but Ye Qi does not think that he can achieve his ultimate goal; simply, to complete With the agreement of the wolf, he must advance in a faster way.

The bridge on the other side seems to be fast, but it is very slow.

Otherwise, none of the seven strongest people in the world will come from there.

Of course, some necessary things are still to be done; for example: St. De Ge and Kirch, an unidentified figure.

This is inevitable for him as an enemy of the Holy See.

In perception, it belongs to Kildley and Smoic, and is still on the sand dunes of two kilometers. In fact, Ye Qi does not need to perceive at all. The kind of eager, sharp and hateful sight can not be ignored.

Ye Qi’s body was integrated into the shadows, and the next moment appeared behind the two. Waved out the knife.

When Ye Qi’s figure suddenly disappeared. Killy and Smoey are already shocked. Instinctive body alert.

However, such a warning, in the face of Ye Qi's knife, is basically useless; it is as if you saw a truck driving towards you, you stretched out your arms and wanted to block the other side, the result Nature is self-evident; why not dodge?

If you can hide, you don't need to stretch out your arms.

Under the cold moonlight in the desert. A touch of blue knives, flashing on the ground, with its own trajectory, blooms its own unique light, bringing up the demon bright red.

Smoi fell straight on the ground, his head was flying high; but the face was completely unbelievable, obviously, he would not believe when he died, he became a Kire's shield - yes. Just as the knives flashed, Kirk grabbed Smoey's clothes. Throw it on the knives, borrowing such a block, and gaining a glimmer of space, and sneak away from the slaying blow.

Ye Qi raised a brow and looked at Kilke standing in the distance - although he had gotten from the previous news that the other party was not a good person, there was enough insidiousness and blackmail; but, from this scene Look, he seems to have to deepen the impression of the other party.

"We need a good communication... and such communication is not suitable for the presence of others!"

Kirk did not show any trace of regret or uneasiness about what he had done. He stood in front of Ye Qi in an unusually calm manner and talked about the money.

"Look, I have inadvertently offended you before, this is not what I intended to do! It is a trap... a trap set by a man named Hortel - this shameless guy will take you and us Putting on a dangerous opposite, whether you win or win, you will pay a terrible price!"

Taking a deep breath, there was a sad expression on Kire’s face.

"And now, obviously, his purpose has been achieved; we have really paid a terrible price, and, continue to make mistakes; I want to remove me, they will hate you, they will treat you as Enemies... And for us not to be used anymore, I can only choose this approach - although it is cruel, but it can make more people safe, isn't it?"

There was no pause or hesitation in the room of Kildish, and the whole words were smooth and free, and the expression on the face was matched with such words, one by one to make a match with the scene and the atmosphere, but let Ye Qi more I feel disgusted with the people in front of me.

As a hostile position, disgust is inevitable, but it is rare to be able to achieve this level.

Ye Qi doesn't even want to say a word to the other party - in the face of sophistry, Ye Qi will feel intolerance, and in the face of the shameless sophistry, Ye Qi will directly crush such sophistry.

It is true that, as the other party said, Hotrell may not have a good intention, but they are not as innocent as Kild himself said - a group of greedy people are used, but Shouting innocence, this is really ridiculous, just like eating a delicious meal while eating at a restaurant, and wanting to pay no money.

Anything you get will pay for it.

Obviously, Kirk is the kind of person who wants to get it, and doesn't want to pay. Moreover, he can find enough reasons for himself to evade; just like he holds Smoj as a shield, but he says it is for Ye Qi. I think that there is a reasonable communication environment for both parties.

Faced with such an approach, Ye Qi gave a clean and honest answer - the knives again smashed out.


In the vibration of the metal, the knives with a mysterious trajectory smashed toward Kiel's neck; the other side did not want to, and when Ye Qi made an attacking posture, he quickly retreated.

For Kildley, there are always two hands to prepare, while persuading Ye Qi, while looking for a retreat; whether the former or the latter, it is necessary for Kirch - if The former succeeded, and naturally it was a joy. He had more time and methods to get what he wanted.

The latter case is the last resort in the most dangerous moments - facing the attack of Ye Qi, the deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng. There is no confidence in itself. And wait until Ye Qi has a knife. He realized why he did not have the confidence as usual.

The kind is completely covered by knives, no action is seen through, and any retreat is lost, as if it is going to be stunned, and Kiel is eclipsed. The confidence that appears on the face in the previous paragraph suddenly becomes It was pale, and even a touch of gray appeared.

but. Soon, such a face was replaced by a shackle--can survive on the bridge of the other side, and became the deputy of such a powerful force as Quanshuicheng. Kielli is undoubtedly not lacking in desperate spirit; After the road, Kildare naturally chose to die.

The white light was suddenly shrouded in Kire's body, and then the light burned like a flame.

When the light of Kildley burned, Ye Qi suddenly felt a dangerous atmosphere, and the strange wolf in the bottom of his heart said quickly: "Rewind!"

Ye Qi did not think much at all. A number of consecutive [shadows], directly appeared in the 20 kilometers away. A huge explosion appeared -


The explosion of white light flashed over all the sand within five kilometers of the square. The overwhelming sand flew high and blocked the sky, and the more central position, about 30 yards inside, was instantaneous. The gasification, a large pit with a depth of 20 yards appeared there.

Feeling the vibration of the sand under his feet, Ye Qi waved his hand to block the heat wave from the face – this is not the simple hot wind in the desert, but the air wave caused by the explosion, enough to make people roast.

After ten seconds, the air wave disappeared, and Ye Qi stared at the bunker that was razed to the ground, even deep, and could not help but frown. The other party can use the light. Not surprisingly, according to the news he got, he himself suspected that the other party was a member of the Holy See. At this time, the appearance of the Holy Light was merely confirmed by such doubts.

But the last kind of self-destruction of the other party seems to be a martyr, but it makes him worry - because, in such a blast, Ye Qi found something very different.

The victims were undoubtedly the most pious expression of the Holy See. In the face of the invasion of dark creatures, the people who gave birth to death were honored, but since the sacred age, such a name has changed and become a contempt. In name, in fact, such 'arms' are so called, no one thinks it is inappropriate; after all, they are a group of dead bodies without thoughts and feelings.

Just before Kire’s self-destruction, Ye Qi felt the kind of walking dead from the other side – it was like a living person, and became a vegetative person in the next moment.

"Did you feel it?"

In order to prove that it is not his own illusion, Ye Qi asked the wolf.

"Of course, it’s just a little trick!"

The wolf's self-satisfied nod, very disdainful.

"What is going on?"

Ye Qi continued to ask.

"It's very simple. This guy is just a sly, but it's **** and bloody. It's not difficult to use the spells of the undead school, but I know a more convenient and direct way!" The sneer sneered, "My old opponent has a magical ability that achieves the same effect, not only is it safer, but it is not detected by the detected spells and the gods; however, some restrictions are needed!"

"What kind of restrictions?"

Ye Qi asked, while thinking about the possible connections in his heart. After all, no matter what kind of restrictions, it is an unquestionable fact that Kild is controlled by the eyes, and can control the Kiri’s People, nature is a high-level member of the Holy See.

You can cast a magical technique that can be called a mystery. If you don't come out of the Holy See, you can't do it!

However, the identity of this person...

Ye Qi’s heart has a hint of indulgence.

The wolf did not pay attention to the indulgence of his contractor, but replied very simply: "From a young age... or, to be precise, it has to start from the baby, it takes about two months to complete completely. And, there are a few props, one of which is a centuries-old statue of that guy - the one that must be piously believes!"

More than a hundred years old, a statue of devout faith?

Ye Qi slightly frowned - although this seems to give a specific search range, but only Ye Qi understands. There are so many churches in Lorante over the centuries. Not to mention the interior of the Holy Forest. There are no fewer than one hundred in other areas of Lloret alone.

And devout faith?

A church that can exist for more than a hundred years, even if it is small, is enough to prove his piety.

“Is there a size limit?”

Ye Qi, who was thinking, suddenly thought of a very important point and asked immediately.

"Of course, there are believers who need at least a thousand people!"

The strange wolf responded quickly to his contractor, nodded with appreciation, and gave an accurate answer.

At least a thousand believers!

Reduce the scope of the search again. Let Ye Qi’s brow stretch out a little—experiencing the initial blockade of the Free Age and the intermittent war in the middle, and there are not many churches with thousands of believers outside the St. Forest area in Lorante. In a larger city, this is naturally good news for Ye Qi.

"Is there an answer?"

The wolf looks at Ye Qi who is thinking.

"Well, there are probably some more accurate answers - the population base determines everything. Churches of this size are rare in Lorante! Of course, it is more likely. The other is from the Holy Forest!"

"San Lin District? No, no, this is impossible!"

The weird wolf directly denied the speculation of the contractor.


Ye Qi asked, frowning.

"Because. In the Holy Forest, in the nest of the guy, there is only one statue that can really be called a devout faith, that is, the one in the largest church, you think someone will break it. Not being discovered? If that's the case, I think it's also a great good news for us!"

The strange wolf shrugged and said a slightly cold joke.

"Well, this is a good news. I think it is necessary for us to check the origin of the deputy city lord... of course, after getting what we need!"

Ye Qi nodded his head and was glad to narrow the scope of the investigation again, while not forgetting the true purpose of the trip.

"of course!"

The wolf is even more eager to wait.


After a loud whistle, Gronin fell from the distant sky, and Ye Qi turned over, and several breaths of work disappeared into the sky.

The traces of the huge explosion on the ground are quickly smeared by the sand in the Huangsha area. Although the pothole is huge, as long as the sun rises tomorrow, everything will return to normal again. From this point Look, the Huangsha District, like the Qianguma District, is an excellent location for killing people and corpses.

Whether it is sand or swamp, it shows the ruthless side of nature.

Of course, the more dangerous is the person itself.

Just about an hour after Ye Qi rode Gronin, about thirty people appeared on the sand dunes in the distance. These figures are extremely fast, and each one is full of breath, just like a mountain like a lake. In general, ordinary people can't look straight, they can only tremble and bow their heads.


These thirty people, each one is a legendary powerhouse in an extraordinary world!

And walking in front of these thirty people, it is a loss of an arm of Cheddar - gauze and potion, so that Cheddar's wound not only stopped the blood, but also quickly healed, but the lost broken arm is Can't pick it up again; although St. De Ge seems to have the ability to connect to the broken arm, but for the superb legendary powerhouse, even if it is connected, it is just an ornament, it is difficult Play to play its own role.

Therefore, Cheddar has enough hatred for Ye Qi who cut off his arm, and this kind of hatred is manifested in the speed of the moment. Chedel wants to bring people behind him and appear immediately. In front of Ye Qi, then kill the other party directly!

However, even if they are fast, Ye Qi has already left when he arrives.

These people did not gather together, but were divided into three parties and began to check quickly. Then they quickly found the place where Kildray blew himself.

Feeling the faint light of the Holy Light, a legendary strongman dressed as a monk in the crowd, low-lying reading "God said": "My Lamb, you have experienced a rough, looking for your own sins And wash it... You have now returned to the kingdom of the Lord, where there is no disease, hunger, pain, and your smile will guide us forward..."

This prayer sounded for two minutes and then slowly stopped.

"Smooy, my friend, I will ask you for the justice you deserve!"

The legendary strong man of the monk, standing on the sand dunes after the explosion, said slowly; then he asked straight to Cheddar: "Are you sure that the person is called Ye Qi? ?"

"Kostika, I am so sure!"

Chedel, who has always shown a haze, faced the old man’s question, but answered with respect and respect, the old man wearing a white monk in a bitter monk shook his head and said, "I am no longer a pope. It’s just a sinner, Kosika!”

"Even so, your prestige will still be like the land, let other people, tremble!"

Chedell said that he was extremely nauseating, and the others on the scene frowned, but in the end nothing was said - because they knew that Chedell was telling the truth.

In fact, when they saw each other, they were also secretly surprised.

After all, if you follow the rumors, the other party has already died in the sacred era.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~ not to be continued. .

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