Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 60: Message

Ding! Ding!

When the transparent filament touched the high magic crystal of the person, it made a sound of metal impact, and then it penetrated into it like a drill bit.

The little man sneered at an item in the magic crystal, and disdainfully licked his mouth. The most troublesome part of the lich is the continuous resurrection. Therefore, if you want to completely kill a lich, The soul of the other party must be found, otherwise it will always face continuous trouble.

For an enemy who doesn't really die, it's definitely a problem.

The new king undoubtedly has the potential to become such an enemy; however, it is a pity that a small man can be called an opponent of the undead and undead natural enemies.

It's very easy, don't imagine it's easy, the little man finds the soul hidden in the magic crystal, and then manipulates his tentacles, regardless of the begging for mercy from the other side, and goes in without mercy; The curse and insult of the new king ended this 'treasure hunt.'

"I can hide the soul in the magic crystal... It’s really a whimsical!"

When Ava looked at his friend's movements, he guessed what was going on, and immediately sighed.

"With such a large magic crystal, the average person will never be willing to destroy, so it is absolutely safe; but..." The little man shrugged. "It seems a bit awkward here, a seat, a piece. The table, plus such a huge magic crystal, how to see how it is a bit strange, even if I hang a painting here, I will not be surprised... Of course. More importantly, my nose is for these undead, undead. Sensitive!"

Speaking of the end. The little man couldn’t help but smile. And Ava is a staller, revealing a look that you can't help.

The embarrassment between friends, sometimes, in the eyes of outsiders, is always so naive, but the feelings contained in it are unimaginable to ordinary people.

The big man standing on the beam of the house looked at the two friends who came out. Can't help but relax in the bottom of his heart, and then look at the small man, he could not help but sigh: "Datong, how do you look refreshed? It seems to be in the summer bathhouse for an afternoon, big mouthful Filled a cold beer!"

"I don't have ice-cold beer, but big tonic is not lacking, and, of course, I have to be mad at the mouth, I certainly want to be refreshed!"

After the little man smiled and told about what happened in the dark passage, the big man rejoiced: "Ye, please. Found?"

The little man shrugged his shoulders and threw the box up and down.


The big man made a cheer.

"Besides this. I have found something worthwhile... but we need to hurry to the agreed place now!"

As I spoke of the little man, I jumped off the beam and walked behind the throne in the hall—if the only thing they had before was to find the way to leave; so instead of breaking the support at the top of the head, let it go. Treasures have the opportunity to be carried.

The big man and Ava did not hesitate to follow behind the little man. The three men jumped into the secret passage that had already been explored before and after. This is not a transmission like the 'God's Gate'. As a way of leaving, the array is a very primitive road. However, the length of the excavation is extremely amazing, almost 10 kilometers or so.

At the end of the secret passage is a Gobi--from the surface that is almost air-dried, Ava can conclude that it was a medium-sized oasis.

There was a special sign here, and the three men marched toward the fourth oasis in the west—the place where they agreed with Ye Qi.

As for why choose there?

In the desert, what else is more obvious than the oasis?

The speed of the three people is very fast. It takes only one hour from departure to arrival. When the three people are already standing on the land of the oasis, the time agreed with Ye Qi is about ten minutes. As soon as the rush arrived, the three men showed their happiness. The big man took two water bags from the bag and threw them to the little man and Ava. The three sat on the grass in the oasis and drank. Water is waiting for the return of Ye Qi.

As time passed, the appointment time had arrived, but Ye Qi had not appeared, the little man could not help but frown, the big man and Ava also put down the water bag, and looked around everywhere - even if there was perfection The plan will also have an accident, which is inevitable and is accepted by all.

However, no one wants such an accident, especially when their friends are involved.

Just as the three waited anxiously, there was a black spot on the horizon.

"It's Gronin!"

The big man shouted loudly, and the little man and Ava also saw Gronin, who even sent a special rhythm of whistle in his mouth, guiding Gronin to the road.

However, when Gronin was flying a little closer, the three men were sinking in their hearts. They only saw Gronin itself, Ye Qi, who was supposed to sit on the horseback, but disappeared!

Almost without waiting for Gronin to land, the three men set off and greeted Gronin at a very fast speed, and then looked for it on the saddle - here is the previous agreement, there has been change, Ye The place where the odds will leave a message.

As for the reins?

Ye Qi never used such a thing to bind Groning, even if it was a saddle, because it was put into the horse's back after considering the comfort and Gronin's discussion.

"Keška... dry forest..."

The little man whispered, only the secret words that they could understand. The big man on the side felt a little familiar when he heard the name 'Korska', but he didn’t have any impression when he thought carefully. The same is true of Ava.

“Do you feel that the name Kosika is familiar?”

When he landed on the meadow in the fourth oasis, the little man suddenly asked, the big man and Ava. Especially big men. I replied straight: "I think I should have heard of this name. But now I can't remember where I heard this name!"

"The end of the sacred..."

"The last pope!"

The little man gave a reminder, and before the little man finished, the big man and Ava reacted.

"Isn't he supposed to be dead? How could it be here!" The big man's voice was full of surprises, but the little man was very dull: "This is strange. The fake death is not for the pope. What is difficult, on the contrary, according to the situation at the time. It is still a relief!"


The big man is a bit puzzled.

"At the time, for the Holy See, it was already a crisis, and there was no possibility of winning. On this basis, they chose to abandon the practice of Lorante and turned to the bridge on the other side!" The little man analyzed and said his own opinion. "Or, they had the intention of relying on the bridge of the other side to make a comeback. However, after a series of changes, the bridges on the other side have appeared to be caught by them." - So. The Pope's Majesty, naturally continues to hide until the emergence of the leaves!"

"He gave up his original hiding for Ye?"

The big man is somewhat puzzled and scratching his head. Although the honest big man doesn't like to use his brain, the general situation is still clear; just like the pope, the Koscika, has been hidden for more than two hundred and fifty years. Why is it suddenly appearing again?

Although his friend's situation is a bit special, the big man does not think that it is worth the concealment of the Pope's demise for more than two hundred and fifty years.

"Obviously, Ye did something that he couldn't tolerate, forcing him to burn out in anger - but this possibility is not big..." said the little man, "should still be the 'polar blade' The rumors of walking have played a role; after all, the key to the 'immortal road', he may not be tempted!"

This time, the guess of the little man is a bit wrong.

For the key to the 'immortal road', the Pope, who is the heart of the Pope, does not give up his hiding and planning because of this.

As for the loss of the Quartet forces?

Although there are several legendary powerhouses with extraordinary circumstances, and there is a relationship with him, but these will not lead him to take the initiative to stand up.

It was a thing inside the Holy See that made him have to stand up.

For such a thing, a small man who is a hunter is naturally impossible to guess, and Ye Qi is also the same.

"What do we do now?"

The big man asked, Ava’s eyes also looked at the little man.

"Back to the town of chaos, waiting for the news of Ye!"

The little man said very simply, then, with a blink of an eye for a moment, said: "The news of the pope’s presence should be informed of the headquarters..."

"Does this need?"

The big man looked at his friends with some incomprehensibility. The young man said: "We must know that we are definitely the only one who is alone. Without the support of the rear, it is passive!"

Hearing the explanation of the little man, the big man is still somewhat puzzled. The little man has to say very plainly: "We need to let the headquarters act, attracting the attention of the Holy See, and using the Holy See to influence the pope in the bridge on the other side." Act to create more opportunities for the leaves!"

"It turned out to be like this!"

The big man is in awe.

"So, let's go!"

When the little man finished, immediately rushed toward the direction of the town of chaos, the big man, Ava and Gronin, and the two followed closely behind - since they had decided to inform the headquarters, they went to the chaotic branch. The speed of the town naturally needs to be much faster; after all, only there will be a long-distance communication array.


Shaker, Central Castle, the land of the six towers.

In the tower of the moonlit night, the old tower of Hessel, who was not leisurely, did not bow down in the official document, but took a cup of honey tea with honey, stood in front of the window of his study, through the glass, watching the lively below Scenario - A new group of apprentices, who came to Shak’s Hunter Headquarters before the Harvest Festival.

After a period of exercise, these young people have undoubtedly adapted to the life here, especially in the presence of several good seedlings, but also the acting president of the demon hunter headquarters. Feel a bit of relief; of course. This kind of gratification is also a little leisurely life at this moment.

After more than two years of exercise. Ted, who has been behind him, the burly big man, finally able to withstand one side, and Nofa, now also under the orders of Pedernange, began to quickly accept the daily affairs of the headquarters, with these two For the help of young people, he finally got rid of the endless review of the official documents.

It can be said. For more than two years and three years, this period of time is the most comfortable day for Hesel. Drink a little tea every day and read through the key things. Most of the time, you can go to the city of Shaker and hang out. I have recovered to the life of the elderly who used to be suitable for him. Don't mention how comfortable it is.

Even his old friend is envious.

Any time you need to compare, when he is busy. Looking at his old friend, naturally it is very leisurely. But when he was completely laid back, the old friend who went to see him was naturally very busy - the tower of the sacred object, although he did not need to deal with any official documents, but he needed to make and forge considerable magic items. To provide services for the demon hunters, especially the apostle windbreaker, which is almost a consumable item, low devil items, the amount of demand, it is a rhythm that makes people feel like a collapse.

In this regard, Hether, who was very comfortable with his own flower tea, went to inspect it again. Then, he nodded with satisfaction. In the pleading of his friend, Shiran went back to his moonlit night. Tower.

As for the pleading of friends?

He has just left the busy sea of ​​suffering, but he will not trap himself again; to help, he will wait until he has enough rest.

Full of comfort and a slight sigh, Hesser turned to his desk - don't get me wrong, there are no documents at all, just a can of honey and a pot of hot tea, and some spices He needs to add some honey to his flower tea to make it more sweet and delicious.

Step, step, step...

However, when Hesel took the wooden spoon of honey, the heavy but powerful footsteps rang.

"Ted, come in!"

Hesel was just who he could come by listening to the footsteps, so there was no pause, and he said straight away. At the same time, Hesel also put down his own teacup. He knew that Ted would not use ordinary things. To bother him, and once it appears, it must be a big thing.

Looking at his teacup, Hether could not help but sigh and sigh that his leisurely days ended even so soon; however, as the tower master of the Moon Tower, the acting president of the Hunter Headquarters, Hesel Naturally understand what he was going to do. He sat up in his chair and looked at Ted, who came in, and asked, "Ted, what happened?"

"The dry forest area, the chaotic town sent an urgent message!"

Ted handed the documents in his hands to Hether. After the old man picked up the documents, he continued: "Ye Qi and his entourage went to the bridge on the other side, where they met the dead Kosika..."


Hether gave a glimpse, and then the brow was a wrinkle, and immediately opened the file in his hand; and as he read, the brow wrinkled more and more tightly, and the back was more dignified.

"Go to the four tower owners of Blanc, Jerome, Pedernange and Modred!"

Hesel gave a straight command.

"Yes, adults!"

Ted was in the first place, then, quickly stepped away from Hether's study.

When Ted left, the old man of Hether couldn’t help but smile: "Although I know that big things will happen, I didn’t expect it to be such a big thing... Ye Qi, you really It’s the same as your teacher, it’s all like this!”

"This **** John, where did the two guys with Ward go? It’s still missing, and Kuchi is running without a trace... It’s a bunch of irresponsible guys!”

Hesel, who was sighing, couldn’t help but mention Ye Qi’s teacher. Obviously, this kind of embarrassment naturally made the old man feel dissatisfied, especially when he thought of the absolute prestige. Lord Swordsman, always so lazy, do not know how to go forward, hide in somewhere to lie to eat or lie, or simply drink alcohol to not know what life is today, this old man with good temper, can not wait to catch the other party In front of him, a beat.

Of course, the bad friend of the friend of the other party, the old Ward who only knows the money to the head of the demon hunter.

These two guys are completely savage!



Obviously, the old man who thought of something suddenly suddenly sighed, and the expression of gnashing his teeth became helpless. The whole person also fell into a kind of thoughts and memories.

He did not return to God until Pedernange the tower of the Wisdom Tower came in.

"Korska, isn't it dead?"

As soon as he entered Hessell's study, Pedernange asked in such a way, with a touch of coldness in his tone.

Hether, who was a bitter smile, handed over the document that had just been sent from the dry forest area, and replied helplessly: "If the information is not wrong, it should be dead!"

Peter Nange, who was silent, took the documents directly and read them in detail. After a long while, he could not help but scream.

"Oh, it really is a scourge for thousands of years!"

"Pedernang, don't be excited, don't forget your vows and... that contract!" Hesel repeatedly reminded, "You can't shoot the people of the Holy See, you can't leave Shak!"

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~ not to be continued. .

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