Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 6 Chapter 18: Shaken belief

Pei's glasses! Choosing special materials to solve the refining of the witch magic is a mistake: the fruit: analysis.

Discrimination: Through the lens to observe the energy properties of the vision.

When the finger touched the eyeglasses, the system prompt appeared in Ye Qi’s eyes, so that Ye Qi slightly stunned him before picking up the glasses and was ready to collect it and return it to the witch, but did not expect the other’s glasses to be a very Good auxiliary magic items.

Hesitated for a moment, Ye Qi finally put on the glasses, and then went to the window to look at the direction of the Cathedral of Langburg; there is no other meaning, Ye Qi is simply trying to try the effect of the witch glasses full of white It was holy, but the icy light passed through the lens and reflected into his eyes...

Sure enough, it is in line with the style of the Holy See,

Ye Qi’s mouth was slightly upturned and brought a disdainful smile; then, Ye Qi turned his head and pointed his eyes at the direction of the secret seat of the Vatican’s family, but what he expected was the darkness of the imagination. Negative energy does not appear, even a slight reaction

problem occurs!

Ye Qi immediately turned and walked outside the bedroom. Although the secret base of the other party was made by him, even if the two sides were usually hostile, for the temporary cooperation, the other party would never withdraw the manpower at this time; The only thing that can explain this phenomenon is that the other person has made another plan with him.

At the same time, the answer to the pink smoke haze suddenly appeared on the witch yesterday. Only the blood girl who has a good relationship with the witch has the opportunity to swear that the witch does not pay attention to this small means; the purpose of the other party is obviously In order to let the witch drag him, let him innocently notice the action of the other party, and this action is naturally for the fragments of the doomsday key in the Holy See.

Although the plan he had previously set did not have to murder the key to the doomsday in the Gulf area, even if the other party made this request, he would try to refuse; but at the moment the other side carried him to the end of the day. The means of the key fragmentation still makes him feel uncomfortable, even if this does not prevent him from setting a plan to transfer his attention to other forces, even in some respects, he helped him; This does not make him less guilty about each other's feelings.

To know that to some extent, the witch who wandered in the darkness regarded the other party as a friend; although the two sides did not say it clearly, he could still feel the martial arts from the rhetoric of the two sides.杀神神印王座求魔傲世世重天最强弃少大周皇族将夜杀神神印王座求魔傲世九重天最强弃大周周族武动乾坤夜夜神神印王座求魔傲世九重The most powerful abandonment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the creation of the gods will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the throne, and the arrogance of the world, the most powerful and abandoning the tacit understanding between the two kings and the royal family; and just to drag him, the other party does not hesitate The witches betrayed the sheets that thought of blood staining, and he would encounter all sorts of troubles from the witches, and the friendships that the other party did not hesitate to abandon. Ye Qi never had a disgusting blood family like this. Girl

After a greeting with his disciples. Ye Qi walked quickly down the third floor, facing the little man who was busy on the second floor. Although he was dragged by the witch yesterday, he couldn’t know the story, but the three of them were It is impossible not to notice the endogenous events of Randenburg; even if he did not have a special encounter before, they will definitely be poisoned by the instinctive rules of the demon hunter; as for the other two Hunting devil? Ye Qike does not think that the strength of ordinary hunting devils can freely investigate the battle between the church and the Vatican family.

“What happened to the cathedral last night?” The trio just came over, and Ye Qi immediately asked if it was too late to ask, but it was because he was late, he needed to know the story and do it. The corresponding compensation measures are taken; otherwise. If you do not make a remedy in the case of one step behind, you will only lag behind and get farther and farther until it dies; it is still a small word. He glanced around and whispered: "Last night, the elite of the Vatican family raided the cathedral, and both sides suffered losses; however, the fragments of the key to the end were captured by the other party in the battle between the two sides! The forces appeared suddenly, there was no hint at all; and the implementation was very powerful, and the captain of the disciplinary knight who kept the key fragments of the last day was instantly wounded.

"What's even more troubling is that the other side is very well hidden. The energy that is driven by the shot can't detect what kind of energy! The eyes of the little one are slightly stunned because of thinking: "Therefore, the other party may be dark. Creatures may also be human apostles; however, I think dark creatures are more likely than dogs."

"The outside party?"

Out of the expected peaks, let Ye Qi wrinkle his brows and blood glory? Other vampire clan? Or the family of the devil? Or is it the head of the demon hunter?" His mind is transforming the forces that are likely to be shot; although there is a possibility that any party has the power to shoot, the possibility of glory in his heart is the highest!

Because knowing that the key fragments of the Doomsday are in the Cathedral, except for him and the blood girl, there is only a high-level glory of the blood; and more importantly, only the blood and glory of this kind of mixed blood can hide its own breath, so The average apostle can't detect it."

Blood glory, what do you want to do?

Ye Qi took the tip of the bar and gently and rhythmically knocked on the old. With the incomprehensibility from the speculation that the other party attacked the key fragments of Constance's first day, he was guessing what the other party was for; to know that the fragments of the key to the end of the day have powerful power, but unless they will The fragments are collected, otherwise it will be at the same level as Levin Van Gogh; and this is basically different from the escaping strategy of the other organization."

Is there any other debris on the other hand?

The sudden thought made his rhythmic percussion suddenly stagnate, and he then carefully thought about the whole incident before and after, but only then can there be a reasonable explanation.

Maybe, I should go to the blood and glory again,"

The shards of the key to the end may be somewhat ribs for others, but for him it is not a matter of how fast it can improve strength. The small shadow servant has a certain wisdom, strength is not weak, and loyal servants, he is Since the heart wants more and better; not only because of the convenience and practicality of the shadow servant, but also the skills that appear with the increase of the number; he is very curious what kind of skills will appear when the shadow servant reaches a thousand? And what kind of skills are worthy of the title of the Lord of Shadows? Of course, all this is a matter of the future. What he needs now is to deal with the troubles that are coming soon from the Holy See.

"The boss, the Otto of the Cathedral is coming!"

"Please come in!"

After Ye Qi, who was waiting in the bar for a long time, heard the waiter’s words, the smile of a white robe was as early as he expected; the Holy See lost the fragments of the key to the end of the hand, and unfortunately, he It was one of the people who knew the key fragments of the Doomsday in the Cathedral of Randburg; and before he was injured, there was another dispute between the Vatican family and the Holy See, and the mysterious party seized the key fragments of the Doomsday. Seeing is like disguising; even if he has the title of the head of the hunter-destroyed labor division, but the style of the Holy See’s mistaken killing will never give up; but the other party will let the white robe sacrifice However, it was a bit beyond his expectations.

In his expectation, the other party should send a team of disciplinary knights, keep his bar firmly, and then let him put it in a tough tone because this is the style of the Holy See, isn't it?

"Ye" white robe worships Ye Qi, who is obviously difficult to talk about, and how can he say that he hurts his friends? However, Ye Qi did not care to shrug and stood up: "Go, I will go and clarify the facts with you!"

"Ye, let's go together! The little one eyebrows pick and the big man, Ava stood by Ye Qi's side. Although there are some things they don't know, but the sacrificial robes of the white robe sacrifices have caused the fear of their feet. After all, Ye Qi and the Holy See’s festival are really clear; they waved their hands, and Ye Qi smiled and looked at the three partners: “I will be more reassured when you stay and look at the bar; believe me! ”

"Damn the Holy See, what should we do with Datong?" Ava looked at Ye Qi and the white robe sacrifices that disappeared at the end of the street, and could not help but whisper cursing; then recommended the gaze to the little man.

In the days when Ye Qi left, they were used to being handed over to the flexible little man; after a long silence, they whispered slowly: "Trust the leaves!"

"Blessed by the blessed light, descending from the heavens, the messenger of God; the Lord of Light, we will give the soul the redemption; with your will, we will spread the goodness to the earth.

what should I do?

Walking in the white robe next to Ye Qi, worshipping the The eyes are not far from the cathedral, not far away, and he suddenly feels that the hymns in the cathedral are so strange; This morning, when he saw that Lehman’s captain had to lead the disciplinary knight to “catch up” Ye Qi, the originally loosened barrier in his heart suddenly appeared an irreparable crack.”

"God's will, how brilliant and shining the vocabulary!" Ye Qi listened to the hymns from far away, disdainfully licking his mouth, although the hymn is full of melodiousness, but this still does not make him a good impression on the Holy See; Not far from the church, Ye Qi eyes gaze: "Under the cover of this vocabulary, even in the cruel people, it will become noble in the saints; it is hypocritical." "Pseudo-? Is it really hypocritical?" The voice is very low, but the white robe sacrifices that are walking next to it are still clearly heard; however, this time the white robe sacrifice did not refute, but turned and looked at Ye Qi: "Ye, the **** is really to cover up the brutality. And what exists? ”

I am really sorry compared to yesterday. I came back late, and I drank the wine. I didn’t rush out.” And today, there are friends who have a birthday, and after uploading this chapter, it’s got rid of it again.” Thanks again, the book is lazy. dumb.臼汐, sixteen two rewards and sun-baked, let's dance, miracle, heroes, "knowing, ignoring, ignoring the four-month monthly ticket, thank you for your remittance

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