Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 74: Looking for

Ye Qi sat in the chair and looked at the two men in front of them. They were dressed in the ordinary, and there was no difference between them and the other people in the town. The expression was with a trace of respect, obviously standing beside him and Libes and sand. Dick played a considerable role - Ye Qi can clearly see that the two men sneaked into Libes and Sodick from time to time, the eyes of the taboos and vigilance; although the two thought they were doing very much Concealed, but can't get through Ye Qi.

Ye Qi did not speak, but was represented by Libes, and asked the two men in front of him: "Two, I must have already learned why I asked the two to come here!"

"Of course, of course, we understand!"

The two men nodded in a row, and one of them was too eager to tell -

"The gentleman didn't tell me his name, but he is sure that he is a learned person who knows not only a lot of books but also a lot of books; when we last talked about myths and legends, he Say a lot of assumptions that I can't even think about!"

"What assumptions?"

Libes asked.

"The beginning of the Holy Spirit, the kindness of a piece, there is no difference... but it finally appears, let it begin to fall!"

This is not the answer of the man who first told, but another man rushed to answer.

Naturally, such behavior immediately caused the dissatisfaction of the man who was first told. He looked at the man who replied in disgust, and the latter looked back without any retreat. The two sides were like a bullfight. It is completely imaginable. If you change a situation. This is not a sandstorm bar. There is no such thing as Libes and Sodick. These two will definitely shoot directly.

Emitted from the two, for the other side's murder, Ye Qi can not be wrong.

"Two, wait!"

Libes did not use Ye Qi to signal the two possible conflicts. He patted the palm of his hand and attracted the eyes of the two. He said: "The conditions I have said before are still valid. However, this can be Attach one - if anyone can say something more specific than the other person, I will give the original condition, a better return... two hundred Kimpton, how?"

After such a quotation, Ye Qi and his party present can hear the two men become heavy breathing, and then, a new round of competition.

"I will say it first!"

"I said it first!"

"You give me away!"

"It's you!"


The struggle between the two men became more straightforward, when one of them pressed another person to the ground. After giving a punch on his face, Libes came out again. Stopped the two people who continued to tear.

"Two, don't worry... you come with me, you go with Sodick - we will ask you in detail, of course, you can answer in more detail!" Libes smiled and squinted like a fox "Then, I will compare with Shadick, the answer I got, the most detailed one, and I will get the reward we give!"

"Of course, you should also be clear, if you deceive us, what will happen!"

Libes still smiled with a squint, but with a very dangerous meaning in his expression, the two men nodded constantly and repeatedly said that they did not dare.

Afterwards, Libes and Sodick, one person with one person, temporarily left the bar - naturally not going to the underground of the bar, but the two houses next to the bar, which was originally the industry of the sandstorm bar, one of the two waiters The rooms, one is the warehouse, the real warehouse, the kind of wine and food.

“A good way to save time and effort!”

Ye Qi made a thumb for the little man.

Obviously, Libes’s method of 'interrogating' two men was directed by a small man.

"There is no way, the people in the town of chaos is not a good-hearted person. Each of them is a swindle like a sand fox. It is a poisonous scorpion. If you don't, we get absolutely one point." False answer!"

The little man shrugged his shoulders and jumped straight into the chair next to him and squatted there.

"Beneficial bass and Sodick are there, should they not dare?"

The big man scratched his head and asked.

"Don't dare? Simply put, it is because Libes and Sodick come out, they will be even more so!" The little man laughed and explained to his friends, "because they think the news is very valuable and valuable." When it comes to the need for Libes and Sodick to come forward - with these guys, is it not going to wait for the price?"

"You know, Libes and Sodick are famous, but such fame is not something that is horrifying and horrible. Although they have done what they should do, they are still worse than the 'butcher' level. Very far!"

Speaking of this, the little man couldn't help but pouting and shrugged his shoulders again.

"Greedy, always overcomes reason - let it ignore life and death!" Ye Qi took a look, and appeared to be a little confused head of the big man, "In other places in Lorante, perhaps because of legal and moral constraints So that everyone will abide by the bottom line, but the price is always relatively speaking, especially in the town of chaos, this seems to be ordinary people, but you can also touch the gathering place on the mysterious side - all the rules, the bottom line Being blurred, they care more about the benefits, and... more benefits!"

"Then, if the person who is a 'butcher' asks, will they say it?"

The big man nodded a little and then asked again.

"Of course, and it will be very clear - only the truth is only clear to them!"

Ye Qi leaned back and looked at his friend's question in a more comfortable position.


The big man asked if he didn't understand.

"Because the 'butcher' is killing people, they know this very they have to keep a little bit; because only then can they make them look valuable. It won't be so simple!" Instead of Ye Qi, the answer was answered. "Although it may be difficult to escape in the end. But they will definitely struggle as much as possible, for the last glimmer of life - and this will be the most troublesome!"

"So, you have paid more, and ask separately!"

The big man turned his head a little.

"Yeah, we can't really get rid of these ordinary guys who don't touch our bottom line, and, more importantly, not so much time and they consume it, it can only be like this!"

The little man is there. Laughing and sharing his hand.


The process of inquiry was very smooth, and the two gentlemen were worried that ‘their own interests’ had suffered losses, and they wished to say everything they knew.

However, it is clear that they know very limited.

After Libes compared the two people, it was fair to give the two men who had promised one hundred Kimpton and the two hundred Kimpton after the fare increase to the one who said more. Quickly left the bar; the one who got the money went faster and hurried.

The one behind is equally fast, with resentment.

These two men will naturally have their follow-up stories, but this is not what Ye Qi and his party need to care about; after all. In the town of Chaozhi, such a story is happening almost every moment - interest. Or the possible benefits, for the people here, it seems to be a natural magnet, attracted all the time, and eventually formed a big whirlpool; however, there are few who can climb out of this vortex.

As for holding the interest, climb out?

More is none.

Because, he or she or it, has been killed by him, by her, by it, sinking into the bottom of the vortex, or simply become the help of the vortex.

Of course, this is not a matter of Ye Qi and his party. Their attention is placed elsewhere.

"There is no description of any place, preferences, or even anything that deserves to be concerned!" The little man looked at the two recorded messages and couldn’t help but touch the chin. "It’s just a story, we seem to be around. After a lap, I returned to the place again!"

"That's not certain! At the very least, I can confirm that Mr. Hughman is the one I am looking for, and..." Ye Qi smiled and pointed to the most mentioned one of the two recorded messages. "Do you think this gentleman likes the thick jungle very much?"

"Any story always happens in the jungle... and the story beyond the general begins with the jungle!" The little man touched his chin's hand and rubbed it back and forth twice, thoughtfully saying, "Look Come to this Mr. Hughman likes this place!"

"I don't know how to bring my living environment or things into the story. It's too normal!" Ye Qi nodded. "And, we still have the portrait of this gentleman - this should be Another thing to be thankful for... Libes, Sodick, help us prepare, I think we should set off!"

"Okay, instructor!"

Libes and Sodick immediately nodded and turned and walked outside the bar.


About a quarter of an hour later, Ye Qi and his party, including Groning, left the town of Chaozhi and marched toward the west.

And in the town of Chaozhi completely disappeared behind, the pedestrian stopped.

"I am going to the northeast, but the west also needs you to search... I am very curious that Mr. Hughman is a suspicion, or is there something he cares about!"

Sitting on Groning's back, Ye Qi said to the three people - in fact, this is a reminder of the previous wolf, it suggested that Ye Qi will be careful with the similar west side that is similar to it. Check it again; for such a proposal, Ye Qi only chose to agree after a little thought.

For the existence of a similarity to the wolf, such caution is naturally necessary.

"I will leave a mark on the road. If you find something, you can come directly to me; if everything is normal... we will rejoin here five days later!" Ye Qi said, "Remember that the gentleman is a Very special, you have to be careful!"

At the moment before the separation, Ye Qi took advantage of his friends, and the little three men nodded and said that they knew it; then, the team of four people split into two, Ye Qi rode Gronin to the northeast, and the young man three People went to the west.

And such tracking is not very strange for Ye Qi - just tracking the dark creatures from the original. It became a special existence.

An adjective such as ‘God’. Ye Qi is more like to use ‘special existence’ to describe it at this moment.

In this regard. The wolf once expressed dissatisfaction, but it was impossible to change Ye Qi’s obsessive decision – the reason why it could not be changed, the wolf’s appearance accounted for a considerable proportion.

Just like at this moment, the wolf once again studied the map obtained from Libes when Ye Qi carefully studied the land that came from the seal and entered the heart of Ye Qi.

"I don't think it would be useful for your research!" The wolf published his opinion. "You should find more people. In this direction, carry out a wide range of search, carpet search! ”

“A large area? Carpet style? How many people do you think need? How many people are there in the town?”

Ye Qi’s eyes did not leave the map, and asked straight.

"The people in the town of Chaozhi are certainly not enough; but don't you have support? Some of them should arrive soon?" The wolf talked about it. "They each have good strength and The experience of tracking is definitely your best helper! It is more worth recommending than the four of you!"

"Those people... they can support, I am very grateful; therefore, I don't want them to enter a more dangerous situation. In the face of the legendary powerhouses in extraordinary circumstances, they still have considerable survival possibilities. Because that would be a foreseeable danger, but this time the search..."

Ye Qi’s eyes narrowed up and his words were rude.

"What do you think is similar to yours, how will it treat those who are looking for it... throw away the one that temporarily represents you! Even in your mouth, it is a conservative existence, but it Is the conservativeness based on strength? I don't think it will be as conservative as it is!"

When talking to the wolf, Ye Qi naturally changed ‘he’ to a more appropriate ‘it’.

"This, this..."

The strange wolf opened his mouth in a row, and finally chose silence. This is a fact that even the wolf can't argue.

After all, it knew about this existence at the beginning, although it did not participate in the wars of other gods, but in the face of some ordinary people’s wars, once it was successfully summoned, there was no mercy for the party being summoned. Completely and completely eliminate each other.

If you can, the wolf really wants to say the last sentence, ‘a few people are dead, it’s easier to expose it! 'Speech like ', but, knowing how the contractor has the bottom line, it’s a very wise decision, or don’t say such a thing is better. After all, the two sides now have a good relationship, and it’s more hopeful. Good relationship, keep it.

"So, do you have a clear goal now?"

The weird wolf has moved the topic.

"If you don't bother me, I think it will be a little faster!"

Ye Qi's eyelids did not lift the answer.

"Don't you think that having a companion like me will be a good thing on a lonely and lonely journey?" The wolf was not hit by Ye Qi’s language, but instead Proud look.

"Do you think you are a beautiful woman?" Ye Qi responded coldly. "And, the people who set foot on the journey with loneliness and loneliness are simply asking for troubles - looking for them is definitely unknown. The journey is even easier!"

"Oh... you will be disappointed with the young people who are eager to embark on the journey!"

A strange wolf.

"It's better to destined for a failed outcome, or to go with disappointment - at least, disappointment is stronger than all thoughts!"

Ye Qi lowered his head, his fingers circled several places on the map, and the place where the forest was dense, the Glorin quickly progressed, and he was too lazy to take care of the wolf.


Just somewhere in Ye Qi’s map, a tent is burning a pile of campfires, while in the iron pot on the campfire, some dried camel meat and vegetables are cooked, next to the iron pot. Hanging a slightly smaller iron pot, there is a strong milk fragrance inside.

However, it is not milk or goat's milk, but camel milk – from the color and rich flavor, it can be seen that this is very fresh camel milk.

Being able to have fresh camel milk in such a desolate place, no doubt this is a person who knows how to live...hey, or some special existence.

Sitting on a woolen woven mat, Hughman used his left and right hands, on his bare arms, and painted his fingers with various colors of paint. It was a very abstract pattern, or seriously, fundamentally Not a pattern, but some irregular graphics.

It's like slashing a cylinder and adding some smashed It's hard for anyone to see what it is, but Hughman is focused on painting. Those graphics, as if they have something that makes them extremely fascinating.

However, in the next moment, the finger it was painting was an unstoppable meal. The pigments fell on the ground, and even the graphics that were being drawn became more messy because of this kind of meal... In the original On the basis of it, the more people do not understand.

However, Hughman did not pay attention to the ‘painting’ that made it concentrate before the gods, but stood up nervously and looked at a certain direction in the night sky.

Ps New Year's Day, the first more ~

The decadence was the same as that of the first day, and the code word was updated earlier, but I didn’t expect it to be more than 11 o'clock at noon. After washing, I started to have all kinds of busy work. Yes, this chapter is using a mobile phone. Code out!

Hey, I’m being blamed by my mom for playing mobile phones! !

Today is the New Year's Day, and it is also February 1st. It is a smashing and smashing ticket for this month.~~~(To be continued.)

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