Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 95: Knife block

Ye Qi’s appearance is abrupt, even from the killers of the two attacked meditations, they simply did not expect Ye Qi to have such an attack – in fact, their attention, more It is placed on the legendary powerhouse of St. Dege's extraordinary world.

After all, one person has more people, one is alone, and anyone has a clear choice.

When the knife was shining, Ye Qi’s figure suddenly appeared in the field, as if the mirror was used to block the figure. At this time, the mirror suddenly broke. The [Dark Claw] is now Under the support of the legendary [cold weapon], it was played to the extreme.

It does not exceed the extreme of [Dark Claw Sword], but it is integrated into the style of Ye Qi - not moving, it will kill!

The two killers of the shackles of the enchanted field locked by Ye Qidao, after a slight change in their faces, the two daggers in their hands, they came out of their hands and stabbed Ye Qi, and they all took a house. The determination to forget the death, the body is like two arrows from the string, regardless of the rush to Ye Qi.

For the killer, the task is to survive; the task fails, most of the time is death - although, compared to the assassin's death, their survival probability is much greater, but not because of this, Suspicion of their determination to complete the task, especially in the face of retreat, they do not lack the heart of death.

Of course, their opponents will also die with them - in fact, this is the belief that the killers can share the same, but also the belief of the original assassin: unsuccessful will become a man!


The blade passed the body of the two killers and was divided into four. Blood flutters. The internal organs are scattered; and their four-handed daggers are twisted between Ye Qi’s body. Wiping Ye Qi's body, the same bloodshot is scattered on the ground; however, such a small injury, for Ye Qi, who has a legendary level [physique], does not care, even if it is poisonous.

Whether it is the legendary basic [physique], or [Dragon's physique (Upper Dragon)] resistance to toxins, Ye Qi has long been no longer afraid of such toxins.

but. At this moment, Ye Qi’s headache is not a toxin, but the legendary killer of the two extraordinary places that have been shackled – they did not die immediately, even if the internal organs were scattered all over the place, but the strength of the extraordinary world is supported. They continued their actions, so that they clung to Ye Qi firmly.

Such a dying attack will not last long, but sometimes, an instantaneous delay is unbearable - Ye Qi shakes his shoulder. Separated from the cuddle of two dying legendary killers, this time. The killer leader has already rushed to him, and the other’s raised hands are not only the dagger but also the sleeve arrows.

Hey, hey!

Two stunned sleeve arrows were nailed to Ye Qi’s chest. In the inevitable situation, Ye Qi twisted his body as much as possible, avoiding the heart and other key points, but that The icy entanglement into the body, followed by the burning, tingling, still makes him involuntarily snorted.

The two sleeves are about the length of the adult middle finger, but at the moment, except for the tail, all of them have not entered the chest of Ye Qi, and can penetrate the legendary level [physique], [Dragon's Physique (Upper Dragon)] and [Dragon's Scale A (the ancient dragon) defense, this penetration is enough to indicate the particularity of the two sleeves.

However, in the face of the two daggers that followed, Ye Qi could not examine it carefully - and at the moment, it was not all bad news for Ye Qi; at the very least, with the death of the two legendary killers. The power gathered in the killer leader is dissipating, allowing the other party to return to the original strength category again, which gives him more confidence.

Taking a deep breath, slowly spit out, his right hand pulled out the knives of the waist again.

The rapid coming has already reached the figure in front of Ye Qi. In the linear plundering time of the Dragon Breath, the involuntary meal - as I said before, sometimes, a momentary delay is also Unbearable; in the sound of the scabbard of the knives '锵', this is not the killer of the legendary level [physique], [the dragon's physique (the ancient dragon)] and the [dragon's scale (the ancient dragon)] The head collar, facing the edge of the Sun Yat-class sacred device, is straight apart from the position in the middle of the body and is divided into two.


After the knives were once again sheathed, when the body of the killer had not fallen to the ground, a cold chill appeared suddenly, like the streets of the town on the other side of the summer.

咔, 咔咔, 咔咔咔...

The blue crystals in a semi-transparent state spread in all directions with Ye Qi as the center, so that the legendary strongmen of the extraordinary world that Quanshuicheng and St. Dege rushed up could not help but watch the spread carefully. The ice crystals that came - in fact, watching Ye Qi once again so quickly killed the most powerful group of three in the line, they became a scared bird at the moment.

This is exactly what Ye Qi needs, whether it is to quickly restore physical strength, accumulate the power of the next full blow, or a slight 'bandaging, treatment' is the need to be cautious.

[Sageman's ice blade field] The wide coverage, so that the area of ​​two hundred and twenty feet square is filled with the blade of ice crystal, and more cold is spewing out, so that The legendary powerhouses of the extraordinary world of Quanshuicheng and St. Dege have to face.

Perhaps such an attack will not cause real harm to them, but as long as it is pinned down, it will undoubtedly give their opponents, the Shak Dragon to create an excellent offensive opportunity; without too much, only one moment, just Enough for them to die - if, say, the legendary strongman of Quanshuicheng is an accident, then the killer trio of the meditation domain is an ironclad fact, they are all proving the shark dragon The attack is so powerful, sharp, and unstoppable. Even the same legendary level is still a killer.

"Everyone is careful!"

The legendary powerhouse of the extraordinary city of Quanshuicheng whispered, at the same time. There was a flame in his hand. Expelled the surrounding ice blade and freezing gas; and the legendary monk of St. De Ge. At this time, I also stood next to the Quanshuicheng four-person group. For such gatherings, the Quanshuicheng four-person group did not have any accidents or disdain. If this time, the other party is still insisting on their own pride, then the death must be It is the other party, and after that, they are.

From the shot of the Shack Dragon, the other party obviously will not let them go - and once separated. They have no grasp of each other at all, so it is necessary to be united at this time.

The red flame, the blue ice crystals, kept colliding.

嗤, 嗤, 嗤...

The sound of the ice and fire intertwined seems to be the only sound of the town on the other side of the moment.

Because, after seeing the battle between the three groups of Ye Qi and the meditation, the residents of the other towns, including the devotees of St. De Ge, fell into silence.

They were frightened by the style of Ye Qi's battles - each time it seemed to pass by death, every time as a dance between the blades. The residents of these other towns could not help but feel the cold and numbness of their backs; some residents of the older towns of the other shores obviously thought of something. His face was blue and white.

"The Assassin's Way?!"

With such a sorrowful discourse, the faces of the residents of the older towns of the other shores have become more and more complicated, and several even smashed.

"No, no, the woman brought red light at the time, he didn't have anything!"

A person with poor psychological ability, a low squat, that continuous and repeated, and continuous words, with a meaning of impending collapse; the people around, immediately surrounded, the role of the mayor The old Terry, ran over, shouted loudly: "People temporarily retreat and return to the underground hall of emergency evacuation!"

With the words of Lao Terry, the whole crowd of people on the scene becomes confused - if they did not understand and still doubt before, the words of Lao Terry entering the underground hall of 'emergency evacuation' at this moment have already explained Everything; after all, there is the last line of defense in the other side of the town, and the most helpless defense.

Can only avoid, can not resist - because, resistance will bring greater disaster!

Obviously, the people who heard the rumor are no longer a few, especially after the old decision of the old Terry, a few young people, including the guard captain who just woke up from the coma, became surprised. stand up.

"That red devil?"

The young guard captain whispered to himself, with a deep doubt in his tone; and no one around him could answer, they just carried him and headed for the other end of the town - there, The entrance to the underground hall for emergency evacuation.

The inhabitants of the other side of the town, in the story of the birth of the older generation, trembled into the underground hall of emergency evacuation, but not everyone left.

Xiaoyue Wolf King, Swordsman, and a few courageous young people did not move their own steps; and the young guard captain should have been one of them, but directly by the old Terry The commander carried it away; the seriously injured guard captain had no resistance at all, and even loud rebuttals could not be done.

However, the people who stayed, it seems that in addition to the guts, there is a little other purpose.

Swordsman looked at the faces of the flushed, seemingly with a trace of crazy color of young people, her heart sighed slightly: "Assassin's way? Killing the road is the real correct name - but choose this The people on the road..."

"Red Devil? Isn't it already in the hands of the Juggernaut?"

The swordsman apparently knew something that ordinary people didn't know, and she thought about it.

While standing on the side of the Xiaoyue Wolf King, it is scanning the field - its gaze, crossed the layer of ice crystals, wanting to find the figure of Ye Qi; even, the nose and ears are constantly It is twitching; obviously, the Wolf King is using the abilities that belong to their family: smell, hearing.

As a werewolf, the sense of smell and hearing are far beyond the normal human beings. Even some mysterious human powers are far less than the human beings. Compared with the existence of such a level as the Wolf King, its sense of smell and hearing. . Has reached an alarming level. It can be said. Even in the Hailin District, in such a complicated place, just let it know your smell, then you hide in a tree hole, it can also find you.

Even a few kilometers away, a footstep can't escape its ears.

However, it is such a sense of smell and hearing. At this moment, the Xiaoyue Wolf King can't lock Ye Qi's position; or, it can't be found!

"How can this be?!"

Xiaoyue Wolf King frowned, completely unable to accept the fact; after all, before Ye Qi has received quite a trauma, the smell of blood flowing out, can not pass it, even a normal sense of smell slightly sharper Human beings can all smell it, let alone the king of the werewolf, who has a wolf king that is dozens of times more than the human sense of smell?

but. Can't find it.

Even after it used some special tricks. It is also nothing.

And when the Wolf King was frowning, the legendary powerhouses of the spring water city and the extraordinary world of St. Dege agreed to frown.

Where did the Shack Dragon go?

They are also thinking about this problem, just like the Wolf King, they even searched for the whereabouts of Ye Qi earlier; however, it was obviously not found when they looked at their frowns.

"The cold is weakening!"

The legendary powerhouse of the Spring City that controls the flames reminds the surrounding companions that in this experience, this time is definitely the most vulnerable moment; when the violent attack is slightly converged, it must be another The beginning of a deadly attack, not to mention, this attack is not too violent at the moment, at most there is some trouble.

However, such an attack with harassing nature is, in his view, a prelude to another attack.

Especially after seeing Ye Qi’s two shots, the legendary strongman of Quanshuicheng has already identified Ye Qi as the legendary strongman who is good at raids.

In fact, it’s not just the legendary strongman of Quanshuicheng who thinks about it. The three remaining Quanshui City legendary powerhouses and the legendary strongman of Shengdege think the same way – and the previous Ye Qi's intelligence, some descriptions above? They have long since ignored it.

Whenever and wherever, the strongmen of these bridges on the other side are undoubtedly more convinced of what they see, not a description on a piece of paper.

[The time of the ice blade of Sajimman] The time has come, the ice blades and the cold began to dissipate, and the heat in the air of the other side of the town came back again; however, they imagined that the violent attack did not appear, even the leaves Unexpected figures have not been found - such a strange situation, so that the remaining five legendary strongmen on the other side of the bridge, the brows are locked; they will not forget the scene before Ye Qi suddenly appeared.

"Three people, two people stand back to back!"

St. De Ge’s legendary strongman snorted and the first action took place; and the four legendary powerhouses of Spring Water City did not hesitate to act together – including the St. De Ge’s The legendary strongman stood back-to-back with the legendary strongmen wearing the two springs, and the legendary strongman who controlled the flames stood back to back with another legendary strongman of his own organization.

In an instant, the team of five people is divided into three groups and two groups.


Xiaoyue Wolf King still did not find Ye Qi’s whereabouts, but this did not prevent it from publishing the disdain for the legendary strongmen on the other side of the bridge. In its view, the other party did not correct its own battle from the beginning. Psychology; the original kind of word-opening arrogant and arrogant resistance, seemingly incomparable, in essence? Similar to the nature of children fighting.

And then a companion has died, but he still doesn't know how to focus on the strongest strengths, or to follow the composition of his own organization. Of course, the legendary strongman of St. De Ge, who is acting alone, obviously It is a bait!

However, they did not seem to find that when they released the bait, their attention was already dispersed by the bait, so that the strongest side was hit by Ye Qi - even, Xiaoyue Wolf King affirmed, the dead in the pedestrian The combination of the most powerful meditations in the field does not anticipate that they will be blocked.

Just like at this moment, the five people gathered together are divided into two groups again, which seem to be defensive, but in reality they are divided into strengths!

The Xiaoyue Wolf King, who once played against Ye Qi, is very clear about Ye Qi’s strength.

Especially the kind of strong resilience, let it remember it freshly - with the time just delayed, it can be sure that Ye Qi must be completely restored.

In the face of the complete recovery of Ye Qi, what are the expectations of the legendary strongmen of these bridges that have lost more than half of their strength?

"It's a bunch of idiots!"

In the face of these hesitations the legendary strongman of the bridge on the other side without the slightest fighting mentality, Xiaoyue Wolf King cursed again with a low voice.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~~

Continue to supplement the expertise -

[Secondary Sun Praise: Under the sun, any place is the main field; effect: in the sun or in the positive energy environment, the physical and energy recovery speed is accelerated by 50%; strength, agility, physical fitness, perception get 10% Addition; acquired characteristics: Yang Yan. 】

[Yangyan: absorb positive energy and turn it into a fire of the sun to burn opponents for 3 seconds; front: need to be in the sun or in a positive energy environment, must attack the burning target, in the second attack, stimulate the yang Inflammation; if the deep sunlight or positive energy environment exceeds 1.5 hours and there is a thick positive energy that can be absorbed around, it can directly stimulate the sun; the fire of the sun ignores the environment such as water, cold, and ice; Deals 200% damage. 】

(The fire of the sun, the basic flame characteristics, the legendary realm) is not yet to be continued. .

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