Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 97: Intermittently

When Ye Qi found a place where the little man and the wolf doctors fought... or, when they found the red bronze dragon girl, it was already half after disappearing.

Looking at the sand in front of the huge energy collision, the crystals of the crystal, especially the sand dunes that were directly flattened in the distance, Ye Qi can fully imagine how fierce the two sides battled at the time; Ye Qi turned his head. Looked at the red bronze dragon girl standing on the side and asked: "Datong and the doctor of the wolf..."

"Hey, your friend is really rude!"

The Red Copper Dragon Girl did not wait until Ye Qi finished, and interrupted Ye Qi’s words with indignation.

"I think I can replace Datong and apologize to you!" Ye Qi showed a sorry smile, said, "After all, they are in the battle, and it is the kind of battle between life and death... So, above the mood Losing control is inevitable, I hope you can forgive!"

"Your friend, and the guy who hates it, the battle between the two of them is really unexpected. The picture of the battle is completely in the same breath - it is almost the same as the **** insect on the sulfur river; The difference is that the number of **** insects is not clear, but only two here!"

The disgust that can't be said in the tone of the red dragon girl, her hood that she didn't wear in front of Ye Qi, so that Ye Qi can clearly see her frowning brows, even the red bronze in front of her forehead. The scales are glittering with unpleasant luster; no doubt, the emotion of the red-breasted dragon girl is being entangled in everything she saw before.

"Datong's ability is a bit special... Hey, have you seen those who appear in lions and tigers do not inherit the color of their parents, but the existence of white? Datong's ability is somewhat similar to that!" Explaining for my friends - even in order to be able to hear the story of the battle of the Red Dragon Girl before the battle, Ye Qi also needs to make a reasonable explanation.

At least, let the red-breasted dragon girl in front of us not be disgusted.

In fact, Ye Qi is not surprised by the resentment of the former Red Dragon Girl. If he and the little man are not friends, then he will definitely be the same as the red-breasted girl in front of him - human, or mixed blood. In the face of the unknown, there will always be a very similar attitude: disgust, fear, and a wide variety of negative emotions.

"So what the nasty guy? In my opinion, their ability is really too much!"

The red-bronze dragon girl asked - obviously, the ability of the wolf doctor and the little man is the place where she is worried.

"Of course it is different!" Ye Qi said with great certainty, "You stand here and see their battles. No matter how similar, but in essence there is a great difference, this is undeniable!"

Ye Qi’s tone is definitely the most – and the reason for this affirmative tone is because of the understanding of the abilities of friends and the number of corpses in the underground bar of the sandstorm bar; only a simple comparison, Ye Qi Can distinguish the out. The gap between the two.

The little man's 'filament' has nothing more to be noticed except for his own breath; and the 'filament' of the wolf doctor is not only a change in color, but also a very strong negative in the breath. Energy - Ye Qi guesses that this should be because the other party used the spell of the undead school in the process of transformation.

Although the final conclusion cannot be given, the difference between the two is obvious.

The red copper dragon girl is just a simple memory. Just nodded: "Yes, you are right... they do have some gaps - but this does not mean that your friends can treat me so rudely!"

Obviously, the red-breasted dragon girl at the moment belongs to the arrogance of the dragon's blood, and is blaming; of course, there is a trace of pride as a woman - in fact. Most of the time, these two kinds of pride can be completely classified into one category.

"What is his rudeness? Can you elaborate on me?"

Looking at the flashing of the bronze scales in front of the forehead, Ye Qi asked by smirk - Ye Qi was so comfortable as to how to deal with such a state; after all, whether it was a female cavalry chief or a chameleon, then Some time. Will show such a state.

In this state, you don't need to show too much of your own extraordinary. You only need to show the appearance of a listener, and you can get unexpectedly smooth results.

obviously. This is no exception at the moment -

"When I asked to help him, he actually let me go! You know? Faced with the help of a good-hearted person, he actually said to go away!" The red-bronze dragon girl screamed loudly. "Really Rude, and I don’t know what a good guy!"

"He is really quite rude like this!"

Ye Qi nodded.

"Yeah? Even you think so, you can see how awful that guy is!"

After seeing Ye Qi nod, the red-breasted dragon girl shook his fists as if he was beating someone's face.

"Hey... what was the situation at the time?"

Ye Qi, while guiding the situation, asked the answer he wanted to know.

"Your friend and that nasty guy are basically indivisible - the kind of attack that sucks, I can hardly see, what is the difference between the two!" The red-breasted girl recalled it. Very surely said, "If no one helps, I feel that they are impossible to win or lose!"

Undoubtedly, such a discourse makes Ye Qi feel a little relieved - he has been worried about his good friend again, will fall in the wind, and then, what is unacceptable again; for the demon hunter, war dead though It can't be avoided, but if you can, each of their friends hopes that they will be able to spend their old age, even if these friends are also hunting devils.

Correspondingly, their friends are also so hopeful -

Sometimes, contradiction is part of life.

"So, because of your appearance, they chose to leave?"

Ye Qi continued to ask.

"That is probably half an hour after I came..." The face of the red-breasted dragon girl suddenly became weird. "I can be sure that neither side cares about my arrival, your friends and the nasty guy are I put more attention on the other person's body; but suddenly, the nasty guy has a little change?"

"A little change?"

Ye Qi did not ask the red-bronze dragon girl because of inconsistency and became a strange connection, his attention was attracted by the information revealed in the discourse - instinct. Ye Qi knows that it is the key to the scene at the moment.

"The nasty guy suddenly seems to be over-consumed... just like a normal person running 10,000 meters, he started to sweat a lot of sweat, but it was black; then he started to run away - you My friends are following me and stopping me from going!"

At the end of the day, the red-breasted dragon girl was once again angry. However, compared to the previous curse, this time only a few nasal sounds were scorned.

Did the internals start to collapse?

When I heard the story of the red dragon girl, Ye Qi immediately thought of the story of the little man about the wolf doctor. The other party apparently did the same internal transformation with him; however, the transformation was not comprehensive; Notes. When the nine nights were perfected, a few fatal points were discovered.

The most important point is that the other party can't fight high-intensity and lasting.

Otherwise, the body will not be able to withstand the pressure, the straight collapse - this fatal point, before Ye Qi and the small man is not completely affirmed, after all. In such a long period of time, it is difficult to guarantee that the other party has not found a way to make up; however, from now on, it does not seem to be the case.

The other party's defects still exist.

And this is a very good news for him and Datong.

For these, Ye Qi does not mention anything, he just said: "Datong should worry that it is a trap!"


The red bronze dragon girl asked.

"Yes. It's a trap. - Datong thinks it's a strategy to lure the enemy deep, so let you not keep up... and, in order to have a better effect, he will be so unkind!" Ye Qi explained - in fact, this is not an excuse, but Ye Qi is worried.

For the sake of caution. This possibility is not without the possibility of existence, although the probability is very low.

"Inducing the enemy to go deeper, do you need to do that, almost the whole body will collapse?"

The red-bronze dragon girl is obviously not convinced - although it is not a veteran, but the red-bronze dragon girl is definitely smart. It just lacks the necessary experience.

“The more realistic, the more effective it will be!”

Ye Qi heard the question of the red-breasted dragon girl, and put down the last stone in his heart, and the tone was relaxed. Obviously, the low probability was almost gone at this time.


The instinct of the red bronze dragon girl felt wrong, and looked suspiciously at Ye Qi.

"of course it's true!"

Ye Qi nodded solemnly and began to quickly shift the topic: "Now I have something more important, I want to ask you to do it!"

"This is already the third time. Are you free labor?"

The attention of the red-breasted dragon girl has been diverted as the wish of Ye Qi--an irritating thing that always attracts more attention.

"In fact, it's just the first thing, repeat it!"

Ye Qi explained.

"That is also the third time!"

The red-bronze dragon girl emphasized and put on a very tough attitude.


Looking at each other's tough attitude, Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and then from the [Dimensional Bag], grabbed a piece of Kimpton mixed with several gems - yes, Kimpton And a few ordinary gems; however, just after the appearance of these Kimpton and gems, the former red-breasted dragon girl with a tough attitude immediately rushed to Ye Qi in front of her eyes.

"My, mine!"

The red-breasted dragon girl reached out and grabbed Kimpton and the jewel in Ye Qi’s hand, and kept shouting in his mouth; and, with the dancing of Ye Qi’s arm, the shape of the red-bronze dragon girl could not help but change. Up and down, left and right, if you add a tail that will swing, it will be more image specific.

"So, I asked before..."

Ye Qi stretched his voice while waving his arms.

"No problem, of course, no problem!"

The red-breasted dragon girl promised again and again; then, when Ye Qi let go of the palm of his hand, those Kimptons and gems fell in the air, and the palms of the red dragon girl took the Kimpton and the gemstones with several afterimages. Grab it, then. It is even more swaying with cheeks.

It can be seen that the dragon blood of the other party is unquestionable.

"Since you promised, you must do it!"

After Ye Qi slammed such a sentence, he turned and walked back to the other side of the town. Compared to the rush in the coming time, Ye Qi had a considerable time at this time, so that he did not have to worry.

He believes that his friend has finished the matter. Will come back again, and, not too long!


Just as Ye Qi was preparing to return to the town on the other side of the bank, a sheepskin roll describing what had just happened in the town on the other side of the bank, through a secret passage, entered the bridge on the other side - not the one who was taken over by the town guards on the other side. Transmission matrix. It is a more subtle channel.

In the town of the other shore, there are no more than three people who know this passage.

Naturally, such a hidden passage is impossible to open without any urgency; however, the death of the legendary powerhouses of the nine extraordinary places is naturally an urgent situation.

When the sheepskin roll is handed to the hands of Koscika. The former pope is talking to his aides, or consultants, about the next step.

"Your Majesty, I think that our plan is an urgent task - not that we are arrogant, but that the enemy has such strength!"

Kosca’s adviser persuaded the former pope – from his name, it’s obvious. The consultant has been with Koska for quite a long time; at the very least, it must start from the time when Koscika becomes the pope; in fact, this time is going to be in the long run, to calculate to Kosika. When the cardinal.

"Horric, are you overestimating his strength? As far as I know, including the support of the Devil's Headquarters, they are only six legends; and we have their five. More than one!" Kosika looked at his adviser. "Although the Shack's dragon has a very strong strength, but how much strength can he play when he faces the same level of the strong? Four strong players of the same level at the same time, enough!"

"Your Majesty. You should remember Old John?"

In the face of Kosika's persistence, Horico, the consultant, could not help but remind him.

"Hmm... remember!"

Before, the former Pope, who was a relaxed face, couldn’t help but change his face when he heard the name.

"If the Shack Dragon has the same strength as the other side?"

The consultant said.

"This is impossible! Old John is already a special case, we can't see another special case!"

Kosika loudly retorted - such a loud voice, enough to prove his sense of the Juggernaut.

"As stated in the fable, there will be two, which can't be stopped - not to mention, they have the same blood!" The consultant was not intimidated by the voice of Koscika, he still insisted on himself. The same opinion, while the same, Kosika is also insisting on their own opinions.

"Horric, you must have been scared by the news from Ieta!" said Kosika, and there was a disdain in his tone. "Ieta, the incompetent guy, will only bluff this way. Setting off myself is not that incompetent!"


"Enough, Horico, let's not talk about this anymore!"

The consultant also wanted to say something, but it was interrupted by Kosika.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The consultant did not insist on it again, but nodded all the time - although he wanted the man in front of him to accept his opinion, he was only a consultant, not a decision maker.

"Is the man going to Randenburg?"

Asked Cosca in the chair.

"Tomorrow will arrive on time!"

The consultant gave an accurate answer.

"Ah, very good!"

Kosika nodded with satisfaction, and his mouth showed a smile involuntarily. "We don't need too much tough means, just need to find the weakness of the other side - and the weakness of the demon hunter is too I am looking for it! I am looking forward to the expression of the face after the news of the Shak’s dragon..."

"Your Majesty, the urgent news from the town on the other side!"

The former Pope’s words have not been finished yet. A man dressed as a disciplinary knight walked in and rushed all the way to the front of Kosika, kneeling down to the ground, hands and the sheepskin roll high. Start.


Kosika, who took the sheepskin roll with one hand, just took a look at the sheepskin roll and looked at it. The face changed, and the seat of the seat was fierce. The seat itself carved with magic crystals was blessed. The magic of the road protection did not save the seat itself, but in a flash, it was like a glass shattered.

Looking at the sheepskin roll thrown aside by Koscika, Horico immediately slammed up, just like Kosika, just looking at it, Horico's face became equally difficult to look.

"Your Majesty, we need to adjust our plans!"

Horico proposed.


This time, Kosika did not object again, but nodded ugly.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

Ability to replenish (different from the choice of expertise, but the unique ability stage that emerges according to the level of improvement) -

The Ancient Dragon Warlock Level 3 (Legend): Show your blood. With the glory of the top, go straight to the sky - away from the earth, the clouds, the land on the other side, is what you really want at the moment. stage!

Physique (Legend): If you have such a physique, even if you are naked, you can make any heavy armor and special armor feel ashamed, and the endless physical strength will make them feel uncomfortable - want to be shirtless , hard blade, bullet is not damaged? Legendary physique, let you get what you want!

Cold Weapons (Legend): After countless battles, you understand the true meaning of the sword. You will be circulated by the world with the sword, until the starry sky and the other side. Effect: When using cold weapons, all attributes are +1, cold weapons are ordinary. Weapons are calculated according to the +2 magic weapon; and so on.

A fatal blow: The road you are pursuing must be a road to thorns, and when you reach the end, you will find that everything you have paid before is so worthwhile; effect: using cold weapons weapons to cause 200% hurt. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.

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