Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 102: On the duel

The town on the other side of the day is hot and dry, the kind of feeling that seems to be to dry people, is absolutely uncomfortable, even disgusting; and after the hot and retreat at night, it is cold; yes, It is the cold, the temperature of minus ten degrees is enough to make any person feel the cold, especially after the high temperature of forty degrees in the daytime.

Therefore, in the town on the other side, during the day, people are only habitually staying in their respective training grounds, and at night, they will not show up at all.

However, one day it is an exception -

Moon celebration!

On this day, the town on the other side of the day is leisurely and not busy. It is only lively at night. The six-foot-high bonfire is ignited and placed near the middle of the town. People gather together to their own Get used to this rare holiday, or rest day.

For the people in the other towns, except for the Harvest Festival and the Moon Celebration, there are no rest at any other time, including the Midwinter Festival, the Green Grass Festival, and the Midsummer Night. At most, only some food will be placed; therefore The residents of the other side of the town with two days off in a year are quite cherished.

Of course, if you want to spend leisurely, it is not the beginning.

Because they need to complete the sacrifice of the moon celebration - the memorial to the ancestors of the dead.

All the residents of the town on the other side of the town came to a basin surrounded by sand dunes in the town on the other side of the town. Like the structure of the other town, it was also protected and transformed by the force shield. Therefore, those sands It looks like it's earthy, forming a shape that wraps around.

If there are some trees and grasses, then it is no different from an ordinary cemetery.

Old Terry, as the contact person of the other side of the town and the other side of the bridge, has an unusual identity, plus the identity of the recognized mayor. He walked in the first position; behind the Saatchi as the guard captain - this time Saatchi took off the guard's costumes, but a simple dark dress, and this dress is set off Out of his face gray; although he has taken the potion and rested for a day and a half, but this time is certainly a little short for this young guard captain.

However, this does not prevent him from walking normally.

And being able to participate in the moon celebration without being helped by people is a very good situation for Saatchi.

Behind the young guard captain. It was two guards who maintained the order of sacrifice, just like their captain. Although they were still performing the guards at this time, they took off the guards’ costumes and put on dark clothes—for them. Said, took off the guard's clothes. This is even a holiday for yourself.

Behind the guards, the townspeople of the other towns, the townspeople gathered together in the distance of their respective relationships, so that the entire team presented a fragmentary but not derailed situation, with a total of 4,000 people. The team walked slowly around the sand dunes, even those who were impatient. At this time, we also maintained considerable patience, and at the same time, there was ... devout - not for the so-called 'God', but for their respective ancestors.

It’s a huge team, and it’s progressing in an orderly manner. When the last part of the people also bypassed the huge sand dunes, the cemetery of the other side’s town appeared in front of everyone’s eyes – this cemetery is more than imagined. It’s much bigger, and the tombstone inside is more than a million.

It’s all those dreams. However, the landscaping of the losers in this place, their tombstones face the town on the other side, as if looking at their own descendants, and then complete their dreams for them, and each year’s moon celebration is When their descendants communicate with them.

It's not a spell of the undead school, it's just a simple sacrifice. And the love of the loved ones - this practice is obviously useless in the eyes of the true undead masters, it is impossible to play any role, but this approach, in the eyes of the residents of the other town. It is the best way.

"Under the witness of the bright moon and the night wind, we once again came to your resting place, with our nostalgia for you..."

Old Terry stood on a step in front of the cemetery - this step was built when someone was buried, for the conductor to see the whole picture, but at the time of the moon celebration, it became a sacrifice Taiwan; no one thinks that there is anything wrong with this, and no one has any meaning.

In some ways, the residents of the other towns are quite simple.

And this kind of simplicity is also reflected in the length of such a sacred word - less than a minute of worship, Lao Terry walked down the steps, and then went to the depths of the cemetery; there is his wife there. The tombstones of fathers, mothers, and grandparents; and behind the old Terry, a fifteen-year-old boy followed quickly.

Look at the appearance and you will know that this is the son of Lao Terry.

Not only the old Terry family, but the residents of the other towns were like this. They dispersed from the steps and went to the place where their loved ones lived.

Ye Qi, standing on the sand dunes in the distance, saw everything in his eyes. His heart, inexplicably, showed a hint of thought. He seemed to see him before him, who hesitated between the lawyer and the doctor. - This feeling of touching the scene is not the first time, so Ye Qi pressed it to the bottom of his heart very quickly.

Although he wants to completely forget it, Ye Qi knows that it is also a part of him. Since it is already part of it, nature cannot be forgotten.

Otherwise, is he still complete?

It is like happiness and sadness, joy and sadness, all of which are memories of oneself. No matter which one is forgotten, it will be a loss that you cannot accept. Perhaps, some people think that forgetting sadness is a very good choice; If you really forget, you will only hurt more thoroughly next time, and the pain will make you suffocate.

So, some things, still don't forget.

After the moon festival of the other town was learned from the innkeeper, Ye Qi understood that this was not a celebration suitable for outsiders. At the very least, the first half, which happened in the cemetery, was not suitable for any outsiders; After all, no one outsider can understand the true feelings of the residents of these other towns.

Generations of people are chasing for a dream!

Dreams are persevering, and the price of persistence is a family of hundreds or hundreds of years, after success. With too much sadness, after the failure, there is more burden.

However, they obviously will not regret it!

When telling these things from the innkeeper, the eyes are shining, Ye Qi can clearly see, even. The innkeeper said bluntly that he hoped that after his death, his body would be brought into the bridge on the other side by his own children - after he could reach the 'conditions' of the bridge to the other shore, the family's graveyard could be moved in. The bridge on the other side, this is the only seemingly humanized rule that Ye Qi has obtained so far about the bridge on the other side.

And this is the only seemingly humanized rule. Only then can the scope of the cemetery in front be kept in the present.

Otherwise, the cemetery of 10,000 people?

I am afraid that this number is ten times more than twenty times, not enough!

In the night wind, there was a glimpse of crying, Ye Qi slightly frowned, and then turned and walked a distance to the distance, until the cry could not hear him stopped again - successful On the way. Full of bumps and thorns, people can only advance with blood and tears, as the axe of Kaishan Yueyue advances.

However, this does not mean that people are willing to expose such a weak side to others.

I am afraid, only in the cemetery, can you see it!

As a keenly aware existence, Ye Qi does not want to break the situation - the secret that others want to keep. Let others continue to be conservative!

Who has no secret?


Gronin whispered softly. Obviously, as a group of horses with extremely high IQ, it still couldn’t understand what his master’s thoughts were at the moment.

Ye Qi smiled and patted his slender neck. He certainly didn't expect his mount to understand such things. For Gronin, he could eat meat, radish or beans every day, and then he would do nothing on the ground. Roll, if there is a lake. Playing around in it is a wonderful day.

For such a Gronin, there is already such a wonderful, then. What else do you need?

Let it go this way!

And Ye Qi?

Nature is to guarantee such a day; it is as if he has made such a guarantee to his good friends, his lover, his loved ones.

It is also like the descendants of the deceased in the cemetery.

Even if the roads are full of bumps and thorns, he and they are not regrettable.

Call... call...


As the moon climbed, the night wind grew bigger and bigger, and the bell on the knives of the knives began to dance with the night wind, and the crisp ringing sounds in the desert of this night. In front of him, Gronin is on the gap between the bells, like a dancer, jumping up the dance steps that only he can understand.

And Ye Qi turned his head and looked at the distance - there was a stronger breath there, which was slowly appearing, just like the hungry wolf who was showing his minions in the dark.

In fact, the other party is more terrible than the hungry wolf!

Because, the other party is the Wolf King, Xiaoyue Wolf King, one of the strongest seven of Lorante!

Xiaoyue Wolf King still maintains the human form, but in this moonlight, even in the form of human beings, the other party exudes twice the breath than before, and the thick hair is in the shirtless upper body. Unstoppable tumbling - grow out for a while, disappear for a while.

Obviously, this Xiaoyue Wolf King is trying to control his body.

However, from the perspective of results, it is not very successful.

"When the moon celebrates, fight with me, do you think this is a good idea? You know, today, my strength is definitely not what you can imagine!" Xiaoyue Wolf King is about 30 yards away from Ye Qi. Stopped the pace, the sound mixed with the night wind passed over, it is like the tumbling thunder under the top of the black cloud cover, making the chest boring, black in front of the eyes - no doubt, this is also the leakage of the ability of the Wolf King. The power of the 'sound' has not yet been applied, but it has begun to show its existence.

“Is the month of the whistling month pointing to the moon of the moon celebration?”

Ye Qi looked at the opposite of the Xiaoyue Wolf King and pointed to the moon at the top of his head.

"If it is not this moon, which one do you think?"

Xiaoyue Wolf King showed a smile, this smile is arrogant and fierce.

"So... I am looking forward to it!"

Ye Qi smiled slightly, and the left hand on the handle of the knives began to move backwards. The right hand held the knives.


Just when Ye Qi’s right hand had just grasped the handle of the knives, the Wolf King had already rushed to the front of Ye Qi, and the two palms that had completely turned into claws were caught straight.

On both sides, at the celebration of the moon, Ruyi began the second duel that was originally set.

As for other people who should appear onlookers?

This is a matter of duel between the two sides. What does it have to do with others? Even if it is the chief wizard of a third party. There is no right to interfere.

Not to mention other people!

Just as Ye Qi will not go to the moon celebration in the town on the other side of the bank, nor will he deliberately peep into the sorrow of others. His duel can only be done by him, and has nothing to do with anyone!

And Xiaoyue Wolf King?

Although it is not often eaten, it is very happy to tear it into a monkey-like person, or... it will be inserted into the other's chest with its claws. Then pinch the other's lungs, smash it and let the other person taste the painful death.

No doubt, this Xiaoyue Wolf King can really do it.

As it is at the moment, its claws are aligned with Ye Qi's chest, but compared to the lungs. It is more inclined to the heart!

After all, the wolf king who fought with Ye Qi, knows the resilience of Ye Qi. If there is no real deadly attack, the ordinary injury is simply itching, even the effort to cause such damage. , and the rest of the effort to recover. It is not proportional to the situation.

Of course, this kind of personal offense is also the strength of Xiaoyue Wolf King.

Because of the strong body, especially under this moonlight, Xiaoyue Wolf King likes this kind of close-fitting melee state - a more important reason, Xiaoyue Wolf King thinks this is to prevent Ye Qi from issuing such extraordinary The only way to attack the knife!

prior to. The departure of Xiaoyue Wolf King is not to find a place to eat something, to sleep, and so on, he has been thinking. Thinking about how to crack Ye Qi’s huge knife with extraordinary attack power; even if it is the strongest state, facing such an attack, if it slams on it, it will be seriously injured and impossible. There is still the power to fight back.

Thinking is the way to solve any problem.

And Xiaoyue Wolf King really found a little clue - time, the interval between the two extraordinary attacking powers.

When this was discovered, the Wolf King was almost ecstatic.

Because it finds the weakness of its opponent, and it is still the weakness of the strongest attack.

Such a discovery made it think that it was once again a stable victory - just need to force its own enemy, so that the other side does not have such a time, then what else is it worried about?

Such an idea supports the actions of the Wolf King.

It vowed to complete the duel with the best way of fighting that they are best at.

However, the facts seem to be in the slightest deviation from the expected...

When Ye Qi’s hand in the hands of the knives with a scabbard and abrupt insertion into the gap between its two claws, the awkward feeling instantly made Xiao Wang’s wolf king.

"[Sword]?! Lendl has taught you [Sword]? He has to violate his vows?"

Xiaoyue Wolf King’s loud voice.

"Oh, vow? Although I don't know what's going on... But the creator of [Sword] seems to be my teacher?" He passed by the Wolf King and left in the other's chest. Ye Qi, a long blood trough, turned and smiled, shrugged his shoulder and said, "And, haven't you found out that my sword is more complete? Of course, I don't have any contempt. The meaning of Lord Del - but the wizard is still a wizard, their starting point is their spell, and I am a swordsman, a warrior, my starting point is my knife..."

Said, Ye Qi was shocked to the right wrist, and the blood on the magic knife was immediately shaken out. On the yellow sand under his feet, he straightened a straight line of blood.

"carry on!"

Ye Qiping was screaming at the Wolf King.


Xiaoyue Wolf King roared and slammed.

Ps second more ~~~

Spell Supplement (1) -

[Zero-level spell selection: increase resistance, communication, reading magic, Master's hand, switch (max)]

[Level 1 spell selection: identification, Master armor, burning hand, magic missile (max). 】

[Secondary Spell Selection: Bear's Toughness, Spider Web, Darkness (max)]

[Three-level spell selection: fireball, violent, fire arrow (max)]

[Four Levels of Spell Selection: Firewall, Stone Skin, High Level Invisibility (64)]

[Five-level spell selection: Ice Cone Dead Cloud (64 times)]

[Six-level spell selection: sinful retribution chain lightning (64 times)]

[Seven-level spell selection: death one finger, Bigger, flying palm (12 times)]

[Eight-level spell selection: Corruption, Lightning Ring, Sajim's Ice Blade (12 times)]

[Nine-level spell selection: static cloning, banshee (4 times)]

It’s a little late, it’s a long time to abandon this chapter, so it’s late~~~

For the decadence of hardship, continuous day and night, really affecting the state of life, walking today is like floating; really hard! !

Decadence again and again, rolling in tears, asking for a monthly ticket, seeking rewards, seeking a subscription, asking for praise~~~

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, Tang Guula on the 200 starting point of the reward, Xiaobai ● _ ● eating flesh, wind and dust without jade, x100 starting point of the reward ~ ~ ~ decadent again thank you all support the decadent brothers and sisters ~ ~ ~ (To be continued...)

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